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Jita Park Speakers Corner

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Regarding the CSM7 Chairmanship:

First post
Alexandra Alt
#81 - 2012-03-28 21:16:07 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
I have watched Alex wrestle with this decision over the past few days, and I hope I have been helpful in some small way as he came to it.

It's the right decision for him, the community, the CSM, and our friends at CCP.

I look forward to serving with Alex on CSM7.

Glad to know there's actually someone in the CSM without any problems to come out and admit this was a good decision.

I do fail to realize what practically changes by this decision though.
Bojan Z
Caldari State
#82 - 2012-03-28 21:16:16 UTC
My dear Leader, thanks for chosing us!

Powers Sa
#83 - 2012-03-28 21:16:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Powers Sa
The Mittani, the Vladimir Putin this universe deserves.

Do you like winning t2 frigs and dictors for Dirt Cheap?

Remeber: Gambling addiction is no laughing matter unless you've lost a vast space fortune on the internet.

Kitfox Mikakka
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#84 - 2012-03-28 21:16:25 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Not good enough.

Nothing short of Minttani thrown on a cross was going to placate you, Darius III, and various other people with agendas to push. Truly shameful, like my posting
Talon SilverHawk
Patria o Muerte
#85 - 2012-03-28 21:17:24 UTC
Darius III wrote:
This is a cynical half hearted gesture that rings very hollow. You have brought disgrace on the CSM, CCP and the Eve community in general. While I suppose it is "better than nothing" it does not undo the damage you have caused us all. Stepping down entirely is the only way to remove the stain of your poor judgement.

I ask you to look beyond your power mad aspirations and do the right thing for us all: Step down from the CSM so that we can begin the healing process and get some closure. Mainstream gaming media will adore you for it and the players will rejoice. Merely abdicating the Chair is a token gesture that will be viewed with cynicism not from just your detractors, but by everyone who is familiar with who your really are. I am outraged that you think this does anything to address the severity of what you have done to us all.

Instead of this token gesture, if in fact this what you think will atone for what you have done-do something meaningful and quit the the Council completely so that the CSM may once again enjoy the respect of the player base. I urge you to take into account the bigger picture and for once-do the right thing. Your full resignation is the one and only this that will set this right.

Oooh the next CSM meeting is going to be really freindly Shocked

I only want to know one thing will this thread beat the apology thread in length (and maybe girth).


Promise no more that's been my forum whoring fix for a year.
Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#86 - 2012-03-28 21:17:37 UTC
Holy ****. You make it sound like you are the victim in all of this. You are a disgrace to human society Alex.
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#87 - 2012-03-28 21:18:44 UTC
I am not a fan of this decision, but I have come to respect Alex enough to support it.

See you all in Jita...

Bojan Z
Caldari State
#88 - 2012-03-28 21:19:32 UTC
Darius III wrote:
Instead of this token gesture, if in fact this what you think will atone for what you have done-do something meaningful and quit the the Council completely so that the CSM may once again enjoy the respect of the player base.

I doubt I can fully respect a CSM in which you sit, Darius III

Akai Kvaesir
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
#89 - 2012-03-28 21:19:39 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
Though I have received many letters of support (my inbox is full of these, and for them I thank you) and the major bloggers have called for me to remain on as Chair, there are still some who doubt the sincerity of my apology to the player concerned, who - unlike those attempting to make hay from my mistake - is the person that matters here. I said that I would resign; to demonstrate the sincerity of my words and my apology, I will do just that.

With the increasingly high profile of the CSM in the wake of the Incarna Emergency Summit and the amazing turnout we had for the CSM7 elections, I have come to the conclusion that my two roles in EVE - that of the Chairman of the CSM as Alexander Gianturco, and the leader of Goonswarm as "The Mittani" are increasingly incompatible. It is, fundamentally, a problem of hats.

As the leader of Goonswarm I must be willing to make ruthless decisions and take actions that many players find objectionable - griefing, ganking, scamming, 'dishonorable' fleet tactics, espionage, metagaming, blowing up everyone who tries to mine Gallente Ice, sponsoring Hulkageddon, et cetera - whatever it takes to defend my people in this, the most exceedingly hostile galaxy to grace the internet. As Darius JOHNSON, the previous Goonswarm leader once said, "[Goonswarm] is not here to destroy /the/ game, but /your/ game.

Yet as Chairman of the CSM and Alexander Gianturco, I need to put a good face on CCP's experimental player democracy and keep my nose clean. Inevitably, these two roles conflict with one another; when Goonswarm does what it does in EVE, this reflects on the CSM as a whole, purely due to my position as both Chairman and alliance leader. If I abandon the brutalist tactics of an alliance leader in hopes of keeping the CSM's image pristine, I hamstring my people ingame and do a disservice to the line members who rely on me. In addition, the enemies of Goonswarm assault the CSM and CCP itself unfairly due to the in-game actions of our alliance.

After the successful restructuring of CCP, I am convinced that most of the hard work of the CSM is already done - CCP is now focusing on spaceships instead of avatars, and the success of CSM6 has led to a solid and competent crop of player representatives in CSM7 with a much greater turnout, demonstrating ever-more faith and trust from the playerbase in the concept of the CSM. This changes things for the CSM, as well as the Chairman title

During Goonswarm's highly successful Gallente Ice Interdiction there were calls for my resignation as Chairman; those calls increased when Goonswarm began to use false supercap sales as a method of closing the gap between us and our in-game enemies' supercap fleets. We are now planning an attempt to destroy Jita itself. All of these actions are entirely legitimate within the brutal world of EVE, yet, in the coming months, if I continue to hold the title of Chairman, CCP will be enduring one PR nightmare after another as Goonswarm's in-game actions unfairly reflect back upon the CSM as a whole through the Chairman title. It is increasingly important that the Chair be a ‘good citizen’ in the game itself - and I cannot be a good citizen and simultaneously lead my alliance of magnificent bastards.

With CSM7's term beginning on April 4th, I now exercise my right as the winner of the election with 10,058 votes to decline the office of Chairman. It will then be up to CSM7 as a group to decide how to proceed regarding the Chair. As a member of the CSM without a title, what I do as the leader of Goonswarm will no longer unfairly reflect on the CSM as a whole - leaving me and my people free to do as we please without needing to consider corporate, political, or media ramifications every time we make a **** joke, offend someone, or sell a supercap made of vapor.

You have won my respect, for what it is worth. This is probably the single most articulate discussion of the current fiasco, and I thank you for the time you took writing this. While ingame, my character is hellbent on the destruction of the Goonswarm, I cannot state enough how much respect I have for you as a player and as a human being. What you have done with Goonswarm for ingame RP is beyond expression, and makes EVE the best damn game out there. Thanks to you, there is legitimate cause for ingame RP warfare, and that is just awesome. You show true dignity in declining the CSM Chair, and wisdom in understanding the "hat" problem. I applaud you, sir.

All this coming from a four year pubbie. Don't think so little of us, and you might be suprised.

Frogblast the Vent Core! When the W'rkncacnter came, Pthia was killed, and Yrro in anger, flung the W'rkncacnter into the sun. The sun burned them, but they swam on its surface.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#90 - 2012-03-28 21:19:41 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
You are a disgrace to human society Alex.

I don't think anyone has ever argued otherwise least of all Mittani?

The 'do-nothing' member of the GoonSwarm Economic Warfare Cabal

The edge is REALLY hard to see at times but it DOES exist and in this case we were looking at a situation where a new feature created for all of our customers was being virtually curbstomped by five of them

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2012-03-28 21:19:46 UTC
Mittani chose ME all the rest of you back off! HES MINE!!
Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#92 - 2012-03-28 21:19:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Rodj Blake
Delegado Cero wrote:
Darius III wrote:
This is a cynical half hearted gesture that rings very hollow. You have brought disgrace on the CSM, CCP and the Eve community in general. While I suppose it is "better than nothing" it does not undo the damage you have caused us all. Stepping down entirely is the only way to remove the stain of your poor judgement.

I ask you to look beyond your power mad aspirations and do the right thing for us all: Step down from the CSM so that we can begin the healing process and get some closure. Mainstream gaming media will adore you for it and the players will rejoice. Merely abdicating the Chair is a token gesture that will be viewed with cynicism not from just your detractors, but by everyone who is familiar with who your really are. I am outraged that you think this does anything to address the severity of what you have done to us all.

Instead of this token gesture, if in fact this what you think will atone for what you have done-do something meaningful and quit the the Council completely so that the CSM may once again enjoy the respect of the player base. I urge you to take into account the bigger picture and for once-do the right thing. Your full resignation is the one and only this that will set this right.

It would be unfair to 10,058 voters if he didn't represent them.

His job isn't to represent 10,058 voters. His job is to represent the whole Eve playerbase.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Goonswarm Federation
#93 - 2012-03-28 21:20:08 UTC
Bojan Z wrote:
Darius III wrote:
Instead of this token gesture, if in fact this what you think will atone for what you have done-do something meaningful and quit the the Council completely so that the CSM may once again enjoy the respect of the player base.

I doubt I can fully respect a CSM in which you sit, Darius III

darius doesn't so much sit in the csm as he sits on and around it
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#94 - 2012-03-28 21:20:22 UTC
Darius III wrote:
This is a cynical half hearted gesture that rings very hollow. You have brought disgrace on the CSM, CCP and the Eve community in general. While I suppose it is "better than nothing" it does not undo the damage you have caused us all. Stepping down entirely is the only way to remove the stain of your poor judgement.

I ask you to look beyond your power mad aspirations and do the right thing for us all: Step down from the CSM so that we can begin the healing process and get some closure. Mainstream gaming media will adore you for it and the players will rejoice. Merely abdicating the Chair is a token gesture that will be viewed with cynicism not from just your detractors, but by everyone who is familiar with who your really are. I am outraged that you think this does anything to address the severity of what you have done to us all.

Instead of this token gesture, if in fact this what you think will atone for what you have done-do something meaningful and quit the the Council completely so that the CSM may once again enjoy the respect of the player base. I urge you to take into account the bigger picture and for once-do the right thing. Your full resignation is the one and only this that will set this right.


Step down completly, not just chair!!!
Lakshata Chawla
#95 - 2012-03-28 21:21:07 UTC
I never thought this would actually happen. I don't know whether to be happy that my candidate is now in position to be chair, or saddened that it had to come to this.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#96 - 2012-03-28 21:21:27 UTC
don't see why everyone's so butt hurt by this...

This is something that needed to happen and i respect the man for actually going through with it. His actions and his mouth were that not of what CSM chairman should be. He realized this and decided that after all of what had happend it was the right thing to do. I feel this is a better for the gamers in the long run and several people if not Thousands will see this as well.

Hopefully the chair is filled by someone a little more competent and worry's more about the game in a whole as opposed to how their going to stop the inevitable loss of their region.

See you on the battlefield (hopefully), and from a player and person standpoint, thanks for doing the right thing..finally.

Constantinee video archive.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#97 - 2012-03-28 21:22:00 UTC
Delegado Cero wrote:
Darius III wrote:
This is a cynical half hearted gesture that rings very hollow. You have brought disgrace on the CSM, CCP and the Eve community in general. While I suppose it is "better than nothing" it does not undo the damage you have caused us all. Stepping down entirely is the only way to remove the stain of your poor judgement.

I ask you to look beyond your power mad aspirations and do the right thing for us all: Step down from the CSM so that we can begin the healing process and get some closure. Mainstream gaming media will adore you for it and the players will rejoice. Merely abdicating the Chair is a token gesture that will be viewed with cynicism not from just your detractors, but by everyone who is familiar with who your really are. I am outraged that you think this does anything to address the severity of what you have done to us all.

Instead of this token gesture, if in fact this what you think will atone for what you have done-do something meaningful and quit the the Council completely so that the CSM may once again enjoy the respect of the player base. I urge you to take into account the bigger picture and for once-do the right thing. Your full resignation is the one and only this that will set this right.

It would be unfair to 10,058 voters if he didn't represent them.

No it wouldn't be unfair. it happens all the time. when ppl are elected and **** up they are often forced to resign completely.

this is just some half arsed attempt to close the case and walk on without any real consequences towards Mittens.

i pity you Mittens for being so weak minded. CSM would be better of you this time around,
Kill Rockstar
#98 - 2012-03-28 21:22:25 UTC
Deal wiz it...
Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#99 - 2012-03-28 21:22:39 UTC
This has been a difficult few days and Alex did not make this decision lightly. The next CSM has a lot of work ahead of it now. Mittens has helped shape the CSM into it's current form and I've no doubt he will help where he can as he always has. I am glad that he has taken this step so that we can all move forward to doing what the community elected us to do.

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

2011-2015: Pandemic Legionnaire

2015- : Mercenary Coalition Boss

Follow Seleene on Twitter!

Elise Randolph
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#100 - 2012-03-28 21:22:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Elise Randolph
A new hat: Mittani the altruist.

While the CSM did not ask for this action, I do respect and support it. From my perspective, which is not infallible but quite keen, Alex was the most successful CSM chair in that he helped usher in a new era of the CSM where the rigid bureaucratic processes were thrown aside to streamline the process and allow all voices to be equally as significant. A solid change that has borne fruit in what has been an incredibly effective CSM term. As a member of CSM 6, I have nothing but good things to say about how useful and effective Mittani was. I have no doubts that Alex will continue to work hard as a CSM 7 member and I look forward to working with him in the coming year.
