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Gallente (+Some Caldari Lovin)

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Pattern Clarc
#1 - 2011-09-25 21:31:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Pattern Clarc
I would like to present to you, a vision for how Gallente combat could be:

The Game Has Changed.
Disruptive changes such as the Nos, Damp, Myrmiddon and Eos and even webs and scrams have had a massive impact on Gallente effectiveness in general whilst the predominance of HP vs Active, Medium vs Short have forced Gallente ships out of all but the most specialised of fleet compositions. We see them less, we use them less - partily because they no longer do what they did good enough to be worth it and partily because they don't do what we now do good enough, to be flown over something else, and for Gallente to be restored, both issues need to be addressed.

To become better at what we did.
Hybrids need to be upgraded.
Range needs to become viable again
Active tanking needs to evolve to meet the demands of modern warfare.

To become better at what we do.
Drone carriers need to be renovated.
Tier 1 Battlecruisers and Commandships need an overhaul.
And Gallente Blasterboat hulls need to be modernised.

Combat: Blasters
Blasterships receive a full overhaul with ship changes that increase the speed and agility by the equivalent of around 1 nanofiber. In addition to the above, utility in the form of additional 25m3 of drone bay has been included to cruisers and above, improving the options available to a pilot "in sticky situations".

Blasters and turret changes have also been included that increase blaster performance within the engagement envelope.

- Ion Siege Blaster Cannon Capacitor usage reduced by 50%
- Neutron Blaster Turret DPS increased by 10%, Tracking increased by ~40%
- Ion Blaster Turret DPS increased by 10%, Tracking increased by ~50%
- Electron Blaster Turret DPS increased by 10%,Tracking increased ~60%

Ship changes: (These apply to: Brutix, Hyperion, Megathron (+all variants), Astarte, Thorax (+all variants), Tristan, Incursus, Kronos)
- Base Speed increased by ~10%
- Inertia Modifier reduced by ~15%
- Mass reduced by ~3%

(These apply to: Brutix, Hyperion, Megathron (+all variants), Astarte, Thorax (+all variants) only)
- Power grid increased by between 10% to 20%
- Drone bay increased by 25m^3

Combat: Rails
See below for the updated version:

Combat: Drones
Drone carriers that were once the pride of the gallente fleet (falling from the most common, to the least common used in their class), have their drone bandwidth restored. This enables them to once again focus on being specialised drone carrier, instead of blasterboats with surplus drones and split weapon syndrome.

Sentry Drones:
- Top speed now increased to 200m/s

- Loses 2 turret hardpoints
- Powergrid is reduced by 15%
- Gains 50mb in drone bandwidth

- Becomes Field Commandship
- Gains 50mb in drone bandwidth
- Info warfare bonus becomes turret falloff bonus

Active Tanking MK II
Active tanking now evolves to keep pace with modern warfare. Active tanking performance vs resistance bonuses ship increases from 2% to about 14%.
In the largest change, the overloaded state of active tanking modules receive a significant boost, allowing active tanking ships to momentarily deal with bursts of high damage within small gang warfare much better than before. Finally, as top speed is vital to acceleration in Eve, armour rig penalties were modified.
- Racial (Gallente and Minmatar) Active tanking bonus changed from 7.5% per level to 10%.
- The overloaded bonus on both Shield Boosters and Armour Repairers changes to include a (stacking penalised with active tanking mods) 5%, 10% and 15% bonus to small, medium and large Shield or Armour resistances (respectively)

- Armour Rig penalties changed from -% speed to -10% shield HP
- Shield Rig penalties changed from +% signature to -10% armour HP

Assault Warfare
Assault Warfare links replace Information Warfare links as Gallente racial Command Links to provide better synergy with Gallente philosophy. Information Warfare links remain intact whilst new Assault Warfare modules, skillbooks and Mindlinks are introduced that better suit gallente philosophy. Meanwhile, wider changes see that Fleet commandships become better suited to modern fleet warfare and more competitive with Command T3's with new HP tanking bonuses.

Fleet Commandships:
- The Astarte and Claymore have there tanking bonuses changed to 10% per level bonuses
- The Vultures first 10% optimal range bonus becomes an 10% shield hp per level bonus

- Becomes Fleet Commandship
- Field Commandship Damage bonus becomes Assault warfare link role bonus
- See "Combat: Blasters" for additional ship changes

Assault Warfare Link:
- Assault Warfare Link - Overload Efficiency: reduces the heat damage sustained by overloaded modules
- Assault Warfare Link - Trajectory Control: Increases the tracking speed or turrets, explosion velocity of missiles
- Assault Warfare Link - Capacitor Superiority: Increases ships capacitor size.

Ex CSM member & Designer of the Tornado. Gallente - Pilot satisfaction

Pattern Clarc
#2 - 2011-09-25 21:31:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Pattern Clarc
Battlecriuser Tiericide
Tier 1 Battlecruisers are amongst some of the least used ships in the game. Thoroughly outclassed by their tier 2 counterparts, although the costing significantly less, in Eve roles and performance are the deciding factors determining ship usage.
- Battlecriusers effectively become tier 2 in performance - requiring the level 1 skill to be trained with Hitpoints, Sensor strength, slot numbers, cost and in some cases fittings normalised.

And Finally…

Because split weapons are bad...
- Missile Hardpoints increased on Eris by 2, Lachesis increased by 1
- Eris loses a highslot in exchange for a mid (Ares style), receives more cpu
- See "Combat: Blasters" for changes to the Phobos.

There's a strong sense of synergy with each of the changes, from assault warfare links, to the rig changes, each of the suggestions tries to complement Gallente piloting play style. This list of change is also one that tries not to shy away from any of the existentialist issues affecting the game. I make no apologies for it as I doubt most would be satisfied until those changes were in place.

New updates 13/10/11

~~~New Updates based on Eve-O feedback.~~~

Caldari Lovin:
Caldari base speed increases significantly. Caldari hybrid ships, especially the cruisers are just to slow to be viable and often whilst existential issues really effect the performance of the Ferox and it's variants.
~30% increase to base speed, for:
- Moa, Ferox, Vulture, Rokh, Egale, Cormorant (Whilst the Tengu's Hybrid Weapons subsystem should increase speed by a similar amount).
- Moa and Eagle powergrid increased by 30%
- Moa and Eagle hull re-designed to look less ****.
- See Tiericide for additional changes to the Ferox
- See Fleet Commandships for additional changes to the Vulture
- Combat Blasters for additional changes to Hybrids.

Combat: Rails
Here, ranged warfare is boosted by various changes to targeting and probing whilst changes to ammo mean damage attenuates far less at range (far out damaging competitors at ultra long ranges).
At medium range, the optimal range increase means the envelope antimatter can be used in is greater whilst Javelin now provides improved tracking in return for much increased capacitor usage and slightly reduced dps.

Railguns now do more damage, and much more damage at longer ranges. True to the RP nature of what most of us consider railguns to be like, ultra high muzzle velocity means, damage attenuates much less at long to ultra long range.

This picture should help explain the changes:

Railgun base damage increased by 10%

Spike base damage increased by 25%

Tech 2 Ammo now receives short range variants that alter the behaviour of the turrets (beyond additional dps, or range) either compensating for short falls or improving strengths of the turrets in very different ways.
- Quake - 25% increase to Artillery alpha, 5% Less damage than RF EMP and 33% less range and fall off.
- Gleam - Increases damage - 15% more damage than Navy Multifreqency and 33% less tracking and 33% less optimal range.
- Javelin - Increases tracking by 50% - 5% Less damage than CN Antimatter and 50% increased capacitor usage.

Hybrid Ammo receives reorganisation into 4 parts:
Antimatter remains unchanged
Iron base damage increased by 20%

Plutonium - (Same as current plutonium except: ), 20% Kinetic, 80% Thermal damage
Uranium - -(Same as current plutonium except: ), 80% Kinetic, 20% Thermal damage

Thorium - (Same as current thorium except: ) 0% increase to optimal, 20% increase to tracking, 80% Kinetic, 20% Thermal
Lead - (Same as current thorium except: ) 0% increase to optimal, 20% increase to tracking, 20% Kinetic, 80% Thermal damage

Iridium - (Same as current thorium except: ) 0% increase to optimal, 20% increase to falloff, 80% Kinetic, 20% Thermal
Tungsten - (Same as current thorium except: ) 0% increase to optimal, 20% increase to falloff, 20% Kinetic, 80% Thermal damage

- Probing accuracy is now inversely proportional to the amount of time the target has been in one location (grid)" (After 0 seconds, within 200km accuracy, after 30 seconds, 50km accuracy, after one minute, probing accuracy improves to 12km and so on)
- Max Targeting Range is now 350km

Ex CSM member & Designer of the Tornado. Gallente - Pilot satisfaction

Center for Advanced Studies
#3 - 2011-09-25 21:36:34 UTC
nice post, I do believe a re-balance with ships and weapon systems is on the drawing board post winter expansion as per dev posts and interviews (

This is the single most exciting thing for me as I could desperately use a ship shake up and I want to see Gallente on the same level as other races (even though I can fly all).


Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#4 - 2011-09-25 21:40:44 UTC
I don't necessarily agree with all your fixes but the overall concept is sound.

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#5 - 2011-09-25 21:58:18 UTC
My mega doing 1200m/s, even more firepowa and getting 40% more tracking at an effective range of 50km with null?

#6 - 2011-09-25 22:09:54 UTC
Very impressive stuff, unfortunately I don't have the experience to know whether it would work out well or not What?

At least I can provide a bump for more reads Lol

I hope the actual fix works as I'd like to fly Gallente eventually.
Pattern Clarc
#7 - 2011-09-25 22:19:24 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
My mega doing 1200m/s, even more firepowa and getting 40% more tracking at an effective range of 50km with null?


Only if you fly it like a nano-tempest P

And thanks for the comments so far. I don't expect you to support all of the changes - but I have consulted widely and in depth to figure out not just the issues, but some sort of common ground in the *fixed* state. Hopefully, this forms the frame work for the eventual boost, whenever that may be...

Ex CSM member & Designer of the Tornado. Gallente - Pilot satisfaction

#8 - 2011-09-25 22:25:42 UTC
Pattern Clarc wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
My mega doing 1200m/s, even more firepowa and getting 40% more tracking at an effective range of 50km with null?


Only if you fly it like a nano-tempest P

And thanks for the comments so far. I don't expect you to support all of the changes - but I have consulted widely and in depth to figure out not just the issues, but some sort of common ground in the *fixed* state. Hopefully, this forms the frame work for the eventual boost, whenever that may be...

Who knows, it may even come along at the same time as the 'Morpheus' battleship!

My main is still waiting for the Tornado - hope they do it justice Smile
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#9 - 2011-09-25 22:26:36 UTC
Pattern Clarc wrote:

Only if you fly it like a nano-tempest P

Its the only way I fly itPirate
#10 - 2011-09-25 22:46:41 UTC
Would be interesting to get the maker of EFT to put in a "customize hull" mode to see how your numbers work in the big picture.

It is worth pointing out to people... take a look at the 1-year price history of the tier 1 battlecruisers and compare it to absolutely anything else in the game. The price has been flatlined forever. Even fluctuations in the mineral markets and the value of isk have not affected the price of the brutix. Something needs to be updated.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2011-09-25 22:47:44 UTC
Oh, so it's here we should post ideas that we want anyone to read eh? P
Pattern Clarc
#12 - 2011-09-26 00:07:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Pattern Clarc
mkint wrote:
Would be interesting to get the maker of EFT to put in a "customize hull" mode to see how your numbers work in the big picture.

It is worth pointing out to people... take a look at the 1-year price history of the tier 1 battlecruisers and compare it to absolutely anything else in the game. The price has been flatlined forever. Even fluctuations in the mineral markets and the value of isk have not affected the price of the brutix. Something needs to be updated.

There's a complicated way of doing it using some hack that lets you modify XML. It wont let you modify modules though.

Would be cool if there was an easier way of doing it.

And yeah, the tier 1 battlecruisers a currently languishing in the furthest reaches of the games crevices.

Ex CSM member & Designer of the Tornado. Gallente - Pilot satisfaction

Sebastian N Cain
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2011-09-26 01:04:33 UTC
Pattern Clarc wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
My mega doing 1200m/s, even more firepowa and getting 40% more tracking at an effective range of 50km with null?


Only if you fly it like a nano-tempest P

And thanks for the comments so far. I don't expect you to support all of the changes - but I have consulted widely and in depth to figure out not just the issues, but some sort of common ground in the *fixed* state. Hopefully, this forms the frame work for the eventual boost, whenever that may be...

I am not sure if range is the answer for rails. In the times of spidertanks sniping with weak weapons is simply not a viable option. Any opponent can close in with impunity and begin the curbstomping if the sniper doesn´t run away. Breaking a spidertank does require weaponry that actually deals damage.
Even if the opponent is not a spidertank: you will never be able to gank him because at the very least he will always be able to get away due to the low alpha.

As for sniping as a part of a bigger fleet... nope, because bigger fleetfights are the domain of the supercaps, and showing up against such opponents with a railgun sniper....

I got lost in thought... it was unfamiliar territory.

Gregor Palter
#14 - 2011-09-26 02:01:11 UTC
Instead of buffing gallente to laser/projectile standards (and thus making everything overpowered and losing it's niche) I'd much rather have a slight boost to Gallante but nerf pulse/scorch range+damage, and take care of the huge falloff and easy damage selection of projectiles. Those are just too good making it too easy, instead of making everything easy (and turning this game into an FPS) I'd much rather have them toned down a little bit back into their own niches.

"everything more, always more" is a very bad way to balance.

Excuses are the refuge of the weak.

Pattern Clarc
#15 - 2011-09-26 07:04:08 UTC
Gregor Palter wrote:
Instead of buffing gallente to laser/projectile standards (and thus making everything overpowered and losing it's niche) I'd much rather have a slight boost to Gallante but nerf pulse/scorch range+damage, and take care of the huge falloff and easy damage selection of projectiles. Those are just too good making it too easy, instead of making everything easy (and turning this game into an FPS) I'd much rather have them toned down a little bit back into their own niches.

"everything more, always more" is a very bad way to balance.

This has nothing to do with turning blasters into lasers. The changes account for the "negative tracking" phenomenon that means blasters do not do there maximum damage at optimal range because of poor tracking - that has become significantly worse a problem since the web nerf.

Beyond that, there are problems that prevent Gallente ships from either effectively getting into range or surviving long enough to do it's job which these changes seek to solve.

Ex CSM member & Designer of the Tornado. Gallente - Pilot satisfaction

#16 - 2011-09-26 07:11:54 UTC
Oh, and I keep pushing this idea... there should be all three sizes of sentry drones, and they all should be able to move with the controlling ship. The turrets could handle less of a buff if the drones were able to fill in the gaps better.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Pattern Clarc
#17 - 2011-09-26 07:42:53 UTC
mkint wrote:
Oh, and I keep pushing this idea... there should be all three sizes of sentry drones, and they all should be able to move with the controlling ship. The turrets could handle less of a buff if the drones were able to fill in the gaps better.

I agree with sentrys should move with the ship (eg, be given a top speed of 200ms) not I'm not convinced that there need to be medium and small sentry drones as well.

Ex CSM member & Designer of the Tornado. Gallente - Pilot satisfaction

Pattern Clarc
#18 - 2011-09-26 19:19:19 UTC
The cliffnotes for the TL:DR crowd. - As to be expected, for detail and reasoning, check out the OP.

Blasters: tracking increased roughly by 50%, DPS by 10%

Blasterships have their Power grid, speed, agility and drone bay improved.

Targeting distance increases from 250km to 300km- Warp to distance increases from 150km to 200km

It becomes harder to warp to 0km, when there are more ships on grid.

Railguns: Optimal range increased by 33%.

Racial (Gallente and Minmatar) Active tanking bonus changed from 7.5% per level to 10%.

The overloaded bonus on active tanking modules now includes a bonus to Shield or Armour resistances

Rigs: Armour Rig penalties changed from speed to agility

Capacitor Batteries: Now reserve of capacitor that cannot be affected by energy warfare

Sentry Drones: Top speed now increased to 200m/s

Myrmidon: Loses 2 turret hardpoints, gains 50mb in drone bandwidth

Eos: Becomes Field Commandship, gaining 50mb in drone bandwidth and turret falloff bonus.

The Astarte and Claymore have their tanking bonuses changed to HP bonuses whilst Vultures optimal range bonus becomes a HP bonus

Assault Warfare Link’s: reduces the heat damage sustained by overloaded modules, Increases the tracking speed or turrets or Increases ships capacitor size.

Battlecriusers effectively become tier 2 in performance whilst, the Eris loses a highslot in exchange for a mid (Ares style), receives more cpu

Ex CSM member & Designer of the Tornado. Gallente - Pilot satisfaction

CCP Zymurgist
C C P Alliance
#19 - 2011-09-26 19:37:43 UTC
Moved from General Discussion.

Zymurgist Community Representative CCP NA, EVE Online Contact Us at

Pattern Clarc
#20 - 2011-09-27 18:32:33 UTC

Ex CSM member & Designer of the Tornado. Gallente - Pilot satisfaction

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