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Your favourite EVE frigates in LEGO form!

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Mr Jaffar
#161 - 2012-04-13 20:39:59 UTC
CCP... I've spent 20 minutes logging in... Stop putting so many distractions on the login pages!

First the UK meetup and now this... I want to play the game!Big smile
Khalidah Kassab
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#162 - 2012-04-13 20:49:26 UTC
Amarr: Anathema
Caldari: Hawk
Gallente: Keres
#163 - 2012-04-13 20:49:44 UTC
Amarr: Malediction
Caldari: New Stealth Bomber
Gallente: Ishkur
Ranek Tes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#164 - 2012-04-13 20:50:57 UTC
Hustomte wrote:
Amarr: Punisher
Caldari: Kestrel
Gallente: Navitas

Jugis Modo Utopia
#165 - 2012-04-13 20:52:05 UTC
Amarr: Executioner
Caldari: Heron
Gallente: Navitas
Azure Freelancers
#166 - 2012-04-13 20:52:30 UTC
Amarr: Punisher
Caldari: Merlin
Gallente: Incursus

Tremendous job on the Rifter.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#167 - 2012-04-13 20:53:01 UTC
Amarr: Vengeance
Caldari: Manticore
Gallente: Federation Navy Comet
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#168 - 2012-04-13 20:53:06 UTC
Maximille Biagge wrote:

Amarr: Punisher
Caldari: Merlin
Gallente: Tristan

Isaiah Mazur
Blades of Liberty
#169 - 2012-04-13 20:53:31 UTC
Amarr: Inquisitor
Caldari: Kestrel
Gallente: Maulus
Grog Drinker
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#170 - 2012-04-13 20:55:12 UTC
Amarr: Slicer
Caldari: Merlin
Gallente: Comet
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#171 - 2012-04-13 20:56:12 UTC
Caldari: Merlin
Amarr: Punisher
Gallente: Tristan
#172 - 2012-04-13 21:00:09 UTC
Amarr: Punisher
Caldari: Kestrel
Gallente: Tristan
Arsghalt Audeles
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#173 - 2012-04-13 21:03:11 UTC
Amarr: Punisher
Caldari: Merlin
Gallente: Tristan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#174 - 2012-04-13 21:05:12 UTC
Amarr: Punisher
Caldari: Merlin
Gallente: Atron
Erin Morgan
Korvgubben Incorporated
#175 - 2012-04-13 21:07:38 UTC
Caldari: Merlin
Amarr: Punisher
Gallente: Incursus
State War Academy
Caldari State
#176 - 2012-04-13 21:09:48 UTC
Amarr: Anathema
Caldari: Manticore
Gallente: Enyo
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#177 - 2012-04-13 21:11:11 UTC
Amarr: Executioner / Crusader
Gallente: Atron / Taranis
Caldari: Merlin
Drek Kado
Praetorian Guard of Honour
#178 - 2012-04-13 21:11:11 UTC
Amarr: Executioner
Caldari: Merlin
Gallente: Tristan
Icarus Helia
State War Academy
Caldari State
#179 - 2012-04-13 21:18:46 UTC
amarr: punisher
caldari: kestrel
gallente: daredevil (please?) otherwise incursus

Why you no care?

Rihanna Hawksworthy
#180 - 2012-04-13 21:21:13 UTC
My favorite Frigate, Slasher.