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The worst game design changes in the history of Eve

Andrey Wartooth
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2012-04-19 18:05:52 UTC
Gogela wrote:

Disagree. It's a ship w/ a bubble. A small one at that... those dictors are flying coffins. It's balanced.

Jump Freighters-

Agreed - Proposed fix: Remove jump drives from jump freighters, give them instead double the cargo hold of a standard freighter and maybe buff the already extensive armor and shields some more. Allow them to transport caps. Seems like a fair trade in terms of maintaining ship value for JF pilots while fixing a big logistical problem that should never have been introduced.

Warp to zero-

Disagree. Two words: Regional - Bookmarks

Jump bridges-

Agreed - proposed fix: remove them.


Agreed - proposed fix: Turn them into Nomad Ships

Moon goo-

Agreed - Proposed fix: The mining moon mins in planetary rings seems like a really good idea.

An alliance that doesn't own systems, and likely lives in lowsec shouldn't dictate on things they know nothing about
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2012-04-19 18:09:49 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:

Proper prior planning prevents poor performance.

Wrong - Prior Preparation Prevents Pizz-Poor Performance. You obviously know very little about British military sayings.

(P-aye-ss is a bad word, apparently.)

Dodixie > Hek

Kieron VonDeux
#43 - 2012-04-19 18:13:19 UTC
Andrey Wartooth wrote:

An alliance that doesn't own systems, and likely lives in lowsec shouldn't dictate on things they know nothing about

Designing to an end user's desires may be good in software development but not in game design.
That is a recepe for abuse.

As well, just because someone doesn't live in null sec now doesn't mean they never have, and their opinion is just a valid as anyone elses.
Epic Ganking Time
#44 - 2012-04-19 18:14:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
Andrey Wartooth wrote:
An alliance that doesn't own systems, and likely lives in lowsec shouldn't dictate on things they know nothing about

There was a time I lived in null and had great fun, until certain things were introduced or nerfed and incentive to own null space was removed. Your assumption that I live in low sec is correct (I'm -10 nice deductive power). However, some goon tool posting on a goon alt certainly shouldn't be questioning my credibility. If you have something to say do so and try to justify it with some rationale. Otherwise, some tool with less than half my game time just appears douchy trying to assert authority over a guy w/ half a tril in ships & over 6 years of game time.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#45 - 2012-04-19 18:16:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
In general I have to agree, although there are issues with each point I could argue.

Since many of these issue are related to making things too easy, travel in particular, I'll make just two suggestions.

1: If warp to zero were removed, you would need to remove the ability to set a bookmark within 15km of a gate or station.

2: Jump freighters are only part of the issue. The truth is the entire concept of Jump travel needs to go.

If you want to move a cap ship fleet, it should be done via conventional means. This means that logistically it is a large and time consuming proposition (one not taken lightly). It also means that your cap ships are very vulnerable on the move unless properly supported.

No more hot drops, no more surprise mass invasions (at least not with Caps/Super Caps leading the way).

Some would argue that this would be far too boring... I would argue that the opportunities for ambushing your enemy while they are moving their fleet would lead to far more frequent engagements.

Well planned and guarded freighter convoys would be needed again for moving materials, far more conventional traffic in and out of Null (and Low for that matter).

Regional trade centers assume a position of importance again, and EVE suddenly becomes a much bigger and more formidable place.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

A Murder Of Crows.
Homicidal Tendencies.
#46 - 2012-04-19 18:24:33 UTC
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
In no particular order:


Why they are bad: completely obsoletes an entire class of ships- Interceptors. Provides instant gratification w/ bubbles, invalidates/reduces need for static bubbles.

Jump Freighters-

Why they are bad: ruins the entire concept of a vulnerable logistics chain.

Warp to zero-

Why it's bad: almost too numerous to list- radically reduces the relative size of the galaxy, removes speed differential between ship classes for traveling, removes risk, damages/reduces the effectiveness of regional markets, reduces trading viability as a profession.

Jump bridges-

Why they are bad: mitigates the scale of the galaxy, promotes blob warfare.


Why they are bad: over 2000 of them in game, no upkeep cost, little to no risk to deploy, etc. etc.

Moon goo-

Why it's bad: ISK printing is bad, mmmkay?

Feel free to add your own.

WOW you clearly don't get it.

But I can understand that coming from a DoV member.....Just sit in Decon, play station games with noobs, and quietly stfu.

Want to find all the podcasts around EVE Online visit @chyph3r  on Twitter

Andrey Wartooth
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2012-04-19 18:24:56 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Andrey Wartooth wrote:
An alliance that doesn't own systems, and likely lives in lowsec shouldn't dictate on things they know nothing about

However, some goon tool posting on a goon alt certainly shouldn't be questioning my credibility.

Geez, I post with an alt and people tell me to post with my main. I post with my main and people still tell me to post with my main.
Epic Ganking Time
#48 - 2012-04-19 18:30:12 UTC
Andrey Wartooth wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Andrey Wartooth wrote:
An alliance that doesn't own systems, and likely lives in lowsec shouldn't dictate on things they know nothing about

However, some goon tool posting on a goon alt certainly shouldn't be questioning my credibility.

Geez, I post with an alt and people tell me to post with my main. I post with my main and people still tell me to post with my main.

If that is your main it doesn't change much of what I said... in fact it rather supports my argument, wouldn't you say?

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#49 - 2012-04-19 18:31:13 UTC
Having played in Null before many of these things came to be... things would be very different and frankly a lot more hard core without them (or at least with a greatly restricted version of them).

Most of these things came into the game to make the players life easier.

Unfortunately, they suceeded.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Andrey Wartooth
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2012-04-19 18:36:40 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Andrey Wartooth wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Andrey Wartooth wrote:
An alliance that doesn't own systems, and likely lives in lowsec shouldn't dictate on things they know nothing about

However, some goon tool posting on a goon alt certainly shouldn't be questioning my credibility.

Geez, I post with an alt and people tell me to post with my main. I post with my main and people still tell me to post with my main.

If that is your main it doesn't change much of what I said... in fact it rather supports my argument, wouldn't you say?

Not really. Your alliance lives in another type of space separate from nullsec. It doesn't hold any space at all. I'd say that your alliance probably has a bit of a bias when it comes to making other areas of space broken.
Epic Ganking Time
#51 - 2012-04-19 18:55:02 UTC
Andrey Wartooth wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Andrey Wartooth wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Andrey Wartooth wrote:
An alliance that doesn't own systems, and likely lives in lowsec shouldn't dictate on things they know nothing about

However, some goon tool posting on a goon alt certainly shouldn't be questioning my credibility.

Geez, I post with an alt and people tell me to post with my main. I post with my main and people still tell me to post with my main.

If that is your main it doesn't change much of what I said... in fact it rather supports my argument, wouldn't you say?

Not really. Your alliance lives in another type of space separate from nullsec. It doesn't hold any space at all. I'd say that your alliance probably has a bit of a bias when it comes to making other areas of space broken.

Well... I will say that null space in theory is where I would like to be. I've been stewing in low sec not by choice but because I feel like I've been forced there. I've been waiting for CCP to fix null sec for a very long time... and that is how I would characterize my situation. Just waiting. What I do in low sec is kind of pathetic relative to what I did when I was in null. We used to camp gates... but not like low where now it's just 1-3 of us (which is really sufficient for piracy) but with 20-50 because people used to actually have to escort freighters through null. Imagine huge fleets flying in support of freighter runs through null! It was awesome (and actually I've seen the russians to it to this day around Uaemon going towards Drone regions - tip of the hat). Now the concept of escorts and scouts is gone. Why walk when you can teleport. There are no logistics in eve. There is only a fricking intragalactic transporter. Push button receive bacon. No risk, no need for coordination, no need to plan out null sov holdings because spacetime and distance are rendered moot by jumping. At one point holding space on the rim was really hard because getting s*** to empire was a big pain in the a**. Now, frack what's the difference? All space is strategically the same. Resources are pretty much conformal throughout null. Who cares if you own one section of null over another? Does it matter who your neighbors are? nope. There's a reason most of the major alliances have stopped caring and are off doing silly stuff. Look at PL. They almost look like TEST. It's because they don't care. So do I have a bias? You bet your a** I do... I want to see people actually WANT null again. I want to move back to null... but not without a reason. It needs to make sense in ISK and fun gameplay terms, otherwise why do it? Hell... I'll bet the directors of YOUR OWN corp agree with me conceptually if not with my approach. Talk to them...

You still haven't made any kind of substantiated argument, fyi.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2012-04-19 19:00:07 UTC
t2 bpos
faction warfare since its done wrong
war decs since just griefing tools
bounty hunting since done wrong
moon goo
incursions in general were stupid too, i'm sure sansha will invade and fail for another decade but w/e
#53 - 2012-04-19 19:04:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Tobiaz

  1. The T2 BPO lottery, is hands-down the most stupid thing so far. From the start it should have been a combination of active research agent mission running to 'license' T2 BPC, and reverse engineering T2 BPC from datacores and T1.

  2. Anything that reduces the differences between races and faction empires.
  3. - The ridiculous ease of cross-training all the races (should have been a 50% penalty)
    - the ease of travel between space of different factions, both in speed in safety
    - removal of racial attributes, so choosing race now has no meaning at all
    - no incentives or penalties to make sure players initially stick to their own regions
    - tons of stations being in 'foreign' regions, like everyone is one big happy family
    - no restrictions on pirates ship in empire or there not even being a pirate NPC 'empire'.

  4. CCP needing almost 10 years to finally start thinking about perhaps doing maybe something about mining itself.

  5. Making titans combat ships owned by individuals, instead of mobile stations operated by a corporation (like a pos). And with only 30m ISK per shot that turned DD from a 'last resort' weapons into 'just for lulz'.

  6. Jumpclones. The rot in three roots of EVE: choices must have consequences, don't fly (or implant) what you can't afford to lose, the vastness of the galaxy

  7. Making T3 a ship that only takes a few months to train into, at which point you can do everything all T1 and even T2 ships can do, but better. Result: everyone, their mom AND their dog is flying them. It should have been the non-capital 'endgame' ship for veterans desperately looking for places to spend SP (and no skill-loss, but all rank 10 skills or more). So newbies skip 90% of the ship-progression and bittervets have nothing to train for, both growing bored. Well done CCP!

  8. Changing the Caldari functional and modular ship-design into flat bricks. Also the new Scorpion and Ibis made by the symmetry-Gestapo are just heart-breaking (but I don't like the new 'fidgety' Maller, nor the 'clean' Minmatar style either).

  9. The renaming bullshit of the missiles and various other modules. Trying to make things more comprehensible by throwing out vast amounts of flavour and sentiment, completely ignoring the community, and then replacing it with huge generic 'names' and still forgetting half. If CCP Gnauton was replaced by monkeys it wouldn't have been much worse.

  10. Giving the Tr3 BC ... EIGHT... high slot turrets AND the damagebonus AND enough fitting-reduction to fit all of the largest guns so they basically out-damage most battleships, turning HACs into overpriced toys and making most other BC only good for recycling them for their minerals.

  11. COSMOS being a half-arsed attempt at actually engaging PvE content and then abandoning it like a dog tied to a tree in the woods (at least CCP is now trying to make amends with FW which they left tied to another tree).

  12. I could add jumpbridges, Titan-bridges and JF and other cyno-fasttravel/hotdropping, but I think they are OK, just way to cheap so nobody ever has to weigh the cost against the benefits.

    I also think T1 should have been made from parts, made from minerals (and now maybe some PI as well), but meh. Anyway its not good for a MMO if a single player can easily do all steps from a to z, of a production process on his own.

    And reducing the skill requirements for a lot of T2 from Level 5 to 4, so it takes hardly any effort to get it and meta-1 to meta-4 is only good for feeding to the researchers or EFT-warriors.

Tri Vetra wrote:
ECM is so incredibly stupid

Not as stupid as people that can only think in one-dimensional terms of tank & gank

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

Tarsus Zateki
Amarr Empire
#54 - 2012-04-19 19:06:47 UTC
Your opinion is wrong.

You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world.

#55 - 2012-04-19 20:53:02 UTC
In no particular order:


Did I win?!
Epic Ganking Time
#56 - 2012-04-19 21:04:14 UTC
Teiret wrote:
In no particular order:


Did I win?!

A devil's advocate counterarguement might be, if it wasn't for player rage at aurum CCP might still be ignoring spaceships. In a roundabout kinda way it might have been the best thing for the game Big smile

Signatures should be used responsibly...

#57 - 2012-04-19 21:05:29 UTC
1 Jump Freighters - The whole point of EVE was supposed to be fighting over moving resources.

2 Bubbles - they make it too easy to kill transort ships at gates.

Wherever You Went - Here You Are

Kieron VonDeux
#58 - 2012-04-19 21:35:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Kieron VonDeux
Ghoest wrote:
1 Jump Freighters - The whole point of EVE was supposed to be fighting over moving resources.

I have to agree that some of my most exciting times in this game were during Alliance Frieghtor moves into deep null sec back in late 06 early 07.

All this Jump everything since then has really removed some of the most rewarding Pvp aspects of the game.
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#59 - 2012-04-19 21:36:32 UTC
I can haz ur stuffs, OP?

But yes, jump-bridges need to go--just remove and re-imburse, because they're dumb.


#60 - 2012-04-19 22:28:54 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
In general I have to agree, although there are issues with each point I could argue.

Since many of these issue are related to making things too easy, travel in particular, I'll make just two suggestions.

1: If warp to zero were removed, you would need to remove the ability to set a bookmark within 15km of a gate or station.

2: Jump freighters are only part of the issue. The truth is the entire concept of Jump travel needs to go.

If you want to move a cap ship fleet, it should be done via conventional means. This means that logistically it is a large and time consuming proposition (one not taken lightly). It also means that your cap ships are very vulnerable on the move unless properly supported.

No more hot drops, no more surprise mass invasions (at least not with Caps/Super Caps leading the way).

Some would argue that this would be far too boring... I would argue that the opportunities for ambushing your enemy while they are moving their fleet would lead to far more frequent engagements.

Well planned and guarded freighter convoys would be needed again for moving materials, far more conventional traffic in and out of Null (and Low for that matter).

Regional trade centers assume a position of importance again, and EVE suddenly becomes a much bigger and more formidable place.
