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Fix LP store!!!

Lady Aja
#21 - 2011-09-26 17:30:32 UTC
orientall wrote:
Sorry, to call someone stupid, but comments like this drives me crazy. I agree to everything said here but that that only means that LP store is way from balanced. If i get 100k lp per mission and i need 4 faction missions to get the tags i need to withdraw 100lp it's not sounds good becouse thats another 400 lp asuming i get 4 faction mission, right type in a row. Basicaly i'l have about 1-2 mil lp made while trying to get tags for itens cost 100 lp. And i see a problem here that needs fixing.

you are better off running lvl 4 missions and having alts to farm anti faction missions

lvl 5 missions dont give out tags that are different to lvl 4's, i learnt this one the hard way.
where is my ability to link a sig properly CCP you munters!!
The Infadels Holdings
#22 - 2011-09-26 18:14:17 UTC
yes i do lvl5, no i don't buy tag items from store, becouse i simply get more just selling those tags alone, one faction missio gives about 70-100mil just selling tags and i repeat one more time: there are 90% of items in store that are useless becouse of amount tags needed, so why not reduce that to get those items used and moved to market? and no i'm not going to run lvl4 becouse simply lvl5 are way more profitable even with risk involved. Can u make 1.5bil in 6-7h with lvl4? if so i'l do them.
#23 - 2011-09-26 18:32:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Spineker
The number of tags needed is not what makes the item useless what makes it useless is no one wants it enough to pay the price because either their is a cheaper alternative that gets the job done or it just isn't popular. Lowering the number of tags required will simply drop the value of the item even lower.
The Infadels Holdings
#24 - 2011-09-26 19:51:46 UTC
Spineker, let's take small rep or ab from store, it costs 100 mil in tags and lp + isk is just small amount, and now u say that if reduce tags to let's say 10mil in cost, still make that mod not worth?
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#25 - 2011-09-26 19:55:33 UTC
orientall wrote:
Spineker, let's take small rep or ab from store, it costs 100 mil in tags and lp + isk is just small amount, and now u say that if reduce tags to let's say 10mil in cost, still make that mod not worth?

That's exactly right. When a similar or better deadspace rep or AB is common enough to compete on volume, no reduction in tag cost is going to bring the faction module into price parity.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2011-09-26 20:56:19 UTC
orientall wrote:
yes i do lvl5, no i don't buy tag items from store, becouse i simply get more just selling those tags alone, one faction missio gives about 70-100mil just selling tags and i repeat one more time: there are 90% of items in store that are useless becouse of amount tags needed, so why not reduce that to get those items used and moved to market? and no i'm not going to run lvl4 becouse simply lvl5 are way more profitable even with risk involved. Can u make 1.5bil in 6-7h with lvl4? if so i'l do them.

Thank you for illustrating exactly how the player driven economy works and why this isn't "broken"

Right now there is a supply/demand situation in EVE where there is a higher demand for tags. As others have explained this may be due in part to the increased amount of LP people are trying to burn from the mission agent changes. It is also probably due in part to players changing habits (I for one am one of those mission runners who opt out of faction missions as to not mess up my faction standings)

So for now tags are in greater demand, which is indicative of your willingness to sell tags rather than LP items. Over time some players will give up trying to sell certain LP items. Also other players, seeing how lucrative tags are, will be more willing to run faction missions.

Then at some point LP items will likely bounce back, as the supply of tags will go up and LP item supply goes down.

Of course by then you will likely be here complaining you can't make 70-100mil selling the tags and tags need to be "fixed"

Full on player market economy. It ain't broken, but it can be a *****.
The Infadels Holdings
#27 - 2011-09-26 21:21:53 UTC
if tags go back in price, i'm not gonna complain just sell mods from store. Time will show. Still noone answered why we have 239 useless overpriced items in store. Thanks all for answers i'm still in good shape with lvl5 and i hope as everyone said market will recover.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#28 - 2011-09-26 21:30:21 UTC
orientall wrote:
Still noone answered why we have 239 useless overpriced items in store.
You don't. You have 239 items that, due to market forces, currently are either not particularly attractive to buyers, or far too popular among sellers to bring in any large amount of cash.
Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#29 - 2011-09-26 22:07:34 UTC
orientall wrote:
some ppl are so stupid, do you UNDERSTAND if tag price went from 1 mil to 6mil the whole lp store is broken.

That's how an economy works. More demand for something increases the price.

Though, I do think that the LP stores need some tweaks. I think the battleship mods/ships/implants requirements are spot-on, but the medium/small module tag requirements are through the roof....and some tweaks to the tag drops would be nice too.


11 easy-to-find tags
77 uncommon tags
117 omfg only drops from 2nd tier bc

orientall wrote:

And comenting like oh u can't move to another agent is very nice, yes i can move to another agent can move to another game also, but i like this game and want something to be fixed that is broken and if u think everything is ok, read from the begining.

Well, if you want to make the max isk/hour, you need to accept the fact you'll need to move once everybody else catches on and moves in on your turf.

Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#30 - 2011-09-26 22:35:38 UTC
Lady Aja wrote:

lvl 5 missions dont give out tags that are different to lvl 4's, i learnt this one the hard way.

I have done caldari and amarr level 4s, and amarr level 5s. From this perspective I can tell you that the only source of minmatar and gallente tags from doing level 4s is Enemies Abound....and the only minmatar tags are in the last part. Period.

Level 5s on the other hand, give out oodles and oodles of anti-faction missions.

70% or more of the missions I got were against the enemy factions. I'd get an oddball pirate mission maybe 1/10th of the time, with the one drone mission popping up much more often.

A small sample....

Rogue Spy
Operation Wyrmsbane
Convoy attack
Stray Gallente Carrier
Cleansing Fire
Cleansing Fire
Crush the Sebiestor Station
Oust the Cleaimjumpers
Convoy Attack
Wrath of Angels
Convoy Attack
Crush the Sebiestor Station
Rogue Spy
The fortress
Sansha on the Horizon
Rogue Spy
Stray Gallente Carrier
Fate of angels
Cleansing Fire
Rogue spy
Location Location
Sansha acquisition
The Fortress
Fate of Angels
Cleansing Fire
Sansha on the Horizion
Oust the Claimjumpsers
Mordus Headhunters

Though, this may make it look like they offer a lot of pirate missions, but it was mostly a location issue where I was turning down a lot of missions that were in a nearby system with no station and a lot of traffic. FYI couple of the pirate missions are always in system, and another I know for sure is always one jump. YMMV.
Ratnose Banker
Pink Sockers
#31 - 2011-09-27 00:18:49 UTC
I think it should be changed so you can only get 5run bpcs from doing low sec lvl4 (possibly lvl5) missions.
Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#32 - 2011-09-27 00:36:51 UTC
I think that everything should be changed so that whatever I want to do at the moment is the most profitable and easiest, and so no-one else can do as well as me.

Eve **is** broken because I can't make all the isk I want, safely, and demonstrating my awesomeness at the same time Cry

p.s. Exploration is also broken.

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

1-Up Mushroom
#33 - 2011-09-27 00:49:24 UTC
I would like to see a Dynamic LP store. So if something never gets bought once in a day, all the requirements for it will drop by like 1-3%/daily. If something if used often the requirements will rise 1-3%/daily or something
5 Days In A Week... 4 Seasons In A Year... 3 Colors In A Stoplight... 2 Hemispheres On The Earth... ONLY 1-UP MUSHROOM!!!
The Infadels Holdings
#34 - 2011-09-27 02:14:16 UTC  |  Edited by: orientall
1-Up Mushroom wrote:
I would like to see a Dynamic LP store. So if something never gets bought once in a day, all the requirements for it will drop by like 1-3%/daily. If something if used often the requirements will rise 1-3%/daily or something

it's not gonna work with ammo or implants which are bought each day, imagine u bought ammo for 20bil and then each day just buy one to increase price, not gonna tell what will happen. Mb it's goona work if price have max at some point.
Tasko Pal
Spallated Garniferous Schist
#35 - 2011-09-27 03:26:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Tasko Pal
CCP isn't going to touch this since they'd be screwing over FW players (who, incidentally, they like more than you because they blow up lots of ships in exciting pvp interactions). My view is that if an activity doesn't cause some sort of medical problem (PI when it first came out) or isn't so good that virtually everyone does it (combat missions) or so bad that virtually no one does it (ice mining missions), then I can't be bothered to care enough to change it.
The Infadels Holdings
#36 - 2011-09-27 03:54:55 UTC
Tasko Pal wrote:
CCP isn't going to touch this since they'd be screwing over FW players (who, incidentally, they like more than you because they blow up lots of ships in exciting pvp interactions). My view is that if an activity doesn't cause some sort of medical problem (PI when it first came out) or isn't so good that virtually everyone does it (combat missions) or so bad that virtually no one does it (ice mining missions), then I can't be bothered to care enough to change it.

U sir are100% right, LP store is at the end of the list, it took what?, years to see sc need nerf, roflblasters still no love and now eve desperately need new dress colection, wtf i'm thinking about.
Tuczniki Omega
#37 - 2011-09-29 12:26:23 UTC
lol, what an angry, whiney carebear!

"Ima making 1m lp a day and I want to exchange that at 4k/lp rabble rabble rabble.."

You are already making more than ones like you in hisec, even @1k/lp, so deal with it.

Dark Nexxus
#38 - 2011-09-29 17:57:11 UTC
orientall wrote:
do you see any drawbacks of it?

Yes. The guy selling tags will not make as much.
Lady Aja
#39 - 2011-09-29 21:19:52 UTC
JVLP wrote:
orientall wrote:
do you see any drawbacks of it?

Yes. The guy selling tags will not make as much.

my galante tags fund my matar tags i am short on even then i still walk away with 500m in galante tags on the market waiting to sell.
where is my ability to link a sig properly CCP you munters!!
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#40 - 2011-09-30 02:28:27 UTC
orientall wrote:
if tags go back in price, i'm not gonna complain just sell mods from store.

The tags will only go down in price if more people create the tags, or fewer people want the tags.