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New Dev Blog: Ewareness for DeBuff-alo Soldiers

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Victoria Per Conquestum
#101 - 2012-04-18 16:42:14 UTC
I fully endorse this product and/or service.

Now if only we had some EWAR to use against their EWAR so that EWAR would get EWARed wait...we got that already, dammit P

Still, good work. Looking forward to seeing this in game.
Cryten Jones
Advantage Inc
#102 - 2012-04-18 16:42:59 UTC
Dear Awesomeness,

This is full of win!

would you mind adding the win sauce of making the effect countdown timers red rings around the effect?

This will add to the overall cohesiveness of the UI:

an icon = a thing
a ring around the icon is it's timer

p.s. - Can I has your lazors :-)

Sakurako Kimino
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#103 - 2012-04-18 16:45:05 UTC
WTB super noob ship, looks great.

also the changes look good

eve is about sin

Kurai Okala
Okala Corp
#104 - 2012-04-18 16:48:35 UTC
The new debuff bar is a great addition but I LOVE Sentient Blade's mock-up/ideas for it which I've quoted below.

Sentient Blade wrote:
I like it, it's smooth. But I think the information on time / quantity needs to be better displayed, I would suggest on the icons themselves...

Also, if we could get one for other remote effects such as friendly sensor boosting, and better yet, remote repairs, then that would be awesome.

Edit: I originally thought about the rings too, but then decided I like having the time remaining shown, although not to a completely nonsensical number of decimal figures. 1 will be fine, and the best way of ensuring that text is clear to read is to put it on a background, might as well be a bar.

Wil Kaziklu
Gallente Federation
#105 - 2012-04-18 16:48:38 UTC
How is this just coming in now? I'm happy to see it... but it seems odd that in 9 years no one thought hey lets make this a little easier to locate.
Knug LiDi
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#106 - 2012-04-18 16:54:06 UTC
I endorse this service.

I can't imagine how many ships of mine this may have help save.

However, if I may add a further request:

  • Instead of the horizontal greyish bar indicating the cycle on the ewar module, could we have a circular progress bar of similar appearance to the ones on our modules? That way if we are scrammed and target painted, we can see the cycles for each affect.

Obviously, the information is passed to the client currently, so no additional server load.

But even without my suggestion, this is simply loaded with awesome.

If only we could fall into a woman's arms

without falling into her hands

Surreal Departure
#107 - 2012-04-18 16:54:22 UTC
Very nice, I'm sure I can't have been the only one dreading what mess would be served up after reading about a new piece of ui, but this looks like a good solid first implementation to meBig smile

Now for a few suggestions that I think bear repeating again...

1: Make this a seperate ui window like the selected item window so we can position it to taste within our weird and wonderfull ui setups, ideally also let us resize it to some degree or indeed close it, if for some reason someone totally hates it and doesnt want to use it.

2: Kind of comes with the first idea, but failing implementing that at a later stage at least let us chose to have all icons displayed but greyed out/faint if not applicable, as a couple of people (whos names I cba to go back and find, sorry whoever you were) already suggested this will help with familiarity and prevent those annoying edge cases where the icon you were trying to mouseover jumps back and forth because several effects cycled on/off JUST as you wanted to lock someone up...

3: Add the total # of people inflicting that effect on you to the icons, in the same manner as ammo counts are shown on weps, for easier at-a-glance use of the bar to tell if you're totally and hopelessly jammed into next year by everyone or just need to get one guy called primary to solve all your problems.

Looking forward to some small iterations in the future, but good job on adding a usefull feature (and not removing the old way via overview as some had feared).
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#108 - 2012-04-18 16:59:13 UTC
Looks neat!

★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

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Avila Cracko
#109 - 2012-04-18 17:00:15 UTC
NICE...Big smile

But, what is with Buffs??? Cool

truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

#110 - 2012-04-18 17:03:46 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:
Bloodpetal wrote:

Madame Karkur,

Instead of the horizontal count down bars that count down, can we get circular count down timers the same as on the module bar to show how long the effect will last?

Thanks! Pirate
That's actually like that in the original design, but we did not have enough time to implement that right now.

Is that that from UI video??? Big smile
And, when we can expect to see that???
Because, this lines are just ugly... Ugh
[Yes, I'm an Amateur](
#111 - 2012-04-18 17:04:31 UTC
Tlat Ij wrote:
Why not add an e-war column to the overview?

Then we could filter to put ewar peeps at the top of the list Big smile
#112 - 2012-04-18 17:06:09 UTC
Twisted Great addition...

As has been previously said, timers under each icon would be great, if not please remove the MISCELLANEOUS and replace with what it actually is!!!

Limited Access
#113 - 2012-04-18 17:08:31 UTC
nice feature 8)

is it possible to not make it fixed to the position shown in the dev blog screenies ? i am using this space otherwise and i would like to have this new feature freemoving
Crestor Markham
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#114 - 2012-04-18 17:08:48 UTC
Would it be possible to include "shooting" as an effect? I know it's not ewar, but an easy way to tell who is shooting you would be great. It can be hard to sort out who the incoming damage is from... especially when it's coming from a confused blue who isn't on your overview...
Snus Mumriken
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#115 - 2012-04-18 17:15:47 UTC
Cryten Jones wrote:
Dear Awesomeness,

This is full of win!

would you mind adding the win sauce of making the effect countdown timers red rings around the effect?

This will add to the overall cohesiveness of the UI:

an icon = a thing
a ring around the icon is it's timer

p.s. - Can I has your lazors :-)


I support this, because it is the same I wanted to write. :-) Replace the old progress bars because they are really really outdated.

I'm on Twitter.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#116 - 2012-04-18 17:18:31 UTC
Holy **** you guys gotta nerf civilian pulse lazors right meow!

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Nirnaeth Ornoediad
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#117 - 2012-04-18 17:20:01 UTC
I've been playing for 2 years, and have never even seen those icons on the Overview. I always thought the Overview tab related to EWAR was bugged because I couldn't select a color.

Fix POSes.  Every player should want one (even if all players can't have one).

Meissa Anunthiel
Redshift Industrial
Rooks and Kings
#118 - 2012-04-18 17:25:10 UTC
Good job, this has been long in coming.

Can you make sure "broadcast target" is available as a right-click option on the person name though (assuming fleet & whatnot)

Member of CSM 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#119 - 2012-04-18 17:27:03 UTC
When will we be allowed to customize our drop down menus?
Defiance Eden Initiative
#120 - 2012-04-18 17:33:47 UTC
Dang Yea! Nice addition but how is it going to fit when I already have all my locked targets located above my shields/armor/hull grid?