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So they're going to be a revote, right?

Madame Fanney
stooge in plain sight
#41 - 2012-03-29 01:31:42 UTC
Lol Goons finally on the whining end of the game booo hooo; yall made a boo boo GET OVER IT!!

Snot snot!!
Btw it’s a goon & goon friend friend heavy panel anyway, look at the alliance numbers and you can tell where all the votes came from.

Macon Chalaise
VNM Biological Survey Corps
#42 - 2012-03-29 04:06:50 UTC
Doctor Benway Kado wrote:
Considering that the CSM7 hasn't even started yet, and considering that The Mittani has received more votes than the next two candidates combined, and considering all those votes have just been rendered invalid, CCP is going to hold the elections for CSM7 again right?

I mean, regardless of what The Mittani did, that's the only possibly fair thing to do, right?

And anybody who opposes a revote is clearly trying to use a manufactured scandal for political gain, yeah?

Nixon was the peoples choice here in the US.

He resigned. No one was disenfranchised. There was no "re-vote."

True story.

Here's to fire. Not the fast and furious kind that burns down shacks and shanties, but the slow, seductive kind that takes down pants and panties - Irish Toast

Macon Chalaise
VNM Biological Survey Corps
#43 - 2012-03-29 05:21:29 UTC
Doctor Benway Kado wrote:
Jojo Jackson wrote:
D Derp wrote:
This makes what? 25% of the votes rendered worthless by CCP?

Dude, Mittani rendered them worthless by his behavior.

CCP had to react after all the "out of EVE" press.

If the election has been tainted by The Mittani's behavior, it should be thrown out, and new one held. If The Mittani has destroyed the integrity of the current CSM, a new one should be elected.

Or is this not really about The Mittani's behavior at all?

The CSM and the election were in no way tainted by mittens. Mittens tainted himself.

CSM7 starts on April 4th.

No ones votes were wasted. Mittens was in fact elected to the CSM and the chair...and then he screwed up.

He's the ONLY person any of you "I CAN HAZ RELECTION?" people should be mad at.

If you feel like mittens stepping down was a waste of your vote, Mittens wasted your vote. Take it up with him.

Here's to fire. Not the fast and furious kind that burns down shacks and shanties, but the slow, seductive kind that takes down pants and panties - Irish Toast

Hailey Sunweaver
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2012-03-29 05:23:55 UTC
Mittens stepped down as chair from CSM 7. He will still have a seat and the CSM will decide who shall take the chair.
Aiden Andraste
State War Academy
Caldari State
#45 - 2012-03-29 05:49:11 UTC
Hailey Sunweaver wrote:
Mittens stepped down as chair from CSM 7. He will still have a seat and the CSM will decide who shall take the chair.

Sorry m8, but check out the latest devblog. Mittens wanted to step down from the chairmanship only, but CCP went full ****** and nullified 10000 votes in the process. If you voted for mittens, then you are now effectively punished along side him.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2012-03-29 07:14:21 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
Mittani committed the crime and got punished. You goons shouldn't have voted for a sociopath and you wouldn't have wasted your vote.

Crime? Do you mean giving out the name, which CCP has laughably claimed wouldn't have been allowed into the slides despite the national anthem ransom slides having plenty of victims names? CCP either has completely inconsistent standards there, or didn't actually vet the slides at all and was covering their ass when they claimed they did. Or did you mean the tasteless and unfunny joke about trying to get the guy to kill himself at an event that for years now has been filled with alcohol and tasteless and unfunny jokes not much better? The only reason this prompted any sort of action at all is the gaming press, which were fed a rather sensationalized version of events, which is not at all consistent with it being just punishment. Why do you think this blew up 3 DAYS LATER and not when it happened?

Macon Chalaise wrote:
Nixon was the peoples choice here in the US.

He resigned. No one was disenfranchised. There was no "re-vote."

True story.

And surprise surprise, he was replaced by his vice president, not his opponent in the race. A vice president still represents the same people, an alternate intended to take part in the process regardless and only come to meetings in Iceland if one of the main 7 can't make it doesn't. Do try to actually think through your analogies before using them.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#47 - 2012-03-29 07:17:11 UTC
~ deal with it ~


Aiden Andraste
State War Academy
Caldari State
#48 - 2012-03-29 07:36:58 UTC
Roime wrote:
~ deal with it ~

Badposters are poasting badly. News at 11.

Frying Doom
#49 - 2012-03-29 07:40:16 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:
Roime wrote:
~ deal with it ~

Badposters are poasting badly. News at 11.


Yes your post is quite an example of bad posting but I don't think it will make it to the news.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Ceptia Cyna
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2012-03-29 07:45:59 UTC
~ deal with it ~
Ashina Sito
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2012-03-29 07:48:01 UTC
Three things

1) This is my main. Ran for CSM twice btw.

2) You reap what you sow, should not have voted for someone who would do something that they would have to resign over.

3) .... Goonie tears, best tears.....
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2012-03-29 07:49:00 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:
Roime wrote:
~ deal with it ~

Badposters are poasting badly. News at 11.


just wanted to add

~ deal with it ~

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Ashina Sito
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2012-03-29 07:55:14 UTC
Macon Chalaise wrote:
Nixon was the peoples choice here in the US.

He resigned. No one was disenfranchised. There was no "re-vote."

True story.

And surprise surprise, he was replaced by his vice president, not his opponent in the race. A vice president still represents the same people, an alternate intended to take part in the process regardless and only come to meetings in Iceland if one of the main 7 can't make it doesn't. Do try to actually think through your analogies before using them.

Actually your wrong.

Spiro Agnew was Nixon's VP. He resigned before Nixon did. Gerald Ford was appointed as Nixon's VP. After Nixon resigned Ford became president of the US. He was elected as a member of the House of Representatives. So, after Nixon resigned the US had a president that was never elected.
Ashina Sito
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2012-03-29 07:56:06 UTC
Ashina Sito wrote:
Macon Chalaise wrote:
Nixon was the peoples choice here in the US.

He resigned. No one was disenfranchised. There was no "re-vote."

True story.

[quote]And surprise surprise, he was replaced by his vice president, not his opponent in the race. A vice president still represents the same people, an alternate intended to take part in the process regardless and only come to meetings in Iceland if one of the main 7 can't make it doesn't. Do try to actually think through your analogies before using them.

Actually your wrong.

Spiro Agnew was Nixon's VP. He resigned before Nixon did. Gerald Ford was appointed as Nixon's VP. After Nixon resigned Ford became president of the US. He was elected as a member of the House of Representatives. So, after Nixon resigned the US had a president that was never elected for the position of president.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#55 - 2012-03-29 08:06:51 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:


No I really mean it, it's time for you to man up, rally behind another Council member, take revenge on the carebears but for your own sake stop crying over internet space pixels ffs.


School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#56 - 2012-03-29 08:08:55 UTC
non-goon here.

I placed 3 votes on "The Mittani" do i get a opportunity to vote again?

"They worried we would eventually offer not just vanity items, but ones that would give the Haves an unfair advantage over the Have-Nots."

D Derp
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2012-03-29 16:56:02 UTC
Macon Chalaise wrote:
Doctor Benway Kado wrote:
Jojo Jackson wrote:
D Derp wrote:
This makes what? 25% of the votes rendered worthless by CCP?

Dude, Mittani rendered them worthless by his behavior.

CCP had to react after all the "out of EVE" press.

If the election has been tainted by The Mittani's behavior, it should be thrown out, and new one held. If The Mittani has destroyed the integrity of the current CSM, a new one should be elected.

Or is this not really about The Mittani's behavior at all?

The CSM and the election were in no way tainted by mittens. Mittens tainted himself.

CSM7 starts on April 4th.

No ones votes were wasted. Mittens was in fact elected to the CSM and the chair...and then he screwed up.

He's the ONLY person any of you "I CAN HAZ RELECTION?" people should be mad at.

If you feel like mittens stepping down was a waste of your vote, Mittens wasted your vote. Take it up with him.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#58 - 2012-03-29 16:58:22 UTC
Ashina Sito wrote:
Actually your wrong.

Spiro Agnew was Nixon's VP. He resigned before Nixon did. Gerald Ford was appointed as Nixon's VP. After Nixon resigned Ford became president of the US. He was elected as a member of the House of Representatives. So, after Nixon resigned the US had a president that was never elected for the position of president.

So your argument is that a replacement VP picked by the president represents completely different people? That's an interesting theory you have there.
Temmu Guerra
Amarr Empire
#59 - 2012-03-29 21:22:53 UTC
Wow the amount of goon tears present have made my day.

He did something stupid, admitted it and apologize. Doesn't mean he shouldn't accept responsibility for it. You all knew that there was a chance that something like this could happen. Not CCP's fault he did something that stupid thus throwing your votes out the window. As a quote that goons were so keen on using before this happened "HTFU"

Get over it and move on. Maybe actually talk to the other members of the CSM about your concerns. Shocking I know there is more than 1 member on the council!!!!
Mr R4nd0m
#60 - 2012-03-29 21:52:23 UTC
Doctor Benway Kado wrote:
Considering that the CSM7 hasn't even started yet, and considering that The Mittani has received more votes than the next two candidates combined, and considering all those votes have just been rendered invalid, CCP is going to hold the elections for CSM7 again right?

I mean, regardless of what The Mittani did, that's the only possibly fair thing to do, right?

And anybody who opposes a revote is clearly trying to use a manufactured scandal for political gain, yeah?

omg stop whining and crying like a baby.... jesus christ...