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Titan changes - update

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Kadesh Priestess
#921 - 2012-04-17 08:14:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Kadesh Priestess
MisterAl tt1 wrote:
Let's say that when I wrote about modified signature being used there was no information about the increased sig radius for guns themselves.
He wasn't talking about sigradius for turrets, because if new mechanics will use it - then if will effectively affect subcap guns too, thus some new attribute is needed to control this. And your proposal was posted 3 days after Greyscale's post:

CCP Greyscale wrote:
- Introduce an attribute that lets us scale turret damage based on raw unmodified sig radius, and set this to approximately capital-size on XL weapons

Approximately capital-size is around 3km radius, not less.

steave435 wrote:
Like someone said earlier, the problem is things like T3s - ships that have tank and DPS close or superior to larger ships. If damage scaling like this was implemented in everything, those ships would be the only ones ever worth flying. I used to like the idea before that argument was brought up (in fact - I even suggested it myself), but due to cases like that it won't work.
Like someone mentioned earlier, this is problem of t3s.

CCP introduced them, trying to make sigtank viable in current conditions. If turret mechanics is revisited - such imba speed/sig + tank values in cruiser size should be revisited too, obviously. Not a bad thing for global ship rebalancing which we'll see in Inferno anyway.
Goonswarm Federation
#922 - 2012-04-17 08:40:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Ganthrithor
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
Ganthrithor wrote:
I can't even describe how little I want to play your game.
"Titan pilots can't even describe how little they want to play цith the XL-turrets nerfed.". ha-ha. Or "Battleship pilots can't even describe how little they want to play game with current titan-sphere fleets". Or even "Nano-age vaga pilots can't...." I hope you do realize how poor argument is it. Put some real logic (besides your opinion) into there and we'll have something to talk about.

I'm not a Titan pilot. I'm not even a dread pilot (although I am skilled for one). I'm just totally opposed to damage scaling becoming a permanent fixture of this game, for reasons I and others have made perfectly clear, though honestly sometimes I don't see why we bother when moronic publords like yourself show up and either post without reading the thread or deliberately ignore and gloss over reasoned arguments.

The tl;dr of the argument against damage scaling is this: It removes the need for piloting skill and situational awareness in EVE Online: A Bad Game, and encourages rock-paper-scissors style gameplay that a lot of us aren't interested in partaking in.

If it's impossible for larger ships to do decent damage to smaller ships regardless of how the smaller ships are flown, then there's no need to do things like fit appropriately or maintain transversal in order to survive in a fight. While using modified sig radius rather than unmodified helps in this respect, doing so simply makes scaling less-bad. It's still a **** mechanic.

I'm not against CCP implementing their proposed hotfix next week as long as it remains just that-- a temporary measure designed to deal with the Titan problem immediately while CCP actively seek a suitable long-term solution, be that a rework of available XL gun types or a shift of Titan roles away from direct combat entirely.

What I and many others DO NOT WANT TO SEE is long-term implementation of damage scaling or its application to other classes of gun. Doing so would dumb-down EVE gameplay tremendously and remove one of guns' only existing benefits over missiles-- the fact that their damage output is based on tracking and target transversals more than target size. Currently this functions as a double-edged sword-- if you can fit and pilot in a way that lets you minimize target transversals, you can do large amounts of damage to smaller targets. If, on the other hand, you screw up and find yourself unable to maintain good transversals, you can find yourself unable to do any damage at all to smaller targets. Missiles, on the other hand, generally lack the potential to do as much damage as guns, but do consistent damage based solely on the much more predictable variables of target size and speed.

Missiles = predictable damage within a defined range (there are small fluctuations in missile range and DPS based on Doppler-shift-like effects, but they are more or less negligible) and governed exclusively by the size/speed of your target.

Guns = "unpredictable" damage within a far more varied range (due to randomization elements in the tracking formula) governed by target size, speed, and transversal (trans being a factor that varies immensely on the field and is at least partly dependent on your ability to manipulate the geometric aspects of a fight).

Introducing damage scaling keeps all the randomization elements of the tracking formula (the "negatives") while removing the potential positive consequence of using them (the ability to do disproportionately large amounts of damage to smaller targets by manipulating geometric circumstances), leaving them "like missiles, but worse."
I'm Down
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#923 - 2012-04-17 08:54:56 UTC  |  Edited by: I'm Down
Kadesh Priestess wrote:

CCP introduced them, trying to make sigtank viable in current conditions. If turret mechanics is revisited - such imba speed/sig + tank values in cruiser size should be revisited too, obviously. Not a bad thing for global ship rebalancing which we'll see in Inferno anyway.

Problem is that you've gone from fixing one small problem in the game that's overly exploited:

Tracking improving over range w/o signature being impacted and screwing up every gun class in game.


Major game overhauls of ship balance across the board, tracking and damage mechanics, class and size balance, etc. So what makes more sense to fix, the small exploitable problem that doesn't wreck guns, but just fixes the range/sig/tracking issue, or complete combat redesign across all turrets, ships, and classes?

Greyscale keeps being talked out of the much more sensical means of fixing the problem of trump ship sizes through player action mechanics and somehow keeps reverting back to bad ideas of horribly lame and unauthentic size matters more than skill approach. The dude above me further addresses in depth why it's so bad to reiterate the point.

Don't open up the can of worms, even for a temp stopgap fix.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#924 - 2012-04-17 08:56:08 UTC
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
MisterAl tt1 wrote:
Let's say that when I wrote about modified signature being used there was no information about the increased sig radius for guns themselves.
He wasn't talking about sigradius for turrets, because if new mechanics will use it - then if will effectively affect subcap guns too, thus some new attribute is needed to control this. And your proposal was posted 3 days after Greyscale's post:

CCP Greyscale wrote:
- Introduce an attribute that lets us scale turret damage based on raw unmodified sig radius, and set this to approximately capital-size on XL weapons

Approximately capital-size is around 3km radius, not less.

steave435 wrote:
Like someone said earlier, the problem is things like T3s - ships that have tank and DPS close or superior to larger ships. If damage scaling like this was implemented in everything, those ships would be the only ones ever worth flying. I used to like the idea before that argument was brought up (in fact - I even suggested it myself), but due to cases like that it won't work.
Like someone mentioned earlier, this is problem of t3s.

CCP introduced them, trying to make sigtank viable in current conditions. If turret mechanics is revisited - such imba speed/sig + tank values in cruiser size should be revisited too, obviously. Not a bad thing for global ship rebalancing which we'll see in Inferno anyway.

I agree take all the other t3 on par with the tengu , i mean we need to balance the other ships too.
Kadesh Priestess
#925 - 2012-04-17 08:56:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Kadesh Priestess
Ganthrithor wrote:
If it's impossible for larger ships to do decent damage to smaller ships regardless of how the smaller ships are flown, then there's no need to do things like fit appropriately or maintain transversal in order to survive in a fight. While using modified sig radius rather than unmodified helps in this respect, doing so simply makes scaling less-bad. It's still a **** mechanic.
I think you missed my point - i never said that skill-independent scaling is better than skill-dependent. I just said that it's impossible to survive the fight regardless of your skill - current turret mechanics and navigational ewar will **** you no matter what. Go try flying Wolf instead of cane in gangs of 50+ ppl and see what i'm talking about - besides having ****** range and being unable to do anything, you die extremely fast, because it's EHP what matters, yet anothher skill-independent no-brain factor. Bigger ships live and smaller ships die not because they're pr0 skilled, but because of skill-independent attributes put into their ships (besides ehp it includes higher base range for all kinds of weapons). You don't solve the puzzles to shoot at 100 km and to sustain some hard hits, you just fit your ship like any other pilot.

Why you're whining about some skill-independent factor, which will help smaller ships, if eve (represented by fatties) already spins around other skill-independent factor?

How would you propose to make EHP fun and exciting to use, like you do for signature?

As for signature damage scaling skill dependency - I think truth is somewhere in-between these 2 options, no one said it's impossible to combine skill-dependent and skill-independent factors in single formula.

Ganthrithor wrote:
if you can fit and pilot in a way that lets you minimize target transversals
Again, i never said that i want to remove this thing at all - if you want to hit with maximum efficiency, you have to minimize angular speed vs your target, there's still room to apply your skill. BUT to make smaller ships viable - big ships even in indeal conditions should be worse at dealing with small ships, when compared to your own small ships.

While 2 rapiers and 3 zealots easily **** 10 frigates with pro pilots - it won't happen.

I'm Down wrote:
Don't open up the can of worms, even for a temp stopgap fix.
Because i think that global rebalancing is a good time for it?

Honestly, my primary concern is argumentation BS pilots use when they're getting raped by turret-based XL platforms. I always felt that such kind of thing is next evolutionary step of EVE - supercapitals obsolete smaller combat classes the same way cruisers were obsoleted by BCs/BSs and frigates by Cruisers/BCs.

But if CCP is about to declare such evolution as 'not intended', then why not to revert all the things it done to smaller ships before?
I'm Down
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#926 - 2012-04-17 09:07:50 UTC  |  Edited by: I'm Down
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
Ganthrithor wrote:
If it's impossible for larger ships to do decent damage to smaller ships regardless of how the smaller ships are flown, then there's no need to do things like fit appropriately or maintain transversal in order to survive in a fight. While using modified sig radius rather than unmodified helps in this respect, doing so simply makes scaling less-bad. It's still a **** mechanic.
I think you missed my point - i never said that skill-independent scaling is better than skill-dependent. I just said that it's impossible to survive the fight regardless of your skill - current turret mechanics and navigational ewar will **** you no matter what. Go try flying Wolf instead of cane in gangs of 50+ ppl and see what i'm talking about - besides having ****** range and being unable to do anything, you die extremely fast, because it's EHP what matters, yet anothher skill-independent no-brain factor. Bigger ships live and smaller ships die not because they're pr0 skilled, but because of skill-independent attributes put into their ships (besides ehp it includes higher base range for all kinds of weapons). You don't solve the puzzles to shoot at 100 km and to sustain some hard hits, you just fit your ship like any other pilot.

Why you're whining about some skill-independent factor, which will help smaller ships, if eve already spins around other skill-independent factor which makes huge advantage of bigger ships over anything else?

How would you propose to make EHP fun and exciting to use, like you do for signature?

Well, if you do gun resolution inflation over range, it actually gives small ships many more advantages that can play into roles. For instance, destroyer's can be given better fittings and much more range with small turrets because they will still have the signiture penalties against smaller ships as range increases. However, they can exploit that same range versus battleships and the boosted gun resolutions won't matter one bit since battleships already have an increased signature.

So if you gave small artilleries 10km signature resolution range as an example:

The ship be designed to hit out to 100km range, but at that point, it's signature resolution would be 400. This means at that 100km range, it's much much harder for it to hit frigates, but it can adequately project it's damage to larger ships. This reduces what you just mentioned about BS having superior range and damage, since the range arguement goes away. The sig res increase on the BS guns also means that destroyers at 100km aren't so easily blapable since BS guns will have a vastly increased sig res, meaning they will be more defensively able with good piloting. Ultimately, Destroyers are still glass cannons, and relatively low DPS at that rage, so the imbalance of size and cost are not tainted. But it does find a role for smaller ship classes in warfare and not just feed the bigger is better concept.

Want to kill destroyers... fine, bring a smaller platform than a BS, such as hacs or BC's.

Need a new ship role? Fine, implement gun sig res reduction roles to some ships as a means conducting anti support measures.

Now eve becomes diverse again as both sides have to think of ways to counter a multifaceted fleet and not just bring in a 1 ship centric fleet design that trumps everything.

How it fixes titans is that they can't hit **** in those mid ranges of 30-90km that titan gun blapping occurs at. Ask any titan pilot, and they will tell you, the reason blapping works is because of those mid ranges. When you provide a penalty to those mid ranges by inflating their sig resolution as suggested already, then ship speeds and transversals have to be much much lower for the titans to even hit. Meaning a titan at 60km is going to hit just a poorly as a titan at 30km range, but for a totally different reason.

It also fixes ass backwards fleets like Maelstom blobs, and Pulse Abaddon fleets. Artillery maelstroms won't be able to dominate any fleet concept on grid by simply taking more range and applying webs, and Abaddons won't get insanely high tracking with low sig resolution at any range out to 75km. I don't even thing 50% of eve or 10% of the developers get that an Abaddon at 70km range gets some obsurd tracking limit of near 2400 m/s. I mean seriously, how many ships in game move faster than this speed cruiser size and up? And what's so assbackwards about pulses is that by swapping scripts on your tracking comps, you can keep that same tracking at 45, and by swapping ammo, you can keep that same tracking at about 33km range. And even worse, you can swap your ammo out to radio, and get nearly 4000 m/s tracking at 50km range. Now frigates are becoming vulnerable even with their transversal near 50% of potential. WHERE THE **** IS THE PENALTY AT RANGE?

I mean, WTF are players supposed to do to counter this problem with any smaller ship class against any capable FC.? MWD inflates their sig. Perfect transversal is basically impossible do to any orbit mechanics. Attackers can manipulate orbit paths further to reduce a defenders transversal. The problem is that range boost tracking by insane amounts w/o penalty. 1000% tracking boost every 10km just doesn't make sense unless resolution suffers at the same time.

Range needs to dictate part of the tracking formula. Sig resolution inflating with range is the way to do this. Stop avoiding the problem.
Kadesh Priestess
#927 - 2012-04-17 09:24:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Kadesh Priestess
I'm Down wrote:
Well, if you do gun resolution inflation over range,
No, it's not good idea, as in - it's extremely bad. Primarily - because general rule of thumb in eve: smaller ship - less range. You have to go deeply in enemy's optimal range to hit at least something (unless i misunderstood you and you suggest to inflate sig from 0, not turret's optimal range).

I'm Down wrote:
Need a new ship role? Fine, implement gun sig res reduction roles to some ships as a means conducting anti support measures.
Big fat NO. Read my paragraph in previous post regarding zealots & rapiers. Man-efficiency is a decisive factor here, much more important than isk-efficiency.

I'm Down wrote:
Now eve becomes diverse again as both sides have to think of ways to counter a multifaceted fleet and not just bring in a 1 ship centric fleet design that trumps everything.
Hey, look - it's already like this, zealots are used as anti-frigate platform (thou less and less), and combat frigates do not appear in fleet compositions because zealots are damn efficient. There's no need in LR HACs because tier3s do 2x-3x more damage, having the same mobility and range.

I agree that sigrad inflation will help it, but to a limited extent. Again, i suggest you to take a wolf and try to keep good angular speed vs gang which is spread out, putting some of your damage onto theirs rapier.

Obviously, when you have to come closer - you can't keep it regardless of your skill. Hostile gang won't need any skill to evaporate your wolf in couple of hits too btw, they'll just exploit turret mechanics and your inability to keep angular speed vs all of their ships.
I'm Down
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#928 - 2012-04-17 09:29:47 UTC
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
entire reply.: hey dudes, it's not an issue because of a rapier, which has a limited effect that's trumped by BS, and a Zealot, which is hardly used anymore b/c BS do it better with more tank and dps potential.

Kadesh Priestess
#929 - 2012-04-17 09:31:13 UTC
I'm Down wrote:
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
entire reply.: hey dudes, it's not an issue because of a rapier, which has a limited effect that's trumped by BS, and a Zealot, which is hardly used anymore b/c BS do it better with more tank and dps potential.

Nice troll, obviously you got the point Roll
CynoNet Two
GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#930 - 2012-04-17 10:37:45 UTC
Creat Posudol wrote:
First of all, please don't use unmodified sig. There are penalties to sig in the game for a reason, even if it isn't as big a penalty as it possibly should be. There still should be some effect to it. Also keep in mind that with squared-over-squared damage scaling (like it is proposed at the moment) the effect would be bigger than in all other cases. Yes, it's still kind of a niche as far as penalties go, but it should still be a penalty nonetheless

For everyone saying this in regards to MWDs - please please keep in mind that the MWD sig bloom was not intended to make sub-cap ships the same 'size' as capitals. The whole point was to stop speed-tanking being broken - the capital-ship size signature on battleships is just incidental.

Providing you definte 'unmodified sig' as:
a) Including all passive effects (halos, shield extenders, istabs, etc) and
b) Not including all active effects (MWD, target painters, etc)
I think that definitely should be the temporary solution until all target signatures and tracking can be rebalanced. Long term we need a more balanced foundation that makes ship sizes actually distinct, serving as a basis for future balance:

Frigate is less than
Cruiser / MWD Frigate is less than
Battleship / MWD Cruiser is less than
MWD Battleship with 3 TP's is less than
Capital with 3 TP's is less than

Then capital weapons and scan resolution can be properly balanced for their intended targets, with role bonuses as required by future roles.
CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#931 - 2012-04-17 10:45:21 UTC

- The reason I'm asking about whether the x-instinct/halo setup is an actual problem is that, while it's often the case that EVE players will abuse any mechanical loopholes to the fullest extent possible, it's not always the case. Example: the "one tower per corp per day per system" rule is in principle hugely exploitable by having lots of corps anchor towers and then join the alliance. In practice and AFAIAA, it didn't get abused much because it was just too much hassle. In the case of carriers, I'm somewhat skeptical that it'd become de rigueur for fleet fights because carriers are relatively cheap, and both x-instinct and halos would likely become pretty expensive if alliances started buying them in that sort of volumes. I would lean towards expecting it to become cost-ineffective very quickly.

- That said, the case where this breaks down is small-scale engagements with single handfuls of carriers, where the investment is likely to be very much worth it. We're not happy with removing the ability of dreadnaughts to deal with carriers effectively, and while adding a sig radius penalty to siege/triage is the simplest fix, it's opening us up to further potential problems and it doesn't deal with non-triage carriers at all.

What I'm going to try and sort out today is to have this attribute applied to XL guns *only* when fitted to titans, so dreadnaughts are left alone for now. We might come back to PvE dreadnaughts as a balance concern at a later date, but for the time being and if this works properly, this change will be limited to just titans for now, and only for as long as it takes to fix the tracking formula properly.

Also, for the record, I don't do private chats; I deal with too many bits of high-end gameplay to risk (plausible) accusations of bias. If you're not a CSM delegate, a volunteer or a fanfest attendee, the forums are your only point of contact. Sorry, that's just how it has to be.
CynoNet Two
GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#932 - 2012-04-17 10:48:23 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Example: the "one tower per corp per day per system" rule is in principle hugely exploitable by having lots of corps anchor towers and then join the alliance. In practice and AFAIAA, it didn't get abused much because it was just too much hassle.

Off-topic I know, but why does this limitation still exist? It was implemented to stop alliances spamming dozens of towers pre-DT in old-style sov wars. What reason is there for it to continue?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#933 - 2012-04-17 10:51:20 UTC
CynoNet Two wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Example: the "one tower per corp per day per system" rule is in principle hugely exploitable by having lots of corps anchor towers and then join the alliance. In practice and AFAIAA, it didn't get abused much because it was just too much hassle.

Off-topic I know, but why does this limitation still exist? It was implemented to stop alliances spamming dozens of towers pre-DT in old-style sov wars. What reason is there for it to continue?

propably since noone knows where that limitation is in the code :D

or because it would **** up researching T2 BPOs on Amarr Posses in a very weird way TwistedTwistedRoll
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#934 - 2012-04-17 11:02:05 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:

- The reason I'm asking about whether the x-instinct/halo setup is an actual problem is that, while it's often the case that EVE players will abuse any mechanical loopholes to the fullest extent possible, it's not always the case. Example: the "one tower per corp per day per system" rule is in principle hugely exploitable by having lots of corps anchor towers and then join the alliance. In practice and AFAIAA, it didn't get abused much because it was just too much hassle. In the case of carriers, I'm somewhat skeptical that it'd become de rigueur for fleet fights because carriers are relatively cheap, and both x-instinct and halos would likely become pretty expensive if alliances started buying them in that sort of volumes. I would lean towards expecting it to become cost-ineffective very quickly.

- That said, the case where this breaks down is small-scale engagements with single handfuls of carriers, where the investment is likely to be very much worth it. We're not happy with removing the ability of dreadnaughts to deal with carriers effectively, and while adding a sig radius penalty to siege/triage is the simplest fix, it's opening us up to further potential problems and it doesn't deal with non-triage carriers at all.

What I'm going to try and sort out today is to have this attribute applied to XL guns *only* when fitted to titans, so dreadnaughts are left alone for now. We might come back to PvE dreadnaughts as a balance concern at a later date, but for the time being and if this works properly, this change will be limited to just titans for now, and only for as long as it takes to fix the tracking formula properly.

Also, for the record, I don't do private chats; I deal with too many bits of high-end gameplay to risk (plausible) accusations of bias. If you're not a CSM delegate, a volunteer or a fanfest attendee, the forums are your only point of contact. Sorry, that's just how it has to be.

Probably because when you introduced that change people would still pos spammed , and stopped now because sov isnt related to pos?

The thing i don´t get is the hard on people have to ratting supers/dreads? They werent made to be PVE machines but people adapted , i really don´t see a problem in titans tracking if you would ~have made the thing that you said in this or in the other thread the ability to jamm/tracking disrupt the titans giving them a pool off some sorts.

Basically nerfing this , nerfing that will only make people go to the next counter , and if you think people wont go to halo carriers you are in for a surprise, if most of alliances reinburse titans , dont you think they would reimburse the carrier and implants?And no i don´t think you should nerf the carriers opr the implants , can´t you guys give more roles to the ships that no one uses?electronic frigs, af, etc?
CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#935 - 2012-04-17 11:07:02 UTC
CynoNet Two wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Example: the "one tower per corp per day per system" rule is in principle hugely exploitable by having lots of corps anchor towers and then join the alliance. In practice and AFAIAA, it didn't get abused much because it was just too much hassle.

Off-topic I know, but why does this limitation still exist? It was implemented to stop alliances spamming dozens of towers pre-DT in old-style sov wars. What reason is there for it to continue?

We've got a defect open on removing it, because it's a totally unnecessary restriction right now Smile
MisterAl tt1
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#936 - 2012-04-17 11:08:07 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:

n the case of carriers, I'm somewhat skeptical that it'd become de rigueur for fleet fights because carriers are relatively cheap, and both x-instinct and halos would likely become pretty expensive if alliances started buying them in that sort of volumes.

What I'm going to try and sort out today is to have this attribute applied to XL guns *only* when fitted to titans, so dreadnaughts are left alone for now. We might come back to PvE dreadnaughts as a balance concern at a later date, but for the time being and if this works properly, this change will be limited to just titans for now, and only for as long as it takes to fix the tracking formula properly.

1. /me remembers 40billion Chimera in WH space and chuckles over "relatively cheap"

2. Thank you for hearing us. I hope you would do as that.
Tranquility Tavern
Pandemic Horde
#937 - 2012-04-17 11:14:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Vheroki
double post
Tranquility Tavern
Pandemic Horde
#938 - 2012-04-17 11:15:36 UTC
Vheroki wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
CynoNet Two wrote:
[quote=CCP Greyscale]Example: the "one tower per corp per day per system" rule is in principle hugely exploitable by having lots of corps anchor towers and then join the alliance. In practice and AFAIAA, it didn't get abused much because it was just too much hassle.

Off-topic I know, but why does this limitation still exist? It was implemented to stop alliances spamming dozens of towers pre-DT in old-style sov wars. What reason is there for it to continue?

We've got a defect open on removing it, because it's a totally unnecessary restriction right now Smile

Will you fix the bridge bug ? Or you gonna reshape noob ships again to look pretty ?

Are you gonna fix the SUPERCAPITAL bumpage ?
What exactly are you fixing apart ghimping titans ?
CynoNet Two
GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#939 - 2012-04-17 11:18:13 UTC  |  Edited by: CynoNet Two
Vheroki wrote:
What exactly are you fixing apart ghimping titans ?

They're fixing the brokeness of titans.

Please stop shitting up the thread. Tenal won't defend itsel... oh wait.
Tranquility Tavern
Pandemic Horde
#940 - 2012-04-17 11:26:30 UTC
CynoNet Two wrote:
Vheroki wrote:
What exactly are you fixing apart ghimping titans ?

They're fixing the brokeness of titans.

Please stop shitting up the thread. Tenal won't defend itsel... oh wait.

Last time i checked i pay the subscription like you so as long as i have things that need fixing i will say it out loud. I was not even talking to you or any goon muppet. These Bugs like the titan bridge and the bumpage when you cyno in is pretty stupid and needs fixing.