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War dec's costs likely outcome, high sec super alliance.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#21 - 2012-04-09 15:54:02 UTC
Sounds like high sec war deccers crying?!?! Omg let me mine your tears and tell you the same thing you tell industry corps that complain about being wardecced...


.....or go back to WoW
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#22 - 2012-04-09 16:01:54 UTC
IronLemur wrote:
Sounds like high sec war deccers crying?!?! Omg let me mine your tears and tell you the same thing you tell industry corps that complain about being wardecced...


.....or go back to WoW

I'm just gonna leave this here:

Why I Love Highsec Warfare

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#23 - 2012-04-09 16:07:14 UTC  |  Edited by: FloppieTheBanjoClown
Robbie Robot wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
CCP is planning a change to the wardec system that is a response to a few dozen people who like to camp Jita 4-4 and wardec big alliances for easy kills. The proposed "fix" is going to make the mercenary profession dwindle even more and result in more noob bashing as griefers are driven to go after more affordable war targets.

But I guess that's okay because the big alliances can now move through empire space safely.

Over the past few weeks I've been reading many of your posts. I've also talked with you in Jita (briefly, doubt you remember). You seem to have an excellent grasp of how the game is, what happens in game, and what will happen with changes. But of course I think that since I've agreed with most of your posts.

Bears will hide, and as a last resort in NPC corps, especially if CCP uses a stick to try and get them to do wars. Then the only way to get them out would be to be able to wardec NPC corps, or to wardec individuals. Wardec'ing individuals sounds like personally targetting someone to grief them.

I suggest the carrot to get bears to fight wars.

The stick I propose for getting people out of NPC corps is making NPC corps act more like player corps: introduce shifting passive hostility between them, ranging from increased taxes to denial of docking privileges. If you can thrive in an NPC corp where you might find Jita 4-4 inaccessible for several days on the whim of a fictional Board of Directors, then more power to you. Those who want more control can take the risks that come with that power.

As for getting the bears to fight: There needs to be a tangible purpose for fighting. There's a wardec roundtable thread over in C&P where Psychotic Monk proposed the idea of a POCO-like structure that corps could anchor, creating a point of conflict in wars. I took that idea and turned it into a corporate office, required for the corporation to exist. This would mean that every corporation that is at war has a point that they MUST defend. It's probably not the best solution, but it's something that would take fighting off of gates and stations where aggro mechanics win more fights than real skill.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Silver Lining Corp
#24 - 2012-04-09 18:11:28 UTC
I think many of the players posting in this thread have a peculiar vision of who the industralists are and how they play the game.

The number of actual care bears is relatively small and mostly confined to high sec and early in the pilot's history.

I know many active PvP players that use an indy corp to support their ship loss. Alliances in High Sec as in 0.0 space are often composed players that have a wide range of activities.

High sec wars serve the purpose of making the "CareBear" develop a tough skin and a little muscle and claws to go with it.

The noob has the choice of learning to develop combat skills or leaving the game.

Any small corporation war dec'd by a PvP corp flying t2, and T3 ships would be crazy to do any thing but turn turtle.

It's a game, but no one wants to play a game in which their junior highschool football team is matched against Ohio State.

Get Real. Long time players will fight back New players, your care bears, run and hide untill the storm passes or quit.

Vincent Athena
#25 - 2012-04-09 18:33:59 UTC
All talk about changing the game to make industrialists fight ignores the reason most do not want to do PvP combat: they do not get The Rush.

The Rush is a good felling one gets with and after a burst of adrenaline associated with an exciting experience, like PvP combat. Not everyone gets The Rush. Some get no pleasure from adrenaline, and some actually feel bad or sick from it. According to Dr. Drew Pinsky, the difference between these people is genetic. You are born to get The Rush, or you are not. The result is some players will not enjoy PvP and actively seek to avoid it, and no amount of game tweaking will change that, because game tweaking will not change their genes. After all this is a game, people will tend to avoid game activities that make them sick. Instead they do cooperative activities, industry, missions and the like, or just play as solo players.

If you add sufficient disadvantages to staying in NPC corps, those players will just quit. If they quit you cannot shoot their ships, CCP gets less money, fires more people, and we get fewer fixes. If you add advantages to being in a corp, advantages that would be war targets, industrial corps will either work around them or ignore them. But most will not fight for them.

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Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#26 - 2012-04-09 18:36:17 UTC
^ I get the rush pretty often when flying in ships I do not want to fight in. Been years since combat gave me the same kicks as running away from hostiles in a blockade runner.

In EVE, trying to categorize people into "industrialists" and "pvpers" that can then be described as any sort of whole is really tricky, if not impossible.
Robbie Robot
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2012-04-09 22:58:03 UTC
IronLemur wrote:
Sounds like high sec war deccers crying?!?! Omg let me mine your tears and tell you the same thing you tell industry corps that complain about being wardecced...


.....or go back to WoW

Honestly, I fancy myself a industrialist/mission runner. I agree, 0.0 is great fun. I was there for a very short time, and I wasn't prepared well enough for what was expected of me. Many times in 0.0 it is blob vs blob. Sometimes it is small gang. Anyway I digress, the point I want to make about PvP in general for games, is that people love close matches. Nothing gets people talking more about a PvP experience than getting close to dying but pulling it off, or gets them craving more than a close match. Many computer games try to even the playing field by enforcing organized matches, and then making sure the sides have roughly the same number of players, with a similar experience level. No such mechanics exist in EVE except for the alliance tournament. What essentially adds up to a level 3 mage (merlin) in EVE could have to face a level 100 fallen paladin (bhaalgorn) in PvP.

I don't like high sec PvP right now because, as floppietheclown said, it is more around managing game mechanics around stations and gates. Suppose I have one hostile with a buffer tanked proteus camping a station (35K armor, 260K EHP). I can get ECM or neut and break the tackle, move to another station where I have stuff to refit, then snipe him, which then just makes him dock, and refit a sniper, or just dock until something more manageable comes around. Wasn't that PvP experience fun? Maybe I can bait him to a belt or somewhere else where he can't dock. Maybe my corp can muster 10 BS with sniper fits and we can pick him off, once we bait him with a tasty cruiser, and hope that we can pull off the 260k damage in under 1 minute.
Pinky Feldman
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#28 - 2012-04-10 01:42:33 UTC
TBH, one of the aspects I like about hisec is the game mechanics portion of it. While I agree some areas are in desperate need of streamlining, I think that the "why I like hisec PVP" post pretty much sums up my feelings about hisec.

While I think that station games are cheesy, I don't get the continual complaint that in hisec, the only place engagements happen is on a gate or station. To be completely fair, there really aren't that many logical places for an engagement to happen and i'm not sure where else they expect major conflicts to take place.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#29 - 2012-04-10 02:50:28 UTC
Hisec wardecs are fun if you can win the intel war (generally via having scads of alts) or the neutral RR war (generally by having scads of alts).

While Floppie's critique of nullsec has some points, particularly with the adherence to doctrines, he is a sissy carebear who obviously can't translate "I put a spai into my WT's corp a month ago" to being equivalent to "I put an alt in a cloaky a jump behind us in the pipe to avoid getting rickrolled by a 90 man sniper blob". Your criticism is based on your inability to adjust your tactics properly - including being prepared for a titan bridging a pile of ships onto your head.

The same for lowsec; the problem Skunkworks will have in lowsec is that anyone can shoot them, meaning there are manifold entities over which they have no control. Oddly enough, this is also exactly how warfare works in nullsec, where spies are a constant companion, much like fleas or benign intestinal worms.

There are plenty of nullsec entities who cannot fight once you remove their spy from your corp, alliance or fleet. The same will be true for plenty of highsec griefers and super-prosuf wardec experts.

What hisec has over anywhere else is a combination of stations anyone can dock at (unlike nullsec, w-space), a paucity of POSs that people can refuge at (eg; nullsec, w-space), a clear set of people you can shoot and people you can't (unlike anywhere else) which creates the whole neutral RR hassle (try bringing neutral RR to a w-space fight).

I'm not saying any security domain is better than the other; lowsec pirates have their skillset (eg; camping Rancer), nullsec people have their skillsets (drama llamas, greedy alliance XO's, sov gringing is fun) and w-space dwellers have their skillsets (FIGJAM, awesomeness, no local), and hisec people have their skillsets (alts, alts, alts, Locates R Us, more alts). Each to their own.

The problem of cost for wars...well, maybe it would result in a 2.5 bloc EVE eventually. Certainly nullsec, barring another DRF-style meltdown, is coalescing into at most 5 major powers at the moment, and they will soon easily coalesce into 2. This will flow on into hisec, in an ideal world, with a perfect flow of infomation and infinite, instantaneous diplomacy.

The reality is that, due to the low barriers to entry and exit and the minuscule cost of dummy spits and table flips, corps and alliances come and go and join and leave rapidly - much more rapidly than IRL entities. This means that the potential for mega-alliances in hisec forming and ossifying is minuscule. They'll get big, but all it takes is one bad war, handled badly by a self-important asocial numbskull alliance head or CEO (dummy spit), and people will leave the organisation (table flips), dropping its numbers and precipitating failcascade.

I mean, this happens in nullsec at a rapid rate where people have to jump stuff in and out, creating logistical headaches and causing inertia. In hisec, you can buy whatever you want, whenever you want, and nothing gets lost.

Then, there's the issue of imperfect information and diplomacy. The OP's doomsday scenario assumes a static population of players; EVE has plenty of fresh blood as the active player base churns in and out. These people start the game often with no contacts, no diplomatic skills (and often pick none up) and no information. Without this, they may form a corp, attract 5-15 members, and never realise that they can talk to other CEO's in a polite manner without becoming self-important douchenozzles, thereby preventing themselves from ever joining a mega alliance.

In reality, the propensity of EVE players to be drama llama douches will stop everyone getting into the same mega-alliance together. So, why worry that a 4 man corp can't afford to dec goons?
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#30 - 2012-04-10 13:41:47 UTC  |  Edited by: FloppieTheBanjoClown
Trinkets friend wrote:
While Floppie's critique of nullsec has some points, particularly with the adherence to doctrines, he is a sissy carebear

My feelings would be hurt if your ignorance weren't so apparent. I'm disappointed to see such pettiness from a member of SB, I've always had a positive impression of your corp.

(edit: I think you misunderstand. I have no critique of nullsec. What I posted was not about what's wrong with null, but what's wrong with the attitude some null residents have toward highsec warfare. It's about more than neutral RR and station games. Last night we had a great fight in a safe spot with wartargets who outnumbered us roughly 25 to 11.)

The error in your assessment is that you confuse enjoying highsec warfare with fearing any other sort. I'd challenge you to check the combat records on most of our members to see where most of our fighting has been for the past several months, but I'm quite certain that you'll avoid anything that will shake your preconceptions. I'll just say this: during periods of corporate inactivity, we tend to scatter and find fights any way we can...most of us outside highsec.

Trinkets friend wrote:
why worry that a 4 man corp can't afford to dec goons?

I'm more concerned that a 50-man corp might not be able to afford to dec any random 1,000-man alliance. I've not seen any real numbers for how the scale will work, so I'm more expressing concern, not outright opposition. It's the end result that concerns me: if they can't dec the goons, they're going to dec someone else.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

SuccessfulBlackMan SBM
#31 - 2012-04-13 03:22:31 UTC
Highsec PVP is just lame pvp. Being able to hide with concord is just lame you know.

They should allow cynos to be lit in highsec where only covert ops jumping and titan bridge jumping will work with it.

This oughta spice up pvp in highsec, keep them guessing.

Highsec PVP is way to easy and predictable, having hotdrops will make things interesting and force players to take risks like they

do in lowsec and nullsec.
Plus 10 NV
#32 - 2012-04-13 03:43:29 UTC
Ill admit i haven't really thought this through.

But it seems to me it should be cheap to wardec large alliances if you have the cajones and expensive to war dec starter corps. Perhaps the rp could be that the larger corps/alliances have racked up numerous reasons that could be treated as an act of war but the smaller purer corps have not.

I don't think we need mechanisms that promote the sort of peaceful/carebear large coalitions eve sees now. We need mechanisms that promote smaller groups that can turn on eachother.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Robbie Robot
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#33 - 2012-04-16 18:04:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Robbie Robot
Cearain wrote:
Ill admit i haven't really thought this through.

But it seems to me it should be cheap to wardec large alliances if you have the cajones and expensive to war dec starter corps. Perhaps the rp could be that the larger corps/alliances have racked up numerous reasons that could be treated as an act of war but the smaller purer corps have not.

I don't think we need mechanisms that promote the sort of peaceful/carebear large coalitions eve sees now. We need mechanisms that promote smaller groups that can turn on eachother.

I don't know what CCP's goal is, besides 'sandbox', and multiple ways to make isk and hurt people, and lots of subscriptions. Do they want mega alliance? Do they want lots of small corps? What is the purpose of wardec'ing? Frankly, I doubt they know either, and that they are making changes to fix a problem that they cannot identify (wardec'ing doesn't work) because they don't know what the thing they have is supposed to do (ie, what is the purpose of wardec'ing?), probably because of some philosophy of "let the players decide how to use the tools we give them." With this philosophy, you'll see people trying to use the tools for all sorts of purposes, like people using a screwdriver to pound something in, or for in game analogy, using the friend invite system to create corp members to increase the cost of wardec'ing.

As for logistics in the superalliance, you are right in that it will reach a critical mass and not be able to grow. They will probably supplement the inability to move people by spamming trials into their alliance/altallaince/altaltaltalliances. I know I would. Sure, they could make rules to combat this, or even discourage large corps to begin with (200K/month per member charged to corp wallet). The question CCP needs to ask of themselves, "What is wardec used for? Do we want small corps to be viable? Who are we favoring with changes?" They can't make changes to a competitive system without favoring one side. They also can't revamp a system without making certain tactics unusable.

You can't call something "not working as intended" if there is no intentional use.
qDoctor Strangelove
#34 - 2012-04-16 21:55:57 UTC
Robbie Robot wrote:
In order to shield themselves from wars, it seems likely that with current costs of alliance membership (2M/month) that people wanting to avoid war in high sec will use the cost of 500K per member to their advantage. I imagine each person will have their main and one alt in their corp, and that large amounts of corps will ally together to possibly get around 2,000 members (many inactive), making the cost of wardec'ing them over 1Billion isk. If someone shells out that much, unless people are unable to leave the a wardec'ed corp, I imagine they would migrate each member over to a secondary alliance for the duration. Besides, the cost of making a new alliance (1B isk) means that it becomes a war of isk, with the high member super alliance probably being more able to foot the bill. This leaves the aggressor with a wardec that is now against a alliance that just has place holder alts.

Wars cannot be fixed by making it more expensive to war'dec larger numbers of people. Wars should be about territory and resources. Both sides should have a target, within a reasonable amount of jumps, that, if destroyed, ends the war. This would necessitate a structures that can be deployed in most systems that isn't a POS or POCO, whose only purpose is to enable war.

Seriously, WTF!
To wage war in NULL sec you need to invest BILLIONS in infrastructure and sov bills each month.
Why should empire wars stay sub-billions? It is just stupid.
Tenris Anis
Schattenengel Clan
#35 - 2012-04-17 12:32:26 UTC
Mechael wrote:
I like where this idea goes. First and foremost, war should be about resources (which currently are way too abundant, imo.)

Key problem of eve. There is no real reason for war, except for the lulz.

Remove insurance.

Plus 10 NV
#36 - 2012-04-17 15:08:20 UTC
Robbie Robot wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Ill admit i haven't really thought this through.

But it seems to me it should be cheap to wardec large alliances if you have the cajones and expensive to war dec starter corps. Perhaps the rp could be that the larger corps/alliances have racked up numerous reasons that could be treated as an act of war but the smaller purer corps have not.

I don't think we need mechanisms that promote the sort of peaceful/carebear large coalitions eve sees now. We need mechanisms that promote smaller groups that can turn on eachother.

I don't know what CCP's goal is, besides 'sandbox', and multiple ways to make isk and hurt people, and lots of subscriptions. Do they want mega alliance? Do they want lots of small corps? What is the purpose of wardec'ing? Frankly, I doubt they know either, and that they are making changes to fix a problem that they cannot identify (wardec'ing doesn't work) because they don't know what the thing they have is supposed to do (ie, what is the purpose of wardec'ing?), probably because of some philosophy of "let the players decide how to use the tools we give them." With this philosophy, you'll see people trying to use the tools for all sorts of purposes, like people using a screwdriver to pound something in, or for in game analogy, using the friend invite system to create corp members to increase the cost of wardec'ing.

As for logistics in the superalliance, you are right in that it will reach a critical mass and not be able to grow. They will probably supplement the inability to move people by spamming trials into their alliance/altallaince/altaltaltalliances. I know I would. Sure, they could make rules to combat this, or even discourage large corps to begin with (200K/month per member charged to corp wallet). The question CCP needs to ask of themselves, "What is wardec used for? Do we want small corps to be viable? Who are we favoring with changes?" They can't make changes to a competitive system without favoring one side. They also can't revamp a system without making certain tactics unusable.

You can't call something "not working as intended" if there is no intentional use.

I am not making any claims as to what ccp intends or doesn't intend. I am just expressing my own view.

My view is that the game has been pretty boring with large coalitions like cfc. BOB used to go out looking for fights and starting large wars, like the "Maximum Damage" campaign. But that was mostly because they were doing that for the fun of it. It didn't make any sense in a "serious internet spaceship business" way.

It was sort of like the "burn jita" campaign. Maybe the goons are doing this for pr but mainly I think they are doing it just to have some fun. It is not as interesting as what BOB used to do because BOB was fighting large alliances and sending in capital fleets, instead of just getting ganks in high sec.

Unfortunately the current mechanics combined with the carebear/isk first mentality of certain null sec leaders leads to lots of peace in null sec. IMO this makes for a boring game.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#37 - 2012-04-18 01:34:39 UTC
Non-aggression pacts and non-invasion pacts are as much about the alliance XO's having a couple of months to play the game without boring as old people sex sov grinding as it is about some horrible conspiracy to turn the game into ratting, botting ISK-printing Online.

As long as you have someone to roam, who really wants interminable siege timers for 6 months on end?
Vaal Erit
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#38 - 2012-04-18 07:34:00 UTC
The deployable war target structure is an interesting idea. I've toyed with it in my head but the problem is that the structure must have low hp since dreads aren't allowed and it needs reinforcement timers which brings many very lame and unfun tactics and hardly any pvp.

I believe the answer lies in giving the defender cheap and accessible options to fight back (if they don't have the required ships/skills themselves) I figure most carebears would jump at the chance for a way to hire something to kill off the attackers and make them pay and regret they ever messed with them.

I think the new mercenary system will go a long way towards giving the defender an option and bring about more pvp. Mercenaries may be prohibitively expensive now but that is because nothing is enforceable, you can hire mercs for 10b and they can walk away. With an ingame system and with war decs being hard to shake off and evade I think merc prices will go down if they can actually get pvp out of a contract. For example, you can pay me 200m isk/hr to sit on a station and do nothing or pay me 10m/hr if I actually get to blow stuff up.

I know I'd love to be in a merc defender corp. Some high sec "pvp" corp decs some random carebear corp and surprise now they hired me and my merry band of killing experts and we get forever to make your lives miserable. You say you are "pvp" , well now you get to prove it or die. Or both.
Jayden Natinde
Virtual Industry Inc.
New Eden Bling Empire
#39 - 2012-04-18 07:54:12 UTC
Kestrix wrote:
The fact that war in eve is not consensual is what makes this game great.


You are looking at war from a griefing pov, and not someone who truly loves to pvp. If war was consensual, wouldn't you get a lot more epic battles because both sides wanted to fight?

War in high sec is not about resources; it's about making high sec bearable. War in low sec/null is about resources (moons, stations, etc.).

This game would be a whole lot better if limited resources in high sec essentially forced both interested parties to go to war with each other, and keep fighting until one side decides it isn't worth it any longer.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2012-04-18 14:41:57 UTC
IronLemur wrote:
Sounds like high sec war deccers crying?!?! Omg let me mine your tears and tell you the same thing you tell industry corps that complain about being wardecced...


.....or go back to WoW


Also, 1B isn't that much isk anymore. You should be able to recover the fee in a few days with 2000 targets. People pay to get on the KB anyways so it's not a total loss even if you don't recover the isk in full.
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