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Fixing Eve - 2 simple things

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-05-10 14:16:17 UTC
Make moon goo deplete over time and respawn on a random moon somewhere in space. It will turn eve back into a fighting game where folks have to do things to stay on top. The passive moon goo isk has been one of the banes of eve for years. Moon goo isn't bad for eve - passive isk is bad for eve. Move the crap around and make folks fight to maintain their empires. Hiding its location from a simple data dump is the stretch goal.

Can you imagine... you have to actually go find the resources to fuel your empire.

Make more rats in null actually scram folks so the elite null pvp ratter bots can be taken down by the players. Take the AFK out of anomally running and ratting. Everyone who actually sits in front of their computer salivates for scrammed botters. CCP doesn't have to hunt down afk botters - just hold them still for a minute or two and the players will take care of the rest.

Can you imagine... you have to actually play the game to make isk.

Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-05-10 14:42:58 UTC

A. You didn't bother to search before posting these ideas.
B. No
C. You should listen to the Fanfest videos and pay attention before starting to whine about moon goo

Since I'm feeling nice, I'll give you the reasons why not instead of forcing you to look for them yourself.

Random moon goo doesn't really hurt the big alliances, it only hurts the little guys. Because suddenly the grunts in the big alliance are forced to go around scanning every moon in existance every month or so and all of the small groups that are trying to keep to themselves suddenly get squashed by the big alliances because they accidentally ended up with a valuable moon.

Making rats in null scram wouldn't really hurt the bots an immense ammount since they would just primary all tackle on them and they're usually in systems far from anyone else anyways. It would hurt players more because they're more likely to be ratting near hostile space and need to escape more urgently.

Also, you come across as a carebear who only wants easy fights and wants valuable moon goo to just suddenly spawn underneath you.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-05-10 15:30:10 UTC
Actually you are totally wrong. Gosh about everything. I don't watch fan fest vids, but I did read the forum rules and post approriately. I don't live on them and honestly I'm not going to research the 9 year history of eve discussions to see what has or has not come up.

Pro tip - if you feel a need to make a bunch of wrong assumptions and then produce a lecture that is totally wrong, just go to the next thread and if others are like minded the thread will die a lonely death. Also, I'd like to discuss the idea, which oddly from you perspective has absolutely nothing to do w/ how you feel about it. This thread is by my and about my discussion. It's your choice to A. ignore it B. contribute C. embarass yourslef. Your call buddy.

I'm not sure how I come across wanting easy fights. I though it was clear that I'm not looking to fight the afk botters. I want to slaughter them and push them from the game. It has zero to do with fair or fights. I want them to leave eve because they can't afk it.

My turn for assumptions about you. You are a tool that wants no risk ratting on 0.0. If the scramming rats are no big deal and easy to deal with, then put them in the game and deal with them easily. You are adverse to risking your assets or having to work for your riches. As for the little guys, we'll survive and adapt to change. It's the 20 or so guys holding the power blocks that blob the propaganda market w/ poorly disguised reasons to keep the game the same.

As far as fair fights. Really?? All the end gamers perma docked their now useless [read as oh noes I might lose it] SC fleets until they can figure out how to use them in a no risk manner.

Honestly, I'd just like to hear some good reasons why we can't scram the afk macro guys so that we the player base can drive them out of the game. It would hurt them a lot because me and a ton of other guys would be out there hunting them down and driving them out. Oh, and I'm a c5 wh guy, so I pvp all day w/ no local and and when I pve every wave of NPC I face scrams and I'm surviving and hey you know what... there are no afk botters here because of that.

A. ignore it
B. contribute constructively
C. embarass youself
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2012-05-10 21:12:01 UTC
Hint: random tech moons will reduce supply. That will drive prices up. Do you want T2 stuff to cost double what it currently does?
ugh zug
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-05-10 21:32:38 UTC
moon mining should be removed from the game and replaced with actual mining.

tech 2 minerals to be redistributed across all levels of space null low and high.

all local chats to be made like WH locals.

null sec NPC rats to be given incursion AI and roam their space looking for people to extort for ISK, and always have one ongoing war with a nearby player alliance... supers, titans, dreadnught fleets etc. why are nullsec rats such pushovers? mechanics to help the small alliance out and poke holes in bloated alliances and coalitions. oh yes and make the fleets extort said alliances with a renters fee. if players can do it so can rats.

Want me to shut up? Remove content from my post,1B. Remove my content from a thread I have started 2B.

Ice Fire Warriors
#6 - 2012-05-10 21:47:51 UTC
7enn wrote:
Actually you are totally wrong. Gosh about everything. I don't watch fan fest vids, but I did read the forum rules and post approriately. I don't live on them and honestly I'm not going to research the 9 year history of eve discussions to see what has or has not come up.

Learn to search properly. With the right keywords you can reduce the number of hits on a specific subject to something more "manageable."

And since YOU are posting an idea in front of the general public (i.e. "us") and CCP, the onus is on YOU to do some research and walk people through your idea.

And yes... mxzf is right. CCP is already addressing Tech Moons (as was said during their Fanfest presentations). Basically they are going to scrap moons altogether and make the ores/materials extractable from planetary belts (which are going to be completely redone/re-imagined).

7enn wrote:
Pro tip - if you feel a need to make a bunch of wrong assumptions and then produce a lecture that is totally wrong, just go to the next thread and if others are like minded the thread will die a lonely death. Also, I'd like to discuss the idea, which oddly from you perspective has absolutely nothing to do w/ how you feel about it. This thread is by my and about my discussion. It's your choice to A. ignore it B. contribute C. embarass yourslef. Your call buddy.

Touchy, touchy, aren't we?

7enn wrote:
I'm not sure how I come across wanting easy fights. I though it was clear that I'm not looking to fight the afk botters. I want to slaughter them and push them from the game. It has zero to do with fair or fights. I want them to leave eve because they can't afk it.

Very interesting sir... but tell me how you REALLY feel.

7enn wrote:
My turn for assumptions about you. You are a tool that wants no risk ratting on 0.0. If the scramming rats are no big deal and easy to deal with, then put them in the game and deal with them easily. You are adverse to risking your assets or having to work for your riches. As for the little guys, we'll survive and adapt to change. It's the 20 or so guys holding the power blocks that blob the propaganda market w/ poorly disguised reasons to keep the game the same.

I find it funny how this thread has broken down in the space of 2 replies... and it's entirely the OP's fault.

7enn wrote:
Honestly, I'd just like to hear some good reasons why we can't scram the afk macro guys so that we the player base can drive them out of the game. It would hurt them a lot because me and a ton of other guys would be out there hunting them down and driving them out. Oh, and I'm a c5 wh guy, so I pvp all day w/ no local and and when I pve every wave of NPC I face scrams and I'm surviving and hey you know what... there are no afk botters here because of that.


1. Macros can be re-programmed to target the frigates first. Hell, I know of a few 0.0 anomalies where frigates actually do scram and web. I'd actually be surprised if Macros were not already programmed to take out frigates first.
2. You don't see Macros in wormholes because the systems cannot be "locked down" by gatecamps and bubbles. Also, they can't use local to know when a hostile is around.

The problem: with time, Macros can be programmed to do any PvE. Even Sleepers and Incursion rats are "predictable" once you know how they assess and prioritize threats. The only fear Macro users have are other players... because they are not predictable.
Panopticon Engineering
#7 - 2012-05-10 23:19:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Felsusguy
7enn wrote:
Actually you are totally wrong. Gosh about everything. I don't watch fan fest vids, but I did read the forum rules and post approriately. I don't live on them and honestly I'm not going to research the 9 year history of eve discussions to see what has or has not come up.

Pro tip - if you feel a need to make a bunch of wrong assumptions and then produce a lecture that is totally wrong, just go to the next thread and if others are like minded the thread will die a lonely death. Also, I'd like to discuss the idea, which oddly from you perspective has absolutely nothing to do w/ how you feel about it. This thread is by my and about my discussion. It's your choice to A. ignore it B. contribute C. embarass yourslef. Your call buddy.

I'm not sure how I come across wanting easy fights. I though it was clear that I'm not looking to fight the afk botters. I want to slaughter them and push them from the game. It has zero to do with fair or fights. I want them to leave eve because they can't afk it.

My turn for assumptions about you. You are a tool that wants no risk ratting on 0.0. If the scramming rats are no big deal and easy to deal with, then put them in the game and deal with them easily. You are adverse to risking your assets or having to work for your riches. As for the little guys, we'll survive and adapt to change. It's the 20 or so guys holding the power blocks that blob the propaganda market w/ poorly disguised reasons to keep the game the same.

As far as fair fights. Really?? All the end gamers perma docked their now useless [read as oh noes I might lose it] SC fleets until they can figure out how to use them in a no risk manner.

Honestly, I'd just like to hear some good reasons why we can't scram the afk macro guys so that we the player base can drive them out of the game. It would hurt them a lot because me and a ton of other guys would be out there hunting them down and driving them out. Oh, and I'm a c5 wh guy, so I pvp all day w/ no local and and when I pve every wave of NPC I face scrams and I'm surviving and hey you know what... there are no afk botters here because of that.

A. ignore it
B. contribute constructively
C. embarass youself

Hey, don't say others are embarrassing themselves. You can't even spell!
Further more, he said use search. You may have thought you followed the rules, but duplicate ideas are not required. Especially if they were already bad before they turned into monstrous immortal flaming threads. Further more, he's right. About the fanfest videos, because those will be available for ring mining, as well as the fact that randomly spawning moon materials being bad. It violates EVE. It means that setting up a starbase that a corporation spent actual ISK on suddenly has to move to another moon, maybe within days of construction. No other game mechanic ever that requires a large amount of capital and time would ever do that. Players should be your enemy, not ****** game mechanics.

The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

Shovel Bros
#8 - 2012-05-11 00:11:57 UTC
7enn wrote:
Actually you are totally wrong. Gosh about everything. I don't watch fan fest vids, but I did read the forum rules and post approriately. I don't live on them and honestly I'm not going to research the 9 year history of eve discussions to see what has or has not come up.

Pro tip - if you feel a need to make a bunch of wrong assumptions and then produce a lecture that is totally wrong, just go to the next thread and if others are like minded the thread will die a lonely death. Also, I'd like to discuss the idea, which oddly from you perspective has absolutely nothing to do w/ how you feel about it. This thread is by my and about my discussion. It's your choice to A. ignore it B. contribute C. embarass yourslef. Your call buddy.

I'm not sure how I come across wanting easy fights. I though it was clear that I'm not looking to fight the afk botters. I want to slaughter them and push them from the game. It has zero to do with fair or fights. I want them to leave eve because they can't afk it.

My turn for assumptions about you. You are a tool that wants no risk ratting on 0.0. If the scramming rats are no big deal and easy to deal with, then put them in the game and deal with them easily. You are adverse to risking your assets or having to work for your riches. As for the little guys, we'll survive and adapt to change. It's the 20 or so guys holding the power blocks that blob the propaganda market w/ poorly disguised reasons to keep the game the same.

As far as fair fights. Really?? All the end gamers perma docked their now useless [read as oh noes I might lose it] SC fleets until they can figure out how to use them in a no risk manner.

Honestly, I'd just like to hear some good reasons why we can't scram the afk macro guys so that we the player base can drive them out of the game. It would hurt them a lot because me and a ton of other guys would be out there hunting them down and driving them out. Oh, and I'm a c5 wh guy, so I pvp all day w/ no local and and when I pve every wave of NPC I face scrams and I'm surviving and hey you know what... there are no afk botters here because of that.

A. ignore it
B. contribute constructively
C. embarass youself

I find the amount of impotent rage unleashed in this post amusing. As is your complete and utter lack of understanding of how the game works (though I'm not sure if that's funny or just sad).

I have nothing to add to what ShahFluffers said though, there's just nothing to be said to you if you don't plan to do anything but rage because someone shot down your idea.
Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#9 - 2012-05-11 02:21:18 UTC
Hint: large alliances control more moons than smaller ones, and have more members than smaller ones, so being able to scandwn more moons is logistically easier. The end result is the same. Large alliances still control the tech market.

Hint: lowsec/null belt rats already do warp scrable ships, just not very single rat.