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A Couple of Pilots Returning From Hiatus

Twila Kara
Bob's Bait and Tackle
#1 - 2012-04-03 01:27:31 UTC
Okay, so.

We are:

40ishm sp pilot (ecm maxed)

77ishm sp pilot (pick your pleasure)

Have returned after a 10 month hiatus, and looking for a bit of new blood.

If the first words out of your mouth are typically:

"I have a 2b isk super shiny ship to fly, and that is all I am willing to fly, can I play?"
"Wooo! We killed a hauler and an auto piloting cruiser!"
"ZOMG! You must kill this pos tonight!"

We really don't have anything to talk about. Sorry.

However, if you're a chill group, based in or around low sec/null sec that isn't about being all super 1337! we might be a good fit. We're US tz, mature, laid back and realize at the end of the day it's all pixels and a good time.

I know it's kinda like asking to find unicorns and leprechauns, but figured I would give it a go anyways ;)
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-04-03 04:19:32 UTC
Thanks for the chat in game. Here's some of the info we went over.

- We are based out of 0.0 with Razor Alliance
- We like our PvP like we like our women, active, heavy and aggressive and smelling of booze
- Friendly group, very laid back and always willing to help
- Experienced players
- Very active in US time zone with a growing EU presence in corp - but strong already at the alliance level!
- Use TS3, Mumble, and Jabber
- We have great logistics capabilities if needed - we can help facilitate your easy entry to our home
- Corp also has a web-based resupply site - fittings and ships delivered to your station - just a click away!

Come get some good fights! Application Link - Linky

EVE Mail me with any questions.
The Excommunicated
#3 - 2012-04-03 14:15:42 UTC
Helljumpers is a Corp based in Vale and Venal, We run mostly small gangs but will get into coalition ops with larger numbers. We are laid back and enjoy ourselves and we don't take ourselves to serious. We have both EU and US TZ and that goes for our Alliance. We are a close group of people who enjoy this game. If it sounds interesting, Hop in Hell Public for a chat. We do require a full API with application
Draken Forlorn
#4 - 2012-04-03 14:34:50 UTC
We are a chill group, based around low moving close to null this weekend. Discounted ships due to our good indy division, teamwork on roams and ops. NO sp min, like to joke and have a good time. Mature group, this game is not a job and we have a democratic way of doing buisness, everyone has a say and vote. Message me in game or eve mail if you want a little more info.
BTW we are all US TZ aside from a couple people who participate on the weekends due to their TZ.

Interceptors are not OP!!!!

Twila Kara
Bob's Bait and Tackle
#5 - 2012-04-06 14:37:08 UTC
Home found. Thanks much! Lol