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New Dev Blog: Ewareness for DeBuff-alo Soldiers

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#301 - 2012-04-20 13:27:46 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
lol a lot of you guys seem to forget that forums are for discussion and to share your opinion on things.

If the world was full of yes men like some of you guys, there would be no reason to strive for exellance. I make no claim to be a developer or that I have all the right answers. I simply state my opinion in the hope that it allows the developers to look at an issue from a different perspective.

Jaigar wrote:
I'd rather not see scrams and disruptors as different icons. Its additional information to make the game easier.

But when you have guys like this who think it's a bad idea to properly relay information to the player because it would make the game too easy, I can see why features like this have taken so long to implement.

Yes maybe however A^x is obviously far superior to a delayed B^x because the community is far more involved and it has more time to be tried and tested than some crazy concoction that CCP could end up wasting time on.
Plus 10 NV
#302 - 2012-04-20 13:50:41 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
lol a lot of you guys seem to forget that forums are for discussion and to share your opinion on things.

If the world was full of yes men like some of you guys, there would be no reason to strive for exellance. I make no claim to be a developer or that I have all the right answers. I simply state my opinion in the hope that it allows the developers to look at an issue from a different perspective.

Jaigar wrote:
I'd rather not see scrams and disruptors as different icons. Its additional information to make the game easier.

But when you have guys like this who think it's a bad idea to properly relay information to the player because it would make the game too easy, I can see why features like this have taken so long to implement.

It would not make the game easier over all.

It would make the game easier for the person who is being disrupted and scramed by several people at once. And it would make the game more challenging for the group that is outnumbering him.

Keeping the current system does the opposite.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Arth Lawing
Penumbra Institute
#303 - 2012-04-20 16:07:44 UTC
Can we turn it off? Does it overlap windows we may have there?
Tork Norand
Caldari State
#304 - 2012-04-20 16:16:41 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:
Just to address some of the comments:

- we wanted to put counter on the icons, but knew when we started the implementation that we would not have time for more than the basics... get this ewar info to you, and allow for some interaction with the attackers through the icons

- we cannot simply "ctrl"+click on the icons to target back because the icons do not represent one pilot... they represent that this effect is being applied to you and there can be 10 players that are behind that icon.

but please keep the ideas coming. We do have designs for feature, but I think it's great to get this out now, as it is, to get feedback from you guys on where you would like to take it Smile

To counter point #2: Would it be possible to auto-target the X closest targets (up to your targeting range)? Where "X" is the number of targets your ship can handle.

Examples for "X": So my Drake could target 8, my Tengu would get 5 (normally)...

Also, when you DO the counters, if you have 2 jammers on you, the one that expires LAST should be the one that sets the time. I'm not sure how it currently works, but you really want to know when you won't be jammed...not when the first one applied falls off.

--Tork. CEO and Herder of Cats.

Tork Norand
Caldari State
#305 - 2012-04-20 16:36:49 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:

Lyron-Baktos wrote:

CCP karkur

Can you please find out if the effects bar can be moved independently of the main mod/capicator HUD?

The Effects bar is a part of the HUD, and can't be moved from it (at least not the way it's now).

It seems to me that the HUD would be the worst place to put something like this. Especially moving forward with new functionality.

Please, divest it from the HUD...and while you're at it, redo the HUD to allow the things attached to the HUD to be moved as well.

--Tork. CEO and Herder of Cats.

CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#306 - 2012-04-20 16:53:44 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
CCP Explorer wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
To be honest, all these little UI enhancements feel like you guys are just painting over the cracks and avoiding the real issue, which is that the game needs a total UI overhaul... But that's just my opinion.
A complete UI overhaul in one go is an unrealistic endeavor, in terms of time and manpower required and in terms of code changes it would bring at one time. We have a future UI vision and based on that we need to incrementally and iteratively improve the Ul. That's the practical way of doing it in terms of resources and is proper risk management in terms of code changes.
Yeah I get that. Your iterative approach is less risky but I feel it would be more progressive to iterate in chunks rather than one small thing at a time.
We will do it in a balance of smaller iterations and chunks. You will see one such chunk in a devblog from CCP Optimal and CCP Arrow soon (and on SiSi in the next couple of weeks).

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Tlat Ij
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#307 - 2012-04-20 17:22:36 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
CCP Explorer wrote:
Tlat Ij wrote:
CCP Explorer wrote:
Again: From the devblog: "If you happen to like the 16x16 ewar icons in the overview then don't worry; they are not going anywhere :)"
Still wondering why you guys didn't just give those icons their own column. Seems like it would be much easier to implement to me and I don't see why it would've been any less effective.
CCP karkur explained that in her devblog: "that is if you are lucky enough to have your attacker in the overview".

I think he meant why didn't/don't you put Ewar effects in their own overview column... This would allow you to arrange your overview by ewar effects so you could move everyone scramming/disrupting you to the top of your overview.

Yes that is what I meant.

CCP Explorer wrote:
CCP karkur explained that in her devblog: "that is if you are lucky enough to have your attacker in the overview".

To be honest anyone that doesn't have all ships on their overview either doesn't care about being e-war'd or deserves to lose their ship.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#308 - 2012-04-20 17:49:56 UTC
First off I'd like to say this addition is looking great, I was thinking about something similar a couple of months ago and you guys must have been thinking the same.

One minor thing I was thinking would be really useful is to also show friendly effects on your ship in some way, mainly gang bonuses, remote rep that sort of thing. Currently when your trying to organise proper gang bonuses it can be a bit of a pain.

Keep up the great work!
Xen Investments
#309 - 2012-04-20 18:50:16 UTC
this is great! Is there any way we can dim this to %50 transparency? Cuz that would be the bees knees if you know what I mean...
Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#310 - 2012-04-20 20:33:47 UTC
I really would like an answer why we are not allowed to customize the drop down menus. Any answer CCP?? Please.
Gallente Federation
#311 - 2012-04-20 21:08:15 UTC
/me sees himself getting targeted more by people due to this lol and no ctrl targeting icons make people work at least a little bit to target the person doing ewar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#312 - 2012-04-21 03:47:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Eian
This is very much needed!!!! Thank you!!!

However, I think this version is rushed and lacks the utility needed but you are falling into the same design traps that have plagued this game since launch.

- Why are you still making us right-click in 2012! Stop doing this. You have the skills to make these tools much more modern and user friendly.

- When I mouse over the icon, a vertical fly out menu should show me everyone one who is say... painting me. Ordered from top to bottom -> Closet to farthest.

- If I main click on one of these names it should select them. That's all! We can use our normal short cuts to target, approach or fire on then.

Aphoxema G
Khushakor Clan
#313 - 2012-04-21 08:13:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Aphoxema G
You totally stole my idea!

And I couldn't be happier <3
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#314 - 2012-04-21 10:00:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
CCP Explorer wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
CCP Explorer wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
To be honest, all these little UI enhancements feel like you guys are just painting over the cracks and avoiding the real issue, which is that the game needs a total UI overhaul... But that's just my opinion.
A complete UI overhaul in one go is an unrealistic endeavor, in terms of time and manpower required and in terms of code changes it would bring at one time. We have a future UI vision and based on that we need to incrementally and iteratively improve the Ul. That's the practical way of doing it in terms of resources and is proper risk management in terms of code changes.
Yeah I get that. Your iterative approach is less risky but I feel it would be more progressive to iterate in chunks rather than one small thing at a time.
We will do it in a balance of smaller iterations and chunks. You will see one such chunk in a devblog from CCP Optimal and CCP Arrow soon (and on SiSi in the next couple of weeks).

This is good to know.

I think it was during the art pannel at fanfest were you guys showed a newer tactical overview, picture in picture and dynamic camera settings. The latter excited me the most but all in all, if this is the direction you are heading, i'm happy.

As someone said above, one major failing of the UI is the over reliance on right-click drop down menues. It's not really acceptible in this day and age and all it does is increases the risk of repetitive straighn injury. Blink

CCP Explorer, i have a question for you; A few days ago someone posted a link to an old eve trailer (i think the thread was titled "blast from the past"). The video showed was appeared to be some old in-game footage. It looked to me that the game used to have a 3-d mini-map in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

What happened to that mini-map?

Spacial awareness and my proximity to other pilots is a big problem for me in this game, don't you think that old mini-map would benefit the players?
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#315 - 2012-04-21 10:16:56 UTC
cApAc aMaRu
Burning Sword
#316 - 2012-04-21 10:40:10 UTC
Alua Oresson wrote:
Tyler Rainez wrote:
This is awesome!!! Only thing that would be cool to add, if only one person is say webbing you, could you add the ability to just ctrl + click to lock target? That would be very sweet indeed.

Great works guys and gals....keep it up!

Funny how a noob ship destroyed a titan :))

THIS Control + Click functionality would be great! Even for multiples, you can have it target closest, or even random if that would be too hard.


I was just scanning through these comments to see if anyone had had this idea. It would be awesome if in the middle of a big fight, you see the warp scrambled icon pop up, so you ctrl + click and start locking the scrammer.

If there are multiple targets scramming and you ctrl+click, it should try to lock as many of them as you can lock, and pop up a 'there are more targets scramming you than you can currently lock" dialog.
CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#317 - 2012-04-21 12:34:52 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
CCP Explorer, i have a question for you; A few days ago someone posted a link to an old eve trailer (i think the thread was titled "blast from the past"). The video showed was appeared to be some old in-game footage. It looked to me that the game used to have a 3-d mini-map in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. What happened to that mini-map?
Can you find and post that link? It's not that long ago that we had the ability to have multiple render targets (when we added the current fitting screen, the IGB2 browser and the preview windows) and such functionality would have been required to have a mini-3D map on screen.

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Mashie Saldana
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#318 - 2012-04-21 12:46:08 UTC
CCP Explorer wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
CCP Explorer, i have a question for you; A few days ago someone posted a link to an old eve trailer (i think the thread was titled "blast from the past"). The video showed was appeared to be some old in-game footage. It looked to me that the game used to have a 3-d mini-map in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. What happened to that mini-map?
Can you find and post that link? It's not that long ago that we had the ability to have multiple render targets (when we added the current fitting screen, the IGB2 browser and the preview windows) and such functionality would have been required to have a mini-3D map on screen.

This video:
CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#319 - 2012-04-21 13:13:12 UTC
Mashie Saldana wrote:
CCP Explorer wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
CCP Explorer, i have a question for you; A few days ago someone posted a link to an old eve trailer (i think the thread was titled "blast from the past"). The video showed was appeared to be some old in-game footage. It looked to me that the game used to have a 3-d mini-map in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. What happened to that mini-map?
Can you find and post that link? It's not that long ago that we had the ability to have multiple render targets (when we added the current fitting screen, the IGB2 browser and the preview windows) and such functionality would have been required to have a mini-3D map on screen.
This video:
This looks like an old version of the current Target Overlay(?)

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Tir Capital Management Group
#320 - 2012-04-21 14:51:34 UTC
CCP Explorer wrote:
Mashie Saldana wrote:
CCP Explorer wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
CCP Explorer, i have a question for you; A few days ago someone posted a link to an old eve trailer (i think the thread was titled "blast from the past"). The video showed was appeared to be some old in-game footage. It looked to me that the game used to have a 3-d mini-map in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. What happened to that mini-map?
Can you find and post that link? It's not that long ago that we had the ability to have multiple render targets (when we added the current fitting screen, the IGB2 browser and the preview windows) and such functionality would have been required to have a mini-3D map on screen.
This video:
This looks like an old version of the current Target Overlay(?)

That's like 2003 footage. Shocked

Where I am.