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Why force your play style on others?

Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#41 - 2012-05-04 06:07:17 UTC
Avraham Avinu wrote:
The reality is, is that ganking in high-sec is part of the high-sec play style. That is why CCP made Concord less responsive in lower sec high-sec systems, etc. instead of making some type of "instakill" weapon for any and all violations.

you should consider your post a wake-up call to what Eve really is and how CCP intended the game to be.

Working as intended.

I understand the next implementation of Concord, (as of Inferno?), is going to be an instakill weapon rather than a bunch of ships. On the plus side, it may take some time for the Death Ray to reach you.
Akiyo XI
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2012-05-04 06:07:35 UTC
You can still play the way you want, no ones stopping you, its just that goonswarm is shifting the incentive to play the game. Some miners are tired of getting ganked or are now afraid of getting ganked and look to pve missions and activities as being more profitable. This is an impressive move on goonswarm's part. Since goons hate "carebares" so much they've actually gone and done something about it like burning jita and by doing so, has changed the entire game universe by slightly shifting the new mindset to pvp

welcome to the sandbox

"the wise speak only of what they know"

Sunshine and Lollipops
#43 - 2012-05-04 06:18:41 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Boat is very violent.
I always go the impression that “talkative” was the PC way of describing him… P

Mars Theran wrote:
I understand the next implementation of Concord, (as of Inferno?), is going to be an instakill weapon rather than a bunch of ships. On the plus side, it may take some time for the Death Ray to reach you.
Yes and now and kind of. It will still have the same seclevel-based delays as it has now and it will still involve ships arriving at the scene…

…but what actually kills you will be a CONCORD death-ray — the ships are just meaningless decoration that don't really do anything. They're just there to justify the fact that the criminal's ship just blew up (for completely separate reasons). This is meant to solve the issue of “herding” CONCORD and to reduce the load on the servers, At the appointed time, a couple of objects with no useful properties whatsoever and with no AI will spawn, and at the same time, the offending ship will be flagged as destroyed. The whole thing is very easy to process and communicate to anyone witnessing the event. That also provides a hard barrier to any kind of avoidance techniques players may invent: at the designated time, the ship just goes boom regardless of whether any decorative CONCORD ships are actually at the scene or not.

Sri Nova
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2012-05-04 06:20:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Sri Nova
Eve as envisioned by CCP had 3 distinct sectors high sec, low sec, and null sec.

high sec was the introduction to Eve, a place to learn the basics. Get the feel for combat, earn some isk, and move on to bigger an better adventures. Such as low sec where there was better loot to be found at the cost of higher risk.

For the truly adventurous they could move out to null and experience Eve at it fullest (live build and battle in player created empires) .

Unfortunately CCP erroneously made high sec a bit to comfy for those of us who love their space warm and squishy .
They also neglected null sec to a certain extent and inadvertently created the high sec industrial block that we have now.

So at this point you have 2 major game mechanics created high sec and null sec . they both demand attention and ccp has to focus on both, thus low sec gets ignored and devolves into the anarchy that currently rules it.

So when you see people pushing one to play one style or another its stems from this basic flaw that effects eve.

High sec was never intended to become the center of eve.

The push to get one out of high sec and into null is the very core of eve .

With null and low sec comes the inevitable pvp mechanic , Highsec has become a way for people to avoid this intended aspect of eve (this was unintentional ) it was hoped that players would leave high sec, exploit low sec, engage in good fights, and carry on into null and build their empires pvp'ing all the way .

CCP and the player base underestimated the number of risk adverse players. When they all holed up in high sec it created a dilema for CCP and the players. CCP was left wondering and maintaining what to do with these people, and the player base was left wondering how the hell can i shoot them ?

and this is why you see the angst and the constant pushing to play one or the other . it could be argued( and it is constantly) that high sec is what broke eve .
Saia Tae Arragosa
#45 - 2012-05-04 06:26:27 UTC
Sri Nova wrote:
Eve as envisioned by CCP had 3 distinct sectors high sec, low sec, and null sec.

high sec was the introduction to Eve, a place to learn the basics. Get the feel for combat, earn some isk, and move on to bigger an better adventures. Such as low sec where there was better loot to be found at the cost of higher risk.

For the truly adventurous they could move out to null and experience Eve at it fullest (live build and battle in player created empires) .

Unfortunately CCP erroneously made high sec a bit to comfy for those of us who love their space warm and squishy .
They also neglected null sec to a certain extent and inadvertently created the high sec industrial block that we have now.

So at this point you have 2 major game mechanics created high sec and null sec . they both demand attention and ccp has to focus on both, thus low sec gets ignored and devolves into the anarchy that currently rules it.

So when you see people pushing one to play one style or another its stems from this basic flaw that effects eve.

High sec was never intended to become the center of eve.

The push to get one out of high sec and into null is the very core of eve .

With null and low sec comes the inevitable pvp mechanic , Highsec has become a way for people to avoid this intended aspect of eve (this was unintentional ) it was hoped that players would leave high sec exploit low sec engage in good fights and carry on into null and build their empires pvp'ing all the way .

CCP and the player base underestimated the number of risk adverse players. When they all holed up in high sec it created a dilema for CCP and the players. CCP was left wondering and maintaining what to do with these people, and the player base was left wondering how the hell can i shoot them ?

and this is why you see the angst and the constant pushing to play one or the other . it could be argued( and it is constantly) that high sec is what broke eve .

I disagree. I think the people that wanted null sec got it and when they got it they discovered it was boring as **** and or they had to kowtow down to some ******* of a corp leader and be at the persons beck and call all the time and that created a lot of angst. Face it...null and low sec are broke because the players broke it. To many arseholes play in null and low sec and because they can't get their rocks off in null and low sec any longer, they decide to move back into high sec to just be the griefers they are and have always been.
Harrigan VonStudly
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#46 - 2012-05-04 06:29:50 UTC
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:
It is so funny because most of the whining on these boards seem to come from the people in null and low sec that can't stand that fact that their are, "shock", people that don't want to have crap to do with null or low sec space and the BS that takes place their.

You certainly are a whining little ****, aren't you? Even here too
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2012-05-04 06:33:06 UTC
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:

Most people that play EVE don't give a flying rats arse about null sec, and low sec.

you should be really ashamed!!! What?

there is big great alliances in 0.0 and great pvpers i nlow-sec!

you know: some of them are AWFUL and proud of it!

And you don't give a flying rats about them? What will they say in their schools: "no one is scared of me"? Lol

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Verte Sinkon
Amarr Empire
#48 - 2012-05-04 06:37:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Verte Sinkon
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:

I mean that is why they come to high sec to gank anyways, because they don't have the balls to do it in low and null sec. What a bunch of whining pansy arse players.

A generalized insult to the masculinity of gankers. How original.

Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:
Verte Sinkon wrote:
Well, for me personally, it is because I enjoy oppressing the impoverished mining underclass of EVE. Which is intensified when it leads them to rush to the forums to complain about the null sec bourgeoisie.

Actually if you play EVE you know that null sec is by far some of the safest and boring places to fly. In fact it is so boring that people like you cannot find stuff to do so you come to high sec because at least in high sec you can find something to blow up that doesn't fight back. You could you know, travel to many places in low sec and find an actual good fight, but that would be to hard for you and you wouldn't want that - no would you.

What is that old saying? "A good fight is one where a hulk blows up" or something. Why should I expend more effort in the pursuit of what you think qualifies as a "good fight" when, by your own admission, it would be harder for me then ganking? Considering it is a game, with people usually playing games to have fun, I'm not sure why you should even be surprised this happens.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2012-05-04 06:38:17 UTC  |  Edited by: MotherMoon
wait wait wait, tell me if I've got this right.

YOu want people to stop pushing their way of playing the game on you. Because, as you say, you think other people should leave you alone and stop trying to force you to play different. Which is what they do, they are playing eve the way they want to. They want to be pirates in a space mmo. That's pretty cool if you think about it, they are a bunch of nerds sitting at computers roleplaying that they are pirates. So really when one of them calls you a carebear nerd, just remember you're being insulted by someone who is playing a video game about space ships and taking it seriously.

So take your own advice. Don't force your play-style on other people. If they wan to play in the sandbox by being that bully who knocks down your sand castle yo spent hours doing? guess what, that's eve. It's the only game with a truly real sandbox environment. And that is how they choose to play the game, space pirates. BAsicly they are changing the way eve is played. More and more corps are going to start running hulkageddons. One day getting ganked while mining will be a real possibility.

There isn't 3 separate sandboxes to play in here, it's eve, it's less of a game then a bunch of objects thrown into a world, and then they just sort of let a bunch of us go nuts in it. They didn't set up a market with preset prices. players choose the prices on their own.

So what you want is allready whats going on here. Your mining game is not being changed by CCP, it's evolving socaily. Which could only happen in eve. It's Awesome.

*Note I have never been and will never be a pirate, to do so would get me kicked from my corp Huang, who have a strict non pirate code. We can only shoot reds. And as long as I still get to play my way, i don't care if other people want to be pirates. in fact I rely on that, if there weren't jerks that just want to troll people in eve, how would I have people to set red?

In fact, if they followed the Ops advice, all of us people who like to play in anti-pirate corps would have our whole game torn away from us, because if no one in eve could bully other players, there would be no one to protect.

How boring

Saia Tae Arragosa
#50 - 2012-05-04 06:38:27 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:

Most people that play EVE don't give a flying rats arse about null sec, and low sec.

you should be really ashamed!!! What?

there is big great alliances in 0.0 and great pvpers i nlow-sec!

you know: some of them are AWFUL and proud of it!

And you don't give a flying rats about them? What will they say in their schools: "no one is scared of me"? Lol

They only people that care about people in null sec are the people in null sec that tell themselves that their little virtual spaceship ego is important.
Harrigan VonStudly
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#51 - 2012-05-04 06:40:00 UTC
MotherMoon wrote:
wait wait wait, tell me if I've got this right.

YOu want people to stop pushing their way of playing the game on you. Because, as you say, you don't think other people should leave you alone and stop trying to force you to play different. Which is what they do, they are playing eve the way they want to. They want to be pirates in a space mmo. That's pretty cool if you think about it, they are a bunch of nerds sitting at computers roleplaying that they are pirates. So really when one of them calls you a carebear nerd, just remember you're being insulted by someone who is playing a video game about space ships and taking it seriously.

So take your own advice. Don't force your play-style on other people. If they wan to play in the sandbox by being that bully who knocks down your sand castle yo spent hours doing? guess what, that's eve. It's the only game with a truly real sandbox environment. And that is how they choose to play the game, space pirates. BAsicly they are changing the way eve is played. More and more corps are going to start running hulkageddons. One day getting ganked while mining will be a real possibility.

There isn't 3 separate sandboxes to play in here, it's eve, it's less of a game then a bunch of objects thrown into a world, and then they just sort of let a bunch of go nuts in it. They didn't set up a market with preset prices. players choose the prices on their own.

So what you want is allready whats going on here. Your mining game is not being changed by CCP, it's evoling socaily. Which could only happen in eve. it's Awesome.

Not empty quoting
TWHC Assistant
#52 - 2012-05-04 06:40:39 UTC
Funny thread. I like it!
Saia Tae Arragosa
#53 - 2012-05-04 06:42:22 UTC
MotherMoon wrote:
wait wait wait, tell me if I've got this right.

YOu want people to stop pushing their way of playing the game on you. Because, as you say, you don't think other people should leave you alone and stop trying to force you to play different. Which is what they do, they are playing eve the way they want to. They want to be pirates in a space mmo. That's pretty cool if you think about it, they are a bunch of nerds sitting at computers roleplaying that they are pirates. So really when one of them calls you a carebear nerd, just remember you're being insulted by someone who is playing a video game about space ships and taking it seriously.

So take your own advice. Don't force your play-style on other people. If they wan to play in the sandbox by being that bully who knocks down your sand castle yo spent hours doing? guess what, that's eve. It's the only game with a truly real sandbox environment. And that is how they choose to play the game, space pirates. BAsicly they are changing the way eve is played. More and more corps are going to start running hulkageddons. One day getting ganked while mining will be a real possibility.

There isn't 3 separate sandboxes to play in here, it's eve, it's less of a game then a bunch of objects thrown into a world, and then they just sort of let a bunch of go nuts in it. They didn't set up a market with preset prices. players choose the prices on their own.

So what you want is allready whats going on here. Your mining game is not being changed by CCP, it's evoling socaily. Which could only happen in eve. it's Awesome.

LOL! Oh the frothing at the mouth is almost as good as tears. Lol
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#54 - 2012-05-04 06:43:08 UTC
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:
Why force your play style on others?

Because I can.

Why play EVE otherwise?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Saia Tae Arragosa
#55 - 2012-05-04 06:45:27 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:
Why force your play style on others?

Because I can.

Why play EVE otherwise?

Malcanis you of all people are no're as pathetic as the others. If you were as badarse as you think you are you'd be tearing up the kill boards and raking in the loots. :)
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#56 - 2012-05-04 06:50:36 UTC
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:
Why force your play style on others?

Because I can.

Why play EVE otherwise?

Malcanis you of all people are no're as pathetic as the others. If you were as badarse as you think you are you'd be tearing up the kill boards and raking in the loots. :)

Well that's certainly put me and my many, many public claims to be a "badarse" in my place, eh?

Why not complete my humiliation by linking a few of them right here?

Alternatively, why not consider your assumptions before posting attacks on me?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#57 - 2012-05-04 06:50:53 UTC
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:
Why force your play style on others?

Because I can.

Why play EVE otherwise?

Malcanis you of all people are no're as pathetic as the others. If you were as badarse as you think you are you'd be tearing up the kill boards and raking in the loots. :)

he supports the vision and the essence of the game. Even if he doesn't play every role you can play in eve, he loves that he plays a game that allows for so many professions and play styles to exist. Go play a one player game. Or a game like guild wars 2. It's great I swear, awesome PvP, great PvE area, fun boss battles, real , whatever I don't need to advertise it, my point is guildwars 2 is not a sandbox, but it's also a good game, so if you don't like playing eve online, don't play it. There are other good MMOs!

Kievan Arakyd
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2012-05-04 06:52:59 UTC
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:
Why force your play style on others? I do not understand this drive from some players of EVE that think their style of playing the game is the only way. Who cares if some people wish to play in high sec? If you wish to blow **** up, you have null and low sec to do this all you want and the people in high sec really do not give a crap what you do - so why do you care what they do? Did it ever occur to you that some people just do not give a flying **** about your style of game play and just wish to be left alone to play the game the way they want to play it?

Most people that play EVE don't give a flying rats arse about null sec, and low sec. So why should those that choose to play in low and null sec give a flying rats arse about the people in high sec?

What is it about massively multiplayer sandbox dont you get? They arnt forcing a play style on you.

Got my Dust514 key...

Saia Tae Arragosa
#59 - 2012-05-04 06:58:29 UTC
MotherMoon wrote:
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:
Why force your play style on others?

Because I can.

Why play EVE otherwise?

Malcanis you of all people are no're as pathetic as the others. If you were as badarse as you think you are you'd be tearing up the kill boards and raking in the loots. :)

he supports the vision and the essence of the game. Even if he doesn't play every role you can play in eve, he loves that he plays a game that allows for so many professions and play styles to exist. Go play a one player game. Or a game like guild wars 2. It's great I swear, awesome PvP, great PvE area, fun boss battles, real , whatever I don't need to advertise it, my point is guildwars 2 is not a sandbox, but it's also a good game, so if you don't like playing eve online, don't play it. There are other good MMOs!

I support people blowing crap up. I want them to blow stuff up. It is how industrialist and miners make their living. You and the others of null and low sec have tons of space and lots of things to blow up, but instead of fighting it out amongst yourselves, because that would be to hard and difficult and go against the games design, you instead take out your angst on new players and or players that don't wish to partake in your game of who has the biggest virtual e-peons.
Sri Nova
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#60 - 2012-05-04 06:59:16 UTC
Saia Tae Arragosa wrote:

I disagree. I think the people that wanted null sec got it and when they got it they discovered it was boring as **** and or they had to kowtow down to some ******* of a corp leader and be at the persons beck and call all the time and that created a lot of angst. Face it...null and low sec are broke because the players broke it. To many arseholes play in null and low sec and because they can't get their rocks off in null and low sec any longer, they decide to move back into high sec to just be the griefers they are and have always been.

Oh it is very true that the players are to blame .

The players in high sec who hole up and have unintentionally forced CCP to change their vision of the game .

The players in low sec that made low sec into the wretch that is now.

The players in null sec have tried to make utopias but the mechanics are not there. the players could try harder but it always fails, ends up in civil war, or becomes overrun so yeah, it still comes down to the players (but they could use a lil more help from CCP) .

However lets not forget the players in high sec also effect the game, when a majority of them decide to hole up in high sec this creates a major shift in game play . One cannot expect no ramifications. (this very fact is pivotal as to why their is so much angst)

CCP is torn on the issue as well they introduced npc corp taxes to push people out, and into player corps. With the end result anticipated that more people would end up in null . Yet they introduce incursions to add more content into high sec.

A strong high sec makes for a weaker null and until this is resolved you will have issues. Many of the people in null are not hateful greifers they are the people trying to play the original vision of eve .

And the more that high sec is buffed (with players and mechanics) the more this vision will be dimmed.