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Test Server Feedback

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Mass test feedback thread - 3rd of May

First post
Nefilus Drey
The Illuminatii
Wrecktical Supremacy.
#61 - 2012-05-03 21:17:59 UTC
Running only 1 client.

Graphic settings:
Resource cache - disabled
HDR - disabled
Load station environment - enabled

Anti-aliasing - Disabled
Post Processing - High
Shader quality - Low
Texture Quality - High
LOD Quality - High
Shadow Quality - Low
Interior effects - High
Interior shader quality - High

1. During POS bash I was randomly moving (briefly) to different positions off the POS and then returning to where I was, 100km or so then it would move back.
2. Client crashed at POS. Relogging and turning off effects seemed to prevent further crashes.

General comments:
During the entire mass test it was very laggy, even with no brackets or effects. I was able to empty 2 load fulls of missiles onto the POS though. Didnt check FPS but would estimate around 10 on average.

Aside from the above no other issues for me.
Vinja Onzo
Balkan Mafia
#62 - 2012-05-03 21:18:39 UTC
[quote=CCP Habakuk]Hi! If you participated in the mass-test on the 3rd of May, please reply in this thread to give your feedback, based on following template:

Machine Info and Settings
HP 620
  • How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high):
  • low
    User Experience
    much freezing
  • Average FPS: POS- 2.5 , NPC- 4.5
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? I didnt
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
  • Great exp with so much players. You should make a eve game booster for low grade PCs, all in all it was nice.Big smile
    replicated one
    Gneiss Industrious Neighbors
    #63 - 2012-05-03 21:19:05 UTC  |  Edited by: replicated one
    Machine Info and Settings
    OS: Windows XP 32 bit
    RAM: 2 GB
    Graphics card: nvidia 8800 GTS
    CPU: Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66 GHz

    • How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
    • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): medium

    User Experience

    • Average FPS: 50 zoomed out, 20 zoomed in at start of test, 5-7 once jumps started, 2 or less during combat
    • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? yes, multiple
    • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: After the first crash during the pos shoot, every time I warped it always either showed my ship either at destination or where it was departing from, even in overview, while warping.
    • Sound also just cut out entirely during the POS shoot. It didn't come back until I restarted client after the gatecamp.
      In addition for about half a minute after returning to the POS bash, I had a square of blue rectangles around my ship.
      Later during the gatecamp fight, my client locked up for a number of minutes, showing me at 150+ km from anything when it finally started working again, with nothing happening for few more minutes when i tried to warp, only to be killed by a Tengu showing at 300+ km rather suddenly at that point.
    Vicktor Baal
    Caldari State
    #64 - 2012-05-03 21:19:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Vicktor Baal
    1 client

    windowed mode
    brackets on
    grafic high
    cpu: i7 64bit
    grafic card: HD5850 (driver v. 8.961.0.0)
    ram:6 GB
    OS: Win7 Professional

    average fps 60 - during test fps 10 or 7
    no crash during game (just only when I alt tabed for writing this post)
    During npc phase when I come back. I start to see start to see some strange things like this:
    grafic issues

    btw sexy Drake and Funny fof
    Morgon VonHoon
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #65 - 2012-05-03 21:20:38 UTC
    Machine Info and Settings
    AMD Phenom 9600 Quad-Core Processor
    2.31 GHz, 2.00GB Ram
    w/ NVIDA graphics card.

    How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
    Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low

    User Experience

    Average FPS: slow, very
    Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? crashed twice. very slow,
    Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
    Warped and stood still for 5 mins then appeared at gate, no idea was in warp.
    Laso Mbra
    Herrscher der Zeit
    Pandemic Horde
    #66 - 2012-05-03 21:20:59 UTC
    Machine Info and Settings

    Windows 7 64
    Intel Core i5 760
    Nvidia Geforce GTX 460
    8GB RAM

    How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
    Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): high

    User Experience

    Average FPS: 5-10
    Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? 2crashes , aftter switching missels off no crashes
    Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

    After warp to POS it seem that my Ships is switching beween three position.
    Game Crashes
    After restart, ship still switching its positions
    sometimes all other ships disapear
    in the fightsystem i did not had that problem

    I lost my ship after cease fire at planet 1 by some player that did not shop shooting. One tackeled me. Something like that kills the fun at masstesting and have to stop.
    Karak Bol
    Low-Sec Survival Ltd.
    #67 - 2012-05-03 21:21:31 UTC

    Machine Info and Settings

    How many clients were you running at the same time?


    Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high):

    Medium, switched to low mid test

    User Experience

    Average FPS:

    Didnt check, but low

    Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?


    Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

    Very laggy at Tower shooting, ships jumped around wildly. In warp to Poiton Gate, got visually stuck midwarp, saw ships on overview 60 AU away, as local dropped it worked again. Was not able to jump trough gate in time for fight.

    Deroth Murok
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #68 - 2012-05-03 21:23:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Deroth Murok
    Machine Info and Settings

    Intel i5 2500k
    6Gb RAM
    AMD HD6870
    Win 7 64 bit

    How many clients were you running at the same time?
    1 test client + TQ client in background

    Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high)
    High, brackets on

    User Experience

    Average FPS:
    Anywhere between 20 and 30 (except when multiple caps jump onto grid, then it drops to about 5)

    Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?
    Yes, client crashed

    Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.
    Client performance was good up until it crashed, but gameplay was poor. I was being teleported randomly all over the grid.
    #69 - 2012-05-03 21:23:50 UTC
    Clients: 1
    Settings: High, AA off, shader and shadow detail at medium and low respectively.

    Experience: What test? I was too busy crashing.

    Average FPS: I don't know. Maybe like 2, but only because of how much my client froze. Otherwise 20-35 approximately.

    Disconnects or crashes?: Oh dear, where do I even start. By my count I had 9 distinct crashes and too many client lockups to count. 5 of the nine crashes occurred during the "gatecamp" portion of the test, in which I also became stuck in a loop of emergency warping out of the fight to a random point at e-warp distance, and being unable to cancel the warp back, and then crashing the instant grid should've loaded. This happened about 5 times, in under 5 minutes.

    General experience: Poor, overall. Ship was jumping around grid at random, not even corresponding to directions I was actually travelling in. The ability to warp was for lack of a better word 'broken', and when I attempted to warp to the Poitot gate my Gila became melded with said gate, and the game was behaving as if I was there- But I hadn't initiated warp yet and was still actually registered as being at the POS. It took several minutes for the client to 'catch up' and actually allow me to jump through. After this, I attempted to aid Fleet W in the gate camp but was more or less unable to due to a hideously high rate of crashing and hangups. I was forced to do an emergency-moveme out of the system lest I continue to warp into the camp and crash for the remainder of the test. As such I did not get a chance to do the NPC fight thing at the end. Addendum: Missile explosions have no audio, Assault and I think Heavy launchers show a missile being launched from one side, but the effect itself comes from the other. Minor detail, didn't really notice unless I zoomed all the way in on the turret and scrutinized it's firing.

    #70 - 2012-05-03 21:25:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Rammix
    Windows 7 ultimate 64bit
    AMD Phenom II X6 1055T
    NVidia GeForce GTX 560Ti
    4G ram
    2 clients

    All brackets on. FPS below - with close camera view.

    Away from fleet, max-ed settings:
    FPS 150+

    at X-BV before jumping in:
    Resolution: 1920x1080 - Windowed: False - Audio: 1
    Drones: 1 - Explosions: 1 - Turrets: 1 - Effects: 1 - Missiles: 1 - Shader: 3 - Textures: 0 - HDR: 1 - Bloom: 0
    30-35 FPS

    at POS in Poitot:
    Resolution: 1920x1080 - Windowed: False - Audio: 0
    Drones: 0 - Explosions: 1 - Turrets: 1 - Effects: 1 - Missiles: 1 - Shader: 1 - Textures: 2 - HDR: 0 - Bloom: 0
    1-30 FPS

    Multiple crashes at POS.
    Average performance seems to be better than at previous mass-test.

    OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

    Covert cyno in highsec:

    GeeShizzle MacCloud
    #71 - 2012-05-03 21:25:59 UTC
    Machine Info and Settings

    win7 - 64 bit
    core i7 920 @ 2.67GHz
    6Gb DDR3 Patriot RAM
    MSI HD6950

    How many clients were you running at the same time?

    Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high):
    low... VERY VERY LOW

    User Experience

    Average FPS:
    10 -25

    Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?
    had to reconnect 3 times.

    Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
    warping to grid with everything either on low or off was fine... locking and fireing was fine. Then when i slowly added graphics settings, i got to missile effects and my spacial position shifted several times and my distance to objects on my overview compared to how it looked were totally different. my ships orientation and speed looked like they locked when in fact they were changing... i was moving sideways and backwards and with full mwd speed with no mwd on. Yet my view on objects didnt seem to move progressively. It would jump vastly from 70km to 300km on one side then suddenly the complete opposite side.

    decided warping off grid should break it and re-sync. Objects dissapeared from my overview and screen but my position in space around the same celestial stayed. had to relog to clear it and appear back in station as i couldnt dock regardless of how many times i requested to do so.

    the one time i did load grid smoothly with missile effects on was just after the official test finished, but when i launched a void bomb towards a cap i suddenly appeared 80km from everything, traveling in totally the wrong direction. then getting bomb notifications that id hit stuff.

    a LOT of desyncs and disconnects etc...
    Alexandra Alt
    #72 - 2012-05-03 21:28:49 UTC
    Machine Info and Settings

    • How many clients were you running at the same time?
    • - One
    • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high):
    • - Low

    User Experience

    • Average FPS:
    • around 10~15
    • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?
    • -1 crash when trying to send a bug report while warping into a big blob of ships
    • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

    - plenty of random teleporting while shooting the POS, on grid random teleporting
    - after cynoing into poitot, started to be bumped by caps near me (fight was happening) entered siege and kept teleporting constantly by about 1~2km until siege was over. System was already with high time dilation.
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #73 - 2012-05-03 21:30:27 UTC
    Machine Info and Settings
    W7 64 bit
    8 GB RAM
    i860 & 460 GTX

    How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
    Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): All high AA High

    User Experience

    Average FPS: 5-10
    Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? 4 crashes during POS shot
    Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: very very laggy
    Vas Vadum
    Draconian Empire
    #74 - 2012-05-03 21:31:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Vas Vadum
    CCP Habakuk wrote:
    Hi! If you participated in the mass-test on the 3rd of May, please reply in this thread to give your feedback, based on following template:

    Machine Info and Settings
    Windows 7 - 64 bit
    Intel Processor, i7 2.0GHz (Turbo boost running for 3.1GHz) {Core temp hit 160F during test!}
    nVidia GeForce GTX 560m 2GB VRAM
    8GB DDR3 RAM
    HDD speed 7200 RPM

    • How many clients were you running at the same time?
    1 client

    • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high):
    For first 8 minutes, Highest possible settings. After that lowest possible settings.

    User Experience
    • Average FPS:
    Highest settings it was between 30 to 5, kept getting lower as more ships arrived.
    Lowest settings it was above 17 at all times, somewhere between 17 and 30.

    • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?
    Crashed several times. 7 or 8, screenshots for some of them too. (Crash 3 or 4) (Apphang for 1 or 2 minutes)

    • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
    1. Several people were smart bombing during the entire test even after told not to.

    2. I suggest that the inventory window have a complete overhaul, I could not load my ammunition because my cargohold was full where as it always worked before this update. It would just swap the crystals no matter how much cargo space I had left, i had to abandon my radio Ls to load my guns with a different range crystal. (Unable to load Ammo)

    3. I also would like to suggest that Inventory windows that are separated, go back to the old look, to fit like this: (My current cargo and "invintory" setup on TQ)

    4. Since people love to grief no matter what, I'd like to suggest that smart bombs, warp bubbles and whatever else is not allowed during a test, would be set to do absolute 0 damage during the test if this is possible. Or an automated concord response happen to those people no matter what security level we are in, null or not. Only during tests though, so a flip switch for concord to come in and pop rule breakers the very instant they break a rule.

    5. CCP should not fire upon people when PVP isn't allowed during part of the test! >.> Yes, CCP was shooting at me! At least I think so, someone with CCP in their name was.
    Pic'n dor
    Sebiestor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #75 - 2012-05-03 21:32:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Pic'n dor
    Machine Info and Settings
    Mac OS 10.6.8
    MBP early 2008 : C2D 2.5GHZ 3gig DDR2 GeForce 8600M GT

    How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
    Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): all low

    User Experience

    Average FPS: 5-10

    Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? NO !!!! a windows client would have for sure !!!! Client was started 2hours before mass test.

    Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
    Lag everywhere of course but TiDi is great help.
    Grid is long as hell to load..

    found a rendering bug in "kill report" with T3 :
    you can see loki pic is not scaled correctly, same with the tengu (also in that km)


    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #76 - 2012-05-03 21:32:46 UTC
    Machine Info and Settings

    How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
    Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): high

    User Experience

    Average FPS: N/A
    Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? in pointet at gate fight and ever after
    Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: exciting till client locked up from excessive crashing,

    side note missiles arent calculating flight time and velocity bonuses.
    Ivy Mike's Munitions Expulsion Services
    #77 - 2012-05-03 21:33:14 UTC
    Machine Info and settings:

    Windows 7 pro 64 bit
    Intel core 2 quad Q8400 @2.66GHz
    6GB DDR2 RAM
    Nvidia GTS 250 1GB VRAM

    • I was running 1 client

    • Graphics settings were all on high


    • My average fps was about 3 Ugh

    • 1 Disconnect during the fleet battle, I was just succeeding as well Sad

    • Pretty much what I expected from a mass test with that many people apart from a couple of instances of attempting to warp. When I tried warping away from the pos to get to Poitot I span round and started warping, but then instead of warping I simply sat there, with the little blue speedometer at the bottom at full with warp on it. There was nothing around me, but I was apparently only 44km away from the pos beacon. The appearence of it was very similar to if I was surrounded by other objects, my ship kept turning in different directions, like it was constantly being bumped. After a couple of minutes of waiting for it to do something I tried stopping my ship, to see if that would make any difference, it did not. After a few more minutes of waiting for it to do something I finally appeared slap bang in the middle of a lot of ships next to the gate. After that everything went as expected. This also occured when I warped away from Poitot 1, where we were shooting npcs, to get to the first station in that system.
    Nanami Sakura
    N.N Sakura Corporation
    #78 - 2012-05-03 21:35:14 UTC
    Machine Info and Settings
    Win XP SP3 ; Amd Athlon 64 X2 Dual 3800+ ; 2gb ram ; Radeon HD 6570

    How many clients were you running at the same time? one
    Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low

    User Experience

    Average FPS: 3-6
    Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? crashed, at jump to Poitot, must reboot
    Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Warped and stood still for 3-4 mins after then appeared at gate, no idea was in warp. laggy at Tower shooting.
    Eli Green
    The Arrow Project
    #79 - 2012-05-03 21:36:09 UTC
    Machine Info and Settings

    Windows 7 64
    Intel core i3
    6GB RAM

    How many clients were you running at the same time?


    Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high)


    User Experience

    First time in a mass test and a large fleet fight, was awesome!

    Average FPS:

    windowed mode

    zoomed in no brackets 3-6
    zoomed out no brackets 26-32

    Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?


    Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

    Camera jumped from place to place uncontrollably during POS bash, warping away from the POS reaced the gate graphically but was not actually there, smooth for the most part everywhere else, audio cut out after the fleet fight


    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #80 - 2012-05-03 21:40:09 UTC
    Machine Info and Settings

    How many clients were you running at the same time?
    One (1) Client

    Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high):

    User Experience
    Average FPS:
    Varying, did not check actual numbers.

    Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?
    Two (2) Crashes, after which I did not reconnect. At one point the sound completely shut off, but only in the EVE client, not the entire computer system.

    Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
    Parts of the fight went pretty smooth, mostly the gatecamp fight. While shooting the POS the first odd thing I encountered was a teleport into the station in the starting system of the test setup. Probably because of severe LAG in the mass teleport channel, since I gave up after a while and used the regular MOVEME channel to get near the destination and was ported shortly afterwards.

    While shooting the POS my ship teleported around in space, somewhere from 20-80km of the initial warp-in beacon. I tried to move closer to the POS or away from smartbombing carriers, but my ship did not respond in a timely manner.

    After the POS shooting I warped to the outgate, but there was severe lag and I ended up close to the gate, but without grid and waiting quite a while to jump through.