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Battle Hulk - Decepticon

Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#1 - 2012-05-07 14:45:36 UTC
In the past, before there were nerfs to energy vamp modules, the Hulk was able to take down cruisers and destroyers whenever it got can flipped. Here is an example of one such Hulk.

Unfortunately, it is now only capable of taking down a stupidly-fitted destroyer after the nerf.

Since the Hulk is simply a mining vessel by the design and can defend itself against most ganks, there is no need to buff that ship. Of course, I am also not going to advocate buffing the energy vamps that were nerfed at the time. Instead, I would propose a new variant of the Hulk.

The Battle Hulk.

It looks just like the regular Hulk in terms of visual model design and paint job except it's not designed to mine but rather to deceive the gankers. For this, I will have to explain in more detail:

  • It would have the same slot arrangements as the regular Hulk would except its PG and CPU would have to be tailored towards offensive and defensive modules rather than strip miners.
  • It will be able to utilize only particular set special modulated strip miners that only one type of charge will be able to fit in: damage crystals. These will be the only crystals that will exert damage on the target as well as allow the strip miner to shoot at the aggressor.
  • This particular Hulk will still have the same resistance bonus as its twin but none of the mining bonuses.
  • Can fool ship scanners by introducing an optional deception module that only the Battle Hulk can use but will take up a significant PG/CPU to do so (thus limiting defense capabilities).

Of course, I want to emphasize that this battle Hulk should NOT BE ABLE TO MINE. This is after all a battle Hulk that is meant to deceive. The mining beam that would target the asteroid is really not mining anything at all but rather degrading the asteroid's ore content at a rate faster than how much a typical strip miner can achieve.

Those who wish to undermine the efforts of mining competitors could also use this to diminish available resources in a system or region with a sizable fleet.

This could make things interesting for gankers and add more risk to Hulkageddon as gankers would run the risk of ganking the wrong Hulk.

***puts on flame-proof suit***

Adapt or Die

Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-05-07 15:00:54 UTC
Henry Haphorn wrote:

  • It would have the same slot arrangements as the regular Hulk would except its PG and CPU would have to be tailored towards offensive and defensive modules rather than strip miners.
  • It will be able to utilize only particular set special modulated strip miners that only one type of charge will be able to fit in: damage crystals. These will be the only crystals that will exert damage on the target as well as allow the strip miner to shoot at the aggressor.
  • This particular Hulk will still have the same resistance bonus as its twin but none of the mining bonuses.
  • Can fool ship scanners by introducing an optional deception module that only the Battle Hulk can use but will take up a significant PG/CPU to do so (thus limiting defense capabilities).

Of course, I want to emphasize that this battle Hulk should NOT BE ABLE TO MINE. This is after all a battle Hulk that is meant to deceive. The mining beam that would target the asteroid is really not mining anything at all but rather degrading the asteroid's ore content at a rate faster than how much a typical strip miner can achieve.

Those who wish to undermine the efforts of mining competitors could also use this to diminish available resources in a system or region with a sizable fleet.

This could make things interesting for gankers and add more risk to Hulkageddon as gankers would run the risk of ganking the wrong Hulk.

***puts on flame-proof suit***

I dont understand. it can fit a tank and do nothing, or it can fit an "optional deception module" and fool scanners, (into thinking what?) and not fit a tank.

~obvious tank, with tank
~hiding tank, no tank.

also doesnt mine, but does something else? what is this degrading of ore? faster then a strip miner? for what purpose is this? you think that gankers want to sit in a belt in a crappy ship just to pretend mine faster then real miners?

or is it another "herp derp! im gonna see if i can kill his asteroids before he can cycle his strips off the asteroid, deny him any ore to see him cry"
I can only see this being used in attempted griefing without the concord. in hisec it provides no value other then bullying. ganking can be defended, as profit centers, but depleting an asteroid for no value to you or to the other person has no value to the game.

this idea is bad

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#3 - 2012-05-07 15:04:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Nikk Narrel
Sounds fun, I like it, and I would probably be willing to fly one.

Stick a couple in a mining op, and every real hulk just became a bait ship in addition to it's actual mining.

Just drop the bit about degrading the asteroids, pointless.
You are not mining when you could be, that's enough of a penalty. Otherwise, we would need to visit other PvP ships the same way.

And the deception, make it necessary to have the skills to fly a Hulk normally, and then add a skill to battle fit a hulk instead.

Using the damage crystals instead of the mining ones? You lose the ability to mine with these in place. Done.
Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#4 - 2012-05-07 15:07:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Henry Haphorn
Kusum Fawn wrote:

-blah blah blah -

this idea is bad

It's suppose to troll the gankers and troll mining competitors. Besides, I don't see CCP saying anything bad about gankers who gank for the lulz with no profit made and players gank all the time with no profit made. So I don't see why my idea is a bad idea unless you're a miner who is worried that your little patch of rocks will be ruined before you can get anything out of it.Twisted

Adapt or Die

Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-05-07 17:21:44 UTC
Henry Haphorn wrote:
I will have to explain in more detail:

  • It would have the same slot arrangements as the regular Hulk would except its PG and CPU would have to be tailored towards offensive and defensive modules rather than strip miners.
  • It will be able to utilize only particular set special modulated strip miners that only one type of charge will be able to fit in: damage crystals. These will be the only crystals that will exert damage on the target as well as allow the strip miner to shoot at the aggressor.
  • This particular Hulk will still have the same resistance bonus as its twin but none of the mining bonuses.
  • Can fool ship scanners by introducing an optional deception module that only the Battle Hulk can use but will take up a significant PG/CPU to do so (thus limiting defense capabilities).

***puts on flame-proof suit***

this is why its a bad idea, this ship has not offensive bonuses, and the only way to appear like a regular hulk is to drop tank meant to protect it from ganks.

hence -> the two fitting options are

~obvious tank, with tank
~hiding tank, no tank.

in the first one you appear to be an over tanked hulk to ship scanners. easy to pick out
In the second you can scramble the results of ship scanners and appear to be a regular hulk. But you have no additional tank to support yourself when the gank does happen.

Basically its a ship that either appears like a hulk and dies in a fire, or obvious bait is obvious.

As to the ore degradation laser system, it only has the "for the lulz" factor, it has no margin of profitability inherent in its concept.

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-05-07 17:33:59 UTC
From what I understand, you'll pretty much be able to do this in inferno without a whole new class of ship. Fit a tank and use drone damage modules and rigs. Bait hulks will be out there.

I assume you're talking about wardecs, though. If you're worried about suicide gankers, just fit a strong tank and they should leave you alone... probably.
Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#7 - 2012-05-07 17:52:14 UTC
@ Kusum

You're right about the offensive bonuses. I forgot about that. What would you recommend as an effective bonus: drone damage or bonus to damage crystals?

The reason I wanted to purpose the deception module to limit defenses is because I fear that having such a module with no penalties would make the battle hulk over powered. If a penalty on defense is not the way to go, what kind of penalty would you purpose instead?

Adapt or Die

Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#8 - 2012-05-07 17:55:24 UTC
Heathkit wrote:
From what I understand, you'll pretty much be able to do this in inferno without a whole new class of ship. Fit a tank and use drone damage modules and rigs. Bait hulks will be out there.

I assume you're talking about wardecs, though. If you're worried about suicide gankers, just fit a strong tank and they should leave you alone... probably.

I'm talking about defending against gankers and can flippers. Please keep in mind that I am a strong supporter of Hulkageddon and have already killed a couple of barges this season. I merely want to add more flavor to the profession.

Adapt or Die

Shovel Bros
#9 - 2012-05-07 18:30:48 UTC
The part you're forgetting is that people will instantly be able to tell what ship this is by looking at their overview/dscan. It'll show up as a Battle Hulk or whatever the item name is instead of a Hulk since they are, in fact, different items. There's no way to get around this without completely restructuring how the item database works, which CCP won't do for a ship that would be a gimmick at best.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#10 - 2012-05-07 18:33:31 UTC
Here's an idea for ya, using everything already in game.

[Hulk, Surprise Package1]
Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Medium Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II
Stasis Webifier II

Small Energy Neutralizer I
Small Energy Neutralizer I
[empty high slot]

Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I

Vespa II x5

Effective HP 19,389
Time to align 14.7 seconds

Fun factor in high sec for someone mistaking you for a pinata: Very Memorable
Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#11 - 2012-05-07 20:05:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Henry Haphorn
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Here's an idea for ya, using everything already in game.

[Hulk, Surprise Package1]
Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Medium Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II
Stasis Webifier II

Small Energy Neutralizer I
Small Energy Neutralizer I
[empty high slot]

Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I

Vespa II x5

Effective HP 19,389
Time to align 14.7 seconds

Fun factor in high sec for someone mistaking you for a pinata: Very Memorable

Nice tank, but anything under 20k EHP is laughable to me when it comes to surviving gankers. Assuming a Hulk is tanked at 20K EHP mining in 0.5 space, it will only take 5 Catalysts to finish it in 10 seconds. Although, your fit is perfect for snagging some lone can flippers. The Battle Hulk should have more than that. After all, it's only purpose is to survive ganks and shoot back in time to killmail whore before Concord kills them.

Of course, given that the Battle Hulk is only designed to survive ganks and not generate profit of any kind except from manipulating the market through destruction of rocks, it's mineral/component requirements and insurance payout would be adapted to allow for appropriate pricing. 250mil ISK is too much for such a ship after knowing that it may die at any time to gankers during large events like Hulkageddon.

Like I said, this idea is meant to add flavor to the Hulkageddon event as this will separate the noob gankers from the professional gankers and could provide industrialists a method towards to cutting down mineral supply to jack up the prices.


I just realized that. Perhaps CCP may figure out a way to compensate. But's hard to know for sure.

Adapt or Die

Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#12 - 2012-05-07 22:11:56 UTC
This isn't worth ccp's time, never gonna happen. Also keep a logi off grid aligned to belt with battle hulks. If you have one strip miner running for some or to jet an, it makes you look like a real miner.
Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#13 - 2012-05-08 00:06:39 UTC
Im Super Gay wrote:
Also keep a logi off grid aligned to belt with battle hulks

I'm a bit confused about the whole neutral repping and crimewatch. I'm gonna have to look up the patch notes to see what happens in this case.

Adapt or Die

Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-05-08 12:42:52 UTC
Henry Haphorn wrote:
Im Super Gay wrote:
Also keep a logi off grid aligned to belt with battle hulks

I'm a bit confused about the whole neutral repping and crimewatch. I'm gonna have to look up the patch notes to see what happens in this case.

generally nothing as gankers will be done before that logi lands

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-05-08 13:25:23 UTC
Henry Haphorn wrote:
@ Kusum

You're right about the offensive bonuses. I forgot about that. What would you recommend as an effective bonus: drone damage or bonus to damage crystals?

The reason I wanted to purpose the deception module to limit defenses is because I fear that having such a module with no penalties would make the battle hulk over powered. If a penalty on defense is not the way to go, what kind of penalty would you purpose instead?

I think you forget that i am not an advocate for this proposal at all,

However, were i to be, I say something like this,

The battle hulk starts with penalties, It doesn't have the maneuverability of a cruiser, the class that it is closest to, or the firepower. its general lack of pg/cpu and bad slot layout (for a shield tanking ship) means that its been gimped before its even fit,

With max skills, base PG/CPU
Hulk - 43.75 / 375
Arazu - 937.5 / 525
Lachesis - 1,000 / 562.5

caracal - 662.5 / 437.5
vexor - 843.8 / 337.5

While you did say that you wanted to buff those attributes from the base hulk to the battle hulk, you are looking at a hull that is little better then a caracal (slot layout, cargo, and resist profile) and in many ways worse, (max speed, capacitor, targeting range , sensor strength, align time, etc)

Pretty much everything that makes a warship a warship. because youd have to start from the design philosophy of pretty much being stuck in one spot while the enemy comes to you ,

~stronger buff to defenses,
~ewar strength bonuses things like tracking disruption and sensor damps,

to be honest im not sure what would be needed to make it into a viable ship without stealth nerfing another class of ships by making the battle hulk op in that area. as a warship platform its so bad for the majority of what it would be doing that you pretty much have to make it into a brick, and even then its only barely tolerable as a ship because of its lol factor.

It really is a hull that has worse stats then many t1 cruisers.
The max t2 tank, without implants is 36.5k ehp which doesn't have the fitting room for more then one strip miner. and uses t2 rigs.
the basic t2 tank on a caracal easily passes 40k (using 4 med slots, 1 low and two rigs)

battle hulk really needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, and not use the same stats as a hulk.

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#16 - 2012-05-08 13:48:30 UTC
Kusum Fawn wrote:
Henry Haphorn wrote:
Im Super Gay wrote:
Also keep a logi off grid aligned to belt with battle hulks

I'm a bit confused about the whole neutral repping and crimewatch. I'm gonna have to look up the patch notes to see what happens in this case.

generally nothing as gankers will be done before that logi lands

I think Super gay was referring to the battle hulk engaging a can flipper. Against a ganker... of course the logi won't save it in time.

battle hulk really needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, and not use the same stats as a hulk.

I always thought that the standard Hulk was balanced for its class. After all, it is a mining ship that was never intended for battle. I did mention earlier that the PG/CPU needs to be tailored on the Battle Hulk for its purpose. The reason I said that the slot layout should be the same for the Battle Hulk is because of my observation of how the standard Hulk use to handle cruisers like the Caracal in 1v1 fights (see video link on my OP). I figured it would make sense to keep that slot layout because it was successful.

But I guess you are correct to assume that, other than the same slot arrangement, a Battle Hulk will need to be rebuilt from the ground up. Kind of like making a new and entirely different car but with the same seating arrangement.

Adapt or Die