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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Captains Quarters... ideas, suggestions and enhancements

First post
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#161 - 2012-04-10 04:59:25 UTC
i have a sujestion for visual enhancement;
All the captains quartes i feel are in the wrong place, i feel for example what i mean is in gallenta station if you spin your ship its in the centre of that ring but if your in captains quarters your ship is floating sort of randomly in space. I would also like to say i thought i hurd ccp say the ships would be above us not floating in circle on its own. actually i never liked that either i thought was wierd that my ship would float and spin on its own. What would be cool is if it was on a docking bay tethered and you could walk right up to your ship on a bridge, watch ammo load inside talk to scotty and tell him hes much faster then he used to be and tip him ;)
Neurale Obutale
#162 - 2012-04-10 06:05:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Neurale Obutale
Oberine Noriepa wrote:
I think avatar animations could definitely use some improvement. Right now, even though avatars have idle animations, they still come off as lifeless. This is especially the case with facial animations. Facial animations are nicely done in the character creator/customizer, and it would be nice to see animations of equal quality while avatars are rendered in station environments. On the subject of idle animations, I think they could use more variation in general.

I think the walking animations could use some improvements as well. Right now it looks like avatars just slide across the floor while in their walking animations. I think one way this could be fixed is through inverse kinematics. This would make it so avatar footing would level with the ground properly. Overall I think the walking animations could use more adaptability and fluidity.

It would be great if cloth and hair physics were implemented into avatar gameplay. Hair physics are present in the character creator/customizer, and it would be nice to see them present while walking around as well. Cloth physics are something I've yet to see in EVE, and I think incorporating a feature like this could fix some current clipping issues between characters and their clothing. Physics options should probably be optional to players in case their system(s) can't handle that sort of thing.

Basically, I would like to see everything in this Carbon video in EVE. It's obvious that the engine is quite capable of the things I'm suggesting, so why not implement them?

Also, with the recent display of tessellation at the recent CCP Presents! keynote, I can't help but wonder if the out-of-pod experience in EVE will receive a DX11 treatment as well. It would be great to see tessellation applied to station environments as well as our avatars and their attire.


#163 - 2012-04-10 06:25:07 UTC
One fun bug that I noticed recently. Is that when you double click on the stairs leading to the couch in the Caldari quarters, the avatar walks in funny zig zag circles.
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#164 - 2012-04-10 16:07:09 UTC
Oberine gave me an idea: What if you could capture not only portraits, but expressions? You could have a default (maybe your toon has a perpetual smirk), a grin, smile, frown, etc., all customized in the character creator and assigned to emotes. (That way the game could pre-render them.)

The ability to customize posture, strides, and fidgets would be nice, too.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Admiral Lysander
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#165 - 2012-04-10 17:42:14 UTC
I WANT TO LAY DOWN ON MY SOFA !!!!! an my bed
Oberine Noriepa
#166 - 2012-04-10 19:12:10 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
One fun bug that I noticed recently. Is that when you double click on the stairs leading to the couch in the Caldari quarters, the avatar walks in funny zig zag circles.

I just reported this bug.

Aidan Brooder
Dynasphere Ltd.
#167 - 2012-04-11 19:15:41 UTC
Many good ideas here.

Short term:

First thing I want to see is the ability to invite other players to my quarters. Can be a limited number, but even STO got that right and there you invite them to your whole slightly customizable ship with several decks...

I don't want to be our capsuleers to be super-soldiers, too. You spend most of your time in a pod, dammit. Leave it to the Dusties or let us have what one suggested - an exploration clone/separate bodyguard character if it ever gets that far.

Hm... As for new features... A voice mail message from captains quarters that would add the toon's face on the screen.
Ideally with some lip-synching and - for the vain - voice changing filter.
Of course, should I catch the other party IN his quarters at the same time, it should be a direct exchange, no recording.

Long term:
Customizable CQs
All promised over the years at various FFs & in demos
A lot more.

Blog: My EVE Playlist on YouTube:

#168 - 2012-04-14 10:50:12 UTC
What i would appreciate for one would be some sort of remote for the screen so i could switch through various channels like recruitment and various other channels.

While not being able, for now, to house more then 1 character per CQ, a form of webcam chat via the screen for a more in character personal contact atleast would be a nice addition aswell. Perhaps even facillitate conference sessions via the screen.

A couple more interactable commodaties in the CQ or customisable placement of objects maybe.

You go your corridor but.

#169 - 2012-04-15 14:36:59 UTC  |  Edited by: bornaa
I think that DX11 will be savior for WiS.
DX11 have so much more optimizations in it and it will make WiS engine viable for use.
Ok, minimal specs machines for EVE will go up (now its 8 years old machine) but i don't see why 100% support for more then 4 years old machines... EVE could get DX11 in a year, year and a half and that would mean that you will need hardware from like 2008/9th for EVE.
[Yes, I'm an Amateur](
Rawls Canardly
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#170 - 2012-04-18 04:18:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Rawls Canardly
This is long-run, but.... Dust and Incarna run on the same basic engine, right? integrate the two into the station environment! Pat the dust grunts on the shoulder while they wait for the next mission, as you walk off to your waiting battleship, etc... talk about a selling point!
edit- maybe even make it so eve pilots can carry drop-ships full of dusties in their cargo-hold, bringing a whole new reason to be a hauler! right now there's not much reason for that.
The Red Pill Taker Group
#171 - 2012-04-20 13:26:45 UTC
Add a doorknob.

Caldari State
#172 - 2012-04-20 17:32:15 UTC
So the old WIS thread is gone ,seeing any new replies from Team Avatar on this one?


Jaxom Silpheed
State War Academy
Caldari State
#173 - 2012-04-22 00:14:19 UTC
Some mentioned it before: The current CQs are like hotel rooms. Give the option to buy a more permanent room with customisation options purchasable. I think this is a good idea.

Also, more item interaction. I have an ash tray in my quarters. I'd like to use the thing. And a the bed. It's nice being able to sit on the couch and watch the screens, would like to be able to do more.
Sara Seraph
Sara Inc
#174 - 2012-04-22 01:46:28 UTC
As I have stated in other threads, I am a big fan of WiS's potential.

In the short run, the following list shouldn't be too difficult:

  • Ability to invite folks for a private convos,
  • More clothing being released,
  • EVE TV feeds during Fanfests or similar events,
  • EVE Radio feed,
  • More script and unscripted emotes,
  • One specific station, (or more), that we can customize and call home,
  • Customizable foliage, and
  • PETS! What a great idea. Big smile
#175 - 2012-04-22 20:55:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Whitehound
Instead of firing 20% should the CQ have been removed. One cleans up after one makes a mess. Seeing how you are keeping it do I suggest that you do not try to make it pretty, but treat it as a momentum to a big mistake made by you, CCP. I am not asking you to put a board into the CQ with all the names of CCP employees who have lost their job, but also do not just brush over it like it meant nothing. Perhaps a sign on which one can read CEO Hilmar's devblog regarding finding the right path. There is a suggestion for you.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Darkstone en Tilavine
House of Abyss
#176 - 2012-04-23 03:46:21 UTC
My 2 isk.

Make station Captians Quarters unmodifiable unless you have either payed a fee or have joined a corp that pays a fee to allow it.
Traveling is a must in EvE so most of the time you will be doing so and it makes no sense to have but one station you call home. And that leads to P.O.S.
That's where most of the customization need to center itself. Stations are like motels then, no need to redecorate a motel Unless you have a HQ office of course and then it needs to look like one imo.

Skip walking in stations as a social hub for now and instead use it for mission running. Group up with fellow EvE players and/or Dust:514 players. Mix outside station objectives with inside objectives.
Elder Ozzian
Caldari State
#177 - 2012-04-24 05:49:02 UTC
The station where you spend your time should get dirty / messy over time with quafe bottles and pizza boxes :-). And your bigscreen or something gets broken - and then you'd have to fire a janitor to fix it.

Also: Exotic dancers.

I disagree!

Goonswarm Federation
#178 - 2012-04-24 21:30:45 UTC
i would like to see more variations in station environments, i seen ppl say more stuff in them or a run down appearance, i never go to high sec anymore but last time i was there the gallente station looked identical to my current angel cartel stations.

i know the pirates stole a lot of technologies but each adapted them so maybe take the base style of each race and just tweak it a little and run it down some, half flashy lightbulbs because we cant fnd any replacements, the little things make the environments the most. when i see dirty cloths pile, empty beer bottles and a torn up bed i know im home :) not in a hospital.
boeboe joe
Royal Assassins Guild
Chained Reactions
#179 - 2012-04-25 03:54:53 UTC
Here are some ideas I've seen that I think would be freaking awesome:

-Customizing Your CQ: By The Entire WiS Community
-Everyone that likes WiS would like to personalize the CQ's a bit more, a good start would probably be a basic "change racial scheme", then maybe later on a "Certification / Corp Medal / FW Rank Display Case", customizable displays ( Main Screen: market tickers, sov changes, custom pictures or videos [ Corp Screen: role / title display, corp balance, corp events, new member notification [ Planet Screen: harvester cycle times, inactive colonies, how full is customs office) lighting settings for CQ, and maybe instead of a balcony, just maybe we could actually get a Pod Initialization Room?

-Meeting Your Agent Post 214: By Bellasarius Baxter
-From what I can gather, you get an option on your CQ Exit door to visit your agent in person and meet with them. Your conversation (in dynamic choice style, like Mass Effect) would then depend on what mission you get.
-Completely optional for those that think WiS is the spawn of Satan, which it is clearly not.
-Immersion Baby YEA!

-Corp or Alliance Intel Log Post 12: By Fidelium Mortis
-"Almost like the broadcasts in fleet, it would display a time stamp with an enemy sighted message, displays the number of jumps, and includes an option for text (including fleet adverts) to be entered by the pilot reporting the intel. Players could click on the screen and set destination." Fidelium Mortis
-Available on Corp Screen, Main Screen, or just overall new feature (neocom window)?
-Or push the idea further to when anything happens in your corp / alliance: spotting an enemy, someone gets blown up in corp / alliance, POS gets shot at or shoots at something, POS needs refueling, corp or alliance fleet adverts.

And one idea of mine Cool

-Walking in Complexes Post 3185: By boeboe joe
-Can merge into FiS well because after you complete the spaceship part, you can either dock or fly off, or have some missions where you have to dock first?
-Have capsuleer appropriate tasks such as find the illegal stuff, assassinate important dude ( let me stress that I do not think Capsuleer: Deathmatch should be the direction of this ), or sabotage corporate mainframes.
-Maybe optional; related to time bonus for missions.
-Death penalty is like when you eject from your ship and get podded, meaning your ship is vulnerable while you are warping back to the site.

I love the art team btw, they've been working hard and the beauty of EVE displays their pursuit of perfection!

Got 'roids?

Lost True
Caldari State
#180 - 2012-04-25 06:27:38 UTC
1. Gloves and hats.
2. Easier way to change clothes - equip/unequip. And maybe saved presets, like fittings :)

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?