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The Best Anti-Burn Jita Strategy

Kengutsi Akira
#41 - 2012-04-16 03:25:55 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
clonkrieger wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
On the 27th pull out any ship you have there, unless you want to try to follow in local for grins. At any rate, don't undock anything on the 28th. If the only thing flying are Goon ships, they're gonna have a helluva time staring at each other, wondering why Mitt said this was such a great idea. Mitt, the mighty leader....burn Jita. Yeah, right.

The funny part will be with no targets, the Goons complaining in local...while their complaints are scrolled out of chat by Jita spam bots. They won't even be able to smack talk.

What you're saying is possibly what he want's.

Who cares what he wants? What he wants is what his minions have been told to say, "wrecks littering Jita..." And, trade coming to a halt. All proficient traders don't have to actually be IN Jita to continue doing business. What he wants can't be done if we don't want it done.

Kengutsi Akira wrote:
That way even if they DONT do anything he can stroke his ego and go "look! I shut down Jita just by the rumor we'd do something bwa ha haaa"

And there's your stroke of brilliance, Kengutsi. He's going to claim success regardless. Just don't lose anything to him.
Let the delusional delude himself.

lol I dont DO business in Jita...

I have an alt there to watch the fireworks tho

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2012-04-16 03:26:55 UTC
Lapine Davion wrote:
Kengutsi Akira wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
"Methinks the lady doth protest too much." - Willie the Shake -

thats actually what I was saying

clonkrieger wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
On the 27th pull out any ship you have there, unless you want to try to follow in local for grins. At any rate, don't undock anything on the 28th. If the only thing flying are Goon ships, they're gonna have a helluva time staring at each other, wondering why Mitt said this was such a great idea. Mitt, the mighty leader....burn Jita. Yeah, right.

The funny part will be with no targets, the Goons complaining in local...while their complaints are scrolled out of chat by Jita spam bots. They won't even be able to smack talk.

What you're saying is likely what he want's.

That way even if they DONT do anything he can stroke his ego and go "look! I shut down Jita just by the rumor we'd do something bwa ha haaa"

I think I get what you are saying. You just say it in a confusing way, mang.

Thanks for correcting me. ;)
Kengutsi Akira
#43 - 2012-04-16 03:28:16 UTC
lol np man Big smile

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Vince Snetterton
#44 - 2012-04-16 03:45:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Vince Snetterton
I am surprised at the discipline the dear leader's disciples have.
Not one has posted their usual crap.

Maybe the head sociopaths have issued an edict banning the lower sociopaths from posting.

And as for this "jita burning" stuff, unless the goons manage to shut down commerce in Jita plus 3 or 4 OTHER trade hubs, SIMULTANEOUSLY, for A WEEK, this won't even be a blip.

Not unless CCP changes the Jita to null sec overnight and let's goons reinforce and capture Jita 4-4.

Personally, I will likely show up in a covops, minimize local chat since it will just be rolling spam, get bored in 10 minutes, and then go about trying to eke out a living in high sec.

This attack on Jita in-game is meaningless.
The null sec zealots, outside and inside CCP, working with the CSM to destroy high sec, that is the REAL crisis.
Serene Repose
#45 - 2012-04-16 03:48:32 UTC
Vince Snetterton wrote:
...This attack on Jita in-game is meaningless.
The null sec zealots, outside and inside CCP, working with the CSM to destroy high sec, that is the REAL crisis.

I couldn't agree with you more. We need to get more focus here. This Burn Jita / Hulkageddon is the sideshow.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Lapine Davion
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#46 - 2012-04-16 04:07:35 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
Vince Snetterton wrote:
...This attack on Jita in-game is meaningless.
The null sec zealots, outside and inside CCP, working with the CSM to destroy high sec, that is the REAL crisis.

I couldn't agree with you more. We need to get more focus here. This Burn Jita / Hulkageddon is the sideshow.

Yes, clearly high-sec is under seige from the forces of darkness within and without CCP. The company that makes your game obviously just wants you to quit.

[b]Don't worry about posting with your main!  Post with your brain! "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."[/b]

Vince Snetterton
#47 - 2012-04-16 04:22:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Vince Snetterton
Serene Repose wrote:
Vince Snetterton wrote:
...This attack on Jita in-game is meaningless
The null sec zealots, outside and inside CCP, working with the CSM to destroy high sec, that is the REAL crisis.

I couldn't agree with you more. We need to get more focus here. This Burn Jita / Hulkageddon is the sideshow.

The problem Serene has been stated many times, unfortunately.
It was reflected in the latest CSM results.

The following is a generalization, and of course common knowledge to many, but I feel the need to express it anyway.

We all know how passive and non-vocal the silent majority in Eve is.
One any given day, just look at the quantity of posts from high sec players that post up comments on the forum.

High sec players are more of the mindset of live and let live, just like the majority of humans are in real life society.
They go about their daily business and ignore the politics of the minority, even if said politics impacts them hugely.

That allows the zealots free reign to impose their values on the majority.

In the real world, this happens on a daily basis. The masses put up indignity after indignity until life becomes intolerable, and they revolt. Blood flows, and a new regime is installed, that is supposed to create a new order, one tasked to making life for the average human a more equitable place. Naturally, that new regime is slowly co-opted by zealots once again, and the process repeats.

It is called a revolution, and has happened in France, U.S., China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Ireland, and now several Arab countries.

In Eve, we don't seem able to coalesce about a leader in-game or out of game. I think that the masses in high sec are not hurting enough yet to to revolt. The big question will be when the majority in high sec finally do revolt, do they fight back in game, do they finally put a voice to the the inequities and vote enough people onto the CSM to form a majority voting bloc (as it should be), or do they simply unsubscribe.

I am betting on the unsubscribe method. When high sec life becomes intolerable, people won't move to low or null. They will simply stop playing.
Alavaria Fera
#48 - 2012-04-16 04:25:58 UTC
Lapine Davion wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Vince Snetterton wrote:
...This attack on Jita in-game is meaningless.
The null sec zealots, outside and inside CCP, working with the CSM to destroy high sec, that is the REAL crisis.

I couldn't agree with you more. We need to get more focus here. This Burn Jita / Hulkageddon is the sideshow.

Yes, clearly high-sec is under seige from the forces of darkness within and without CCP. The company that makes your game obviously just wants you to quit.

Makes perfect sense.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Vince Snetterton
#49 - 2012-04-16 04:36:41 UTC
Lapine Davion wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Vince Snetterton wrote:
...This attack on Jita in-game is meaningless.
The null sec zealots, outside and inside CCP, working with the CSM to destroy high sec, that is the REAL crisis.

I couldn't agree with you more. We need to get more focus here. This Burn Jita / Hulkageddon is the sideshow.

Yes, clearly high-sec is under seige from the forces of darkness within and without CCP. The company that makes your game obviously just wants you to quit.

The majority of CCP may not, but there is clearly a group within CCP that either want to revert the game back to a much more savage place or do not understand the consequences of the changes they are implementing on high sec.

In either case, the result will likely be a reduction in subs. Only when this subscription drop occurs will the more sane at CCP take over. We saw this last summer. Only when the subs dropped did Hilmar do a mea cupla.

The Jita riots and the volumes of posts did little. The sub drops that occurred at the same time, that is what woke CCP up.
Lapine Davion
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#50 - 2012-04-16 04:39:36 UTC
Vince Snetterton wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Vince Snetterton wrote:
...This attack on Jita in-game is meaningless
The null sec zealots, outside and inside CCP, working with the CSM to destroy high sec, that is the REAL crisis.

I couldn't agree with you more. We need to get more focus here. This Burn Jita / Hulkageddon is the sideshow.

The problem Serene has been stated many times, unfortunately.
It was reflected in the latest CSM results.

The following is a generalization, and of course common knowledge to many, but I feel the need to express it anyway.

We all know how passive and non-vocal the silent majority in Eve is.
One any given day, just look at the quantity of posts from high sec players that post up comments on the forum.

High sec players are more of the mindset of live and let live, just like the majority of humans are in real life society.
They go about their daily business and ignore the politics of the minority, even if said politics impacts them hugely.

That allows the zealots free reign to impose their values on the majority.

In the real world, this happens on a daily basis. The masses put up indignity after indignity until life becomes intolerable, and they revolt. Blood flows, and a new regime is installed, that is supposed to create a new order, one tasked to making life for the average human a more equitable place. Naturally, that new regime is slowly co-opted by zealots once again, and the process repeats.

It is called a revolution, and has happened in France, U.S., China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Ireland, and now several Arab countries.

In Eve, we don't seem able to coalesce about a leader in-game or out of game. I think that the masses in high sec are not hurting enough yet to to revolt. The big question will be when the majority in high sec finally do revolt, do they fight back in game, do they finally put a voice to the the inequities and vote enough people onto the CSM to form a majority voting bloc (as it should be), or do they simply unsubscribe.

I am betting on the unsubscribe method. When high sec life becomes intolerable, people won't move to low or null. They will simply stop playing.

So what is wrong in highsec that isn't in the process of being fixed already? What are the injustices that high-sec people need to rally around? Ganking? It's part of the game. Scamming? Also part of the game.

The simple matter is that if the majority of high-sec had all their wishes granted, EVE Online as we know it, as we all like it, would cease to exist.

[b]Don't worry about posting with your main!  Post with your brain! "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."[/b]

Vince Snetterton
#51 - 2012-04-16 04:54:21 UTC
Lapine Davion wrote:

So what is wrong in highsec that isn't in the process of being fixed already? What are the injustices that high-sec people need to rally around? Ganking? It's part of the game. Scamming? Also part of the game.

The simple matter is that if the majority of high-sec had all their wishes granted, EVE Online as we know it, as we all like it, would cease to exist.

Spoken like one of the zealot minority I just described.
The zealot minority knows better than the majority of players, right?

Love that phrase " EVE Online as we know it, as we all like it".
Who is this "we all" you describe?

Seems to me that the game as YOU know and love is NOT the game that AT LEAST SOME, more likely MOST, do not love.
Chokichi Ozuwara
Caldari State
#52 - 2012-04-16 04:57:12 UTC
Lapine Davion wrote:
Do you think that Goons are sociopaths in real life, or that they are just so in game?

Eve doesn't exist outside of "real life". Real people playing in a simulated universe is still "real life".

Tears will be shed and pants will need to be changed all round.

Victor Dathar
Snuffed Out
#53 - 2012-04-16 05:05:02 UTC
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

^^^ lol that post is so bad you should get back 2 GBS m8 o7

@grr_goons : Wisdom, Insight, GBS Posts

Lapine Davion
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#54 - 2012-04-16 05:12:23 UTC
ITT eve-o pubbies can't tell the difference between real life and a video game.

[b]Don't worry about posting with your main!  Post with your brain! "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."[/b]

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#55 - 2012-04-16 06:11:34 UTC
good for markets, proceed goons.
nubile slave
Advanced Weapon Supplement League
#56 - 2012-04-16 06:13:16 UTC
OP didn't know that 75% of Eve does not bother to read the forums? Shocked

#57 - 2012-04-16 06:21:03 UTC
I just heard from an IG source that 1800 Tornados are going to be coming to Jita to cull the tears of white knight carebears. Can anyone confirm that figure? Smile

“Death and destruction are necessary to the health of the world, and therefore as natural, and lovable, as birth and life. Only priests and born cowards moan and weep over dying. Brave men face it with approving nonchalance." - Ragnar Redbeard

Nylith Empyreal
Sutar Rein
#58 - 2012-04-16 06:24:13 UTC
Don't go to Jita? Kill them with kindness? Offer a carebear sacrifice. Far better options than trying to kill a set of ships that are going to die to concord anyhow.

Who's the more foolish the fool or the fool who replies to him?

#59 - 2012-04-16 06:28:07 UTC
Nylith Empyreal wrote:
Offer a carebear sacrifice.
Not a bad idea actually, I wonder what they would do if a few hundred "industrialists" just offered themselves in surrender?

“Death and destruction are necessary to the health of the world, and therefore as natural, and lovable, as birth and life. Only priests and born cowards moan and weep over dying. Brave men face it with approving nonchalance." - Ragnar Redbeard

#60 - 2012-04-16 06:28:55 UTC
T-B0NE wrote:
I just heard from an IG source that 1800 Tornados are going to be coming to Jita to cull the tears of white knight carebears. Can anyone confirm that figure? Smile

Jita is now called Kansas and Dorothy Gale better not click her heels.

You go your corridor but.