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Thanks for Burn Jita! Please do it again sometime!

Aruken Marr
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-04-29 16:18:15 UTC
Did it ever occur to you that things may have been more entertaining if you'd taken part in the shooting rather than some baiting faggotry?
Darth Gustav
Sith Interstellar Tech Harvesting
#22 - 2012-04-29 16:19:32 UTC
Xython wrote:
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Trolls want some attention. Mmkay.

I'm more than willing to give you all the attention you need.

Just as soon as you post something original, give me at least a 6/10.

Get to it.

You say we need attention, but you're literally posting in every open thread about Burn Jita trying to convince someone, anyone to believe you when you say it wasn't a success.

I'm sorry we didn't get around to killing your ship, with TiDi and the Lag outside of the undock, well, frankly we missed a few. A terrible tragedy, I'm sure.

But then again, you might just be too spacepoor to have made a good target. Just what were you carrying, anyway?

I'm betting on Heavy Water from QQ's tbh.

He who trolls trolls best when he who is trolled trolls the troller. -Darth Gustav's Axiom

Jacob Staffuer
#23 - 2012-04-29 16:19:54 UTC
Xython wrote:
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Trolls want some attention. Mmkay.

I'm more than willing to give you all the attention you need.

Just as soon as you post something original, give me at least a 6/10.

Get to it.

You say we need attention, but you're literally posting in every open thread about Burn Jita trying to convince someone, anyone to believe you when you say it wasn't a success.

I'm sorry we didn't get around to killing your ship, with TiDi and the Lag outside of the undock, well, frankly we missed a few. A terrible tragedy, I'm sure.

But then again, you might just be too spacepoor to have made a good target. Just what were you carrying, anyway?

You sound mad, broh.

Maybe if you posted better you would have been allowed to participate.

Sucks for you I guess. Cry
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2012-04-29 16:21:42 UTC
Aruken Marr wrote:
Did it ever occur to you that things may have been more entertaining if you'd taken part in the shooting rather than some baiting faggotry?

Hey hey now, Shooting people in highsec would mean you'd loose a 4 million isk ship to Concord, and everyone knows the only reason to ever play EVE is to cause your wallet score to rise -- it's a measure of epeen length, after all. That's why Goons and other PVP players are obviously sociopaths, they do things that don't cause the wallet score to go up.
Mistress Lilu
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-04-29 16:24:03 UTC
I to also expected something much much bigger than what really happened.
Mittardi all hype and no delivery.
I think those are the same words the prostitutes in his captains q. said.
gooons, goons pets = loosers.
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2012-04-29 16:25:09 UTC
npc corp disapproval - the worst kind of disapproval
Jacob Staffuer
#27 - 2012-04-29 16:25:16 UTC
Mistress Lilu wrote:
I to also expected something much much bigger than what really happened.
Mittardi all hype and no delivery.
I think those are the same words the prostitutes in his captains q. said.
gooons, goons pets = loosers.

INB4 "lol how much did you lose?"
Aruken Marr
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2012-04-29 16:26:17 UTC
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2012-04-29 16:27:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Xython
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Xython wrote:
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Trolls want some attention. Mmkay.

I'm more than willing to give you all the attention you need.

Just as soon as you post something original, give me at least a 6/10.

Get to it.

You say we need attention, but you're literally posting in every open thread about Burn Jita trying to convince someone, anyone to believe you when you say it wasn't a success.

I'm sorry we didn't get around to killing your ship, with TiDi and the Lag outside of the undock, well, frankly we missed a few. A terrible tragedy, I'm sure.

But then again, you might just be too spacepoor to have made a good target. Just what were you carrying, anyway?

You sound mad, broh.

Maybe if you posted better you would have been allowed to participate.

Sucks for you I guess. Cry

I lost 11 ships total, killing 3 gift ships (that won't be coming back, ever) and about 5 loaded industrials. My Pilot Efficiency (ISK) is 96.53% even without those extra ships loaded into the killboard, with them it would be closer to 99.5% or so.

I feel smug as hell about this especially knowing that in a few hours I will quite literally be paid by Goonswarm to have participated (as I was making my own Thrashers for less than the reimbursement cost). That puts my efficiency at well above 100%.

Not only that I had a blast hanging out with everyone, got to be part (however small) of EVE history, and finally drove my Sec status from 5.0 to -0.9, the only reason I didn't get it down to -3 or so being that I ran out of time.

And I got to play Used Car Salesman a little bit -- I was making Thrashers for such a low amount of money that I helped stockpile the alliance contracts so others could get right back into the fight without having to build their own, and made ~6 million each ship. And they'll be reimbursed as well for their purchases.

In short: I had fun in EVE yesterday. Can you honestly say you did?
Jacob Staffuer
#30 - 2012-04-29 16:31:56 UTC
Xython wrote:
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Xython wrote:
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Trolls want some attention. Mmkay.

I'm more than willing to give you all the attention you need.

Just as soon as you post something original, give me at least a 6/10.

Get to it.

You say we need attention, but you're literally posting in every open thread about Burn Jita trying to convince someone, anyone to believe you when you say it wasn't a success.

I'm sorry we didn't get around to killing your ship, with TiDi and the Lag outside of the undock, well, frankly we missed a few. A terrible tragedy, I'm sure.

But then again, you might just be too spacepoor to have made a good target. Just what were you carrying, anyway?

You sound mad, broh.

Maybe if you posted better you would have been allowed to participate.

Sucks for you I guess. Cry

I lost 11 ships total, killing 3 gift ships (that won't be coming back, ever) and about 5 loaded freighters. My Pilot Efficiency (ISK) is 96.53% even without those extra ships loaded into the killboard, with them it would be closer to 99.5% or so.

I feel smug as hell about this especially knowing that in a few hours I will quite literally be paid by Goonswarm to have participated (as I was making my own Thrashers for less than the reimbursement cost). That puts my efficiency at well above 100%.

Not only that I had a blast hanging out with everyone, got to be part (however small) of EVE history, and finally drove my Sec status from 5.0 to -0.9, the only reason I didn't get it down to -3 or so being that I ran out of time.

And I got to play Used Car Salesman a little bit -- I was making Thrashers for such a low amount of money that I helped stockpile the alliance contracts so others could get right back into the fight without having to build their own, and made ~6 million each ship. And they'll be reimbursed as well for their purchases.

In short: I had fun in EVE yesterday. Can you honestly say you did?

Awwww it's so cute how he tries to "prove himself" on the forums and explain why his killboard sucks. "B-b-b-but, my efficiency! i made those Thrashers with my bare hands!"
Aruken Marr
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2012-04-29 16:36:05 UTC
Jacob Staffuer wrote:

Awwww it's so cute how he tries to "prove himself" on the forums and explain why his killboard sucks. "B-b-b-but, my efficiency! i made those Thrashers with my bare hands!"

There's still 6 hours of precious time left. Maybe you should undock with a cargo hold full of plex and see if anyone takes the bait~
Dennmoth Ferdier
Zero Gravity Productions
#32 - 2012-04-29 16:42:53 UTC
Jacob Staffuer wrote:

Awwww it's so cute how he tries to "prove himself" on the forums and explain why his killboard sucks. "B-b-b-but, my efficiency! i made those Thrashers with my bare hands!"

What I find cute is the fact that you bite at every single troll and go on a limb to spread dissatisfaction for the event, by yourself I might add.

So I'll be serious for just a moment and ask you, why is it so important to you to run around yelling fail?

If the reason isn't that you lost something, have you fallen to a goon recry scam sometime before, or perhaps a bitter victim of some hulkageddon, or did they just not let you join? Entertain us :)
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2012-04-29 16:46:22 UTC
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Awwww it's so cute how he tries to "prove himself" on the forums and explain why his killboard sucks. "B-b-b-but, my efficiency! i made those Thrashers with my bare hands!"

I don't have to prove anything to you, pubbie. But you're dodging the question.

I had fun in EVE this weekend. Did you?
Alexa Coates
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2012-04-29 17:08:13 UTC
I sat in jita all day, with an officer fitted dominix, and didn't even get targetted. ya'll suck at ganking.

That's a Templar, an Amarr fighter used by carriers.

Jacob Staffuer
#35 - 2012-04-29 17:11:07 UTC
Dennmoth Ferdier wrote:
Jacob Staffuer wrote:

Awwww it's so cute how he tries to "prove himself" on the forums and explain why his killboard sucks. "B-b-b-but, my efficiency! i made those Thrashers with my bare hands!"

What I find cute is the fact that you bite at every single troll and go on a limb to spread dissatisfaction for the event, by yourself I might add.

So I'll be serious for just a moment and ask you, why is it so important to you to run around yelling fail?

If the reason isn't that you lost something, have you fallen to a goon recry scam sometime before, or perhaps a bitter victim of some hulkageddon, or did they just not let you join? Entertain us :)

Hint: 99% of EVE didn't care, and they didn't care so much that they can't even be arsed to post. For every post I make, there's 10,000 other people who can't even be bothered.

I'll be serious for a moment and ask: Why is it so important for you to stop me from pointing out that it was a fail? I mean, if it was such a solid success, surely the words of some NPC-corp alt wouldn't be so important that you'd make yourselves look like idiots with constant "umads"? and "what ship did you lose?"'s.
Dennmoth Ferdier
Zero Gravity Productions
#36 - 2012-04-29 17:30:09 UTC
Jacob Staffuer wrote:

Hint: 99% of EVE didn't care, and they didn't care so much that they can't even be arsed to post. For every post I make, there's 10,000 other people who can't even be bothered.

I'll be serious for a moment and ask: Why is it so important for you to stop me from pointing out that it was a fail? I mean, if it was such a solid success, surely the words of some NPC-corp alt wouldn't be so important that you'd make yourselves look like idiots with constant "umads"? and "what ship did you lose?"'s.

Narh man you got me all wrong. I don't even want to try to stop you, I simply asked why, and you failed to answer my simple question.

It's true 99% of eve didn't care, but who ever said that they should? Goons said they'd hit jita, and they hit it with enough force and caused enough damage that it's pretty much unparalleled. They never said they'd kill every single one person who showed their face there, nor that they would be on the lips of everyone in the entire game, ever.

They did what they promised, what more could ya want.

Also, I'm still curious, why do you care so much?
TWHC Assistant
#37 - 2012-04-29 17:35:30 UTC
Miilla wrote:
When are we burning Rens?

Miilla thinks of herself as a Goon. It is a total loss of identity. Roll
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2012-04-29 17:36:25 UTC
Lexmana wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
I just wanna know how did Eve benefit from this and more importantly, where's my share of the reward?.

In addition to the entertainment brought to all current players of EVE the event generated some nice PR that is sure to bring in even more players. Your reward is a thriving EVE online.

Already read that exaggerated press release and commented about it in another thread. My reward is a thriving Eve? I didn't know Eve was stagnate.

Xython wrote:
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Awwww it's so cute how he tries to "prove himself" on the forums and explain why his killboard sucks. "B-b-b-but, my efficiency! i made those Thrashers with my bare hands!"

I don't have to prove anything to you, pubbie. But you're dodging the question.

I had fun in EVE this weekend. Did you?

I have fun in Eve everyday but it sounds like you don't. One thing is for sure, you seem to have pubbie stuck in your mouth.
David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2012-04-29 17:41:10 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Lexmana wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
I just wanna know how did Eve benefit from this and more importantly, where's my share of the reward?.

In addition to the entertainment brought to all current players of EVE the event generated some nice PR that is sure to bring in even more players. Your reward is a thriving EVE online.

Already read that exaggerated press release and commented about it in another thread. My reward is a thriving Eve? I didn't know Eve was stagnate.

Xython wrote:
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Awwww it's so cute how he tries to "prove himself" on the forums and explain why his killboard sucks. "B-b-b-but, my efficiency! i made those Thrashers with my bare hands!"

I don't have to prove anything to you, pubbie. But you're dodging the question.

I had fun in EVE this weekend. Did you?

I have fun in Eve everyday but it sounds like you don't. One thing is for sure, you seem to have pubbie stuck in your mouth.

I've got to ask. Why are you posting on two of your alts in the same thread? Seems rather odd to me.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2012-04-29 17:45:03 UTC
Dennmoth Ferdier wrote:

Narh man you got me all wrong. I don't even want to try to stop you, I simply asked why, and you failed to answer my simple question.

It's true 99% of eve didn't care, but who ever said that they should? Goons said they'd hit jita, and they hit it with enough force and caused enough damage that it's pretty much unparalleled. They never said they'd kill every single one person who showed their face there, nor that they would be on the lips of everyone in the entire game, ever.

They did what they promised, what more could ya want.

Also, I'm still curious, why do you care so much?

Actually dude, you're wrong. They claimed in multiple threads they were going to crash and burn Jita to the ground, break the market and gank all Empire citizens, ship class didn't matter.

It was nothing more than a little intermission, a mildly entertaining distraction from the normal humdrum of usual activities. The press got more hyped on it than the players. It definitely has been running this forum for the past month.
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