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The worst game design changes in the history of Eve

Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#81 - 2012-04-20 11:14:53 UTC
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
In no particular order:


Why they are bad: completely obsoletes an entire class of ships- Interceptors. Provides instant gratification w/ bubbles, invalidates/reduces need for static bubbles.

I hate how when im flying through low sec a bubble is on the gat- Oh wait! Null and WH space only, hardly obsoletes Interceptors

Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#82 - 2012-04-20 13:31:15 UTC
Kieron VonDeux wrote:
A fix would be to not allow BM creation on Grid with a Stargate and remove warp to zero.
Then you would need a gangmate to spot a warp-to for insta jumps.

...thus making it impossible to scout gates for drag bubbles.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#83 - 2012-04-20 13:34:48 UTC
Likes on the forums without bringing in the "Support" button for Assembly Hall.
Jessie-A Tassik
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#84 - 2012-04-20 13:35:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Jessie-A Tassik
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
Jump Freighters-

Why they are bad: ruins the entire concept of a vulnerable logistics chain.

Oh god yes +1

Why? Do you think the 75% of people living in Highsec care about Null Bear Jump Freighters?

We neither care for, nor need, Jump Freighters.

You should realize that by supporting nerfing Jump Freighters, you are betraying Null Bears everywhere.

And yeah, DOUBLE... TRIPLE..... QUADRUPLE ..... whatever needs to be done Jump Freighter fuel needed for a jump.


Forget that. This is Eve.. this is CCP... who needs to try out changes? Who needs small changes to see the results!

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#85 - 2012-04-20 13:43:55 UTC
Bubanni wrote:
For the cyno thing with Jump freighters and alike... what if... CCP made it so cynos couldn't be made within 5km of a stargate or a station? :)

I had a similar thought, but was thinking "on grid at all". What if stargates and stations both had local cyno jammers or presented too large a gravitational disturbance or whatever CCP wants to claim as a mechanic, and cyno fields had to be lit at other celestials or in safe spots? This would make the jump freighters vulnerable and require defensive fleets.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#86 - 2012-04-20 16:27:46 UTC
Random thought: Suppose they removed warp-to-zero/bookmarks for high-sec only?

Occasionally plays sober

Bad Girl Posse
#87 - 2012-04-20 16:35:05 UTC

They gave EVE Sov to Dust years ago and we just swallowed it but screamed like children when they put a monocle in the game.
Sigurd Sig Hansen
#88 - 2012-04-20 16:52:17 UTC
Tobias Sjodin wrote:
Whiny babbies that live in the illusion of entitlement.

you do?

Mining is the "Deadliest Catch" in this game

#89 - 2012-04-20 17:07:54 UTC
the whole incarna barbie thing.

vitoc erryday

3 R Corporation
#90 - 2012-04-22 20:29:53 UTC
Jett0 wrote:
Random thought: Suppose they removed warp-to-zero/bookmarks for high-sec only?

And then absolutely no one will ever make tactical bookmarks and overload the database again, right? Oh wait, now you're going to suggest removing bookmarks entirely aren't you?
Seleia O'Sinnor
Drop of Honey
#91 - 2012-04-22 21:35:12 UTC

Odyssey: Repacking in POS hangars for modules +1,  but please for other stuff too, especially containers. Make containers openable in POS hangars.

Hulkageddon Orphanage
#92 - 2012-04-22 21:37:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Miilla
Worst design changes...

Why? No big yellow font.., too laggy... crap background laggy image...

Why? More focus on making it 100%safesec

Why? No focus on the game, don't finish anything they say they will do. No direction. Just random adhoc panic reaction mode to whines or reacting to cancelled accounts. ANd the biggest reason, THEY ARE LIARS. HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO BE LIARS and HAVE BEEN CAUGHT TWO FACE LYING saying one thing to their customers and the opposite thing in the press with regard to their direction on the game. Look at Incarna lol, oh its the future of eve, in the press, its a beta test for Wod, to us, oh no it's just a side game now. Uhh, do you have a business plan at all outside of "Oh poop" sync meetings at the coffee machine? there are Agile companies and then there are frAgile companies, CCP is the latter :)

Accounts per player focus
(ties in with the last one).
Too much focus on multi accounts per customer, too much focus on multiple toons just to play the game. Game is just broken if you need more than one account toon, I play with one, why can't you? Go out and get more NEW unique customers, not try to double, triple, quadriple up on existing ones. we saw that during Incarna, that is not a good business plan :)
Alavaria Fera
#93 - 2012-04-22 21:38:13 UTC
Lord Fargo wrote:
Worst game design by far is allowing you to post terrible threads OP, don't post

That would be forum design.

They don't have amazing people like deadtear to save us from badposting, pity them.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Hulkageddon Orphanage
#94 - 2012-04-22 21:47:20 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Lord Fargo wrote:
Worst game design by far is allowing you to post terrible threads OP, don't post

That would be forum design.

They don't have amazing people like deadtear to save us from badposting, pity them.

Well if they allowed us to post formatting and some javascript maybe we could do better posts to impress you with .
Kengutsi Akira
#95 - 2012-04-22 21:51:17 UTC
Jessie-A Tassik wrote:
75% of people living in Highsec


"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Misunderstood Genius
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#96 - 2012-04-23 06:48:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Misunderstood Genius
Tri Vetra wrote:
ECM is so incredibly stupid

Was missing this on the front page.

"Neuting is so incredibly stupid"
"Remote Repping is so incredibly stupid"
"Dampening is so incredibly stupid"
"Warfare Links are so incredibly stupid"
"45+km points are so incredibly stupid"
"Blobbing is so incredibly stupid"
"Black Ops cyno bait so incredibly stupid"
"100mn Tengu's are incredibly stupid"
"A Frig killing Tier 3 BC is so incredibly stupid"
"Suicide Camping is so incredibly stupid"
"Solo Campers using a neutral Orca is so incredibly stupid"

I have 50 more examples where ECM looks like harmless. But I am too lazy to post them.

Result: "EVE is so incredibly stupid"???
Gantz Tleilax
Divided Unity
#97 - 2012-04-23 07:57:30 UTC
Changing the sound effect on the mining lasers from "shruuuuuush" to "sufoommmm". What were they thinking?
Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#98 - 2012-04-23 08:08:57 UTC
Kengutsi Akira wrote:
Jessie-A Tassik wrote:
75% of people living in Highsec


Actually, I think it's closer to 60% of the population is living in high sec, as per the Eve Fanfest Economy presentation. And the population that has moved into WH space to fill it has migrated there from 0.0 and lowsec, not from highsec.

All of CCP's efforts to entice carebears out of high sec and into 0.0 etc. have been an absolute failure because they're not using a big enough differential in the rewards. High sec needs to be a barren wasteland of opportunity: massive transactional taxes on market orders, almost zero bounties for mission rats, lousy mining etc.

CCP has already proven that it's current game design is completely ineffective in getting the majority of the player base to move out of high sec. It's time for a change.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#99 - 2012-04-23 08:13:41 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
Andrey Wartooth wrote:
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
In no particular order:


Why they are bad: completely obsoletes an entire class of ships- Interceptors. Provides instant gratification w/ bubbles, invalidates/reduces need for static bubbles.

Jump Freighters-

Why they are bad: ruins the entire concept of a vulnerable logistics chain.

Warp to zero-

Why it's bad: almost too numerous to list- radically reduces the relative size of the galaxy, removes speed differential between ship classes for traveling, removes risk, damages/reduces the effectiveness of regional markets, reduces trading viability as a profession.

Jump bridges-

Why they are bad: mitigates the scale of the galaxy, promotes blob warfare.


Why they are bad: over 2000 of them in game, no upkeep cost, little to no risk to deploy, etc. etc.

Moon goo-

Why it's bad: ISK printing is bad, mmmkay?

Feel free to add your own.

Lets debunk these one by one.


Why they are bad: completely obsoletes an entire class of ships- Interceptors. Provides instant gratification w/ bubbles, invalidates/reduces need for static bubbles.

Two ships with two slightly similar functions. One does not make the other obsolete.

Jump freighters-

Still need a cyno to jump? With some intelligent observation you can figure out a supply chain and cripple that chain.

Jump Bridges-

What is the point of owning space if you can't control at least some of the gates. These hardly promote blob warfare.


Are a problem, but there are less than 1000 in the game. And they are being balanced in the upcoming expansion.

Moon Goo-

Don't print isk. The isk comes from producers of T2 goods.

Furthermore, this is a terrible troll post.

Pretty much what I was gonna say.

so everyone is on board with warp to zero being a bad change yet? I've been waiting 5 years :P

Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#100 - 2012-04-23 08:13:58 UTC
I've updated the OP a bit. Those who have posted whining about changes that have made the game easier for them: just because it makes your life slightly easier doesn't mean it's the best thing for the game. It's not like the game is harder just for you. It's harder for everyone.

When you give away the time cost for everything in the game, each decision becomes inexpensive. If you make a mistake, it doesn't impact you as much because there is little time cost involved per each transaction (decision). Making each decision have a heavy time cost means each decision needs to be more carefully considered. This will reward the smart and punish the stupid.

The players who are afraid of changes such as I have posted are the one's who are worried the most about being punished for their mistakes because of their incompetence. Hence, they want to "keep Eve the way it is". It's not a bad thing for Eve to be a harsh, hard world to exist in. If anything, it makes being successful all the more gratifying.