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Request for clarification on harassment policy

First post
My Neutral Toon
#141 - 2012-03-29 15:00:53 UTC  |  Edited by: My Neutral Toon
People in HS are the majority of people complaining about a nullsec corp.
People are getting butt hurt about griefing, when it is a huge part of this game.
People want EVE to be easier, when they had to click OKAY on a screen that says "EVE IS HARD" when they signed up.
CFC will not falter under Mittens being banned.

Does this mean people can't gank freighters in Niarja anymore? There was a day when griefing was an accepted part of the game. Don't want to get griefed? Find a way around it. Most griefing in EVE is 70% the griefer and 30% the one getting griefed.

...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post:

flapie 2
Malevelon Roe Industries
Convocation of Empyreans
#142 - 2012-03-29 15:05:57 UTC
My Neutral Toon wrote:
People want EVE to be easier, when they had to click OKAY on a screen that says "EVE IS HARD" when they signed up.

Ow really, i am very sure that wasn't spelled out like that when i signed up back in '04.
No that i mind that its hard ....... i like it hard ......... that could have sounded so wrong in the wrong context Roll
My Neutral Toon
#143 - 2012-03-29 15:08:02 UTC  |  Edited by: My Neutral Toon
flapie 2 wrote:
My Neutral Toon wrote:
People want EVE to be easier, when they had to click OKAY on a screen that says "EVE IS HARD" when they signed up.

Ow really, i am very sure that wasn't spelled out like that when i signed up back in '04.
No that i mind that its hard ....... i like it hard ......... that could have sounded so wrong in the wrong context Roll

Are you kidding me? If you have actually been active since 2004 then you should already know eve is hard. If you like EVE hard, then why are you even saying anyting about it? The EVE IS HARD message was put out there a while back after people kept complaining about the difficult new player experience. It was NOT puit there for 2004 players, obviously...

Your point is moot

...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post:

Townsend Harris
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#144 - 2012-03-29 15:08:44 UTC
Markus Reese wrote:

2. You start following somebody through highsec, repeatedly ganking them and they ask you directly to leave them alone. Gankings have no valid reason, or person yields in regards to whatever situation, then you are the one who should yield. Beyond that, it is intentional attempt to disrupt the enjoyment of the game which I did read is not allowed by EULA rules. Once you cross to the lowsec, this would really no longer apply it is PvP space.. Float in pirate space, you get blown, no avoiding of it. You can camp station, do whatever, person can leave lowsec to be rid of you. They have the options.

In sandbox game thoguh couldn't I (my character) decide that I was going to follow someone around and make their life miserable for totally sociopathic reasons or perhaps no reason at all?
flapie 2
Malevelon Roe Industries
Convocation of Empyreans
#145 - 2012-03-29 15:11:11 UTC  |  Edited by: flapie 2
My Neutral Toon wrote:
flapie 2 wrote:
My Neutral Toon wrote:
People want EVE to be easier, when they had to click OKAY on a screen that says "EVE IS HARD" when they signed up.

Ow really, i am very sure that wasn't spelled out like that when i signed up back in '04.
No that i mind that its hard ....... i like it hard ......... that could have sounded so wrong in the wrong context Roll

Are you kidding me? If you have actually been active since 2004 then you should already know eve is hard. Not my fault you are a 8 year old noob. The EVE IS HARD message was put out there a while back after people kept complaining about the difficult new player experience.

Your point is moot

Lol im a noob ahu ....... ill just use my common sense and ignore that statement.

I never said i dint know eve was hard, where did you read that ? at the back of your eyelids while rolling em back thinking you got some sweet vet target to troll on ?

Go back into you cave m8, and let the vet trolls handle this. Your troll is weak :P
#146 - 2012-03-29 15:23:20 UTC
Markus Reese wrote:
You start following somebody through highsec, repeatedly ganking them and they ask you directly to leave them alone. Gankings have no valid reason, or person yields in regards to whatever situation, then you are the one who should yield. Beyond that, it is intentional attempt to disrupt the enjoyment of the game which I did read is not allowed by EULA rules. Once you cross to the lowsec, this would really no longer apply it is PvP space.. Float in pirate space, you get blown, no avoiding of it. You can camp station, do whatever, person can leave lowsec to be rid of you. They have the options.

Why does it make a difference what space you are in? All of eve is pvp space. Simply killing someone is not harassment. A GM may may judge it as such at their discretion but they are incredibly careful about doing so and i think you would find if there was a reason behind you popping the guy every time he undocked there would be no issue. Someone who smacktalked or threatened for example. Even if it really was a case of constantly ganking a random guy the GM would probably do something simple like move the player so he could go about his business.
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#147 - 2012-03-29 15:44:35 UTC
Townsend Harris wrote:
In sandbox game thoguh couldn't I (my character) decide that I was going to follow someone around and make their life miserable for totally sociopathic reasons or perhaps no reason at all?

Even a sandbox has limits. The same rules as discussed previously also stiplulate that roleplay and a list of other reasons does not allow violation of that. If you are following in lowsec, well you are a pirate, they can cross that line back into highsec, or they will be good enough to escape/not care. If you follow in highsec, then at some point the person really will not want to play, ccp loses a sub and as such money. If you are going to do that, there would need to be a reason outside of "I am roleplaying a sociopath". Really can only take it to what would be a reasonable reply probably, at some point there could be an enough is enough.

In terms of rules that limit the sandbox that I find are pretty clear, there really are two hard limits to eve I have noticed.

1. Nothing considered grief play in starter systems. I have heard of people getting warnings for can flipping here. Makes sense, if they are still in starter system, then odds are they havent even said hi in rookie help yet. Driving a new player out 1 hour into game does zero to help the eve player base.

2. What I said above. Have said it previously as well.

In regards to #1, During a new years of the last year we had snowballs, at 0h00, I began random snowball launches. One player had literally just started and flew to a market hub to buy his first module. Less than 45 minutes into game. Didn't know what was happening and thought I was trying to just kill him. I could have laughed and trolled, player might never have known, thought game lame and left. Instead I said oops, explained the situation, even sent him some isk and a welcome to eve. Dunno what happened, for all I know he could be an excellent pvper now.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#148 - 2012-03-29 15:45:31 UTC
JohnMonty wrote:
GM Homonoia wrote:

And for those who think they can force an in game situation out of The Magic Circle to avoid in game consequences by threatening with suicide; the GM department has a strict policy of informing local and international law enforcement agencies of any suicide threats issued NO MATTER THE CONTEXT. In other words, do NOT joke about that. When a RL life is threatened we do not take any risks, ever.

I think for the good of the person who is threatening suicide you should also suspend their account until you resolve the situation. You dont want to take any risks when RL is threatened

Here. This. I fully agree with this sentiment.

Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#149 - 2012-03-29 15:48:21 UTC
Doddy wrote:
Why does it make a difference what space you are in? All of eve is pvp space. Simply killing someone is not harassment. A GM may may judge it as such at their discretion but they are incredibly careful about doing so and i think you would find if there was a reason behind you popping the guy every time he undocked there would be no issue. Someone who smacktalked or threatened for example. Even if it really was a case of constantly ganking a random guy the GM would probably do something simple like move the player so he could go about his business.

Oh, that is what I mean. I understand all space is pvp space, but that low/highsec border does still draw a line that divides how pvp is handled exactly like you say.

I agree with all your points and most likely it would go exactly as you say.

Now if that same person ran a locator, and did the same thing over again in high security, then probably more serious actions or warning would occur.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#150 - 2012-03-29 15:52:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Kidd
There is so much butt-hurt in this thread it's ridiculously funny. It's like watching a Three Stooges flick.

Don't ban me, bro!

Minions LLC
#151 - 2012-03-29 17:11:03 UTC
Seemed like a responsible request to me and a good answer, The only thing I don't like about the situation is that putting a 3 billion isk bounty on someone really tempts someone to kill themselves and as the GMs wiki post stated.

The walls are porous.

No matter how much we try our lives bleed back and forth into each other.

ANother word is compartmentalization People to live with themselves in real life will try to build walls in their minds that tell them that they are not really the person that their work or romantic intrest or church intrests to name a few, would suggest they are.

for example, I'm not really a bad husband because I only cheat on my wife on Friday nights. Friday night is men's night. Friday night is different.

Our real lives like our virtual lives suffer from leakage. Sooner or later our Friday night spills over onto Saturday morning and then into the rest of our lives. People don't want to believe this. Its called integrity.

How long can we expect WIS to restrain from killing himself for the bounties? Its the people that put the bounties on him that are crossing the line and pushing the edges of porosity. He's now in a lose lose situation. He either loses 3 billion or his integrity.

Nasty meta stuff continues
Mistress Lilu
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#152 - 2012-03-29 17:13:01 UTC
Tei Lin wrote:
I attempted a suicide gank against The Wis today. It was a feeble attempt collect a bounty - 3b isk is a lot of money and a Thrasher was a small price to pay at a chance to get it. Do I feel The Wis is in any way responsible for this week's drama? Nope -- I assure you this was for the spaceship money.

He pulled out in a well-tanked cane and successfully got me and a T2 fitted Tornado blown up by Concord. I convo'ed him afterwards and complimented him on his successful bait.

Imagine that - he's playing the game the same as everyone else. The Wiz is not a "victim" - he is another eve player who happened to send the email that Mittens made an ass out of himself reading. (Let's not beat around the bush - Mittens was wrong for his actions and statements but let's try and avoid bringing that up here)

So, ridiculous people on an internet forum - should I be banned for harassment? I don't think so, however, some of you frothy types and CCP's own actions have put people being banned for similar actions in the realm of possibility and I have begun to worry.

I'm not going to argue about whether CCPs actions against The Mittani are warranted, but I will say this: The line for harassment needs to be clearly distinguished again. I'm not going to risk an EULA violation against my main character if all it takes to get banned is killing the same person 3-4 times in a day. What if he tells me he'll do something drastic if I kill him again? Is it now my responsibility, as a player of a /game/, to act appropriately for an individual who cannot distinguish reality from virtual spaceships?

Should I additionally suffer real-world consequences for not taking to heart some person's ranting?

People say stupid things when they're angry and upset. I've received death threats playing this game - like "I'm going to find you and kill you" type threats. Things that really make you pause. I discount them as the ramblings of someone who is obvious upset and let them slide. Being able to make the distinction between innocuos bile and an actual threat isn't necessary - we assume that the anonymity of the internet protects us and move on. If we are really worried we can petition CCP for action against that person's account. (If we're really ballsy we run for CSM and give our names out to a player base that hates us in real life for actions in a game)

Now what if someone I don't really know told me they were going to kill themselves because I blew up their ship? Just like the death threat I have no way of verifying the validity of that statement in the context of this person's mental state. However, is it my duty to report this person to CCP? Can we continue to shoot said person or move forward in a scam if such a statement is made mid-action? It may sound cold, but as a player of a game, we cannot police what we do not know and it should not be our responsibility to nanny a players mental well-being.

If I saw someone on the street about to jump off a ledge of course I'd stop and try and help, but this is a game and there is no ledge. No indication that what the person is saying holds any merit. Without context, the words are nothing but text on a screen.

It's really easy to take the moral high ground on these issues, especially when it's backed by vehement disdain for the parties involved. However, before making any rash decisions or labeling a large group of players "psychopaths" you should calm down, breath, take a step back and look at the policy implications of what you're describing.

In the past, people have been very clearly targeted for one reason or another - be it a corp you wardec'ed because they popped your low sec POS or said something mean about you in local. Hell, my alliance is in perpetual war dec with high sec griefing corps for no other reason than "we make easy targets". People have been targeted for writing articles on EN24 that were unfavorable towards certain alliances. In fact, whenever we're near BrickSquad..... (is that the right amount of dots?) now, we make it a point to single out and blow up Riverini or Darius III whenever possible. People pay for corpses of individuals. Entire Merc corps make a living out of "destroying" pilots. I could go on and on with examples of how individuals are targeted.

Where do these fall under the potentially new interpretation of harassment?

This is part of the narrative in Eve - it's what makes it interesting and dynamic for a large portion of the player base. If we set aside The Wiz's "suicide" statement (which, mind you, we do not have the context to identify its validity or intent), he is just another pawn in this narrative and perfectly ok playing this game.

So I pose this to CCP: Am I to be banned because his role in this narrative is already written permanently simply due to protection offered by words without context?

you butthurt bro,
you mad bro,
you fuming bro, i think you mad bro,
why so hurt bro, why you fuming bro
just let it go bro.
Black Sheep Down
Tactical Narcotics Team
#153 - 2012-03-29 17:43:46 UTC
you butthurt bro,
you mad bro,
you fuming bro, i think you mad bro,
why so hurt bro, why you fuming bro
just let it go bro.

Why are you so angry?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#154 - 2012-03-29 17:56:39 UTC
Banderlei Shiiba wrote:
GM Homonoia wrote:
Game masters do not moderate our forums, so I cannot answer that. Also, this is no new interpretation, this has always been the case. We have issued many temporary bans for issuing real life threats.

Serious question here, and I'm genuinely curious: If this was a clear violation of clear rules that don't require any interpretation that isn't already present, why did it take 5 days for him to be punished when video evidence was available mere hours after the incident took place?

Probably no one give a f*** when he said that, as no one not even himself tought about it seriously afaik moking.... bad taste and unwaranted, still, no one gave a f**** and that wouls have had forgotten if not for press.

[b]~ 10.058 ~

Free The Mittani[/b]

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#155 - 2012-03-29 17:58:34 UTC
The punishment was deserved. Just becuase you went back and asked the "victim" how he was feeling the next day. Does not change the fact that dude did something very, very distateful that could of have some dire consequences if his actual plan had come to fruition.

Leave the WIs dude alone, play ya freaking game and stop being a nipple sucker to Mintanni.. Dude deserved it, the more you guys blindly ride his horse.. the less he actually realizes what he did was wrong..

Supporting someone just because it seems cool is fail people.. Just use common sense.. Geebus... Can we get past the first week at least? Without you guys crumbeling and crying in a corner like some babies..

Thought ya was tough or some ****... my mistake..
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#156 - 2012-03-29 18:07:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Apollo-Moor
Wukulo wrote:
GM Homonoia wrote:
DISCLAIMER: I will not comment in any way, shape or form on the recent events and decisions made in relation to those events. I will only clarify how customer support enforces our policies to provide clarity on the day to day application of those policies.

I am going to explain this only once; and this really should have been clear to anyone bothering to apply some common sense to the EULA/ToS.

What happens inside the The Magic Circle is allowed as long as it abides by the rules of The Magic Circle (this is why you are allowed to hit someone in a boxing match, but not outside the ring). However, as soon as any action steps outside The Magic Circle and threatens harm to anyone in real life in any way shape or form, or when you incite others to do so (or when your in game actions are specifically geared towards that, joke or no joke), you break the EULA/ToS; even if you are only stating intent.

Any GM will always take immediate action when this is done.

And for those who think they can force an in game situation out of The Magic Circle to avoid in game consequences by threatening with suicide; the GM department has a strict policy of informing local and international law enforcement agencies of any suicide threats issued NO MATTER THE CONTEXT. In other words, do NOT joke about that. When a RL life is threatened we do not take any risks, ever.

This doesn't resolve the situation where all of this takes place inside the magic circle. If player A ganks player B and player B says "Leave me alone or I'm going to kill myself" in local chat but player B is in a freight full of plexs. What do you think is going to happen here? I wouldn't be surprised to see "Great, go ahead we'll loot your plexs" and quite frankly... I wouldn't vilify anyone for that. How is player A supposed to understand that context while in the circle? If it can be joked about there, why does the circle even matter?

You also just created a double standard by suggesting the idea of the magic circle as being in game but then enforcing the in game TOS and EULA at FANFEST which is clearly not in game.

I think your explanation just made things fuzzier to be honest.

People need to stop stretching the truth around what Mintanni did. You guys are just trying to skirt around the issue to a point where you feel CCP has failed. If they had done nothing they would've failed.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to get what CCP is trying to say. If you play the game within it's intended means. You will not find yourself in a situation where someone is going to say these things.

If they do, then report them because they would A) Be in serious trouble and may need some help B) Would be trying to abuse the TOS and EULA and in some way.. So just report them, don't freaking asked questions don't troll them.. Just report and move on..

IF you really are concerned with someone like that and aren't just making up some talking points to defend someone who has already been deemed to be in the wrong.

I don't get why people must insist on being so ignorant and how they want to defend griefing in a way where they choose to pollute the actual facts and circumstances in which these situations would be taken seriously..

Ya'll are so lame.. guenies.. Grow some pubic hairs... GROW UP!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#157 - 2012-03-29 18:10:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Welsige
Thorn Galen wrote:
JohnMonty wrote:
GM Homonoia wrote:

And for those who think they can force an in game situation out of The Magic Circle to avoid in game consequences by threatening with suicide; the GM department has a strict policy of informing local and international law enforcement agencies of any suicide threats issued NO MATTER THE CONTEXT. In other words, do NOT joke about that. When a RL life is threatened we do not take any risks, ever.

I think for the good of the person who is threatening suicide you should also suspend their account until you resolve the situation. You dont want to take any risks when RL is threatened

Here. This. I fully agree with this sentiment.

Yes, totally report him. Whatever he means to carry that out or not , hes harrasing you into not playing by thretening you by taking his own life, because, frankly, theres no point in bringing this subject AT ALL in game.

What he expects gaining from it, telling a total stranger about his suposedely condition? Attention?

The minimum that should be done is to be suspended, because people with these problems should not been investing too much of themselves on pixels. That petition might get him help, or the punishiment he deserves i that is the case.

Pixels wont make their lifes better.

Hell, pixels do not make anyone's life better.

I thank my wife for taking me out of the front of the PC periodically for something underrated called life.

[b]~ 10.058 ~

Free The Mittani[/b]

Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#158 - 2012-03-29 18:14:05 UTC
NEWSFLASH: Due to excessive bee tears, greater New Eden honey production will be halted immediately. The drones are all abuzz with their failed, drunken Queen, and have diluted the honey to the point it tastes like.....Salt Taffy! Shocked

NOTE: If you see a wild bee, I recommend killing it, they seem to be too confused to rejoin the hive at that point....Cool

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

External Factors
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#159 - 2012-03-29 18:21:01 UTC
I think the mittani should give the wiz free roam of goon space for himself and his 22 alts. All he wants is your precious ABC and giving him protected blue status for him to graze upon would be totally awesome. Let goonwaffe protect the wiz. We had the wiz mining in our low sec systems for many months before he moved on and I'm sure he would like this type of offer.
Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#160 - 2012-03-29 18:37:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Henry Haphorn
I like to thank the GM for trying to make it clear throughout the thread in regards to ganks. When you first posted on the thread trying to explain the magic circle, I was still lost considering that I was wanting to where the line is drawn between ganking and griefing. After reading the other posts that you made after, it became more clear to me that ganking is legitimate ONLY as long as RL threats of any kind are not** made by either the ganker or the gankee. That was the line I was looking for because the term "harassment" was a bit vague to me

But what is not clear to me still is what is CCP's interpretation on what is considered "anti-social behavior"? Can you please elaborate on that because the TOS and EULA were not clear on that.

EDIT: ** - Christ, I have to check my posts more often. I'm slipping up.

Adapt or Die