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Drone escalations, and drone faction spawns?

Praktor Industries
#1 - 2012-05-04 23:58:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Jupidor
Drone faction spawns and escalations? whats the point now?

This is mainly targeted at drone escalations, what is the point in doing them, the risk for what little reward you can get (basically all you may get is just a faction spawn (which drops worthless loot, and average t2 salvage).

In other regions you can make billions are an escalation in drone regions maybe 100 mill if your extremely lucky.

Drone faction spawns.... comparatively suck because they dont drop anything of significant value, although they can be salvaged for t2 salvage like all other faction spawns.

Are there any officer spawn drones or the equivalent?
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2012-05-05 00:27:13 UTC
lol, the faction spawns only drop the parts needed to build the "rogue" variant of Player drones, which use of these drones is not common. So basically, the only valuable thing about a Sentient drone spawn is the new bounty, or the chance at decent salvage.

I've also heard that the Escalations are worthless, just as they were before.


If EVE is real, does that mean all of us are RMTrs?[/b]

Praktor Industries
#3 - 2012-05-05 00:44:55 UTC
Wow that sucks, I thought with the removal of drone poop it made drone regions worth doing, so its actually even more useless then before.
Amsterdam Conversations
#4 - 2012-05-05 00:56:43 UTC
Jupidor wrote:
Wow that sucks, I thought with the removal of drone poop it made drone regions worth doing, so its actually even more useless then before.


Drone regions were probably the best paying for a long time now. The hauling part has been kind of bad, but the fact that even the worst belt BS rats dropped up to 2m in loot each made them really good.

Faction drones just drop craptons of T2 salvage... I'd exchange one of those for a normal faction spawn any day.
Praktor Industries
#5 - 2012-05-05 00:59:26 UTC
Amsterdam Conversations wrote:
Jupidor wrote:
Wow that sucks, I thought with the removal of drone poop it made drone regions worth doing, so its actually even more useless then before.


Drone regions were probably the best paying for a long time now. The hauling part has been kind of bad, but the fact that even the worst belt BS rats dropped up to 2m in loot each made them really good.

Faction drones just drop craptons of T2 salvage... I'd exchange one of those for a normal faction spawn any day.

Drones t2 salvage is better you say? I have gotten 3 faction bs rats, 5 faction cruise rats salvage over the last 4 days and I got an amazing 60mil in salvage alltogether for them
Simi Kusoni
#6 - 2012-05-05 01:02:55 UTC
With such a large sample size, you can't be wrong.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Praktor Industries
#7 - 2012-05-05 01:06:29 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:
With such a large sample size, you can't be wrong.

I know its anecdotal as well, where is the evidence that they drop more t2 salvage?
Marcus Caspius
#8 - 2012-05-05 21:16:17 UTC
Hey CCP, when are you going to fix this?

Grammatical error and spelling mistakes are included for your entertainment!

Praktor Industries
#9 - 2012-05-05 21:25:06 UTC
Marcus Caspius wrote:
Hey CCP, when are you going to fix this?

I wish they would give drones something to make up for removal of drone poop other then the already sub par bounties.
Kietay Ayari
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-05-05 21:46:07 UTC
Stop wishing for things and make it happen.

Ferox #1

Praktor Industries
#11 - 2012-05-06 02:02:25 UTC
Alexa Coates
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-05-06 02:09:29 UTC
they need to drop modules, like weapons.

That's a Templar, an Amarr fighter used by carriers.

Praktor Industries
#13 - 2012-05-06 02:12:55 UTC
Alexa Coates wrote:
they need to drop modules, like weapons.

I was thinking if faction rogue drones just dropped drone blue prints it would make (at least me) a bit happier as I would have an actual use for the drone loot the faction drones drop....
Marcus Caspius
#14 - 2012-05-07 02:40:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Marcus Caspius
Hey CCP, why so quite? C'mon tell us to p!ss off or that you're doing something about it, but don't just say nothing...

Grammatical error and spelling mistakes are included for your entertainment!

Space Mermaids
#15 - 2012-05-07 02:53:40 UTC
Jupidor wrote:
Amsterdam Conversations wrote:
Jupidor wrote:
Wow that sucks, I thought with the removal of drone poop it made drone regions worth doing, so its actually even more useless then before.


Drone regions were probably the best paying for a long time now. The hauling part has been kind of bad, but the fact that even the worst belt BS rats dropped up to 2m in loot each made them really good.

Faction drones just drop craptons of T2 salvage... I'd exchange one of those for a normal faction spawn any day.

Drones t2 salvage is better you say? I have gotten 3 faction bs rats, 5 faction cruise rats salvage over the last 4 days and I got an amazing 60mil in salvage alltogether for them

All T2 salvage took a punch in the face some time in a recent stealth nerf. Much like Faction POS blueprints, CCP see it fit to completely remove the stuff rather than have the off chance someone might get one in High Sec.
Sup B1tches
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2012-05-07 04:18:50 UTC
CCP have fixed it.

Thats why it is now **** :)
Alice Katsuko
Caldari State
#17 - 2012-05-07 04:28:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Alice Katsuko
The only profitable drone complex is the 10/10 Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive, which is also the only profitable escalation from drone anomalies. It yields a few hundred million ISK in aggregate bounties and overseer effects. If you get extremely lucky, you may also get a bit of T2 salvage, but rogue drone salvage is crap relative to everything else, and Sentient drones are no exception. So it's on par with other 10/10 sites if other sites had no officer/faction drops.

There is also a 5/10 variant, which has been mislabeled on the EVElopedia as a 10/10 (or maybe it's the other way around). Either way, it's completely worthless. Ditto for drone exploration sites, since they only yield blueprints and components for augmented and integrated drones, which are also worthless, although they do make for a nice break from grinding hordes and patrols.

There is no rogue drone equivalent to officer spawns.

Rogue drone salvage has always been awful. Folk only salvaged rogue drone wrecks prior to Inferno because they had to loot all of the drone alloys. I don't think anyone salvages rogue drone wrecks anymore because it is a waste of time: the average salvage from even a Drone Horde is rarely above 1 million ISK, and usually is much less.

That said, the raw ISK per hour is about the same as for other regions. Most don't see many faction spawns or escalations, so from an individual perspective. I'd say it's also about on-par with pre-Escalation income in terms of raw ISK. Granted, due to higher prices, the purchasing power of ISK has gone down somewhat, but that's hit everyone who depends on fixed-ISK income sources.
Masamune Dekoro
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-05-07 05:11:58 UTC
I would like to see officer grade drone modules Big smile
St Mio
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2012-05-07 06:56:21 UTC
The only way I can think of that they could buff Drone Exploration would be... to remove all of the sites.

Seriously, their only use at the moment is to harvest tears and rage from explorers hoping for nice sites and getting booby prizes.

But yeah, faction drone modules (Extrinsic Damage, DLA, Nav Computer, Omni etc.) would be a good first step towards making them somewhat worthwhile. Same bonuses as T2 versions, without the skill requirement, and with easier fitting reqs.
Marcus Caspius
#20 - 2012-05-11 02:00:06 UTC
...again CCP Dev's shine in their absence of involvement on any feedback!

Grammatical error and spelling mistakes are included for your entertainment!