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An Open Panel for Goonswarm's suggestions

Cryo Huren
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#101 - 2012-04-10 00:19:16 UTC
Sir Marksalot wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
HELIC0N ONE wrote:

Clearly it must have been a goon

Your old friend CCP Sreegs had similar issues at his previous job, I guess we should assume it must have been a Star Fraction member that tried to get him fired?

Obviously I have no knowledge of what happened in CCP Sreeg's case. But I certainly noted identical links, text and RL harrassment between the mails sent to my employers and "trolls" posted on these very forums by senior goons. Coincidence.Unlikely

It's almost like the entire eve community knows you ran a space brothel, and not just a few ELITE SENIOR GOONS.

edit: haha you ran a space brothel

e2: as a woman, in space

Don't forget as a woman with a schlong
Sir Marksalot
Gallente Federation
#102 - 2012-04-10 02:24:41 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:

The consequence of SA culture dominatiing Eve culture is that this game community is seen as a poisonous snake-pit by the gaming media and other MMO players and rather than respecting the "core game" harshness and admirable difficulty level of Eve, they end up despising the petty-minded vindictive bully-culture laden with sexism, homophobia and racist frat-boy antics that would make most student campus societies call for expulsion.

Have you ever even looked at the www dot Something Awful dot com forums? Because I think you've confused them with 4chan.

Jade Constantine wrote:

Goons once were rumoured to have come to Eve to "destroy the game".
They refined the message to we're here to "destroy your game."

Ironic that the latest target group for destruction is the hard core gamers who want to play a full-tilt full death penalty open world MMO without crossing the line into Cyber-bullying, Internet Harrassment and outright out of game criminality.

Food for thought.

Ah, yes, the innocent non-goon eve playing masses who have never once done anything creepy to people out of game. Like that one time Evil Thug or whoever it was tried to get someone to go to an enemy titan pilot's house and cut his power.

In conclusion, stop trying too hard to be a relevant forums superstar, stop writing so many halfassed essays on eve-o about the big bad goonies who are going to literally destroy eve.
Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#103 - 2012-04-10 13:14:40 UTC
I love it how Goons swarm in here with feeble attacks on Jade.

We know why they do so. It's because Jade was a more prominent figure who also spoke fervently for applying the rules on The Mittani just as they would on others for breaking some rule(s).

Seeing that Jade is eloquent and to the point and the fact that The Mittani singled out a few specific characters, of which one was Jade, those now get targetted by his pubbie henchmen.
It just displays the poor quality of people behind the characters. How easy it is to manipulate the weakminded flock on the CFC core alliance to bid their masters will.
This just proves how dangerous The Mittani's speech and singling out a specific player was at the Fanfest and how right CCP was in applying sanctions.
Now a new witchhunt season has been opened by The Mittani by singling out a few others who dared to oppose him.

He doesn't have to call out to his flock to go harrass. He merely has to mention names in a negative way and the herd under his wings can't await to eagerly please their (puppet)master.
This kind of idolation has been seen time after time in human history. And not one of those segments in history are remembered fondly but only with shame and denial.

EVE was a game a few years ago, but sadly enough the game part has been lawined in by people who's ego's grew far outside the gaming world.
Even worse is the herd of simpleminded drones who just can't wait till someone leads them to be as inhumane as possible.

Throw off the shackles. Freedom of speech and more like that sort of uproars sprout over the internet. Regardless if their own socalled freedom is hurtfull, damaging or narrowing others freedom.
As soon as freedom of speech get's abused to hurt others it loses it's true spirit and becomes nothing else than a weapon to hurt, deny and overcome other people.
No need to discuss on a normal level. It's so damn easy to hide behind anonimity of the internet or behind your own personal points of vieuw without any regard to others.
Why even take responcebility for your actions. That isn't part of freedom, right.

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#104 - 2012-04-10 13:43:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Constantine
Not sure what the revelence of my Master of Arts qualification is really.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#105 - 2012-04-10 13:44:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Constantine
Sir Marksalot wrote:

Irrelevant internet forums superstar Jade Constantine posts yet another essay on goons, and how all goons are clearly out to get him.
Within this essay he says goons released his info, while simultaneously re-re-re-re-releasing the irl info of another goon.

Well so irrelevant I'm listed on your wiki as one of the goons ancient foes in eve online eh. Plus, "releasing" the irl info of another goon? Sorry but Gianturco did that when he ran for CSM. Just as I released my own when I did.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

PleaseDONTblow Myship
Aggressive Feeding
#106 - 2012-04-10 14:02:58 UTC
Or are you planning to usurp my ability to post because i dont fullfill your reqiurements of purity of race/worthy RPing name?
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#107 - 2012-04-10 14:07:49 UTC
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
Or are you planning to usurp my ability to post because i dont fullfill your reqiurements of purity of race/worthy RPing name?

No I'd just like you to post with your main rather than hiding behind a fake posting identity (most likely because your main got banned for rl-harrassing other eve players).

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

PleaseDONTblow Myship
Aggressive Feeding
#108 - 2012-04-10 14:13:39 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
Or are you planning to usurp my ability to post because i dont fullfill your reqiurements of purity of race/worthy RPing name?

No I'd just like you to post with your main rather than hiding behind a fake posting identity (most likely because your main got banned for rl-harrassing other eve players).

So now you are accusing me of being cyberbully?

Yes/not or stfu pls...
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#109 - 2012-04-10 14:19:44 UTC
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
Or are you planning to usurp my ability to post because i dont fullfill your reqiurements of purity of race/worthy RPing name?

No I'd just like you to post with your main rather than hiding behind a fake posting identity (most likely because your main got banned for rl-harrassing other eve players).

So now you are accusing me of being cyberbully?

Yes/not or stfu pls...

Everyone can see your registration date. Your posting history is public knowledge. You have made 28 posts (of 29) in the period since Mittani got banned. You post identically to any of thousand random goon trolls and you are clearly using this identity to continue the nonsense you began on another character.

Your posts are generally one-liner insults and its clear you don't care if this character gets banned either. Its the scattergun approach of e-harrassment and forum cyber bullying really. You derail other threads and try to wind up people so they get their own more valuable posting identities with some actual reputation endangered by engaging with you.

So sure, its a strategy you are using. Bravo. But it doesn't really fool anyone.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

PleaseDONTblow Myship
Aggressive Feeding
#110 - 2012-04-10 14:27:08 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
Or are you planning to usurp my ability to post because i dont fullfill your reqiurements of purity of race/worthy RPing name?

No I'd just like you to post with your main rather than hiding behind a fake posting identity (most likely because your main got banned for rl-harrassing other eve players).

So now you are accusing me of being cyberbully?

Yes/not or stfu pls...

Everyone can see your registration date. Your posting history is public knowledge. You have made 28 posts (of 29) in the period since Mittani got banned. You post identically to any of thousand random goon trolls and you are clearly using this identity to continue the nonsense you began on another character.

Your posts are generally one-liner insults and its clear you don't care if this character gets banned either. Its the scattergun approach of e-harrassment and forum cyber bullying really. You derail other threads and try to wind up people so they get their own more valuable posting identities with some actual reputation endangered by engaging with you.

So sure, its a strategy you are using. Bravo. But it doesn't really fool anyone.

So okay,

you are accusing me of being cyberbully just because you checked my posting history,and while doing so you forgot to check my employment history and i started posting here after Mr. Mittens ban simply because i joined cfc where posting on forums is endorsed after mittens ban and in my before corp and alliance posting here was looking down and "not supported"

Also you are not claiming that only I am cyberbully,but that all the GS and CFC are cyberbullies?8k persons are cyberbullies simply that some of them are on forums you despise?

And if you try to answer my questions (if you try it for first time...) can you tell me if you really think that your thoughts are rational or you can admit that you are driven by irrational hate?
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#111 - 2012-04-10 14:27:30 UTC
Well Marksalot, firstly I do acknowledge the effort you made in addressing the post rather than simply slurring out personal attacks and ooc harassment like many of your fellows, so points for that.

For what it’s worth I too have never really believed in the ad hominem fallacy as a debating sacred cow. Sometimes it really is appropriate to attack the credibility of the person making the argument – particularly on an internet forum where so many “arguments” are actually rather cowardly deployments via alts and sock-puppets. By default (to my eyes) the argument of a person posting with their main and established Eve identity is more valid than the argument of an alt or cloaked identity because of the courage of convictions / standing up to be counted thing. Throwaway alts lead to throwaway opinions and hence ad hominem “you don’t count because you are an alt” does have some credence.

Now then, you begin by hinting that just because I’m referencing a smallish subgroup (1-4) of Goons with the worst behaviour I’m being unfair to categorize the whole by their misdeeds. Problem is these few do set the tone for the average goon member. Many if not most goons are simply uncreative / unimaginative followers. They use the goon-wiki and other internal sources to inform their behaviour.

One of the “1-4 mouthbreathing unwashed basement dwelling poison-pen spewing self-hating cybernerds” (you acknowledge do exist in Goonswarm) simply needs to post an Eve enemies real life picture beside accusation of child-abuse on your wiki – and thousands of others will repeat this accusation by uncritical repetition and unconscious peer-pressure. Hence the 1-4 “worst examples” of your community will inevitably come to be the leading opinion-makers and will beat the drum for the thousand footsoldiers behind.

You go on to misrepresent my next line, claiming I have said that CCP will “turn off” pvp “because of goons” which is not what I’ve said at all. Nor have I said that goons are the only people that e-stalk people.

What I have said is that goons are the poster-children for e-stalking and extreme metagaming of out of game attacks. Currently we have an issue going up in the assembly hall for CSM members to have anonymity through fear of cyber-stalking (largely perpetrated by goons) because of the understanding (born from assessment of SA culture) that anything posted on the internet is a valid weapon against an enemy (including one’s RL name, photograph, contact details and RL address.)

Goon’s very much popularized e-stalking in eve online. The smoske signatures mocking a rl player’s death. The lady scarlet harassment campaign to drive an enemy corp leader from the game, even the constant “e-prostitute” allegations made against me to this day. Your leader “Mittani” in his Ten Ton hammer column has gloried in the metagamed destruction of foes out of game (mocking SirMolle's blue collar job as a heating repairman for example) and he (mittani) quite understands the role that harassment and bullying against the player fills in these endeavours.

When I say that Eve risks getting “over-sanitized” as a knee-jerk response to Goon misbehaviour the kind of thing I mean is this:

I’m a roleplayer in this game. My character is not me. Your character is not you. I play a radical anarchist guerrilla/terrorist with an agenda to undermine nationalist imperialism in New Eden (the game world we play in). A large part of my roleplay used to be psychological warfare against in-character leaders and organizations delivered by public propaganda and local chat channels. Once upon a time I’d have been quite happy telling the Caldari nationalist CEO of a statist corp to “end himself” or “commit corporate seppuku to assuage the shame of his cowardice in war”. This was an adult roleplaying game and adult themes of death and murder and intrigue were acceptable.

But because your leader “Mittani” doesn’t believe Eve is a roleplaying game. And because Goons have taken the “kill yourself” meme to the extreme of trying to harass a target player to suicide on-stage at fanfest on live internet feeds. Now the impact is that I wouldn’t dare to say such a thing even in roleplay because the chances are that Eve GM’s have become supersensitive to this terminology and will use the “RP is not a cloak for bullying” term of the EULA to warn and ban me simply for roleplaying Jade the anarchist terrorist against statist government.

This is a tiny single example of goonswarm ruining an aspect of the game by undermining the notion of roleplay separation between player and character. You guys don’t believe in this separation – so you don’t believe anyone else should. Your culture doesn’t allow difference, its your way or the high way, and the consequence is that you will push matters to extremes by using this kind of threat against the player (which is e-harassment) in order to have the language sanitized by CCP in knee-jerk response.

Then we are back to the “this one time doesn’t matter” / “it was just that one time” thing.

You acknowledge that members of the goonswarm attempted RL harassment / e-bullying against my RL identity. But it doesn’t matter (to you) because it was “just this one time” and it was “some other goon wot did it”.

Fine, so why don’t YOU go and do what you can to separate yourself from this behaviour by removing my RL picture (and associated abuse) from the goonwiki which you have access too? Can’t be bothered? Or perhaps it’s because you agree with the notion of metagaming a RL personal attack against an “enemy player.” See how quickly the “its some other guy” becomes something you can be held responsible for.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#112 - 2012-04-10 14:27:52 UTC
You state boldly that “nobody buys” that a likely consequence of Goonswarm cyberbullying will be that somebody ends up dead.

Why? Its not like vulnerable people have not already committed suicide on the internet to the mocking cries of cyber-bullying is it? There have been examples. I recall a guy killing himself live on skype while the chatroom trolls urged him on reaching the newspapers a couple of years ago.

And I say to you that some of the things that go on in Eve Online originating from Goonswarm are pretty damned terrible. The fact that nobody from Eve has yet (to our knowledge) topped themselves over your abuse is probably a credit to the fact that Eve players ARE pretty tough customers on average. I mean I’ve put up with five years of constant abuse and harassment from goons and I’m listed as one of the ancient archetypal foes of your organization on your internal wiki. The volume of hatred and frenzy coming out of your guys is astonishing sometimes. I had friends in this game say to me. "Are you SURE you want to go to fanfest aren't you afraid some goon will try and knife you?" (fortunately I'm well most goons are far less bite than bark).

But CCP wants this game to grow. They want to introduce new players to the universe of New Eden. Dust 514 will bring a younger audience. Expansion will involve diluting the “hard as nails” community of Eve with some softer-core arrivals from elsewhere.

You only have to look at comments and reactions to Eve scandal stories in the wider gaming press to see the naked horror a lot of these people see for the e-harassment and cyber-bullying that Goonswarm rejoices in to understand a clash of cultures is coming and sooner or later some ordinary gamer is going to harassed into doing something stupid and regrettable by Goons spamming pictures of his or her photoshopped face book profile picture in 0.0 local.

As for Something Awful forums. Yes, I have looked at them. I have read the Goonswarm Specific threads and seen Eve Goons talking about their community there and how much they despise the game and non goon (pubbie) community of Eve Online.

I’ve seen casual racist and sexist epithets, I’ve seen people urged to suicide, self-harm, self-destruction. I’ve seen Mittani’s wife trying to justify his behaviour, I’ve seen various goon-columnists mocking the gaming sites they write for and acting astonished at the way they are getting roasted in the feedback comments to those articles.

I’ve seen the nonsense strategizing over a counterattack vs Massively and Rock Paper Shotgun up to and including legal threats against anyone prepared to use the name Gianturco and term Cyberbully in the same sentence. Really its quite astonishing how truly "out there" the various lawyers and investment bankers and real estate agents writing for SA can be.

The difference between 4chan and Something Awful is that the 4chan’rs know they are absurd and revel in their lack of morality and taste. The Eve SA community by contrast believes it’s better than anyone else and justifies its e-harassment and online bullying by claimed internet-aristocracy and assumed intellectual superiority. 4chan’rs are gutter punks really. But SA Goons are trust fund fraternity cliques who want to take their casual racism and hateful rhetoric into government (in this case Eve CSM) hence the amazing outpouring of angsty entitlement rage that attended Mittani's removal.

And finally, really, you link to your great leader’s Ten Ton hammer column for evidence of a non-goon’s e-stalking. Hardly a reputable independent source is it? Right now Ten Ton hammer is getting urged to cancel that column because its readers are annoyed at seeing a Cyber-bully using their site as a bully-pulpit to beat on his player enemies.

But who knows really if Evil Thug really did pay a Russian Ninja to sabotage a power bloc? We all have apocryphal stories of ancient eve history after all. But the reality we’re talking about is current and contemporary, the continuing behaviour of Goonswarm inspired by your leader and reflected in the content of your posting brigade and Goonswarm Wiki.

I am quite sure that other non-goons have done some terrible things in the history of Eve Online. But I’m also sure that no other organization has done as much to glorify the casual abuse and continual harassment and e-stalking/e-bullying of other eve players, as Goonswarm has to this date.

Ultimately the situation is not tenable. Not for the Eve player base, not for CCP, and not for the future agenda of an improving and widening game universe. The consequence of Goonswarm continuing an unrepentant and unreformed agenda of e-harrassment is going to be a rapid “pussification” of the game universe that your leader spoke of in his last address.

He knows this, that’s why he wants to push it to a confrontation so he’ll end up having justification to quit with what he perceives to be the high moral ground of being “unfairly censured” by CCP. I’m sure that’ll be the victory for him and his wife in the long term. "Eve Online burns itself because of goons LOL!"

But the victims will be the hardcore Eve players pvpers, roleplayers, psychological warriors, plotters and schemers in this game universe who will find the sandbox a little more restrictive because CCP knee-jerked to protect their reputation and profit line for the future of their employees and shareholders.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#113 - 2012-04-10 14:34:15 UTC
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
Or are you planning to usurp my ability to post because i dont fullfill your reqiurements of purity of race/worthy RPing name?

No I'd just like you to post with your main rather than hiding behind a fake posting identity (most likely because your main got banned for rl-harrassing other eve players).

So now you are accusing me of being cyberbully?

Yes/not or stfu pls...

Everyone can see your registration date. Your posting history is public knowledge. You have made 28 posts (of 29) in the period since Mittani got banned. You post identically to any of thousand random goon trolls and you are clearly using this identity to continue the nonsense you began on another character.

Your posts are generally one-liner insults and its clear you don't care if this character gets banned either. Its the scattergun approach of e-harrassment and forum cyber bullying really. You derail other threads and try to wind up people so they get their own more valuable posting identities with some actual reputation endangered by engaging with you.

So sure, its a strategy you are using. Bravo. But it doesn't really fool anyone.

So okay,

you are accusing me of being cyberbully just because you checked my posting history,and while doing so you forgot to check my employment history and i started posting here after Mr. Mittens ban simply because i joined cfc where posting on forums is endorsed after mittens ban and in my before corp and alliance posting here was looking down and "not supported"

Also you are not claiming that only I am cyberbully,but that all the GS and CFC are cyberbullies?8k persons are cyberbullies simply that some of them are on forums you despise?

And if you try to answer my questions (if you try it for first time...) can you tell me if you really think that your thoughts are rational or you can admit that you are driven by irrational hate?

Post with your main and I'll be happy to debate with you.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

PleaseDONTblow Myship
Aggressive Feeding
#114 - 2012-04-10 14:38:49 UTC
As i just proved i am posting with my main,but you in your fanatical blind rage towards cfc still try to dismiss it and valid points in my posts...
Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#115 - 2012-04-10 14:43:19 UTC
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
As i just proved i am posting with my main,but you in your fanatical blind rage towards cfc still try to dismiss it and valid points in my posts...

There is no prove this is your main.
The fact you want to discuss things that happened way way before you joined the game in a manner asif you have any clue as what it's about alone indicates the opposite.

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#116 - 2012-04-10 14:47:38 UTC
Killer Gandry wrote:
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
As i just proved i am posting with my main,but you in your fanatical blind rage towards cfc still try to dismiss it and valid points in my posts...

There is no prove this is your main.
The fact you want to discuss things that happened way way before you joined the game in a manner asif you have any clue as what it's about alone indicates the opposite.

Here's a man that gets it.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

PleaseDONTblow Myship
Aggressive Feeding
#117 - 2012-04-10 14:50:47 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Killer Gandry wrote:
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:
As i just proved i am posting with my main,but you in your fanatical blind rage towards cfc still try to dismiss it and valid points in my posts...

There is no prove this is your main.
The fact you want to discuss things that happened way way before you joined the game in a manner asif you have any clue as what it's about alone indicates the opposite.

Here's a man that gets it.

There is man who is lucky to use discussion figure of rebuttal.
Why cant i know event of past if i am interested in history of eveand okay to use forum searching and blog digging to get known with it?Just because players like you dont wish me to be too clever?WHY they wish it?Because its easire to spread the hate amongst uninformed...
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#118 - 2012-04-10 14:56:38 UTC
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:

Why cant i know event of past if i am interested in history of eveand okay to use forum searching and blog digging to get known with it?

Then here is a suggestion to you. If you want to sound like a player who is NOT posting on a disaposable forum alt then try addressing other people's posts rather than making stupid little snipes and trying weak second hand goon trolling memes.

A few posts above there is a substantive reply I made to a goonswarm player. By all means go and make a cup of tea, clear your thoughts, then come back and read it.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#119 - 2012-04-10 14:59:25 UTC
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:

There is man who is lucky to use discussion figure of rebuttal.
Why cant i know event of past if i am interested in history of eveand okay to use forum searching and blog digging to get known with it?Just because players like you dont wish me to be too clever?WHY they wish it?Because its easire to spread the hate amongst uninformed...

The whole " I am interested in EVE history and then your posting suggests clearly where you have been searching and which blogs you have been digging in.
You did a one sided research and formed your opinion on that.

I would applaud it if the average EVE player would attempt to become clever, but even more so if they would attempt to be well informed.
And on the topic of spreading hate amongst the uninformed you should really work a bit to get the whole story. I am sure you grasp what I am implying there. Now are you clever and know how to do the work to find the information I am hinting to and are you intelligent enough to form your own opinion after finding the whole story and not only the parts you were looking for.

It's easy to look at history as it is dished out to you, but remember, history is written by those who won. But the ones that lost also have a history, but it's easier to forget that.

PleaseDONTblow Myship
Aggressive Feeding
#120 - 2012-04-10 15:08:44 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
PleaseDONTblow Myship wrote:

Why cant i know event of past if i am interested in history of eveand okay to use forum searching and blog digging to get known with it?

Then here is a suggestion to you. If you want to sound like a player who is NOT posting on a disaposable forum alt then try addressing other people's posts rather than making stupid little snipes and trying weak second hand goon trolling memes.

A few posts above there is a substantive reply I made to a goonswarm player. By all means go and make a cup of tea, clear your thoughts, then come back and read it.

Well,your "substantive reply" is in fact nothing else than proof of your mental unstability,shows that you are either not able to work with infomational sources or that you are willingly bending tem,shows that you are bearin irrational haterd towards all members of some internet communities and you in fact bears atleast ambivalent feelings towards eve online