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evealopalous Keyloggers?

First post
Tanith YarnDemon
Hypernet Inc.
Umbrella Chemical Inc
#41 - 2012-04-27 13:24:01 UTC
FIrst off, I've admitably not tried the site, for a very simple reason. I heard of it through spam. So far I dare say 100% of the sites who have primarily marketed themselves through spam have been either proven scams or dubious(I won't list synergy as a scam, yes, the site owner wins most of the winnings, yes, it's probably unethical but not necessarily a scam). This is my personal experience and opinion, nothing else. It explains my lack of experience of your site.

As for the virustotal links, it's fairly pointless for a webmaster to point such a link. Not only are they obscenely inaccurate, but they're also relying on the current state of a site. If someone with access to the site posts a link to it, it's quite clearly not going to contain anything detectable at the moment. This is no different from a scammer in jita posting a screenshot of it's wallet to "prove his validity". Yes, digging up a cached version of the site MIGHT prove some more validity, sadly, I very much doubt anyone savvy and lets face it paranoid enough to keep such things would ever visit a site, such as this one.

As for the part about being unable to control where people spam, ALL other major lotteries and services have managed to do this quite well, to mention a few: BIG, Ships of EVE and Somer.Blink. None of them have any substantial amount of spam in public channels, and the rare occurence of such is typically handled by a slap on the wrist or removal of referral codes. There's no reason a site such as your own couldn't do the same.
Tauren Tom
Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#42 - 2012-04-27 13:32:46 UTC
In the grand scheme of things... You're all pubbies. So HTFU.   "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses." - Elwood Blues
Jebediah MacAhab Dallocort
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2012-04-27 13:37:27 UTC
You spammed your own forum topic with referral links when you had no reason to. Therefore, not only was that stupid, but it tells me quite conclusively that you gained access to those user accounts with a keylogger or trojan.

Well, that and the identical formatting, spelling and grammar of your "users".

How to Improve Quality Assurance at CCP

Professional Programmer, DBA, Game Developer and Systems Analyst

Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2012-04-27 14:36:52 UTC
Tanith YarnDemon wrote:
FIrst off, I've admitably not tried the site, for a very simple reason. I heard of it through spam. So far I dare say 100% of the sites who have primarily marketed themselves through spam have been either proven scams or dubious(I won't list synergy as a scam, yes, the site owner wins most of the winnings, yes, it's probably unethical but not necessarily a scam). This is my personal experience and opinion, nothing else. It explains my lack of experience of your site.

As for the virustotal links, it's fairly pointless for a webmaster to point such a link. Not only are they obscenely inaccurate, but they're also relying on the current state of a site. If someone with access to the site posts a link to it, it's quite clearly not going to contain anything detectable at the moment. This is no different from a scammer in jita posting a screenshot of it's wallet to "prove his validity". Yes, digging up a cached version of the site MIGHT prove some more validity, sadly, I very much doubt anyone savvy and lets face it paranoid enough to keep such things would ever visit a site, such as this one.

As for the part about being unable to control where people spam, ALL other major lotteries and services have managed to do this quite well, to mention a few: BIG, Ships of EVE and Somer.Blink. None of them have any substantial amount of spam in public channels, and the rare occurence of such is typically handled by a slap on the wrist or removal of referral codes. There's no reason a site such as your own couldn't do the same.


Hyperlinks are easily SNAFU' wouldn't be able to tell where it goes let alone what it leads too until you clicked it. Even if it looks can still redirect you like crazy. (anti redirect mods FTW!)

There is no such thing as a "virus scanner" for a web page because your so called virus isn't going to take place until you actually download the file waiting at the end of the chain of referrals and reroutes.

Oh sure I'm certain people have written things to scan source codes of web pages but its too damn easy to hide that crap in server side languages and various things.... which is why its common sense to NOT click the links.

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Jeniam Retriat
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2012-04-27 14:39:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Jeniam Retriat
I've seen lots of these links in local around hisec - I had assumed that the site just gave people a standard form message to spam with their referrer link. Outside of market hubs there seem to be quite a few who flit around highsec dropping off the advert in local for each system they pass through - you'll see the message in local, then a few seconds later they're gone from the member list.

I did once ask a spammer in local what the deal with the site was, and got an a reply and dialogue with the spammer, so there was definitely a human at the keyboard that time, though whether that human was the account owner or not I have no idea.
Istvaan Shogaatsu
Guiding Hand Social Club
#46 - 2012-04-27 14:58:31 UTC
Well, safe or not, gambling still remains something I won't do. I far prefer certainty to chance. Pirate
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2012-04-27 15:09:03 UTC
any site that needs spam in order to grow needs to burn with fire and GTFO
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2012-04-27 18:12:23 UTC
So you guys are saying that the spam makes the site annoying?
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2012-04-27 18:18:14 UTC
I guess I can eliminate the referral system for now.

On the note about the key logger, there is none. There is no worm, no virus, or any other malicious software.

@ Tauren Tom
Essence Riviera has indeed been hanging out in my EVEalopalous channel ;)

He probably made more ISK referring than doing whatever he did for your corp.

I will test what the site works like without the referral system soon.
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2012-04-27 18:49:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Eep Eep
Tauren Tom wrote:

How about you show the actual results?
This is only an IP lookup

"It should also be noted that lack of a listing in this database, does NOT mean it is "clean" or "safe" (and certainly does not mean it is approved by hpHosts!), it could simply be that I'm not yet aware of it, or haven't yet analyzed it. If you suspect a domain is malicious, and it's not yet listed in the database, please consider dropping by the forums and letting me know.

The site is indeed very new.
Tauren Tom
Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#51 - 2012-04-27 19:00:06 UTC
Eep Eep wrote:
Tauren Tom wrote:

How about you show the actual results?

"It should also be noted that lack of a listing in this database, does NOT mean it is "clean" or "safe" (and certainly does not mean it is approved by hpHosts!), it could simply be that I'm not yet aware of it, or haven't yet analyzed it. If you suspect a domain is malicious, and it's not yet listed in the database, please consider dropping by the forums and letting me know.

The site is indeed very new.

To begin with, insulting my corporation and mates is intolerable. And we don't make anyone in our corporation do anything which they do not like nor do we require they participate in all events we hold. If you insist on attacking people and other corporations then you should do so in some semblance of fair play. Continuing to do such things merely lowers my overall opinion of you and your tactics. Play dirty and get a bad reputation if you so wish. No skin off my back.

Secondly, I linked to the results page which displays all of the tests undertaken and not merely the test evidencing a detected issue. I play fair and don't omit the facts that can be used for both sides. If you only post one side of the story don't expect the rest of the community to be any better in their rebuttals.
In the grand scheme of things... You're all pubbies. So HTFU.   "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses." - Elwood Blues
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2012-04-27 19:06:49 UTC
Tauren Tom wrote:
Eep Eep wrote:
Tauren Tom wrote:

How about you show the actual results?

"It should also be noted that lack of a listing in this database, does NOT mean it is "clean" or "safe" (and certainly does not mean it is approved by hpHosts!), it could simply be that I'm not yet aware of it, or haven't yet analyzed it. If you suspect a domain is malicious, and it's not yet listed in the database, please consider dropping by the forums and letting me know.

The site is indeed very new.

To begin with, insulting my corporation and mates is intolerable. And we don't make anyone in our corporation do anything which they do not like nor do we require they participate in all events we hold. If you insist on attacking people and other corporations then you should do so in some semblance of fair play. Continuing to do such things merely lowers my overall opinion of you and your tactics. Play dirty and get a bad reputation if you so wish. No skin off my back.

Secondly, I linked to the results page which displays all of the tests undertaken and not merely the test evidencing a detected issue. I play fair and don't omit the facts that can be used for both sides. If you only post one side of the story don't expect the rest of the community to be any better in their rebuttals.

Insult your corp?
I guess it is insulting if your corp didn't make as much ISK for Essence Riviera as I did.
The truth hurts sometimes.

And all the results you linked all showed clean except for the IP problem which is NOT a big issue.

Faith Patrouette
Careless Carebears Inc.
#53 - 2012-04-27 19:10:28 UTC
Eep Eep wrote:
So you guys are saying that the spam makes the site annoying?

Spam = annoying

Using spam to advertise your site makes you look desperate.
Especially using spam as 'we are better then this and that site! For no other reason then because we spam more!

So no this all does not make your site annoying, it makes your advertising strategy anoying.
As do your replies to many people in this topic.
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2012-04-27 19:11:06 UTC
But really Tom, insult your corp?

This is childish. You guys have seen the (proof of no viruses)
yet no (proof of any existing viruses).

AND I bet now they will start to come in with false images ;)
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2012-04-27 19:11:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Eep Eep
Faith Patrouette wrote:
Eep Eep wrote:
So you guys are saying that the spam makes the site annoying?

Spam = annoying

Using spam to advertise your site makes you look desperate.
Especially using spam as 'we are better then this and that site! For no other reason then because we spam more!

So no this all does not make your site annoying, it makes your advertising strategy anoying.
As do your replies to many people in this topic.

Meh, honesty can be annoying I guess.

And I didn't tell anyone how to advertise. They do so on their own free will

(and of course now you will say something to counter this. The never ending online argument)

Sorry faith, I didn't read your complete comment either.
"For no other reason THAN because we spam more!"?
That is not a reason... oh god are you all kids?
Tauren Tom
Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#56 - 2012-04-27 19:32:31 UTC
You insult so many people in this thread, insult corporations saying we don't do for our members what your "lottery" site does for them. I've done nothing but attempt to maintain my tolerance of your brash and self-righteous attitude thus far. I have held my temper in reserve and not simply resorted to "trolling". Many of us have worked hard to establish the corporations and friendly relations we have with other players. My corp mates work as a team every day to make sure we strive for something better and maintain what we have. I try to make sure I match their efforts including a corporation SRP which is payed directly from my own wallet to replace any ships lost by my mates in fights. I buy plex from CCP and GTC through Shattered Crystal to afford to do this. I rat and mine as much as need be to keep enough extra isk in my own wallet and to help fund the corporation wallet so that none of our members need to pay into the alliance SRP and we do not need to bill our members a "fee" to be in our corporation while we pay dues to our alliance.

Yes, I take insult to how you speak about my corporation and my mates.

Referring to other posters as kids while your "supporters" merely spam the thread with referral links rather than aid your argument isn't helping matters.
In the grand scheme of things... You're all pubbies. So HTFU.   "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses." - Elwood Blues
Faith Patrouette
Careless Carebears Inc.
#57 - 2012-04-27 19:37:32 UTC
Eep Eep wrote:
Faith Patrouette wrote:
Eep Eep wrote:
So you guys are saying that the spam makes the site annoying?

Spam = annoying

Using spam to advertise your site makes you look desperate.
Especially using spam as 'we are better then this and that site! For no other reason then because we spam more!

So no this all does not make your site annoying, it makes your advertising strategy anoying.
As do your replies to many people in this topic.

Meh, honesty can be annoying I guess.

And I didn't tell anyone how to advertise. They do so on their own free will

(and of course now you will say something to counter this. The never ending online argument)

Sorry faith, I didn't read your complete comment either.
"For no other reason THAN because we spam more!"?
That is not a reason... oh god are you all kids?

You dont make friends with spam is the bottom line, you make friends or customers with advertising yes,
but there is a line between where advertising becomes anoying and thus backfires,
and there is also a line between advertising your product in a fair way,
or advertising it in such a way people with more iq then a peanut will see it as a bs story.

There is nothing wrong with advertising, but at some point, especially when the market already has well established companies offering the same service, it is best to not overdo it.
TL;DR If your product is so marvelous, let it speak for itself.

On top of that there is customer service and attracting new customers,
while you took your chance here to change this thread into a free advertisement thread,
you played it wrong and you come off as fairly arrogant at the least.
So potential new customers looking into the thread and reading it may be tempted to look elsewhere because of this.

Xai Li Shun
#58 - 2012-04-27 19:39:14 UTC
Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2012-04-27 19:46:11 UTC
SPAM - Means your anything but trustworthy.


================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2012-04-27 19:47:13 UTC
Faith Patrouette wrote:
Eep Eep wrote:
Faith Patrouette wrote:
Eep Eep wrote:
So you guys are saying that the spam makes the site annoying?

Spam = annoying

Using spam to advertise your site makes you look desperate.
Especially using spam as 'we are better then this and that site! For no other reason then because we spam more!

So no this all does not make your site annoying, it makes your advertising strategy anoying.
As do your replies to many people in this topic.

Meh, honesty can be annoying I guess.

And I didn't tell anyone how to advertise. They do so on their own free will

(and of course now you will say something to counter this. The never ending online argument)

Sorry faith, I didn't read your complete comment either.
"For no other reason THAN because we spam more!"?
That is not a reason... oh god are you all kids?

You dont make friends with spam is the bottom line, you make friends or customers with advertising yes,
but there is a line between where advertising becomes anoying and thus backfires,
and there is also a line between advertising your product in a fair way,
or advertising it in such a way people with more iq then a peanut will see it as a bs story.

There is nothing wrong with advertising, but at some point, especially when the market already has well established companies offering the same service, it is best to not overdo it.
TL;DR If your product is so marvelous, let it speak for itself.

On top of that there is customer service and attracting new customers,
while you took your chance here to change this thread into a free advertisement thread,
you played it wrong and you come off as fairly arrogant at the least.
So potential new customers looking into the thread and reading it may be tempted to look elsewhere because of this.

I like this comment. Not childish at all.
Advertising is what the users of eve are doing. If it is getting spammed, only thing I can do is create limitations which would be unfair.