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New dev blog: Changes to War Mechanics

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Indahmawar Fazmarai
#241 - 2012-03-29 21:00:30 UTC
Takoten Yaken wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

I seriously hope they wardec me all the way until 2013. Bear

okey dokey

Need the name of the corp, or you can find it on your own?
Avila Cracko
#242 - 2012-03-29 21:00:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Avila Cracko
I said what i thought about this all changes - its **** with intention to destroy game to little person and make it quit the game.
Now i will talk about one small part of that ****.

To war dec small corp that cant defend itself you pay nothing (20 mill is nothing today, maybe it was nice money in 2003, but that time is passed)
And then you have to pay many many hundreds of millions (if not billions) to attack someone who can defend itself very well.

So if you are a wuss and attacking people without any chance of loss you are rewarded by not paying almost nothing
And if you have balls and what to attack people that will kick your ass in the war but you maybe can win one or two battles CCP says that you cant ($$$$$$$$$$).

Don't you see problem in the thought here???
Why the hell is 100% risk free (wuss attack) murder is rewarded
and if you have balls and attack someone knowing you will be 100% sure killed (but trying to fight for something that means to you) you can't?????

Isn't it meant to be opposite???

truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#243 - 2012-03-29 21:02:45 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Takoten Yaken wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

Last time I checked suicide ganking of hapless noobs, miners and the whatever was still in place without no need for harmful unescapable wardecs. And It took years until suicide ganking ships as much as lose their insurance payback...

lookin forward to deccing you nonstop

Tried to tell you Inda, squawking birds tends to get noticed.

I seriously hope they wardec me all the way until 2013. Bear

I know, your main, Ishtanchuk Fazmarai, will just drop to a npc corp and keep on running missions.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Karim alRashid
#244 - 2012-03-29 21:03:59 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

Yes, and they all are hoping to be able to wardec hapless non-PvPrs in this dreadful game when killing the innocent has got awful consequences such as:

Stop it already. You are off-topic, non-constructive and extremely bigoted.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

#245 - 2012-03-29 21:04:36 UTC
Keras Authion wrote:
And finally risk-free griefing. Let's say I have a second account with a suitably skilled character in a one-man corp. I can dec another corp, say the small corp of friends up there, a 10 man industrial, for 25 million per week. I just need to stay docked and type a few lines in the local every now and then to force the other corp to stay docked. I effectively make it impossible for them to play without it affecting my main's ability to function. I'm sure the 10 people appreciate paying sub for staying docked. Now eventually they will start doing whatever they usually do when I take no action and I can go get their juicy stuffs with a small investment of 50 million or so.

The small corp got 3 options:

- ignore you
- join an alliance to increase your war free to a few billion
- move all members to a new corp
- stay in NPC corps and move production assets to an alt corp

If you are able to play on an alt, so are they.

Nobody can force a war onto a player.

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Dirk Space
Solar Dragons
#246 - 2012-03-29 21:07:22 UTC
gfldex wrote:
Keras Authion wrote:
And finally risk-free griefing. Let's say I have a second account with a suitably skilled character in a one-man corp. I can dec another corp, say the small corp of friends up there, a 10 man industrial, for 25 million per week. I just need to stay docked and type a few lines in the local every now and then to force the other corp to stay docked. I effectively make it impossible for them to play without it affecting my main's ability to function. I'm sure the 10 people appreciate paying sub for staying docked. Now eventually they will start doing whatever they usually do when I take no action and I can go get their juicy stuffs with a small investment of 50 million or so.

The small corp got 3 options:

- ignore you
- join an alliance to increase your war free to a few billion
- move all members to a new corp
- stay in NPC corps and move production assets to an alt corp

If you are able to play on an alt, so are they.

Nobody can force a war onto a player.

But the question remains, why are you war deccing that corp (player)?
Dirk Space
Solar Dragons
#247 - 2012-03-29 21:07:53 UTC
I am sure I can answer that question...
Pinky Denmark
The Cursed Navy
#248 - 2012-03-29 21:08:14 UTC
800m pr week to wardec a 1500 man alliance?
70m to wardec a 100 man corporation?

I would start out cautiously with 200k pr player on top of the standard fee and:
1/ give griefers an increase in cost against much smaller corps
2/ give underdogs a reduction in cost against much bigger corps

That way smaller entities cannot hide behind having their 10 alts, dog, mom and kitchen sink enlisted in their corporation and smaller corporations are not forced out of battling larger enemies simply because they cannot even afford the first week.

Takoten Yaken
Goonswarm Federation
#249 - 2012-03-29 21:08:33 UTC
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Takoten Yaken wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

Last time I checked suicide ganking of hapless noobs, miners and the whatever was still in place without no need for harmful unescapable wardecs. And It took years until suicide ganking ships as much as lose their insurance payback...

lookin forward to deccing you nonstop

Tried to tell you Inda, squawking birds tends to get noticed.

I seriously hope they wardec me all the way until 2013. Bear

I know, your main, Ishtanchuk Fazmarai, will just drop to a npc corp and keep on running missions.

theres no way we could gank that!!!
Avila Cracko
#250 - 2012-03-29 21:09:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Avila Cracko
Dirk Space wrote:
gfldex wrote:
Keras Authion wrote:
And finally risk-free griefing. Let's say I have a second account with a suitably skilled character in a one-man corp. I can dec another corp, say the small corp of friends up there, a 10 man industrial, for 25 million per week. I just need to stay docked and type a few lines in the local every now and then to force the other corp to stay docked. I effectively make it impossible for them to play without it affecting my main's ability to function. I'm sure the 10 people appreciate paying sub for staying docked. Now eventually they will start doing whatever they usually do when I take no action and I can go get their juicy stuffs with a small investment of 50 million or so.

The small corp got 3 options:

- ignore you
- join an alliance to increase your war free to a few billion
- move all members to a new corp
- stay in NPC corps and move production assets to an alt corp

If you are able to play on an alt, so are they.

Nobody can force a war onto a player.

But the question remains, why are you war deccing that corp (player)?

In 99% of the cases corp/person is war deced because you know that they/he cant defend itself and/or because you want to ruin his game and/or because he is not playing it the way the way you want it to.

truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Dirk Space
Solar Dragons
#251 - 2012-03-29 21:12:56 UTC
Avila Cracko wrote:

In 99% of the cases corp/person is war deced because you know that they/he cant defend itself, because you want to ruin his game because he is not playing it the way the way you want it to.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#252 - 2012-03-29 21:13:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Karim alRashid wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

Yes, and they all are hoping to be able to wardec hapless non-PvPrs in this dreadful game when killing the innocent has got awful consequences such as:

Stop it already. You are off-topic, non-constructive and extremely bigoted.

I'm pretty on topic. CCP says they want to change wardecs in a way that enables yet another path for risk-free griefing, and I explain why i think it's a horrible idea.

You want a constructive comment? Allow non-mutual wars to expire after a week no matter what the agressor does. This way people who want PvP can have it and people who does not want PvP can avoid wars without hassle.

Then everybody is free to choose and so everybody is happy with how he uses his subsciption money.
Dirk Space
Solar Dragons
#253 - 2012-03-29 21:13:16 UTC
I bolded for emphasis.
Karim alRashid
#254 - 2012-03-29 21:15:52 UTC
Dirk Space wrote:
I am sure I can answer that question...

Hmm, everyone has their reasons.

I, for example, would do it for extortion - to spare me making money via the mind-numbing soul-killing PvE.

Is there anything wrong (in-game) with this?

Pain is weakness leaving the body

#255 - 2012-03-29 21:19:22 UTC
Dirk Space wrote:
Awfully sorry to have to ask but could you please bold the insult?

You basicly told me that I'm an ******* who wants to bully ppl around. You found nice wording for that but that wont change anything.

So here my story.

I play the game since 2004 pretty much none stop. I was mostly in big alliances and as such had to deal with wardecs by "griefer corps". They never really managed to grief me because a) I know what a scout is b) their ships explode too.

I indeed declared 3 wars myself. One time against a corp that had a member asking me for a fair fight in lowsec. That wasn't as fair as he made it look like. He lost his Ferox to station guns while my little Thorax made it out. But a lie is a lie. The 2nd war was against some folk that where roaming lowsec, got their ships destroyed by 2 friends of mine and I. They utilised local chat in a rather unfriendly manner after they docked their pods. War went active 48h later and we had one fight. It wasn't really fair even that they outnumbered us 3 to 1 but I don't like it to call for GMs just because somebody doesn't know when not to use local chat.

The 3rd war was against RA who moved operations from 0.0 to empire because pressure against their ratters became to heavy. Sorry, but I wont let a bleeding russian get away.

As you can see I had very good reason to start those wars. And I know very well what it means to have "griefers" against me. So, what's your war stories?

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

#256 - 2012-03-29 21:33:32 UTC
Dirk Space wrote:

But the question remains, why are you war deccing that corp (player)?

There are many reason.

- I could be hired (well, it's not really profitable but this is a game) to drive them out of the mining business by a competitor. That actually used to happen before we got the decshield-nonsense.
- Or I was offering them a deal to buy their minerals and they didn't take it. Guns can drive prices down.
- One of their members used local chat in a unappropriate manner. (read: they are as polite as you are)
- I intend to loot their wracks without using a suicide alt. (not really profitable, again)
- As I build ships (I really do) I have an incentive to drive mineral prices up. Arguably there is no reason to do that right now but that might change.
- They are actually one guy with 22 accounts (read: a botter).
- I have pity with some of their newer members who will just quit the game 2 month later out of boredom.

I would like to elaborate on the last point. The corp that got a wardec because of the Ferox pilot I met about 1 year later when I was with Veritas Imortales. They had actually joined that alliance a few weeks after we (at that time Dark-Rising) had out little war because they tasted blood. IIRC only 2 of their members choose to stay in highsec. One of them got a steam computer and PvP simply didn't work for him. The other one was in his 80s and had problem with his blood pressure (that's what he told me). It was a big hello on TS when they spotted me. I am their hero because I saved their souls (slight exaggeration).

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Dirk Space
Solar Dragons
#257 - 2012-03-29 21:34:46 UTC
I have no war stories, it's not how I play this game.

If someone has a problem with me, I talk to them and make sure I understand why they feel that way then come to a mutually acceptable solution.

Having a mechanic in game that allows people to destroy the enjoyment of others, on a whim, and that is all war decs are, should be removed.
Gespenster Kompanie
#258 - 2012-03-29 21:40:04 UTC
Well this sucks.

There goes casual corps.

Heads up Eve Uni.

Lowsec will probably be safer than highsec for new small corps now.

Congrats goons and all other greifers, dinner is served!
RC Denton
Shazaam Industries
#259 - 2012-03-29 21:43:22 UTC
I've always thought that the financial side of PVP was undervalued. In this case corp A can wardec corp B by paying a bribe to CONCORD. Corp B should have the option to pay a higher bribe to invalidate the war. The two sides should be able to keep bidding until one gives up and either there is a war, or not. That way corps who deal more with the financial side of EVE rather than the combat side of EVE have parity with the combat corps.

Yes there's the mercenary option, but that mechanic is not very well defined.

Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#260 - 2012-03-29 21:45:47 UTC
RC Denton wrote:
I've always thought that the financial side of PVP was undervalued. In this case corp A can wardec corp B by paying a bribe to CONCORD. Corp B should have the option to pay a higher bribe to invalidate the war. The two sides should be able to keep bidding until one gives up and either there is a war, or not. That way corps who deal more with the financial side of EVE rather than the combat side of EVE have parity with the combat corps.

Yes there's the mercenary option, but that mechanic is not very well defined.

So the side that makes more money wins. As many of these industrials have stated, they don't make that much money. Me, I just sell Plex on the market. Who do you think will last longer?

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **