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Request for clarification on harassment policy

First post
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#201 - 2012-03-29 23:53:02 UTC
C Genix wrote:
Yes Prof Alphane this alt plus 2 more will never be ressubed

Perhaps try WOT, I hear if somebody yells "If you win this match, I'm offing myself" everyone on the opposing team is required to freeze until the other team has won.

Oh wait, that's YOUR fantasy. Blink

Seriously Prof. I'm agreeing that this policy is actually the safest possible one for the person making the claim, yet doesn't make the game unplayable.

I'm not sure what your objection is... and apparently neither are you.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Amarr Empire
#202 - 2012-03-30 03:44:26 UTC
The OP's posts is fairly well written, though holds a hint of a lack of understanding of the basic game principles, a continual alluding to a distinct, though imaginary, injustice is present in all of your posts

The core argument being brought fourth centers on the case of a person using suicide, or physical harm, as a shield in game. The argument goes that if a person is lying, it is unfair to players to maintain a level of responsibility on the offending party. However, on a deeper analysis of the situation, you find a fundamentally flawed argument. Take, for example, a case in which a miner is being attacked and says he will kill himself if you continue. The offending party now has several options, broken into two categories; they can continue the fight or they can cease fire, lock and clear weapons.

Addressing cease firing first, the offending party now has many ways to approach the problem. Friendly in-game dialogue is always an option, though typical in-game dialogue usually results in a "u mad bro?" post. Emphasis is on friendly; reacting to someone threatening to kill themselves, developing a dialogue in which support and friendly assistance is given. The offending party then has the option of referencing the CCP in-game tool in which CCP can notify suicide hot-lines and other resources to provide assistance to the individual. Of course it is always possible to just fly on to greener pastures, there are many players in game looking for a fight or not willing to resort to such tactics to gain advantage. In summery, after cease firing, the offending party can degrade into a hate/flame war over someone using suicide as a shield, provide assistance or simply move on to another target

If the offending party decides to continue the fight, there are still many ways to resolve the situation. The typical "u mad bro?" reply, very common in game, can be used; sometimes devolving into a flame war/ posting that gets posted on the panel by drunks. A friendly dialogue in which explanation, truthful explanation not manipulation resulting in greater grief later, for the attack and friendly suggestions on how to better enjoy the game within the acceptable risk tolerances of the individual can be brokered. How many players have engaged into a friendly dialogue after an intense fight? It would also be very advisable to utilize CCP's reporting mechanism to further assist the player, doubly coupling it with friendly dialogue to support their RL problems. Or the offending party can continue, business as usual and move on without speak a word, as is often in many null sec fights, the offending party gets popped then podded, leaves the system without saying a word or any significant conversation

Ultimately, the worst case scenario becomes the individual is serious, commits suicide. The offending party is then brought into potential legal battles regarding the circumstances of the death. If the offending party used abusive language in posts, e-mailed threats or abusive comments to the player, or pursued them through the game world with the strict intent of causing harm, then there are a number of laws within several countries (some states within the United States, many European countries have these laws as national laws) that the offending party can be brought to trial under. Never mind that the transition from in-game to RL has become obvious and is in clear violation of the ToS/EULA.

Some murky cases are cases in which the player doesn't say anything or continues the notified abusive behavior while attempting to provide help to the player. Most of these would need to be addressed on a case by case basis. External evidence, such as OOG forums and other media regarding the player would be used in a court of law; such as creating a website or forum specifically focused on the harassment/griefing of a specific player. Many states within the United States have specific laws against these devices ranging from misdemeanor with minor fines to felonies with several years in prison.

The best case scenario (or worse case if you want to look at it in terms of the OP's argument) is that the individual is lying and achieves his/her goal by getting the offending party to cease fire, lock and clear weapons. The opportunity cost of this is the denial of a limited amount of fun, regarding the interaction with said player. There is the potential for this to begin to damage the fabric of the sandbox style play that has defined EVE, however, mitigation is possible through the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" syndrome, i.e. CCP attempting to identify players abusing the system. This would obviously have to be considered on a case by case basis, and a series of notifications regarding the nature of EVE and resources to help the individual with reported problems. On the event that a player is found abusing the system, punishment should be dealt with the same as any other exploit of established game systems

Basically, on one end of the spectrum you have the possibility that the individual will die, as well as possible jail time for the offending party. On the other hand you have the possibility of an in game exploit. I may be slightly canted in one direction or the other with my moral compass, by a human life is so significantly more important than a potential exploit of game/management mechanics that probability densities for the decision tree are irrelevant

Simply put, anything you do that has the potential to cause harm or push someone to cause harm to themselves is in no way mitigated by any rationalization of the conservation of the "fun factor" of your gaming experience. The idea that it is, frankly, is so far off my moral compass I cannot fathom a mind in which this would exist.
Ai Shun
#203 - 2012-03-30 04:04:58 UTC
Cunanium wrote:
Some murky cases are cases in which the player doesn't say anything or continues the notified abusive behavior while attempting to provide help to the player.

Good post overall; but I have a question - what is termed abusive behavior in this scenario? Something that falls outside the terms of engagement in EVE Online (Most likely linked to ToS / EULA)? Or could that even be something that falls within the scope of the game as a number of people play it?

Reason I ask is - if somebody is consistently undercutting somebody on the market and the person being undercut is feeling depressed / suicidal and sends out a general message to stop undercutting him - would continuing to do so constitute abuse under your definition?
#204 - 2012-03-30 04:33:18 UTC
I'll just leave this here.
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#205 - 2012-03-30 04:37:08 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:
Cunanium wrote:
Some murky cases are cases in which the player doesn't say anything or continues the notified abusive behavior while attempting to provide help to the player.

Good post overall; but I have a question - what is termed abusive behavior in this scenario? Something that falls outside the terms of engagement in EVE Online (Most likely linked to ToS / EULA)? Or could that even be something that falls within the scope of the game as a number of people play it?

Reason I ask is - if somebody is consistently undercutting somebody on the market and the person being undercut is feeling depressed / suicidal and sends out a general message to stop undercutting him - would continuing to do so constitute abuse under your definition?

That would be a no. Undercutting of the market is the market. Markets are anonymous and is not directed at any player. Should a situation arise such as that would mean contact CCP. CCP clarified it pretty well. It isn't the competition part of eve that can be drawn into an issue. How we react to comments can be. Also if our actions are solely directed at preventing enjoyment of eve, that is another thing we must not do.

It really comes down to judgement. I think the best way is if a situation happens, we need to ask two questions.

1. What would be a non offensive reply if applicable.
2. Was the player targetted directly without a valid game mechanics reason or an ability to evade.

Phrasing on #2 was a bit tricky, couldn't find the right words. Essentially, for #2 is can the player avoid what happened and still enjoy eve the way they want to?

Haulers for example have loot so popping them is valid. Provided you don't exploit, for example the boomerang thread here. I never AP a hauler/freighter or even have a whole lot of isk in it. But you can be boomeranged even while not on autopilot/approaching warp. As such, it can be considered an exploit, and should be wary. Even hulkageddon provided it remains random would not be a rule two violation. Just follow rule 1, if somebody does get hostile, just explain what are doing (controlling ice market). If hostilities continue, Cover your ass, make a notification if need be. Don't need to make a big deal and of course, log your chats.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Amarr Empire
#206 - 2012-03-30 04:38:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Cunanium
Ai Shun wrote:
Cunanium wrote:
Some murky cases are cases in which the player doesn't say anything or continues the notified abusive behavior while attempting to provide help to the player.

Good post overall; but I have a question - what is termed abusive behavior in this scenario? Something that falls outside the terms of engagement in EVE Online (Most likely linked to ToS / EULA)? Or could that even be something that falls within the scope of the game as a number of people play it

Reason I ask is - if somebody is consistently undercutting somebody on the market and the person being undercut is feeling depressed / suicidal and sends out a general message to stop undercutting him - would continuing to do so constitute abuse under your definition

The term abusive behavior would be the behavior that induced the threat of suicide in the initial case. The intent was to describe the cases in which the offender continue to preform the action (this would be an element of EVE game play). In the case of market, it would be continually undercutting. However, with the market there are some caveats. As I understand it (someone with more knowledge of market functions may correct me) it is not possible to see the source of market posts, and therefore anonymity ensures that the individual is threatening suicide against the system not a specific player harassing him. However, for the case of contracts, the same rules apply as they do for combat. The pretense is that undercutting, targeting a specific player, is the same type of player interaction as combat is

However, my post was focused on the game play mechanics and choices that players have when encountering other players who initiate the threat of suicide, since that was the topic of the original OP and how ToS/EULA violations are interpreted
Abusive behavior (defined in the case as any behavior against another individual) can be focused outside of the game and have resounding influence inside the game. For example, a group of individuals creating a forum to establish bounties on an individual, coordinating payments/locations and other information, and utilizing then game as the vehicle for the harassment. The abusive behavior in this case is the focused targeting of an individual, though occurring outside of regular gameplay.

Edit: Because apparently I suck at quoting.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#207 - 2012-03-30 04:54:01 UTC
Hmmm, but there are many forums and web sites that formulate and actively discuss lists of victims... either groups of targets or individuals... that exist out of game. This is a fairly common practice.

That does not mean there is a serious attempt underway to coerce a person into committing bodily harm to themselves, nor indicate an undue level of harassment.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Amarr Empire
#208 - 2012-03-30 05:05:20 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Hmmm, but there are many forums and web sites that formulate and actively discuss lists of victims... either groups of targets or individuals... that exist out of game. This is a fairly common practice.

That does not mean there is a serious attempt underway to coerce a person into committing bodily harm to themselves, nor indicate an undue level of harassment.

The existence of forums and selection of targets, victims, for griefing or focused targeting by itself does not constitute harassment, nor breaching the line in which in-game actions correlate into RL consequences. I brought them up in my post to introduce elements of arguments concerning CCP's actions against players who utilize OOG means to coordinate, and thus actively participate, in the abusive behavior. Instructing a group of players to attack another player, causing that individual to commit suicide, is a case. Each player, within the confines of the game universe may be an isolated incident. They may be across different corporations and have no in-game relation whatsoever. However, their collaboration to push the individual into harming themselves (the individuals in question would have to have known about the threat of suicide) in an outside media constitutes the harassment, and there are laws in many states in the United States about such constructs.

When these tools are utilized for coordination and collaboration in friendly/competitive fashion, they do not breach any form of law or ToS/EULA. It is when they are utilized to target, for the purpose of malicious intent, an individual that it becomes harassment and a breach of ToS/EULA.
C Genix
Genix Family
#209 - 2012-03-30 05:11:49 UTC  |  Edited by: C Genix
Ranger 1 wrote:
C Genix wrote:
Yes Prof Alphane this alt plus 2 more will never be ressubed

Perhaps try WOT, I hear if somebody yells "If you win this match, I'm offing myself" everyone on the opposing team is required to freeze until the other team has won.

Oh wait, that's YOUR fantasy. Blink

Seriously Prof. I'm agreeing that this policy is actually the safest possible one for the person making the claim, yet doesn't make the game unplayable.

I'm not sure what your objection is... and apparently neither are you.

You sicken me...

I now feel incredibly sorry for Jr that he have to put up with such a morally berefet male role model.

Continue to stubbronly refuse to see the point if you like.

As I said earlier

'You can lead a horse to water......'

/edit also don't bother quoting this post Ranger ( you are a disgrace to that name) or I'll just point out what a piece of human scum you are once again... should you want me to further embaress you .. well you know what to do don't you.

Your so sick you think that my warning to you is some joke to wear with honour........ pathetic

Also you haven't changed your sig mate.. thought better did you , decided that misquote was a little sick and might draw CCP's attention hey
C Genix
Genix Family
#210 - 2012-03-30 05:13:12 UTC
Katarina Reid wrote:
Ai Shun wrote:
C Genix wrote:
Very true

Apperently there addcition to intraweebs spaceships > anothers life


Next time you run an Incursion, mine an asteroid, build a module, buy something off the market or do anything in EVE I hope somebody claims they are depressed and will commit suicide if you don't stop doing it.

Then, perhaps, you will understand what some people are trying to say.

How are you going to tell the difference between somebody ******* with you and somebody that really feels that way? How much should this be allowed to impact on your game?

Edit: I honestly don't know how to handle this in-game. If somebody comes up to me with that type of line, what do I do? Do I carry on playing the game? Do I notify CCP? Do I just log off, unsub and play a different game?

if its within the game rules keep going

Of couse , killing people over intraweebs spaceships fine, CCP said so
Rascal deJascal
Gallente Federation
#211 - 2012-03-30 05:22:19 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:
C Genix wrote:
Very true

Apperently there addcition to intraweebs spaceships > anothers life


Next time you run an Incursion, mine an asteroid, build a module, buy something off the market or do anything in EVE I hope somebody claims they are depressed and will commit suicide if you don't stop doing it.

Then, perhaps, you will understand what some people are trying to say.

How are you going to tell the difference between somebody ******* with you and somebody that really feels that way? How much should this be allowed to impact on your game?

Edit: I honestly don't know how to handle this in-game. If somebody comes up to me with that type of line, what do I do? Do I carry on playing the game? Do I notify CCP? Do I just log off, unsub and play a different game?

Where is the confusion? The GM post makes it clear that you should report the suicidal person the CCP and let them go from there. Keep your interaction 'in-game' and you are fine. If you do not utter a word to the person you will also give no chance for it to be out of game context.
C Genix
Genix Family
#212 - 2012-03-30 05:34:48 UTC
Rascal deJascal wrote:
Ai Shun wrote:
C Genix wrote:
Very true

Apperently there addcition to intraweebs spaceships > anothers life


Next time you run an Incursion, mine an asteroid, build a module, buy something off the market or do anything in EVE I hope somebody claims they are depressed and will commit suicide if you don't stop doing it.

Then, perhaps, you will understand what some people are trying to say.

How are you going to tell the difference between somebody ******* with you and somebody that really feels that way? How much should this be allowed to impact on your game?

Edit: I honestly don't know how to handle this in-game. If somebody comes up to me with that type of line, what do I do? Do I carry on playing the game? Do I notify CCP? Do I just log off, unsub and play a different game?

Where is the confusion? The GM post makes it clear that you should report the suicidal person the CCP and let them go from there. Keep your interaction 'in-game' and you are fine. If you do not utter a word to the person you will also give no chance for it to be out of game context.

No , that you seem to think CCP have given you 'permission' to do this in no way makes it right , moral, or just
rock 717
Caldari State
#213 - 2012-03-30 05:57:22 UTC
player who threaten to suide should be ban for their protection.
Ai Shun
#214 - 2012-03-30 06:49:13 UTC
Cunanium wrote:
The term abusive behavior would be the behavior that induced the threat of suicide in the initial case. The intent was to describe the cases in which the offender continue to preform the action (this would be an element of EVE game play).

Alright. I think I got that, but need to clarify the next bit. For now, let's say that "abusive" behavior is enacted through some in-game mechanism - be it a Contract scam, space combat or other activity that pits a player against other players where the other player has threatened self-harm in some form

Cunanium wrote:
However, my post was focused on the game play mechanics and choices that players have when encountering other players who initiate the threat of suicide, since that was the topic of the original OP and how ToS/EULA violations are interpreted Abusive behavior (defined in the case as any behavior against another individual) can be focused outside of the game and have resounding influence inside the game. For example, a group of individuals creating a forum to establish bounties on an individual, coordinating payments/locations and other information, and utilizing then game as the vehicle for the harassment. The abusive behavior in this case is the focused targeting of an individual, though occurring outside of regular gameplay.

If I understand all of this correctly you are saying

(a) If this all happens in-game, it is okay to keep playing the gam
(b) If this is coordinated outside of the game, it should be stopped.

I'm not 100% clear on (a) so would appreciate it if you could clarify.
Ai Shun
#215 - 2012-03-30 06:54:42 UTC
Rascal deJascal wrote:
Where is the confusion? The GM post makes it clear that you should report the suicidal person the CCP and let them go from there. Keep your interaction 'in-game' and you are fine. If you do not utter a word to the person you will also give no chance for it to be out of game context.

And once they are reported - what then? Can I still shoot them? Can I leave my Contracts on the market and keep on playing the game? Or do I have to cease and desist as Mr Quitter above wants us to do?

This would suggest that as soon as somebody claims they are suicidal we are no longer allowed to keep on playing the game. If this is the de-facto rule, can you imagine what that does to EVE Online?

Every single carebear will just claim they are suicidal, thus trivializing the whole thing, and you cannot do anything. You can't put a contract up lower than them; you can't shoot them; you can't mine the damn asteroid they had locked.

I really think CCP is setting a dangerous precedent here. It would be better for them to come out and say - in their ToS and EULA that:

(a) If you are depressive or have issues with your mental health and/or
(b) Are at threat of suicide should in-game interaction cause you a problem then
(c) do not play this ******* game. Because you will lose your ships. You will be targeted. And you will be a sad panda

Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#216 - 2012-03-30 08:07:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Elsebeth Rhiannon
rock 717 wrote:
player who threaten to suide should be ban for their protection.

CCP has repeatedly said regarding the incident that any suicide threat they hear of will be reported to the local authorities of that player, who will then take care of the matter. I would not oppose temporarily banning them, too, myself.

However, that does not mean that verbally abusing players who are / claim to be suicidal is ok. It does not mean you can publicly humiliate them, or encourage other people to drive him to feel even worse.

If you really care about treating suicidal players right, then what The Mittani should have done when he received that mail was to
- forward it to CCP,
- not talk to that player again,
- continue playing normally, and
- not mention it to anyone else.
Did he do any of that stuff? Yea, did not think so.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#217 - 2012-03-30 08:09:09 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:
Rascal deJascal wrote:
Where is the confusion? The GM post makes it clear that you should report the suicidal person the CCP and let them go from there. Keep your interaction 'in-game' and you are fine. If you do not utter a word to the person you will also give no chance for it to be out of game context.

And once they are reported - what then? Can I still shoot them? Can I leave my Contracts on the market and keep on playing the game? Or do I have to cease and desist as Mr Quitter above wants us to do?

CCP has never said anywhere that you have to refrain from shooting them or take down your contracts or whatever.

The Mittani was never punished for making the mackinaw's explode. He was punished solely on what and where he said about the issue.

It cannot be this hard to tell the difference between actions in game and words said to another player...
Ai Shun
#218 - 2012-03-30 08:26:12 UTC
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Ai Shun wrote:
Rascal deJascal wrote:
Where is the confusion? The GM post makes it clear that you should report the suicidal person the CCP and let them go from there. Keep your interaction 'in-game' and you are fine. If you do not utter a word to the person you will also give no chance for it to be out of game context.

And once they are reported - what then? Can I still shoot them? Can I leave my Contracts on the market and keep on playing the game? Or do I have to cease and desist as Mr Quitter above wants us to do?

CCP has never said anywhere that you have to refrain from shooting them or take down your contracts or whatever.

So, if I have somebody down to hull after the third or fourth gank attempt and they claim they are suicidal I can carry on without a worry?
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#219 - 2012-03-30 08:38:22 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Ai Shun wrote:
Rascal deJascal wrote:
Where is the confusion? The GM post makes it clear that you should report the suicidal person the CCP and let them go from there. Keep your interaction 'in-game' and you are fine. If you do not utter a word to the person you will also give no chance for it to be out of game context.

And once they are reported - what then? Can I still shoot them? Can I leave my Contracts on the market and keep on playing the game? Or do I have to cease and desist as Mr Quitter above wants us to do?

CCP has never said anywhere that you have to refrain from shooting them or take down your contracts or whatever.

So, if I have somebody down to hull after the third or fourth gank attempt and they claim they are suicidal I can carry on without a worry?

Well, I am not a GM.

But my take on what they said and the EULA is that yes, if you want to, you can, as long as you do not answer to them or share the message with anyone but CCP.

And probably also if you answer in a nice way or share it in a benevolent intent, but that risks the interpretation territory, so to be on the safe side I personally would just STFU and continue shooting. Plus petition the threat after docking.
C Genix
Genix Family
#220 - 2012-03-30 08:46:00 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:

So, if I have somebody down to hull after the third or fourth gank attempt and they claim they are suicidal I can carry on without a worry?

Depends wether you worry is one of general humanity or fear of infracting CCP's useless rules?