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What would happen if CCP killed Jita?

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lord xavier
Rubbed Out
#21 - 2011-09-20 15:12:48 UTC
Red Teufel wrote:
if you look at jita it has something that is extremely important about it. the only place to find moon good in large quantaties is there in jita.

So... You're saying jita needs to get deleted now?
Red Teufel
#22 - 2011-09-20 15:21:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Red Teufel
lord xavier wrote:
Red Teufel wrote:
if you look at jita it has something that is extremely important about it. the only place to find moon good in large quantaties is there in jita.

So... You're saying jita needs to get deleted now?

no you will just end up seeing a new jita take its place. the first sign of the new jita will be where the majority of moon goo is being sold.
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2011-09-20 21:07:31 UTC
I've believed CCP should implement random events that destroys players assets. Either in the form of supernova stars obliterating entire systems or asteroids plowing into the sides of stations or POSes damaging or destroying random hangers/POS mods etc.

It can't happen non-stop, but it needs to happen regularly as to not rub people the wrong way when it does happen to them. If it was once a year some poor nub or a group of hangers destroyed in an asteroid collision in some system would most likely feel like you've been cheated out of your stuff in game.

But if it happens often, like a 50% chance an event will happen every day, and out of 100 possible events only 10 of them actually have destruction ability, and it only happens randomly to one "object" in the randomly chosen system across EVE. That should produce a pretty consistent presence to be consider "Part of the game".
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2011-09-20 21:47:12 UTC
SencneS wrote:
I've believed CCP should implement random events that destroys players assets. Either in the form of supernova stars obliterating entire systems or asteroids plowing into the sides of stations or POSes damaging or destroying random hangers/POS mods etc.

It can't happen non-stop, but it needs to happen regularly as to not rub people the wrong way when it does happen to them. If it was once a year some poor nub or a group of hangers destroyed in an asteroid collision in some system would most likely feel like you've been cheated out of your stuff in game.

But if it happens often, like a 50% chance an event will happen every day, and out of 100 possible events only 10 of them actually have destruction ability, and it only happens randomly to one "object" in the randomly chosen system across EVE. That should produce a pretty consistent presence to be consider "Part of the game".

You mean like making outposts destructible?
Alain Kinsella
#25 - 2011-09-21 10:42:11 UTC
beor oranes wrote:
Now the way to kill Jita (though it would only reduce it and not actually kill it) would be to make all the Empires surrounded by lowsec, so that to get to Jita from another Empire you would have to cross lowsec. What I think would happen then is each regional hub out there now would grow and Jita would diminish but not totally, it would probably still be the hub for the Caldari Empire but it probably wouldn't be the hub for Eve.

That just means the JF becomes the dominant shipper in High, not the normal Freighter.

@ Spitfire - You'd just have Headfirst drop an Incursion on it more often. Twisted

"The Meta Game does not stop at the game. Ever."

Currently Retired / Semi-Casual (pending changes to RL concerns).

Nomad I
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2011-09-21 11:06:38 UTC
Suround all empires by lowsec would cause 4 trading centers and smaller elite of super rich traders with JF. Such an idea is born in the minds of wannabe pirates searching for easy kills with dev help.

Jita is similar to the globalisation in RL. Traders are allways searching for opportunities all over the world. Jita is the condensate of trading in New Eden, because everyone has the same desire to trade with the hole universe.

Should we remove Jita?
Yes, because it's not rational that spacepilots make trading like in the middelages. We are in need of a better globalized system of trading, because it's not rational that a higly developed spaceship flying community is stopped by region borders. Real hardcore capitalism is about global trading!

The hole game is bad designed when it comes to trading and producing. In RL there were allways neutral traders sellings minerals and weapons to all sides. Now they get shoot down, because they are neutral. It's not possible to make a difference between a trader and an enemy. I want rogue trading and real as**** that selling drugs, weapons to everyone. I want greedy traders able make fast ISK with getting cheap tritanium in 0.0 to sell it expensive in High and selling ships from Fountain in Tribute. But all this is expensive, impossible or to risky (== expensive).

I'm missing things like contracts about producing and delivering things in some days. I want to be able to deliver minerals to get ships back, because it's a hyper modern community and higly specialized.

Jitas Spy
#27 - 2011-09-21 11:08:54 UTC
Lets have a idea,

some people, with nothing to do, are camping Jita hard. Lets say for 2 weeks with 100 active members.
Is this enough to move traders out of Jita?


p.S.: If someone want to do this, with a large corp, ill come to you with my main *g*
Nomad I
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2011-09-21 11:26:45 UTC
Jitas Spy wrote:
Lets have a idea,

some people, with nothing to do, are camping Jita hard. Lets say for 2 weeks with 100 active members.
Is this enough to move traders out of Jita?


p.S.: If someone want to do this, with a large corp, ill come to you with my main *g*

After one day they start to whine about the sec stats.
Spacing Cowboy
Caldari State
#29 - 2011-09-22 18:47:58 UTC
Unleach a 0.0 - strong incursion on Jita as event * hint hint *

Ah.. The carnage... The carnage... And the rage it would give..
Ching Mortao
Caldari State
#30 - 2011-09-24 15:24:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Ching Mortao
It would be nice to have those random events. It would force people to use insurance more often, maybe evem make corporations for insurance. Then again we need it less like the middle-ages where we can invest in corporations and move isk elsewhere. Think of jita like new york though, its not that big in globalized capitalism, but in eve it seems like jita takes everything in from eve.

Edit: This also makes me wonder if we can make a market regulation system in null-sec outposts on what to sell and what to buy. Then if they want to expand, they can pay corp members to watch gates for security purposes of high-sec industrialists transporting something, or even gate sentries with a set of ruled events to follow depending on how you want them run. This could globalise it more.

Edit: I am going to post something more extensive about this in suggestions. Maybe even including a corporation government like stucture.
Covert Kitty
SRS Industries
#31 - 2011-09-24 18:06:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Covert Kitty
Before the highsec highways were implemented you could only travel between the empires via lowsec, and Yulai was the main hub. Personally I'd like to see some increased connectivity between the empires (maintain the # of jumps required), but the elimination of pure highsec routes.

Alternatively it might be cool to create a security "tide" where systems rise and fall in their status, causing empire highsec connectivity to cycle between highsec and lowsec (performed at downtime). I really wish incursions caused sansha gatecamps in highsec, wasted opportunity to mix things up a bit.

Such changes would increase the importance of the regional hubs, as well as provide some additional gameplay features.
Tir Capital Management Group
#32 - 2011-09-26 15:56:13 UTC

To buy out Jita would only reinforce it as more people dumped their money in.

You'd need to do a few things to "kill" Jita.

#1 Find/Create a more centralized - time efficient hub.

#2 Find another place players gather together in sufficient quantities to warrant attracting the necessary population

#3 Proximity to the null sec areas providing the most Moon Goo for T2 manufacturing.

Most of Jita's purpose in the market is as a central source for T2 materials for T2 components and ships. It's practically impossible to find T2 materials in other trade hubs at reasonable prices. The rest of the items that find their way onto the Jita market usually get bought and moved to other trade hubs/mission hubs in volume, since prices are pushed down so heavily by bulk sales.

Jita is the warehouse for EVE, essentially. The meta market is pretty relevant for Jita since most mission runners in proximity to Jita just sell their goods there. And T1 goods just don't get any cheaper. The mineral market is an index and leads the rest of EVE, but that's because it's centralized there from other T2 goods and materials having found their primary purpose there. In the end it's more efficient to go to one place.

Jita is all about volume, so without that volume you can't have Jita.

What I would propose would happen is that any sharp industrialists would create a new "Industrial One-Stop" at a position closer to a low sec entry point to facilitate Jump Freighters and Carriers moving goods around. Jita is inordinately far from most low sec. Jita was also established before JF's even existed.

The hub would most likely stay in the Caldari area because it has the highest native population and a a new caldari hub would be needed. I'd think it would move a noticeable amount closer to a low sec entry point and still have enough factory slots to work out in the area.

Niyabainen would be the conservative choice...

Ikao would be my "move noticeably closer to low sec" choice.

Where I am.

Elloise Kashada
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#33 - 2011-09-27 14:02:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Elloise Kashada
Jita is 4 jumps away from lowsec Passari.

I love to buy stuff in Jita, move it elsewhere and make profit, please don`t change anything, thanks.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2011-09-27 14:29:28 UTC
Elloise Kashada wrote:
Jita is 4 jumps away from lowsec Passari.

I love to buy stuff in Jita, move it elsewhere and make profit, please don`t change anything, thanks.

Don't worry, Jita isn't going ANYWHERE. This is merely a "what-if" scenario. CCP has already invested a large amount of money into the Jita Supernode, and oh so many developer hours cracking down on lag in Jita.

Unless, of course, someone actually DOES want to spend a couple dozen billion ISK suicide ganking every one who enters/exits the system for a month.
Vincent Athena
#35 - 2011-09-27 17:26:21 UTC
I always thought that if a group of players wanted to try and kill the Jita hub the way to do it would be to hold Jita Disco Parties. Have several people warp to the Jita 4-4 undock in disco BSs and fire them all off. Do it over and over until people go elsewhere.

Elsewhere would most likely be the other hubs, and maybe a new one near Jita. How about Sobasiki?

If CCP wanted to kill trade hubs, the way to do it would be to not allow anyone to set more than 5 orders in a station unless they rent a store front. Store fronts would be in limited supply and have increasing costs as more got used in any given solar system.

As one with a Jita trader alt, I hate that idea. And its so non-sandbox.

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Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2011-09-27 18:26:31 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
I always thought that if a group of players wanted to try and kill the Jita hub the way to do it would be to hold Jita Disco Parties. Have several people warp to the Jita 4-4 undock in disco BSs and fire them all off. Do it over and over until people go elsewhere.

As far as I know, smartbombs do not work within the vicinity of any station's undock ramp. You would have to kill stuff on the gates.
Alain Kinsella
#37 - 2011-09-28 09:57:25 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
If CCP wanted to kill trade hubs, the way to do it would be to not allow anyone to set more than 5 orders in a station unless they rent a store front. Store fronts would be in limited supply and have increasing costs as more got used in any given solar system.

As one with a Jita trader alt, I hate that idea. And its so non-sandbox.

That also breaks all the 'remote orders' skills.

What would likely (hopefully?) happen with the storefront is that it would just act like a Corp Office. So with the right skills you'd just need it anywhere in the region.

"The Meta Game does not stop at the game. Ever."

Currently Retired / Semi-Casual (pending changes to RL concerns).

Tir Capital Management Group
#38 - 2011-09-29 06:25:26 UTC
Taedrin wrote:
Vincent Athena wrote:
I always thought that if a group of players wanted to try and kill the Jita hub the way to do it would be to hold Jita Disco Parties. Have several people warp to the Jita 4-4 undock in disco BSs and fire them all off. Do it over and over until people go elsewhere.

As far as I know, smartbombs do not work within the vicinity of any station's undock ramp. You would have to kill stuff on the gates.

Smartbombs dont work within 5KM of any Stargate, Station, Acceleration gate.

However, the range of BS Smarbombs can reach up to 5.5KM, so they can actually hit past the mark.

For stations, it just depends on how far the undock point is from the 5KM point - for some stations that can be very close to the edge, or some it is 50km from that 5km edge point.

Where I am.

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#39 - 2011-09-30 07:42:05 UTC
CCP Spitfire wrote:
We don't have any plans to kill Jita, but this discussion is nonetheless really interesting. Smile

OK, so how about making it 0.4 sec for say...a month Blink

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Red Teufel
#40 - 2011-09-30 15:50:59 UTC
in theory there will always be a jita. not matter what you do. even if you say limited to sell/buy orders to office holders of that station. you will still end up with a jita. however if they did do this you might see a little bit more equality when it comes to the desribution of wealth. i might also add you will see mega indi corps emerge. no longer will traders wish to trade solo they will need to work with other people. of course this is all falacy since i have no facts to back any of this up.
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