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Warfare & Tactics

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Questions on FW

Warev Charante
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-05-07 21:51:25 UTC
Good evening fellow capsuleers,

The last couple of days I have been more and more intrigued by factional warfare. Up till now I have been mission running mainly (and have been blown up a few times as well while being reckless Blink ). I believe it is time for me to learn a bit about the art of pvp within Eve. I know there are corps like Red vs Blue where you can get instant action which can be fun but I would prefer to have a real goal for shooting at someone (or getting blown up). My character is Gallente based and my skills up to now have been more or less Gallente focussed. Is it possible to enroll for any of the 4 factions regardless of your race?
At the moment I am more in favour of enrolling for the Gallente militia as I suppose some corps/alliances within the militia will recruit on race as well. I will have to get my Gallente status back up though as mission running for the Caldari can really hurt your Gallente standings if you accept every mission blindly. (stupid, stupid, stupid).
Anyway are there any corps/alliances out there willing to take a pvp newbie in their midst and teach him the basics of pvp?
I suppose I will be accused of being a spy or something but being a working dad with a wife, 2 kids and 2 dogs I have no time for that so rest assured Blink
I know that last part should be posted in the recruitment section and I will do so once my standings are back ok and I enrolled for the militia.
Any tips/pointers are appreciated immensly.
Enjoy your evening/day and fly safe (or recklessly)

The Church of Awesome
#2 - 2012-05-07 22:05:51 UTC
There are lots of good Gallente FW corps you could join.
Just apply to a few and fix your standing once in Militia - it's much faster and easier to fix it once in FW.

Only tip I have is - do not to tell them you are really a Caldari Spy in the corp application.
Devoid Privateering
#3 - 2012-05-07 22:25:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuehnelt
You can join any militia regardless of race. However, as you operate in FW your own faction and its ally will come to adore you, make propagandic films in your honor, encourage schoolchildren to send you bad artwork -- and meanwhile enemy factions will recognize you as an enemy, despise you, shoot at you whenever you're in their highsec, and if you were once of that faction, will curse your name, shame your family, and encourage schoolchildren to insult each other and fight over comparisons to you.

Of corps that restrict entry by race, I only know of one, which is only within the Amarr militia, and which does not seem to be a big factor anymore. So at least within the Amarr militia, the opposite is the norm. I imagine that the Minmatar and Gallente militias would have long since failed utterly if a policy of excluding competent pilots were the norm for them (no offense to converts to the Empire, who are, by this, obvious exceptions.)

I'd encourage you to pick sides, love your flag, and hate your enemy, but if you really need material encouragements... as you're Gallente-focused, you may prefer 'free' Gallente faction ships (e.g., Federation Navy Comet) to the more foreign 'free' faction ships of other militias. Imperial Navy Slicers for instance are actually constructed in such a way that they'll explode on undock, taking your pod with the ship, were you fit your blasters to one.

Yes, there's a faction standing requirement to join the NPC militia corp. If you're recruited directly by a militia corp, and if your inclusion doesn't affect the corp's standings such that it will be kicked out of militia, then you can skip the standard requirement. You can also skip it if you're young enough to use the Letter of Recommendation you get from the Advanced Military career agent. Once you're in, you can quickly gain faction standing by plexing.

If you can't find a corp that you want to join, and if you can get your standing up by other means, then joining the NPC corp is not a horrible idea. If you're active in FW space, it can lead to your naturally running into people that you'd like to keep flying with.

By the way, one feature of FW that I like is the consistency with which the line "I, working solo at first, jumped into a system and warped to a plex." escalates into glory or a protracted ordeal. Right now, plexing 'means nothing' - there's no real gameplay difference if you occupy a system vs. your enemy occupying it - but it's still the root of my best experiences in EVE. My only apprehension with Inferno is that CCP might screw up and make plexing mean less than nothing, instead of just 'nothing'. So I encourage you to try that, too. It's not always exciting, but big events don't always begin with a bang. If nothing else it keeps you in space and lets your enemy know where you can be found.
Plus 10 NV
#4 - 2012-05-08 00:01:04 UTC
Lots of good advice above. I'm in pretty much the same boat as you 2 kids a dog on the way and a wife.

I will just echo that plexing is a great way to get some decent solo pvp and convince your militia you are not a spy.

As far as gallente ships you can fly the cormorant (rail fit) for minors.(I know its caldari but the destroyer training is basically the same and the guns are rails) For medium plexes the vexor and thorax are both great ships. And starting out in pvp getting used to those ships.

I would normally say get a bunch of ships with fittings moved and go to it. But corps are probably repositioning themselves now so I'm not exactly sure where you should go.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Warev Charante
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-05-08 18:17:42 UTC
Thanks for the info guys. I really appreciate it. Big smile
I posted a thread on the recruitment part of the forum.
I can't wait to get started Pirate
Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#6 - 2012-05-09 20:23:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Deen Wispa

I've served the militia for the past several months. I'd like to offer some unsolicited advice that I think alot of noob pilots and militia corps should consider. Here are some questions you should ask yourself;

1) Does the corp I'm applying to have proper standings with the other major militia corps? The difference between having proper standings and not having it, is night and day. It is reflected in having the right intel channels and finding the right fights.

2) Is the corp based out of hisec or lowsec? If lowsec, are they at the front of the warzone or in the back of the warzone? There is no right or wrong here but corps based out of hisec don't get in on alot of fights relative to their lowsec counterparts. I have a saying; "You don't visit lowsec to find fights. You live in it to find fights." Of course, with the forthcoming docking restrictions, living in lowsec can be tough for a newbie who has alot to learn so it might be best for you to stay in hisec even if it's at the expense of less or no fights at all.

3) If I'm new to combat or FW or lowsec, what, if any resources can I expect to get out of the corp?

Generally speaking, Gallente militia is full of veteran corps who have served their time and paid their dues. I can count on one hand how many new GalMil corps have had any success in breaking through the barriers in the past 6 months or so. From what I hear Minnies are a bit more open and inclusive than us but that's up for debate.

My corp does recruit the occasional newb but they have to pass certain requirements through the interview process and I have a reputation of being a tough interviewer and my corpmates call me a N.azi HR person. lol. I wouldn't say we are elitist but we're not as newb friendly as we were 2 months ago either. We used to recruit lots of noobs when we started but I'd say 90% of them were a waste of time and never panned out hence my shying away from novices nowadays.

Each applicant is taken on a case by case basis as we do invest considerable resources (and headaches) into ensuring you succeed. So I've streamlined the recruitment process over the past few months to ensure we don't deal with as many snowflakes and ensure proper growth of our pilots.

You also may want to check out GAllente Militia War College. There's a link to the corp on my bio. That may be the ideal solution and then when you "graduate", you can then apply to a proper militia corp...assuming I haven't scared you off :)

PS- I recently got this comment from one of our new guys and I consider this a glowing endorsement not only of our corp but of FW IF you do it the right way. If you do it the wrong way, then this part of the sandbox is no more enjoyable than any other part of Eve. New Eden has never been kind to the ignorant.

[ 2012.05.08 03:15:26 ] xxx> o/ boss tyvm ive had more fun in 4 days then the whole year i played previously

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Warev Charante
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-05-09 21:48:53 UTC
Thanks for the advice Deen. I will keep it in mind. I am slowly working to get my Gallente standings back where they belong. I had an offer for Pvp guidance from an experienced en friendly player who just returned to the militia. I hope to be flying with you guys really soon.
Have à great evening/day!