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Titan changes - update

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Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#781 - 2012-04-16 15:45:42 UTC
Vheroki wrote:

Since when the changed are done to save battleships ? The changes are done to "balance" something that you are unable to counter. You see is not enough you are putting this forward , but in your ******** way you want to get away with your 3k sig radius battleships, that is wrong. If we as titan pilots need to adapt i sugest you do the same.

it is true, we could not counter raiden titans which is why raiden is firmly planted in tenal and never going to leave
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#782 - 2012-04-16 15:45:51 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Battleships and sig radius: our current thinking is that all those sig radius penalties are there for sound balance reasons, and the only thing they really open up a vulnerability to right now is cap ships. Ignoring them for the purposes of cap ship guns just makes passive shield tanking even more desirable than it is right now. If you're finding that your 2000m drake or 4000m maelstrom are still taking huge amounts of damage from capitals, and that this is causing you problems, that's an issue with your choice of fitting rather than with overall game balance.

No. It's the choice of using a battleship. I used a Mael for convenience but here are numbers with an Abaddon:

max stacked TPs, 1638 sig
MWD on, no TPs, 2820 sig

Both will be taking significant damage from titans. Shield tank isn't the primary contributor here. || || Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Caldari State
#783 - 2012-04-16 15:46:33 UTC
I'm not worried about the dread use in PVE, but the ability to drop out of siege and get rid of the tracking penalty mean that they have a extremely limited ability to defend themselves against sub-caps. Out of siege they do about the DPS of a battleship and track way way worse anyway, so it's in no way a problem, but at least it's something, and as mentioned before, any nerf to a ship that is already as close to being pointless as the dreads are now is a BAD thing.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#784 - 2012-04-16 15:46:54 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Battleships and sig radius: our current thinking is that all those sig radius penalties are there for sound balance reasons, and the only thing they really open up a vulnerability to right now is cap ships. Ignoring them for the purposes of cap ship guns just makes passive shield tanking even more desirable than it is right now. If you're finding that your 2000m drake or 4000m maelstrom are still taking huge amounts of damage from capitals, and that this is causing you problems, that's an issue with your choice of fitting rather than with overall game balance.

What damage do you expect a titan to do to a non-mwding abbadon if it hits?
Creat Posudol
German Oldies
#785 - 2012-04-16 15:48:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Creat Posudol
Bloodpetal wrote:
Lots of good stuff!

I agree with most things said in that post. Especially with the part that very small ships should always hit very big ships even if they themselves are so fast that they outtrack themselves. If the huge ship fills about a 60° view angle, you're just not gonna miss it!
Additionally the tracking formula doesn't take the orientation of the ships into account (which is fine, because nothing in EVE does), and the fact is that a frigate orbiting a titan will do so in a manner that doesn't technically (I mean as far as real-world-physics are concerned) require her to move the turrets at all. Imagine her orbiting clockwise, the titan will always be on her right, filling up the sky. Since the tracking in EVE is measured as the line connecting the two center points of the ships (at least as far as I know) this effect is lost, tracking in EVE is symmetrical, it isn't in reality. There should be some form of compensation for this, like a cut-off for the tracking part of the formula if the size difference of the ships (or of the sig res of the gun vs. the sig size of the target, if you want to stick to the same stats as the rest of the formula) becomes very large in that direction, basically negating any negative effect on the to-hit-chance incurred from tracking.

Also, for those who want a real-world example of gun size vs. target size: Take the guns from an actual Battleship (these things floating on water you may have heard of) trying to shoot a fighter plane from WW2. A Spitfire is about 9m long with a 12m wingspan (let's call it 10m "size"). Even the bigger guns on battleships have ammo of about 50cm, which comes out at a ratio of 1:20. This is pretty close to ratios of in-game BS vs. Frigates. Yet the (water based) BS would never even try to hit the fighter, even at a distance of a few KM where it's tracking can easily keep up with the movement. It can however hit a land or sea based target many kilometers away with astonishing (if not frightening) accuracy (a few meters depending on the distance). This effect can be reasonably compared (or attributed) to the signature resolution of the gun. It's not about the precision in and of itself, it's more about the agility which would be required to hit something much smaller, so this attribute is less about turning speed and more about how quick the direction of movement can be changed (inertia compensation, if you will).
Caldari State
#786 - 2012-04-16 15:52:40 UTC
pmchem wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Battleships and sig radius: our current thinking is that all those sig radius penalties are there for sound balance reasons, and the only thing they really open up a vulnerability to right now is cap ships. Ignoring them for the purposes of cap ship guns just makes passive shield tanking even more desirable than it is right now. If you're finding that your 2000m drake or 4000m maelstrom are still taking huge amounts of damage from capitals, and that this is causing you problems, that's an issue with your choice of fitting rather than with overall game balance.

No. It's the choice of using a battleship. I used a Mael for convenience but here are numbers with an Abaddon:

max stacked TPs, 1638 sig
MWD on, no TPs, 2820 sig

Both will be taking significant damage from titans. Shield tank isn't the primary contributor here.

Well, then don't turn on your MWD.

With only 3 targets possible for each titan making target coordination harder and requiring each target to have 3 bonused TPs on it, it's not a problem. Again, simply jam or kill the Huginn!
Additionally, you're again forgetting the skirmish bonuses, which reduce sig by 33% or so (can't remember the exact number).
CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#787 - 2012-04-16 15:53:32 UTC
pmchem wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Battleships and sig radius: our current thinking is that all those sig radius penalties are there for sound balance reasons, and the only thing they really open up a vulnerability to right now is cap ships. Ignoring them for the purposes of cap ship guns just makes passive shield tanking even more desirable than it is right now. If you're finding that your 2000m drake or 4000m maelstrom are still taking huge amounts of damage from capitals, and that this is causing you problems, that's an issue with your choice of fitting rather than with overall game balance.

No. It's the choice of using a battleship. I used a Mael for convenience but here are numbers with an Abaddon:

max stacked TPs, 1638 sig
MWD on, no TPs, 2820 sig

Both will be taking significant damage from titans. Shield tank isn't the primary contributor here.

Sure, but the MWD is, and again, that's supposed to be a balancing factor. You go very fast but you gain a huge sig radius while doing it. I understand that bubbles make speed a priority in big fights, but I'm not sure that we want to give MWDs a carte blanche here.

Retar Aveymone wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Battleships and sig radius: our current thinking is that all those sig radius penalties are there for sound balance reasons, and the only thing they really open up a vulnerability to right now is cap ships. Ignoring them for the purposes of cap ship guns just makes passive shield tanking even more desirable than it is right now. If you're finding that your 2000m drake or 4000m maelstrom are still taking huge amounts of damage from capitals, and that this is causing you problems, that's an issue with your choice of fitting rather than with overall game balance.

What damage do you expect a titan to do to a non-mwding abbadon if it hits?

Either 17% or 3%, depending on which damage model we settle on.
Vashan Tar
Goonswarm Federation
#788 - 2012-04-16 15:55:05 UTC
Vheroki wrote:
The changes are done to "balance" something that you are unable to counter.

Where were you this weekend? You might want to check that again :smug:
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#789 - 2012-04-16 15:56:06 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
pmchem wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Battleships and sig radius: our current thinking is that all those sig radius penalties are there for sound balance reasons, and the only thing they really open up a vulnerability to right now is cap ships. Ignoring them for the purposes of cap ship guns just makes passive shield tanking even more desirable than it is right now. If you're finding that your 2000m drake or 4000m maelstrom are still taking huge amounts of damage from capitals, and that this is causing you problems, that's an issue with your choice of fitting rather than with overall game balance.

No. It's the choice of using a battleship. I used a Mael for convenience but here are numbers with an Abaddon:

max stacked TPs, 1638 sig
MWD on, no TPs, 2820 sig

Both will be taking significant damage from titans. Shield tank isn't the primary contributor here.

Sure, but the MWD is, and again, that's supposed to be a balancing factor. You go very fast but you gain a huge sig radius while doing it. I understand that bubbles make speed a priority in big fights, but I'm not sure that we want to give MWDs a carte blanche here.

Well, "it's ok for titans to blap MWDing ships" is a new thing today versus the previous goal of "titans not blapping any subcaps", so I just didn't want you to try and disguise it as a shieldfleet vs armorfleet balance issue. Because shield vs armor is totally irrelevant after you stack a ton of TPs or turn on a MWD. || || Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Caldari State
#790 - 2012-04-16 16:00:31 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Retar Aveymone wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Battleships and sig radius: our current thinking is that all those sig radius penalties are there for sound balance reasons, and the only thing they really open up a vulnerability to right now is cap ships. Ignoring them for the purposes of cap ship guns just makes passive shield tanking even more desirable than it is right now. If you're finding that your 2000m drake or 4000m maelstrom are still taking huge amounts of damage from capitals, and that this is causing you problems, that's an issue with your choice of fitting rather than with overall game balance.

What damage do you expect a titan to do to a non-mwding abbadon if it hits?

Either 17% or 3%, depending on which damage model we settle on.

It should still be theoretically possible to hit smaller ships for SOMETHING if they **** uo and don't mind transversal at all, so please go with the 17% option then. That would mean roughly BS level DPS being applied to a BS, but only if you can track it. That's not a problem IMO, and if it were to turn out to be, you can iterate on it later and reduce it even more.
Goonbine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles
Goonswarm Federation
#791 - 2012-04-16 16:01:49 UTC
In particular, the fact that the best turret titans -- the Avatar and the Erebus -- can fit target painters with essentially no penalty to their tank (due to armor-tanked-ness) is what makes the target painting calculation so essential when we're talking about titan balance. A dreadnought, *in addition* to the very long lock times which you are neglecting to add to titans, has to make significant choices in fitting terms (cap, tracking, sensorboosting) if they want to fit any target painters. Titans don't need cap to active-rep tank, have a larger cap pool, and have an extra midslot compared to their dreadnought versions. Target painters at full effectiveness essentially allows an Erebus or Avatar to fit an ENTIRE MID RACK of modules that do nothing but improve their tracking against subcaps (3 TCs and 2-3 TPs) in addition to the unaddressed issue of being able to use Strong Drop boosters with no penalties.
Caldari State
#792 - 2012-04-16 16:02:51 UTC
pmchem wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
pmchem wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Battleships and sig radius: our current thinking is that all those sig radius penalties are there for sound balance reasons, and the only thing they really open up a vulnerability to right now is cap ships. Ignoring them for the purposes of cap ship guns just makes passive shield tanking even more desirable than it is right now. If you're finding that your 2000m drake or 4000m maelstrom are still taking huge amounts of damage from capitals, and that this is causing you problems, that's an issue with your choice of fitting rather than with overall game balance.

No. It's the choice of using a battleship. I used a Mael for convenience but here are numbers with an Abaddon:

max stacked TPs, 1638 sig
MWD on, no TPs, 2820 sig

Both will be taking significant damage from titans. Shield tank isn't the primary contributor here.

Sure, but the MWD is, and again, that's supposed to be a balancing factor. You go very fast but you gain a huge sig radius while doing it. I understand that bubbles make speed a priority in big fights, but I'm not sure that we want to give MWDs a carte blanche here.

Well, "it's ok for titans to blap MWDing ships" is a new thing today versus the previous goal of "titans not blapping any subcaps", so I just didn't want you to try and disguise it as a shieldfleet vs armorfleet balance issue. Because shield vs armor is totally irrelevant after you stack a ton of TPs or turn on a MWD.

Having to stack a bunch of TPs (and still getting a significant damage penalty when you count in your skirmish bonuses) is completely different from todays "drop titans, fire at will" that we have today. You'd actually need support, which can get shot and taken out.
For the third time, kill or jam the Huginns.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#793 - 2012-04-16 16:04:55 UTC
Pmchem made a mistake by focusing on Huggin TPs: the proper assumption is that these ships will be painted by supercarriers using the best TPs that exist (domination iirc). The question then becomes what ships take close to full damage so they get alphaed by a lucky shot (vs. take something like 25% ehp damage)?

I think it's a mistake to allow MWDing battleships to get alphaed: the MWD sig bloom is intended to prevent the battleship from using the MWD to speed tank. It is not intended as a random penalty. Since you can't effectively speedtank a titan (the transversal issue with blobs that is such a pain) it is not a good idea to allow titans to more severely damage MWDing ships: this is a penalty the mod wasn't designed to have. A MWD's sig bloom makes it so your mwding battleship can't speedtank guns that should hit it, it's not supposed to make it take more damage.

While I can see how you think that the shield penalties should effect passive shieldtanking battleships it's worth pointing out that the armor buffer penalties (lower velocity) are likewise entirely irrelevant for a fleet battleship. Making the shield sigradius penalty more severe while ignoring the armor velocity penalty isn't keeping things balanced: it's penalizing shieldfits. If you want to do that, that's one thing: but you're making a mistake that you're keeping it balanced by doing this.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#794 - 2012-04-16 16:06:29 UTC
ps stacked faction TPs from supercaps onto a mael get its sig above 1350, so a pure superfleet can still blap with these changes. welp! || || Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Caldari State
#795 - 2012-04-16 16:06:58 UTC
Kazanir wrote:
In particular, the fact that the best turret titans -- the Avatar and the Erebus -- can fit target painters with essentially no penalty to their tank (due to armor-tanked-ness) is what makes the target painting calculation so essential when we're talking about titan balance. A dreadnought, *in addition* to the very long lock times which you are neglecting to add to titans, has to make significant choices in fitting terms (cap, tracking, sensorboosting) if they want to fit any target painters. Titans don't need cap to active-rep tank, have a larger cap pool, and have an extra midslot compared to their dreadnought versions. Target painters at full effectiveness essentially allows an Erebus or Avatar to fit an ENTIRE MID RACK of modules that do nothing but improve their tracking against subcaps (3 TCs and 2-3 TPs) in addition to the unaddressed issue of being able to use Strong Drop boosters with no penalties.

Sure, but then you won't be able to lock anything this year. You need some sensor boosters, and you also need tracking computers. Tracking enhancers don't provide enough tracking to be significant, they're just there for the range, so you still need 6 of your lows for damage mods and tracking enchancers to get the damage and range, plus 2 sensor boosters in the mids to lock in a reasonable time, leaving you with a choice of TP or TC in the remaining 3. Even if you go with TP, they're significantly weaker then Huginn TPs.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#796 - 2012-04-16 16:07:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Retar Aveymone
steave435 wrote:

It should still be theoretically possible to hit smaller ships for SOMETHING if they **** uo and don't mind transversal at all, so please go with the 17% option then. That would mean roughly BS level DPS being applied to a BS, but only if you can track it. That's not a problem IMO, and if it were to turn out to be, you can iterate on it later and reduce it even more.

I think you've forgotten the fundamental problem with a titan blob, and the reason we can't just nerf tracking: when fighting a titan blob it is not possible to maintain transversal to everyone. This is a bad argument that has been dismissed a long time ago and should stay in the rubbishheap of titan balancing principles. Anyone who speaks about "maintaining transversal" as relevant to if a ship should survive vs. titab blobs is making as much sense as someone demanding to measure skull shapes to determine personality traits.
Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#797 - 2012-04-16 16:07:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Nova Fox
From what Ive seen armor tanks have the ability to negate thier speed disadvantage for more speed at the cost of what shield tanks suffer from.

Why dont sheild tanks have an ability to negate thier sig radius disadvantage for at the penalty of the armor tank's penalties.

Something like a shield densifier makes the shields thicker but reduces speed and possibly sensors.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Caldari State
#798 - 2012-04-16 16:12:42 UTC
pmchem wrote:
ps stacked faction TPs from supercaps onto a mael get its sig above 1350, so a pure superfleet can still blap with these changes. welp!

Now take into account that you'd need a dedicated SC painting every single ship a titan wants to shoot and the fact that you'd need to coordinate that perfectly with the titan pilots. Now add in the skirmish bonus and you're down to about 1000 even then, meaning (conservatively depending on the formula and border value chosen) 50% damage reduction on those few shootable ships. Finally, the SCs loose about 60% of their cap mods, very significantly affecting RR ability.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#799 - 2012-04-16 16:14:09 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
In either case though, it seems like a lot of effort to go to just to force people to fit target painters to their supercarriers; furthermore, the decision we've made is based partly on a desire to avoid special-casing so this sort of approach isn't really on the table right now.

Fortunately, Greyscale knows target painters are a problem. I have faith he will save the subcaps!! || || Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#800 - 2012-04-16 16:15:23 UTC
steave435 wrote:

Now take into account that you'd need a dedicated SC painting every single ship a titan wants to shoot and the fact that you'd need to coordinate that perfectly with the titan pilots. Now add in the skirmish bonus and you're down to about 1000 even then, meaning (conservatively depending on the formula and border value chosen) 50% damage reduction on those few shootable ships. Finally, the SCs loose about 60% of their cap mods, very significantly affecting RR ability.

This is trivial, and we all know it. Supercarriers and armor titans together will ensure that there's no shortage of target painting. It's simply nonsense to claim otherwise, and that's why the balancing must be based on the assumption that a targeted battleship has 3-4 faction target painters on it.