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Request for clarification on harassment policy

First post
Sid Hudgens
#241 - 2012-04-24 05:19:13 UTC

Just ban TEST, so many problems solved.

" if 10,058 Goon voices cried out and were suddenly silenced."

Alavaria Fera
#242 - 2012-04-24 05:42:10 UTC
Sid Hudgens wrote:

Just ban TEST, so many problems solved.

But then someone else would have to spam the TEST memes in every fleet to keep up the bittervet index. Similar to an industrial index, it will decline if not enough eye-rolling material is spammed in local.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Sid Hudgens
#243 - 2012-04-24 05:46:29 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
...someone else would have to spam the TEST memes in every fleet...

Hmmm... I honestly hadn't considered that. God knows I wouldn't want that job.

" if 10,058 Goon voices cried out and were suddenly silenced."

nat longshot
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#244 - 2012-06-02 11:08:11 UTC  |  Edited by: nat longshot
GM Homonoia wrote:
Graic Gabtar wrote:
GM Homonoia wrote:
DISCLAIMER: I will not comment in any way, shape or form on the recent events and decisions made in relation to those events. I will only clarify how customer support enforces our policies to provide clarity on the day to day application those policies.

I am going to explain this only once; and this really should have been clear to anyone bothering to apply some common sense to the EULA/ToS.

What happens inside the The Magic Circle is allowed as long as it abides by the rules of The Magic Circle (this is why you are allowed to hit someone in a boxing match, but not outside the ring). However, as soon as any action steps outside The Magic Circle and threatens harm to anyone in real life in any way shape or form, or when you incite others to do so (or when your in game actions are specifically geared towards that, joke or no joke), you break the EULA/ToS; even if you are only stating intent.

Any GM will always take immediate action when this is done.

And for those who think they can force an in game situation out of The Magic Circle to avoid in game consequences by threatening with suicide; the GM department has a strict policy of informing local and international law enforcement agencies of any suicide threats issued NO MATTER THE CONTEXT. In other words, do NOT joke about that. When a RL life is threatened we do not take any risks, ever.
Last night I posted on this forum and someone told me to go kill myself.

How does this play with new interpretations of the EULA/ToS?

I am more than happy to provide details of my diagnosed medical conditions to CCP privately.

Game masters do not moderate our forums, so I cannot answer that. Also, this is no new interpretation, this has always been the case. We have issued many temporary bans for issuing real life threats.

Temporary bans your joking right? case in point you permaban a botter but not someone makeing rl threats i think your to soft on this one ccp if you let someone makeing rl threats back in game then your opening yourself to world of trouble a lot of player think what happen should have been a permaban i think you drop the ball in that case i belive doing so weaken you in ways you cant not even seen yet.

 [13:12:18] CCP Punkturis nat longshot you're a cutie.. OH YAH I WIN!!

Musashi IV
Off-World Mining
#245 - 2012-06-02 11:11:31 UTC
If you keep your mouth shut you wont have these problems!!
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#246 - 2012-06-02 11:35:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Mallak Azaria
malaire wrote:
It was about Mittani telling others to harrass him to make him commit suicide.

He actually said "His name is The Wiz if you want to make him kill himself". People took this completely out of context. While it was a crappy thing to say, he didn't actively encourage anyone to make the guy perform the deed.

Mittani was simply thrown under the bus by CCP due to a raging internet spaceship community solely because he's a goon. Had someone like Chribba said the same thing, it would've been ignored, forgotten about instantly & this thread wouldn't exist.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Draydin Warsong
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#247 - 2012-06-02 11:39:44 UTC
C Genix wrote:
While this is true the actions of these players and CCP for supporting such infracts several RL laws in many diffrent counties.

Regardless that goons are the scum of the Earth

CCP are now complicite in illegal activity

When I watched the video I saw The Mittani conspiring to commit what is considered a crime in many different countries. Being a lawyer I would have figured he was smarter than that...guess not. Don't get me wrong, I think some of the stuff Goonswarm does is funny...but the Mittani himself belongs in prison. I remember reading about some comments he made a while back about what you do in game not representing who you are in real life. After seeing what he said I think is not only is he a criminal, but a hypocrite to boot.
Mrr Woodcock
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#248 - 2012-06-08 21:45:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Mrr Woodcock
I think GM Homonoia was perfectly clear about this. Anyone that doesn't clearly understand this is Moron. This item should in fact be strictly enforced. +1

Additional, any real life threats should be a perma ban, in my opinion. Clearly. Get caught once 30 days, Get caught twice gone for ever.
Thomas Horan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#249 - 2012-07-06 14:44:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Thomas Horan
I'm really surprised that this whole thing created such a big stir. It seems to me like a case of shooting the prodigal son after he's come home, apologized, and done his best to make things right. It was a total feeding frenzy, depute the fact that Mittani made such an effort to give interviews, apologize, etc, etc. Let's not forget all the threats that he AND HIS FAMILY received from other members of the EVE community after they gave out his real name, etc, etc.

It really isn't all that surprising that somebody got a little too wasted and said something insensitive. Unfortunately, in the real world, and especially on the internet, these things happen. Of course I don't think it was right to make a joke out of the situation, but I also don't feel it was appropriate of the Wis to turn his personal mental health issues into EVE issues. I hope things are going better for him now.

I am discouraged at the amount of people, even in this thread, who seemed to just want to jump onto the "let's bash Mittani!" bandwagon. The guy made a mistake and said something stupid when he was wasted, he was punished for it, end of story. He certainly didn't do anything out of the ordinary when it comes to the internet - and yes, even though he needs to be held to a higher standard, I think that some people just want something or someone to blame.

Quote from Mr. Woodcock: "Anyone that doesn't clearly understand this is Moron". I think this summarizes the issues I have with some ppl here... and to say he belongs in prison seems to me, at least, to be naive and absurd.
Josef Djugashvilis
#250 - 2012-07-06 15:15:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Josef Djugashvilis
Why is Tei Lin bringing up this saga again under the guise of wanting 'clarification' of the rules?

Mittens did the crime, paid the time.

End of.

Move on.

This is not a signature.

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#251 - 2012-07-06 15:49:13 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:

Mittani was simply thrown under the bus by CCP due to a raging internet spaceship community solely because he's a goon. Had someone like Chribba said the same thing, it would've been ignored, forgotten about instantly & this thread wouldn't exist.

Someone like Chribba would not have said it. And trust me. After you bashing him you are now on a lot of players watchlists.

Only SA morons think that what they spew in their own little anal world is okay anywhere else.

Mr Epeen Cool
Cutter Isaacson
#252 - 2012-07-06 15:50:11 UTC
Just how far back did someone have to go through the forums to drag this back up again? The OP posted on March 29th, 5 more posts added in May and now today..........

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Kyle Ward
#253 - 2012-07-06 16:15:11 UTC
A Wild Zombie Appeared!
Kyle Uses "Badpoast Tired Meme"!
It's Not Very Effective...

The Sandbox, you're playing it wrong!

Andoria Thara
Fallen Avatars
#254 - 2012-07-06 16:17:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Andoria Thara
Tei Lin wrote:
People say stupid things when they're angry and upset. I've received death threats playing this game - like "I'm going to find you and kill you" type threats. Things that really make you pause. I discount them as the ramblings of someone who is obvious upset and let them slide.

If anything, this type of activity should be reported. I realize it's just anger speaking, but when people take a game serious enough that they threaten to hunt you down in real life, they should be reported.

As mentioned earlier, that is taking things outside of The Magic Circle.

PS. Why on earth did someone dig this thread up again anyways?
Marconus Orion
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#255 - 2012-07-06 16:28:58 UTC
Thomas Horan wrote:
I'm really surprised that this whole thing created such a big stir. It seems to me like a case of shooting the prodigal son after he's come home, apologized, and done his best to make things right. It was a total feeding frenzy, depute the fact that Mittani made such an effort to give interviews, apologize, etc, etc. Let's not forget all the threats that he AND HIS FAMILY received from other members of the EVE community after they gave out his real name, etc, etc.

It really isn't all that surprising that somebody got a little too wasted and said something insensitive. Unfortunately, in the real world, and especially on the internet, these things happen. Of course I don't think it was right to make a joke out of the situation, but I also don't feel it was appropriate of the Wis to turn his personal mental health issues into EVE issues. I hope things are going better for him now.

I am discouraged at the amount of people, even in this thread, who seemed to just want to jump onto the "let's bash Mittani!" bandwagon. The guy made a mistake and said something stupid when he was wasted, he was punished for it, end of story. He certainly didn't do anything out of the ordinary when it comes to the internet - and yes, even though he needs to be held to a higher standard, I think that some people just want something or someone to blame.

Quote from Mr. Woodcock: "Anyone that doesn't clearly understand this is Moron". I think this summarizes the issues I have with some ppl here... and to say he belongs in prison seems to me, at least, to be naive and absurd.

You do realize what he said at fanfest was already planned right? Being drunk had nothing to do with it. There is even a recording of him laying out his fanfest presentation. Look it up, it is called 'Beer with Bolton' or something like that. You have Bolton, Mittens, Whitetree and even CCP Soundwave. That is not a rumor, simply a fact. I don't have the time to find it and give you the specific time in the video where he says it, sorry. Maybe someone will be kind enough to do it and mail it to you. As far as people jumping on the 'let's bash Mittani!' bandwagon, well this is EVE and he has a lot of people who don't like him for various reasons before fanfest and he made even more people unhappy with what he did at fanfest. It is called karma.

So if after you do a bit more research and find yourself still feeling sorry for poor mittens and how everyone who criticized him as the bad guys in all of this, well I don't know what to say. Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. Also I find it hilarious you say 'end of story' yet, necro this thread to bring it back into the GD limelight.
5nake pliskan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#256 - 2012-07-06 17:38:05 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
malaire wrote:
It was about Mittani telling others to harrass him to make him commit suicide.

He actually said "His name is The Wiz if you want to make him kill himself". People took this completely out of context. While it was a crappy thing to say, he didn't actively encourage anyone to make the guy perform the deed.

Mittani was simply thrown under the bus by CCP due to a raging internet spaceship community solely because he's a goon. Had someone like Chribba said the same thing, it would've been ignored, forgotten about instantly & this thread wouldn't exist.
