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T2BPO why they should be removed and how.

First post
Kara Books
Deal with IT.
#301 - 2012-05-04 03:34:36 UTC
Zifrian wrote:
Brewlar Kuvakei wrote:

Well then orignal point is invalid Maurauders will be profitable to make for inventors but just sell very slowly at least people can produce mauraders on an equal footing and sell for profit. For sure like every item you will get some free miner syndrome but at least maurader inventors don't get crushingly undercut by a T2BPO.

Infact maurders are the perfect example of why T2BPO should be removed? Surely if T2BPO's are good for eve CCP should make some Maurader BPO's? Why not afterall T2BPO's are sweet?

OK, not sure why I'm going to continue bothering but you still don't seem to understand simple economics 101 and your credibility of a knowledgeable or semi-serious industrialist is completely shot (if it ever existed). Furthermore, this entire thread is your argument - the task is for you to convince everyone else to switch their opinion of the topic. However, simply saying you are right does not make it so and you have yet to get one person to agree with you that did not in the first place.

But not to display my own hypocrisy, I will not only say your argument is flawed but I will show you in a simple way.

Here are three scenarios that show you are not understanding how the T2 market (or markets in general) works. For sake of argument, assume that it takes the same amount of time (1 week) to make 1 unit of X. Assume the profit from invention is 1mil isk and for the T2BPO holder, 5mil isk. These are simple scenarios but mirror the market pretty closely from my experience.

Scenario 1 - Item X is sold in a market with 9 inventors and 1 T2BPO holder. If the market demand is satisfied by selling 10 units per week, all industrialists have the same chance to make a profit. The T2 BPO holder makes 5mil of his sale and the other 9 make 1 mil.

Scenario 2 - Item X demand on the market in scenario 1 is now for 100 units per week. Now the industrialists cannot supply the market with the required demand, so the price increases. Additionally, this draws in more industrialists to supply the market due to the profit incentive. Because there are far more inventors than T2 BPO owners, supply from invention will determine the price point, not T2 BPOs. However, at no point would the T2 BPO owner undercut the invention set price if they are a rational actor. If they did, with high demand the incentive to buy low and sell at the higher price point exists and is exactly what happens. If the T2 BPO owner lowers the price too low, the are only reducing their profit since the movement is high.

Scenario 3 - Item X demand drops to 5 units per week. Now the market is in over supply and the price will drop. Normally this is where the price will drop below the cost to build the item and industrialists will leave the market due to a lack of profit incentive and will likely drop prices of the stock they have on hand to move to another item or market. The T2 BPO holder has a larger cushion to his price margin however, also runs into a point where he may no longer supply the market if the demand is so low.

In the above three scenarios we find the following re-occurring themes:

  1. The T2 BPO owner can make more profit than an inventor under my simplified assumptions
  2. The market price self-corrects based on supply and demand
  3. A T2 BPO owner can find a point where they still have an expensive asset (even if they got it for free it has a substantial value) that does not earn them a profit
  4. The presence of a T2 BPO owner for a market item is unknown to other industrialists and this knowledge alone does not affect the price of goods sold when rational actors are involved. See #2.

Now your argument is that the T2 BPO owner can "severely undercut" the inventor. So it sounds to me that your argument is that you can't make a profit, or that you cannot compete. The T2 BPO owner can make more of a profit. This is true but you can make a profit too and you can easily compete with them where items meet or exceed demand.

Does this give enough of a reason to remove T2 BPOs? In my opinion, no. They are not harming the market nor are they hampering invention in any way - they are another way to supply the market with items. If you have a T2 BPO for the same market item I have, my decision to make that same item does not rest on the fact you have a T2 BPO - it rests on whether I can sell the item at a profit and within a time period that fits my business plan. Your ability to undercut me has no bearing on my decision at all because if you were to do this (market pvp) I will just buy you out. Since you are limited by the amount you can produce (I have three characters that can produce items whereas you have 1), there is no way for you to compete with me. So as a rational actor, you will NOT undercut me to a level that endangers your profits, which will be larger than mine.

Leaving T2 BPOs in the game does very little overall, if anything, to the larger market or the future of T2 production through invention. In the end, the only valid argument that you have is that they can make more profit than an inventor. Under my assumptions above, that is true. Does it matter? Not if you know what game you are playing.

This could have bin the first valid argument, if you hadn't turned it into a Piarr for the OP
Curious, how would you react if Invention was buffed up enough to be of competition to BPO's
How would you react if T2 BPO's where introduced into the open market, maybe as ultra rare drops, or NPC seeded.
Haulie Berry
#302 - 2012-05-04 04:07:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Haulie Berry
Kara Books wrote:

Curious, how would you react if Invention was buffed up enough to be of competition to BPO's

What does this even mean? How is it not "of competition", exactly? Let's replace Zifrian's T2 Widget with a real item, like... hm. The Adaptive Invulnerability Field II.

A T2 BPO can produce about 420 of these a month. There are, at most, 20 of those BPOs.

The daily market consumption of these ranges from 500 to over 2000.... DOMAIN! Yes. Surprise twist, every BPO in the game cannot even meet the demand of a single secondary market.

So if every T2 BPO that ever existed for Adaptive Invulns were producing and delivering to Amarr, Invention would be left to supply:

-44% of the Amarr market (assuming 500 units daily consumption - it's actually higher).
-100% of the Jita market (which, by itself, moves over 10x Amarr's volume)
-100% of the Dodixie market
-100% of the Hek Market
-100% of every other market in the game, too.

Yeah... invention is clearly not competitive with BPOs. Roll


How would you react if T2 BPO's where introduced into the open market, maybe as ultra rare drops, or NPC seeded.

How would that be good for the game, exactly? How would that be good for producers? As an inventor, why would I want that?

All that would do is increase the supply side of the equation, but with no increased demand the end result is that, barring a sudden population surge, inventors would make a diminishing amount of money as time progressed.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#303 - 2012-05-04 06:19:08 UTC
Kara Books wrote:
Just want to point out, the most profitable Industrialists are all in lowsec/nulsec where the minerals are 20-50% cheeper then highsec, in other words, Inventors stand no chance while even the worst T2 BPO is outright lucrative which is killing inventors left and right.

How many people actually invent as a main source of income in eve?

Indeed I do think 78% of all tech 2 items are created from BPO's this sounds about right to me.


I have many tens of billions of ISK as an inventor. I don't own any T2 BPO. I don't want to own any T2 BPO.

I'm a hisec dweller. When I lived in w-space for 2.5 years I had hisec alts doing invention.

My corpmate Proton Power is also a serious inventor. He just got 100 billion ISK loan from MD to support his ever growing invention. He doesn't own any T2 BPO either, though he has rented them in the past.

In fact, I think everyone in my corp is currently doing invention, though not all on such a large scale.

I like that T2 BPO keeps prices low on the junk inventors don't want to make because the trade volume is so low.
shar'ra matcevsovski
#304 - 2012-05-04 10:14:36 UTC  |  Edited by: shar'ra matcevsovski
Kara Books wrote:

Curious, how would you react if Invention was buffed up enough to be of competition to BPO's

You might aswell want to ask a Titan owner how he would react if rookie-ships could fit DD and capital guns, since inventions cost you litteraly nothing in ISK/Skills while T2 BPO`s cost tens of biilions and some more lvl 5 skills.

Cant you understand that something that cost you 10 million should and will never make as much profit as something that cost 100 billion?

This could have bin the first valid argument, if you hadn't turned it into a Piarr for the OP

sorry to say that, but of all these either proven wrong or over the top speculative arguments, the only valid argument you and Friend brewlar ever brought up was, that these BPO`s have been given out to players as gifts. And even that kindoff lacks on evidences and plausibility (besides the CCP T20 how got fired centuries ago)

shar'ra phone home

Morgan Dinn
Imperial Mechanics
#305 - 2012-05-04 13:31:24 UTC
Only thing I can see in these threats are the BPO owners whining that their profit will be cut if something happens and Invention people saying they cant compete with BPO owners.

And while looking how many threats there are bout the this and this same thing alone I do think that something needs to be done.

What that is... I have no idea but something needs to be done.

Personaly I would love to see new Tech 2 bpos in the game but as CCP most likely wants to keep the invention in the game that most likely will not happen. So to think back when invention came and some CCP dev posted that the invented prints could behaps in future be made reserchable so mayby that time has come now.

This kinda kill everything. CCP would be happy they can keep the invention system. Inventers would get a better margin and more to do and the BPO owners would get competition. And tough luck if you where stupid enough to pay 100bil from your print. It's a game so boohoo.

I see that there would be more happy players if something like this would be implemented that tehre would be anoyed players.

So ccp do something so we can have something else to talk about in the forums.

And please give me more Tech 2 originals. Thank you
Haulie Berry
#306 - 2012-05-04 14:31:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Haulie Berry
Morgan Dinn wrote:
Only thing I can see in these threats are the BPO owners whining that their profit will be cut if something happens and Invention people saying they cant compete with BPO owners.

Which posters in these threads own BPOs, then? Can you name them? I don't own any. Akita doesn't - I'm not sure if he even does production, or just trade. Pretty sure Zifrian doesn't.

And while looking how many threats there are bout the this and this same thing alone I do think that something needs to be done.

That's like saying, "Well, based on the number of funerals the Westboro Baptist Church has protested, something clearly needs to be done about this homosexuality problem." It's a logical non sequitur. People with an agenda tend to make a lot of noise. That has absolutely no bearing on the validity of that agenda. Repeating something fallacious doesn't magically impart truth.


What that is... I have no idea but something needs to be done.

We're all very grateful for your valuable contribution.

Personaly I would love to see new Tech 2 bpos in the game but as CCP most likely wants to keep the invention in the game that most likely will not happen. So to think back when invention came and some CCP dev posted that the invented prints could behaps in future be made reserchable so mayby that time has come now.

This kinda kill everything. CCP would be happy they can keep the invention system. Inventers would get a better margin and more to do and the BPO owners would get competition. And tough luck if you where stupid enough to pay 100bil from your print. It's a game so boohoo.

Inventors would NOT get a better margin. We would get the SAME margin, by percentage, but at a lower price point. If I can make T2 Widgets for 2 million and mark them up 10%, I make 200K per widget.

If I can make T2 widgets for 1.5 million and mark them up 10%, I make 150K per widget. How the **** does that benefit me, exactly? Why would I want that?

Furthermore, let's say the copy time for widgets is 1 hour, the invent time is 1 hour, and the manufacturing time is 1 hour.

On average, I will need 2 copies and 2 invent jobs per production job, so that's 2+2+1 = 5 slot-hours of production time, or 40K per slot-hour for a 200K profit margin item.

With this make-the-BPC-researchable-stupidity, I now have copy time + invent time + research time + production time. Even if one point of ME took only one hour to get, and all I needed was the one point, I've gone from making 200K over 5 slothours to making 150K over 6 slot hours. While the slot-hour cost is defrayed some by multi-run prints, the end result is still that I have to spend more time making less money.

Yeah, thanks a lot. You've done sooooooo much for invention. Roll

Some sort of carryover from the T1's ME might be feasible, but even then, who REALLY gains from that? The margins WILL NOT improve. Moongoo prices (mostly tech) will decrease. The base production costs will decrease. The price will decrease to match. The demand for most ships and modules is relatively inelastic with respect to price, so it's not like reducing the overall price 25% will mean moving 25% more units (and I can already sell everything I can produce, anyway), so the only people who REALLY benefit from that are consumers. It hurts moongoo producers (but **** them anyway) and is somewhere between neutral and bad for inventors, at best.
Vigilant's Vigilante's
#307 - 2012-05-04 16:35:49 UTC
There is only two solutions that will work right now in EVE.

1) Give everyone access to all bpo's thru the market
2) make invention better, thus more competitive to T2 bpo's (read between the lines, easier and better ME/PE)

And yes I own a couple t2 bpos, cheesy rocket ones, but i own them.
Brewlar Kuvakei
Adeptio Gloriae
#308 - 2012-05-04 16:52:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Brewlar Kuvakei
Vigilant wrote:
There is only two solutions that will work right now in EVE.

1) Give everyone access to all bpo's thru the market
2) make invention better, thus more competitive to T2 bpo's (read between the lines, easier and better ME/PE)

And yes I own a couple t2 bpos, cheesy rocket ones, but i own them.

Number 2 is a good idea number 1 is terrible. EVE online has a great crafting system particuallry in respect to T2 items ie invention it is however completely undermined by T2BPO's which remove all complexity from T2 production. CCP has sold eve short by introducing T2BPO's.

''Hey lets introduce this cool crafting system and then make it completely pointless in the majority of items by also giving T2BPO's to our mates and 'randomly' chosen subscribers.''
Recidivists Incorporated
#309 - 2012-05-04 16:59:10 UTC
How many times does it have to be covered? Even if every T2 BPO in the game is constantly producing at full capacity (which they aren't, I promise) they can't touch the demand for the goods. The number of players flying and losing t2 modules and ships is geometrically higher than when the T2bpos were introduced. THEY JUST DON"T MAKE THAT BIG OF A DEAL!!!!

The reason you don't make money with T2 is that your supply chain is crap and you are making a product people don't want. Stop blaming it on the BPOs.

And no, I don't have any T2 BPOs, hell, I don't even do production and I still know better.
Brewlar Kuvakei
Adeptio Gloriae
#310 - 2012-05-04 22:14:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Brewlar Kuvakei
OllieNorth wrote:
How many times does it have to be covered? Even if every T2 BPO in the game is constantly producing at full capacity (which they aren't, I promise) they can't touch the demand for the goods. The number of players flying and losing t2 modules and ships is geometrically higher than when the T2bpos were introduced. THEY JUST DON"T MAKE THAT BIG OF A DEAL!!!!

The reason you don't make money with T2 is that your supply chain is crap and you are making a product people don't want. Stop blaming it on the BPOs.

And no, I don't have any T2 BPOs, hell, I don't even do production and I still know better.

Clearly you don't as 70% + of T2 production being completed by T2BPO's in some lines is not irrelevant. Invention should be more efficient than T2BPO and lets see the BPO owners whine when they are locked out of most T2 items due to being undercut by invention. Oh but wait they can invent too so why the hell did CCP ever think it was good idea to let them skip this stage in the first place?

''As the game population grows the impact of T2 BPO's on EVE's economy shrinks.''

As the impact of T2 BPO's on EVE's economy grows the game population shrinks.
Haulie Berry
#311 - 2012-05-04 22:19:14 UTC
Brewlar Kuvakei wrote:

As the impact of T2 BPO's on EVE's economy grows the game population shrinks.

Oh, hey, you're making things up again. How novel.
First Hydrostatic Core
#312 - 2012-05-04 22:23:49 UTC
Impressive. 3 unlocked forum posts on the same subject, with over 450 replies and over 11,000 views. Who are the people making us 11,000 views? We are watchers, being entertained as if we were watching Jerry Springer.

About 1/4 of the posts are by one person, and I can't decide whether he is incredibly dense and unable to understand the concept being presented to him or is a fantastically successful troll! (11,000 views and counting!) He doesn't respond to meaningful posts, he makes jumps in logic that make absolutely no sense, he presents obviously made-up facts, and repeats this process ad nauseum.

If I wanted to make an argument that t2 bpo's should be removed, I probably would have STARTED with answers to questions like the ones Akita presented:


The relevant questions are:
1) Would the game improve by ONLY removing T2 BPOs and changing nothing else ?
*1b) For whom ?
*1c) And for how long ?
2) How exactly do you plan to compensate current T2 BPO owners for the loss of the BPO in case of a removal ?
*2b) If you say no reimbursement, how would you feel if a large portion of your NAV was wiped out just because somebody else felt it's not ok for you to have it ?
*2c) Would you differentiate between lottery winners and current owners that purchased them (and how) ?
*2d) How would that reimbursement affect the rest of the economy (domino effect) ?
3) What else (other than touching anything regarding T2 BPOs) can be done to improve the game in the areas people seem to be complaining about when they ask for a removal of T2 BPOs ?
*3b) Would improvements in the output of invention (runs, ME/PE levels) in certain conditions not be more appropriate instead ?
*3c) How about an uncapping of all moongoo production from the fixed max level we're currently living with ?

Also, this :

I'm going to keep his posts in mind if I ever want to see if I can start a hugely popular troll thread.

I am confused, though, about why there are now THREE threads on the same subject, I can't even figure out which one to post in. They're all the same discussion.
Brewlar Kuvakei
Adeptio Gloriae
#313 - 2012-05-04 22:25:28 UTC
84% of interceptors are produced using BPO's WTF? OK here we have a common item yet BPO's still dominate, Why is this?
First Hydrostatic Core
#314 - 2012-05-04 22:30:52 UTC
And here is a perfect example of "doesn't respond to meaningful posts". He had the perfect chance to answer some really good questions from Akita T, AGAIN, and instead we get more rhetoric.
Haulie Berry
#315 - 2012-05-04 22:32:48 UTC
Brewlar Kuvakei wrote:
84% of interceptors are produced using BPO's WTF? OK here we have a common item yet BPO's still dominate, Why is this?

The problem with cherry picking out-of-context statistics from publicly available documents is that they're.. well... public.

The conclusion of that particular document:


In conclusion, invention has taken over a large portion of the Tech II market, especially in areas where the supply from the BPOs failed to keep pace with the high demand for these much sought-after items. There are exceptions for some items like interceptors, which have relatively fast build times, and are thus mostly produced by BPO owners since they can fill the demand. , But without question, invention has had a great effect on the market as a whole.

Since the introduction of the invention system, price for many of the most sought after Tech II items have dropped down to much more affordable levels in the past two and a half years. With the barrier of entry into Tech II production effectively removed, the supply for high demand items in addition to items with long build times has increased greatly, which in turn has created market competition and made it all but impossible for cartels to monopolize certain products.

The most intriguing and unexpected revelation we had while looking through Tech II production was the relatively large amount of production done in lowsec space, beating out nullsec space by a fair margin. As outlined earlier, most lowsec Tech II production done is performed in 0.4 systems. Therefore, we can assume that this is largely attributed to its proximity to hisec space, where finished products are transported for sale on the market. There are other benefits as well, most notably the higher availability of production and invention slots in lowsec space. Between these and the generally higher availability of contracts (binding transaction agreements between parties that can include the transportation of goods) with high security space, there is decreased downtime between production jobs—a good thing, considering that time is money.

As the player base for EVE continues to grow, the demand for Tech II products will only increase, creating new opportunities for aspiring industrialists to break into the Tech II market through invention. Proportionally, we can expect BPCs to account for an increasingly larger portion of the Tech II market in the coming months and years, as the limited supply of BPOs does not have the capacity to meet the demand.

TL;DR version: There are some outliers, but on the whole, invention is working as intended.
Brewlar Kuvakei
Adeptio Gloriae
#316 - 2012-05-04 22:35:45 UTC
Ah cool but surely this is a prime example why Interceptor invention is in dire need of buffing?
Haulie Berry
#317 - 2012-05-04 22:57:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Haulie Berry
Brewlar Kuvakei wrote:
Ah cool but surely this is a prime example why Interceptor invention is in dire need of buffing?

Is it, though? Have you actually looked at Interceptor production numbers? Not even invention - just BPO production.

A perfect print will build an interceptor every 3.5 hours (and change) and, at present Jita prices, that comes out to about 1.85m profit per unit.

I can't invent them at a profit... but I CAN invent things that will exceed the ~380 million a month profit of a Crusader BPO, and I can do that without tens of billions in upfront investment. Hell, I could just build one line of Hurricanes and beat that number, so why should I be upset about it, again? Even if I COULD get BPO-profits on interceptors, I still wouldn't make them because the beauty of invention is that I can build whatever will make the most money, and that's definitely not interceptors - not even at BPO production values.

The monthly return on a good BPO is about 3%. Except for very large sums of isk, it is not hard to get 5-10 times that return for your money, thus, that BPO only becomes an attractive option when you reach a state of I-have-so-much-isk-I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-it-anymore-and-I'm-just-letting-it-sit-idle-in-my-wallet.

Oh, and I forgot to add: That profit number (the 1.85 million one) is only if you build all of the components yourself, which results in a really dismal profit-per-slothour (a fact which many people like to ignore). You are, at that point, simply using the ship as a means of selling T2 components in bulk with little-to-no added value coming from the ship itself.

Eveeye actually shows a perfect crusader BPO culminating in a 3B a year loss if you're buying components. Up-to-the-minute sell order pricing puts them at a 280K profit per unit. That's 80K per slot-hour.

So, if it weren't for those damned BPOs, I... still wouldn't be making Crusaders. Lol
Ore Bunny
Tactical Feed.
Pandemic Horde
#318 - 2012-05-04 23:18:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Ore Bunny
Brewlar Kuvakei wrote:
T2BPO's in some lines is not irrelevant. Invention should be more efficient than T2BPO .

And why? because T2 BPOs cost 100 times more than an Invention with similar effort?... I dont get it

Also, could you please link the source if this 84% information, just curious.
Haulie Berry
#319 - 2012-05-04 23:30:04 UTC
Ore Bunny wrote:
Brewlar Kuvakei wrote:
T2BPO's in some lines is not irrelevant. Invention should be more efficient than T2BPO .

And why? because T2 BPOs cost 100 times more than an Invention with similar effort?... I dont get it

Also, could you please link the source if this 84% information, just curious.
Al Thorr
The Wheel
#320 - 2012-05-04 23:35:58 UTC
To the players who whinge , who were not involved in the initial release of the lottery tough *****.

To the others - Guess what ....the odd mega buck or two can be be made off T2......... Not ships. thats down to a broken nanotransistor mechanic. .

Serious hint ... think modules not ships.

Why modules? learn to play the game.

If your cannot make isk from T2 invention then you should give up,

Hells teeth even buying/ reselling said modules can earn a bucket....( sod invention altogether)

Al Thorr