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Skill Discussions

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destroyers/BC skills

Preacher Garra
Enemies of the Republic
#1 - 2012-04-24 18:17:48 UTC
I am new and want to know what skills to train if going for trading and some pvp action with either destroyers tech II or battlecruisers?


Heun zero
#2 - 2012-04-24 22:01:06 UTC
For trading just look under the trading in your char sheet. Trading doesnt require a lot of skills, certainly not if you just want to get started in it. The only additional thing you might need is an industrial ship.
for combat / pvp skills i recommend you check out the core competency certificate skills and the recommended certificate skills for the ship. focus on the weapon and tanking skills first (either shield or armor depending on what race and ships you fly

one other skill worth mentioning is thermodynamics, very usefull in pv

and on a side note. tech II battlecruisers (aka command ships) have insanely long training times , so I doubt they're worth going for as a new player. I'm wondering why you choose those 2 ships, as they dont seem very logical ships to start out with, destroyers are allright maybe. I'm guessing that it has something to do with the proposed changes to make both destroyers and battlecruisers racial skills?
Preacher Garra
Enemies of the Republic
#3 - 2012-04-25 06:16:52 UTC
The battlecruisers is just something i want for in the long run, but i have to start training some features right now, i will start with tech II frigates and destroyers.

do you need all core competency skills?

I already started with the tanking and weapon skills, so that was a good move, great! I do have a sigil, which is the starting industry ship for the ammar, been using it with expanded cargohold for mining when i'm not doing anything interesting, although mining is interesting cause it makes me ISK.

Thx for the tips man.

Anything else you would recommend for a noob?


Heun zero
#4 - 2012-04-25 08:48:46 UTC
Out of the core competency skills the fitting skills are probably most important in the beginning, along with the capacitor skills. That being said as a new player you should probably focus on skills that make the game more fun for you. For most players that means unlocking new ships and being able to fit bigger guns on them. Your corp mates should be able to help you with what exactly you can fit on your ship and then you can see what skills are needed for those modules.

The best advice I can give to any newbie is to have fun!. So dont mine if you dont like it, don't immediatly start training skills that will only benefit you in the long run, but skills that help you out immediatly. Dont wait with pvp if thats what you want to get into but you feel that you're not skilled enough, just get yourself a t1 frigate and start shooting people.

And last but not least. Dont let other people tell you how to play the game. You dont have to fit your ships everyone else does in eve. You dont have to do the same things that other people do in eve. There are plenty of activities that you can get started in, in eve so just give stuff a try and if you dont like it, stop doing it.

Hope that helps
Preacher Garra
Enemies of the Republic
#5 - 2012-04-25 09:35:35 UTC
All good advice man. HAVE FUN! i like that, i am having fun, and i like a lot of stuff just i know that i can't focus on everything. So i will focus on 2 or maybe 3 things depending on what i like, but first i need money.

THX again man.


Heun zero
#6 - 2012-04-25 23:01:04 UTC
if you have any more question mail me or convo me ingame
Lost Greybeard
Drunken Yordles
#7 - 2012-05-01 20:20:51 UTC
If you want to PvP, the general order I'd train your combat stuff is:

Step 1: basic access and playablility

Get frigates 4, cruisers 3, BC 3, and destroyers to whatever you feel the need for in the race you most want to fly. Grab the basic skills to equip all the tech 1/meta modules you want to fit.

Step 2: enhancing playability

Do your core competency stuff, buff up your weapon secondaries for the two primary weapons systems you prefer (usually a turret type and either drones or missiles, depending on the ship type you enjoy flying.

Step 3: T2 _weapons_

Self explanatory. Unlock the tech 2 version of your weapons in small and medium size categories. You probably have most other modules you use available in T2 form from step 2. If you don't, do so.

Step 4: Specialize

Pick a ship or ship category you want to fly (BCs, destroyers, frigates, cruisers). Push the core Spaceship command skill to V. Look at T2 versions of the ship. Either realize that you've picked frigates and T2 frigates are awesome, or realize that you picked something else and T2 are all incredibly role-specialized, and max all your skills for a T1 hull instead.

Step 5: T2 Ships

Decide to try one of the hyper-specialized roles for your fleet. Say, you think having only six modules to click is pretty boss, so you want to go for logistics. Train the T2 ship skill to 4. Fly around. Still not bored? Great! Train it to V. Bored? **** it, try something else. Maybe look in on the BS category now that you've been flying around getting blown up in small/medium ships for a year or so...

(NOTE: Obviously not the best plan for everyone, but if you had a specific plan you wouldn't be asking such a general question, so this seems like a good track.)
Preacher Garra
Enemies of the Republic
#8 - 2012-05-02 06:28:48 UTC
Lost Greybeard wrote:
If you want to PvP, the general order I'd train your combat stuff is:

Step 1: basic access and playablility

Get frigates 4, cruisers 3, BC 3, and destroyers to whatever you feel the need for in the race you most want to fly. Grab the basic skills to equip all the tech 1/meta modules you want to fit.

Step 1: Frigates 4, check; cruisers 3 check; destroyers 4 check; Basic skills for all tech 1/meta modules, check. BC 3 NOT YET.

Step 2: enhancing playability

Do your core competency stuff, buff up your weapon secondaries for the two primary weapons systems you prefer (usually a turret type and either drones or missiles, depending on the ship type you enjoy flying.

Step 2: core competency stuff, check; weapon secondaries check for energy turrets and missiles. Aiming for large energy turrets for any combat, nuclear firepower (low sec and null sec) and shrapnel bombs for null sec encounters

Step 3: T2 _weapons_

Self explanatory. Unlock the tech 2 version of your weapons in small and medium size categories. You probably have most other modules you use available in T2 form from step 2. If you don't, do so.

Step 3: Tech 2 weapons some available already. mostly energy turrets

Step 4: Specialize

Pick a ship or ship category you want to fly (BCs, destroyers, frigates, cruisers). Push the core Spaceship command skill to V. Look at T2 versions of the ship. Either realize that you've picked frigates and T2 frigates are awesome, or realize that you picked something else and T2 are all incredibly role-specialized, and max all your skills for a T1 hull instead.

Step 4: hmm will probably start flying a T2 cruiser soon, gotta make some more isk though. Final aim is to fly a BC with battleship capability; the ORACLE; I will get spaceship command 5 anyways for some ships its mandatory, T1 hull skills are already in training

Step 5: T2 Ships

Decide to try one of the hyper-specialized roles for your fleet. Say, you think having only six modules to click is pretty boss, so you want to go for logistics. Train the T2 ship skill to 4. Fly around. Still not bored? Great! Train it to V. Bored? **** it, try something else. Maybe look in on the BS category now that you've been flying around getting blown up in small/medium ships for a year or so...

Step 5: I will dedicate myself to T2 ships, but at this point ISK and training is more important

(NOTE: Obviously not the best plan for everyone, but if you had a specific plan you wouldn't be asking such a general question, so this seems like a good track.)

After i actually asked the question i got into the certificate thing, and started to study this looking at what i want and how to get that fastest


Shaen Vesuvius
#9 - 2012-05-02 11:58:04 UTC
Just make sure you play EvE while training up skills. Don't let the training queue get into the way of things.

Things: blowing up spaceships and / or making ISK.
Heun zero
#10 - 2012-05-03 08:29:59 UTC
Preacher Garra wrote:

After i actually asked the question i got into the certificate thing, and started to study this looking at what i want and how to get that fastest

One thing to remember about the certificates though is that although they are a good guideline for new players to see what kind of skills would be usefull for them to train. There are some mediocre certificates at best in there. So check out each skills and see what it does. If you dont think it's usefull then dont train it just to get the certificate
Preacher Garra
Enemies of the Republic
#11 - 2012-05-03 08:44:55 UTC
Shaen Vesuvius wrote:
Just make sure you play EvE while training up skills. Don't let the training queue get into the way of things.

Things: blowing up spaceships and / or making ISK.



Preacher Garra
Enemies of the Republic
#12 - 2012-05-03 08:49:22 UTC
Heun zero wrote:
Preacher Garra wrote:

After i actually asked the question i got into the certificate thing, and started to study this looking at what i want and how to get that fastest

One thing to remember about the certificates though is that although they are a good guideline for new players to see what kind of skills would be usefull for them to train. There are some mediocre certificates at best in there. So check out each skills and see what it does. If you dont think it's usefull then dont train it just to get the certificate

I read everything i see, either it be a certificate or a skill, i train only what i think is useful for what i am aiming to fly and wanna do in this New Eden. I have checked a lot of skills right now and have a plan made on what i want, certificate and skill wise. I am still a noob, but i'm starting to get the idea behind the training queue, the certificates are and where to go.
I am glad i have some people in the corp and on the forums that know there way around and offer help and advice.
