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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Start Up Corp looking for New and Experienced Recruits

Heimatar Military Industries
#1 - 2012-03-24 15:33:22 UTC
Heimatar Military Industries (HEMI) is a new corp, obviously centered in the Heimatar region of the Minmatar Republic.


The goals of this Corporation are in providing the Heimatar Region a variety of military services.

* Munitions Production, Distribution and Sales

* Tech. 1 Frigate and Basic PVP Module Production

* Mining Operation Security (Contracted Service)

* Mission Running

* Salvaging and Refining


* Open to all pilots of any race or skill level

* Trial Accounts are welcome

* Combat or Industrial capsuleers needed.

* High Brutor Tribe, Republic Fleet or Minmatar Republic standing are a plus

Corporate Member Service:

* Head Quarters / Corp Hanger in Hadaugago System

* Only a nominal 1% tax rate

* Access to T1 ammuntion, frigates, and basic pvp fittings

* Corporate Shares and other Profit Sharing Opportunities

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it

Heimatar Military Industries
#2 - 2012-03-25 20:25:47 UTC
Recruitment is still open.

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it

Heimatar Military Industries
#3 - 2012-04-01 18:22:33 UTC
HMI is still recruiting, and we are growing. Goal for this month is another 3 - 5 new recruits!

* No Drama

* Virtually no tax (only 1%)

* Get in on the ground floor of a new corporation = plenty of leadership role possibilities

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it

Heimatar Military Industries
#4 - 2012-04-08 11:55:16 UTC
Video card is down, replacing in a few days... Recruitment only through website at the moment.

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it

Heimatar Military Industries
#5 - 2012-04-10 12:10:29 UTC
Bluddwolf wrote:
Video card is down, replacing in a few days... Recruitment only through website at the moment.

Still waiting on new video card.... However, new Fan Fiction section of forums is open to public.

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it

Heimatar Military Industries
#6 - 2012-04-13 23:03:53 UTC
Computer is back and running again..... Still looking for capsuleers to join

Any class, miners, Indys, combat....

Any race...

any skill level,,,,

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it

Heimatar Military Industries
#7 - 2012-04-16 01:48:50 UTC
Still looking for a few good pilots out there. Miners, Traders, and Combat pilots are needed.

Visit website and register if you wish to see more details.

Website offers:

Detaled Maps, Charts, Tips and Hints to help new or veteran pilots

Fan Fiction area, to read and even post your own stories about EVE or any other MMO you have an interest in.

Officer's Quarters, to discuss the future goals of HMI.

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it