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Praetorian Cannibals [.EAT.] Looking for Work

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-04-24 07:54:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane




"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-04-24 07:55:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Up yours BBCode....

EDIT: There we go.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Northern Coalition.
#3 - 2012-04-24 10:22:35 UTC
Bump for a capable killer

nice killboard

no more games... it's real this time!!!

Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#4 - 2012-04-24 13:51:32 UTC
Hire this guy he's trustworthy


People who put passwords on char bazaar Eveboards are the worst.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-04-24 22:03:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
It seems I have already caught the ire of some.

As I pad my killboard with kills the ones that dec for lolz seem take a certain distain at this. Especially since my default answer to a wartargets WHY? is I was hired. I have done this since I started this game, met the first corp that really had an issue with this. I am not always hired for wars but one has to keep doing it to keep people happy like all merc corps do (even though im not actually one yet).

Never seen so much smack in local for a while. Actually funny since it has been a while. Shall await their juvenile retorts in my thread soon. Not sure what they are hoping to achieve. They don't seem to understand you can't aggrivate people in local. Some you can but some just don't really care.

i will post local a bit later. For some reason they believe they are making me look bad.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-04-24 22:09:08 UTC
Cannibal Kane is a pretty cool dude and has also cost me a fairly expensive ship or two. He's hella badass and he smells like masculinity.

And he's also in a weird time zone, which means your enemies won't be able to go missioning just because it's off-hours.
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-04-24 22:11:47 UTC
o/ haha

Thanks Monk.. still have that sexy corpse of yours. It, my hair dryer and I are really... really good friends.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-04-24 23:01:27 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
o/ haha

Thanks Monk.. still have that sexy corpse of yours. It, my hair dryer and I are really... really good friends.


Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-04-25 06:39:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Ofcourse I can...

I was sitting nice and quietly in minding my own when local erupted with your corp mates. And those that know me, know I rarely talk in local if ever.

They were very aggressive almost bloodlust type. Was entertaining to watch, I decided to go with the ahum and yeah responses since those work great.

I am starting to wonder if the entire thing was not just about the fact that I was there in a ship that can lock frigates down before they are able to warp off. Which meant targets was less likely to undock. This frustrates people with short attention spans greatly. If that is their main issue (which i believe it is)... remember, I decced that alliance first.

Anyway, have fun, and enjoy the war.. the Sentinel guys are great sports, even had a camp setup for me on a gate. It was awesome to see that, I will even help them in future with fits and assistance in future if they want for actually coming out and fighting. Some of my best EVE "Buddies" use to be my biggest war targets.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Tora Bushido
The Vendetta Mercenaries
Vendetta Mercenary Group
#10 - 2012-04-25 10:19:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tora Bushido
Knows what he is doing and can be trusted. Cool Just point him in the direction and he will kill......

EDIT : And Kane........ It's " Of course I Kane ! "


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

#11 - 2012-04-25 10:38:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Aesheera
Cannibal Kane wrote:

They were very aggressive almost bloodlust type. Was entertaining to watch, I decided to go with the ahum and yeah responses since those work great.

I am starting to wonder if the entire thing was not just about the fact that I was there in a ship that can lock frigates down before they are able to warp off. Which meant targets was less likely to undock. This frustrates people with short attention spans greatly. If that is their main issue (which i believe it is)... remember, I decced that alliance first.

Since this accusation involves my corp and corpmembers I will step forward and lay out the occurances of last night.
The bloodlust and aggression is yet another misread claim you make dear maneater sir, after making several in local last night.

I simply called your bluff for claiming you are hired to dec a corporation that has the likelyhood of becoming a merc target just as much as its likely that Oprah will become a 65kg supermodel.
In other words, i called your so called first merc contract a self imposed dec to beef up a non existant record.

As far as you blocking our kills goes.

I hate to compare killboard stats my dear friend, but you have 13 kills during your entire campaign on them, we scored 42 in a single night.

Patience as a merc is a strong trait to possess.

We're on very good terms with them, theyre an amazing bunch of people, and they brought several fleets to our 'impatient' guys that sat in and near their system for what is maybe 4 to 5 hours.

This also automatically invalidates your 'low attention span' claim.

I saw you passive on the undock for maybe 2, and YOU are the one with the so called contract.
Talk about dedication to the claimed job. Shocked


I am not attempting to ruin your business Kane, i in fact:

Arrow wish you the very best of luck.
Arrow many good fights and future well paying contracts.

But starting off your career by claiming these people are a merc target is something I consider to be highly unlikely - if not impossible.

Provide me a form of proof to invalidate this claim, and i'll be man enough to correct my claim in this very thread.

F.e. a wired contract fee with description and visible date to match the dec launch date and a blacked out contractors name.
Or a agreement mail with a matching date and blacked out name as well to name 2 of many options.

Or ignore it, and good luck with your future endeavours.

- I think my passion is misinterpreted as anger sometimes. And I don't think people are ready for the message that I'm delivering, and delivering with a sense of violent love.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-04-25 11:00:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Not a problem... I never have an issue with anybody. I am probably the easiest guy to get along with.

As I stated yesterday as well. I always say I was hired. it easier to get people to leave me alone then then explaining why am I being a douch bag for deccing people for no reason.

It really is as simple as that.

EDIT: Once i can log into email I will post it for you. I really don't understand why I need to prove that to you though but once again. Whatever floats your guys boats.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

#13 - 2012-04-25 11:06:58 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Not a problem... I never have an issue with anybody. I am probably the easiest guy to get along with.

As I stated yesterday as well. I always say I was hired. it easier to get people to leave me alone then then explaining why am I being a douch bag for deccing people for no reason.

It really is as simple as that.

Fair enough, but its not you saying youre hired that made me speak the words i spoke.

I run checks and keep tabs on people I have reason to keep an eye on and youre on that list.
That lead me to your killboard.

The fact that it says HIRED: SENTINEL on your KILLBOARD was the reason i started the argument with you, not what may or may not have been spoken in any given local.

Im giving you - in my own way - a friendly word of warning that if you intend to get a business going, make sure that your killboard is the source of accuracy, not the local banter.

And in this particular case, I questioned its truthfulness, hence me being forward, since im forward with everyone, sometimes for the best, sometimes for the worst.

- I think my passion is misinterpreted as anger sometimes. And I don't think people are ready for the message that I'm delivering, and delivering with a sense of violent love.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2012-04-25 12:12:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
No Worries:

To bring thing more in-line with your way of thinking I am renaming all my wars from now on to:

Aensheera Approved: *NameHere*

I hope that will meet with your approval. Would you like to join me when I do recruitment chat with people as well? I serve tea and coffee with biscuits, we have more than enough to share.

Here is your lovely mail...

From there it is normal banter nothing related to wars but more about fits ens ens....

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: o/
From: *******
Sent: 2012.04.24 19:22
To: Cannibal Kane,

No don't know who these guys are

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: o/
From: Cannibal Kane
Sent: 2012.04.23 21:03
To: *******


Hehe, Thanks for the big ball compliment but honestly I am a small fry compared to some of the corps and guys out there. I am just more willing than most to share those experiences with others since I play this game to enjoy it and relax.

Aside from that,

Did you get more corps the attack these guys?

I see that 2 more corps declared war agaist them after I did.

It is:



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: o/
From: *******
Sent: 2012.04.17 19:20
To: Cannibal Kane,

Yes that is thanks alot Cannibal really appriciate it. this is the frirst time i try something like this was not sure how this works. wish i had your balls to dec so many people with only 2 people in your corp.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: o/
From: Cannibal Kane
Sent: 2012.04.17 16:45
To: *******

Hello *****,

Don't need the history don't care.

I will do it, don't worry about payment, consider this a free job.

Vote has been put through and I shall dec them next week if that is ok.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: o/
From: *******
Sent: 2012.04.16 20:11
To: Cannibal Kane,

Thanks will be waiting to hear from you.

Here is the corp **********, things have not been going well and there is just way to much bullshit politics going on.

Re: Re: Re: Re: o/
From: Cannibal Kane
Sent: 2012.04.16 20:08
To: *****


Tell you what.

Send me the details and I will talk the guys later if that is ok?


Re: Re: Re: o/
From: *****
Sent: 2012.04.16 20:07
To: Cannibal Kane,

I can't really afford that much and since it seems you enjoy shooting at things I was hoping to see you guys shooting them.

Re: Re: o/
From: Cannibal Kane
Sent: 2012.04.16 20:06
To: *****

Hi *******

Well.... I am not really a Merc yet.

Only getting everything ready, why not try the merc channel for now?


Re: o/
From: *******
Sent: 2012.04.16 20:05
To: Cannibal Kane,


Read your stories on the forums you need to post more of them. The real reson for the chat is i wanted to ask if you can dec a corp for me.

From: Cannibal Kane
Sent: 2012.04.16 19:51
To: ******

Hi *******

Sorry, I was afk. I see you wanted a convo?


"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-04-25 12:27:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Anya Klibor


I have no problems with Cannibal, but you're sitting on a station with a Legion and booster in system, locking frigs and attacking people who haven't fielded more than a battlecruiser (we did have one Curse come say 'hi', but he docks up and lets his buddies die). We have been moving between systems, regions, and constellations looking for war targets - one of whom is a legitimate mercenary contract we were given. These guys we have "mutually" dec'd ("mutual" being used because we dec'd the same alliance) have been nothing but awesome to play against, and they've gotten some kills off of us.

I also got the following in a private convo from one of them. :)

[ 2012.04.24 13:47:27 ] [redacted] > youre navy vexor is beast
[ 2012.04.24 13:47:35 ] Anya Klibor > It does that.
[ 2012.04.24 13:48:02 ] [redacted] > when this war crap is over... i might talk with our lead to see if we can get some pvp tips from you guys
[ 2012.04.24 13:48:22 ] Anya Klibor > I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
[ 2012.04.24 13:48:32 ] [redacted] > i havent had this much fun in a while
[ 2012.04.24 13:49:24 ] [redacted] > wed probably be out having more fun if we didnt have 2 other corps wardec'ing us
[ 2012.04.24 13:50:09 ] Anya Klibor > Yeah, no clue where they came from to be honest. No clue who they are.

They're looking for help. After this, we'll probably help them. I know I certainly will, because it appears the people who are in the alliance and can help are deciding not to do so.

So yeah, saying we "lack patience" is a huge insult to us, because while you're there to take down frigs in your mighty Legion, we're looking to fight people. Period.

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

#16 - 2012-04-25 12:31:53 UTC
Thats actually a great idea, making them all Aesheera approved.
You know, kind of inspires a brand-name; Aesheera verified.
"No consent, no trust. Validating Merc services since '07."

I might even start charging for that like Chribba does for his services.

And as far as joining your recruitment goes, i don't see why not. I mean, i can spare those 5 minutes every month.

- I think my passion is misinterpreted as anger sometimes. And I don't think people are ready for the message that I'm delivering, and delivering with a sense of violent love.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2012-04-25 12:36:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
And this is how I like things to end.

With a smile on my face. Glad to see people with a sense of humour.

I am alone alot so my Legion is my lifeline against multiple targets way older than I am. I really do love that ship.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

#18 - 2012-04-25 12:41:59 UTC
Personally, i prefer the Ibis.
Because nothing spells 'Boss' like killing a Tornado in a Ibis.

Plus, they look all shiney now.

- I think my passion is misinterpreted as anger sometimes. And I don't think people are ready for the message that I'm delivering, and delivering with a sense of violent love.

Eternum Praetorian
#19 - 2012-04-25 12:54:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
Cannibal Kane
...I think you misunderstand my intentions, here allow me to clarify.

Here I Test Whether Or Not You Are C&P Worthy
...I mean most mercs I know would not put up with this **** from anyone.

[ 2012.04.24 21:51:18 ] Eternum Praetorian > kane your full of **** just saying
[ 2012.04.24 21:51:46 ] Eternum Praetorian > Your that guy on the forums who keeps making new corps to buff your stats right?
[ 2012.04.24 21:52:02 ] Cannibal Kane > ahum
[ 2012.04.24 21:52:27 ] Eternum Praetorian > Thought so
[ 2012.04.24 21:52:49 ] Eternum Praetorian > so when we dec you, and you leave your corp in fear
[ 2012.04.24 21:52:53 ] Eternum Praetorian > I will take this fraps
[ 2012.04.24 21:52:57 ] Eternum Praetorian > and post the vid
[ 2012.04.24 21:53:25 ] Cannibal Kane > whatever floats your boat
[ 2012.04.24 21:54:08 ] Eternum Praetorian > noted, and
[ 2012.04.24 21:54:11 ] Eternum Praetorian > I am wondering
[ 2012.04.24 21:54:22 ] Eternum Praetorian > what I have to say to score a contract on me?
[ 2012.04.24 21:54:40 ] Cyristaline Aldent > well you just called him out i think that is purpose enough^
[ 2012.04.24 21:54:50 ] Eternum Praetorian > you would think right?
[ 2012.04.24 21:55:07 ] Eternum Praetorian > I know Aesheera would not take **** like this from someone like myself
[ 2012.04.24 21:55:44 ] Cyristaline Aldent > indeed she wouldn't
[ 2012.04.24 21:55:51 ] Cannibal Kane > you can talk all you want. i honestly don't care. i play the game may way. and that seems to bug many.
[ 2012.04.24 21:56:21 ] Eternum Praetorian > That sounds like what all the scared carebears say.... just saying
[ 2012.04.24 21:56:35 ] Eternum Praetorian > That does not sound like a merc posting in C&P
[ 2012.04.24 21:56:37 ] Cannibal Kane > yep
[ 2012.04.24 21:56:42 ] Aesheera > he uses it as an argument on the forums to reate positive feedback for his merc thread
[ 2012.04.24 21:57:02 ] Eternum Praetorian > you are now my new favorite idiot :)

Then I Poke You To See If We Can Get A Free (and hopefully fun) Wardec Out Of you (all our slots are used up

[ 2012.04.24 21:57:11 ] Eternum Praetorian > Did you put that bounty on your own head?
[ 2012.04.24 21:57:21 ] Cyristaline Aldent > Eternum you sound all to happy about that :P
[ 2012.04.24 21:57:24 ] Eternum Praetorian > I mean 50M is a pretty even number
[ 2012.04.24 21:57:29 ] Cannibal Kane > i also said im prepping my corp for inferno and that is exactly what im doing. deal with and cry in some other local chat.
[ 2012.04.24 21:57:45 ] Aesheera > i think you dont understand the definition of cry
[ 2012.04.24 21:57:47 ] Eternum Praetorian > I am not crying, I am entertaining myself at your expense. See the diff?
[ 2012.04.24 21:57:52 ] Cannibal Kane > or rage
[ 2012.04.24 21:57:52 ] Aesheera > were laughing at you rather

Then I Tell You Exactly What My Intentions Were (so there would be no misunderstanding)

[ 2012.04.24 21:58:05 ] Eternum Praetorian > I am also poking you, you mean bad merc, in every way possible
[ 2012.04.24 21:58:19 ] Eternum Praetorian > To see if you really are just a poser
[ 2012.04.24 21:58:23 ] Aesheera > whats there to cry for us? or rage?
[ 2012.04.24 21:58:52 ] Eternum Praetorian > Is there a Sentinel rep online atm?
[ 2012.04.24 21:58:58 ] Lamhfada > Did you name yourself after a Blade Trinity character? Man, I like that movie, Weasley Snipes never needed neutral reps. :P
[ 2012.04.24 21:59:04 ] Eternum Praetorian > I would like to ffer our services VS Kane the idiot
[ 2012.04.24 21:59:15 ] Aesheera > offer?
[ 2012.04.24 21:59:21 ] Eternum Praetorian > yes sorry :P
[ 2012.04.24 21:59:22 ] Eternum Praetorian > Offer
[ 2012.04.24 21:59:24 ] Aesheera > EP dont be silly
[ 2012.04.24 21:59:37 ] Aesheera > were not having someone pay us to have him play dock games
[ 2012.04.24 21:59:56 ] Cannibal Kane > we all know how much fun that is
[ 2012.04.24 21:59:57 ] Eternum Praetorian > * sad

Now the truly funny part is, I never did post in your thread out of respect for the mercenary business in general. I did however take note of the fact that shortly after our conversation, you felt the need to make comments of our exchange here anyway, and, TBH, I thought that said allot about your character/resolve/mercenary corporation in general. Even now I am not trolling you in this thread, I am simply clarifying my actions and defending the reputation of Aesheera's long lived and honorable Malum Crusis. Have a nice day. Cool

So I guess now you have to make a new corp and Merc thread again right?
Sorry for the inconvenience. Sad

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Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2012-04-25 13:14:42 UTC
I guess I am not C & P worthy then...

I shall try hard to smack in local in the future and troll others threads with dumbass remarks to make myself Worthy of C & P in your eyes.

It might take a while though.

Is there any tips you can provide to assist me in becoming C & P worthy?

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

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