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My Apology

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Original Sinners
Pandemic Legion
#2121 - 2012-03-27 18:33:47 UTC
even ingame as an elected official you should feel ashamed. Resign now, the game is better without you!

CCP this should be a perma ban. Legally CCP could be held responsible for promoting hate. This guy is a cancer GHTFO
Amarr Empire
#2122 - 2012-03-27 18:34:30 UTC
Nacion Allier wrote:
Seleene wrote:
OFFICIAL: The CSM are discussing recent events and will issue a public statement after a few days.

By showing yourself as a drunken loudmouths the CMS lost all credibility, disband yourself is the only decent thing to do!

GoonSwarm did that already and look what happened, the suicide inciter got into power and began his reign of terror over Titan owners and Makinaw pilots! Cry
Princess Bride
#2123 - 2012-03-27 18:35:15 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:
Amity Lane wrote:
Regardless of what may or may not happen in the future, I think we can all safely assume that The Mittani will not be banned for one very simple reason:

10,000 * $15 * 12 = $1,800,000

Unless CCP can comfortably assume that the negative PR (if any) of this incident will cost them more than this, there's no way they'll ban him. To do so would be an idiotic move from a business standpoint.

It is a fairly big assumption that each and every single Goon will quit the game if the Mittani is banned.

So what's the math on any future lawsuits in which the plaintiff uses CCP -not- banning The Mittani for this as evidence that CCP was grossly negligent in letting behaviour like this go unpunished? Wrongful death awards can range pretty high, and a decent argument can be made for comparative negligence if they let it stand.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#2124 - 2012-03-27 18:35:22 UTC
a Ban would not let the punishment fit the crime, so i say no ban.

i do, however, think that he should step down from chair, and possibly from the CSM in general.
Ice Fist
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#2125 - 2012-03-27 18:36:37 UTC
Kai Tel wrote:

He used his position on a public stage provided by CCP to mock, bully, and attempted to instigate widespread harassment of another player in real life.

Ummm, he used his position as an Alliance CEO at the Alliance Panel. You know, people have different roles at different times?

It doesn't matter though, your opinion is a foregone conclusion. Your open hatred prevents any sort of logical reasoning.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2126 - 2012-03-27 18:36:53 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Eshtir
Princess Bride wrote:

How tpb "The Wis" feels about what happened is not the primary issue. It never was. The issue is that what Alex did was reprehensible and unacceptable. If you need an explanation as to why, read Alex's apology where he explains it clearly. Do you agree with Alex on this point, or not?

No, I don't. I don't have an issue with the apology, I have an issue with you and your band crowing about this like it's some sort of moral holocaust. Without the Wis, you wouldn't even have this thread at all. And considering the Wis doesn't give a damn, it follows that none of you really should either.

It's completely clear that it matters not to you people what the original event was.

Find out he put his foot in his mouth? Take days to get offended.

Person insulted isn't offended? Claim moral high ground by insisting it's the concept, not the facts.

A goon apologizes, shattering your worldview that we're all sociopathic societal rejects? Backpedal and pretend that CCP is the company you wish it to be, not the company it is.

Get pointed out that CCP isn't what you think is? Instantly become experts in international law and predict lawsuits.

Edit: Insult removed - ISD Eshtir
Terra Nova Innovations
#2127 - 2012-03-27 18:37:11 UTC
Resignation is the only option.
Something Random
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2128 - 2012-03-27 18:38:40 UTC
Your not the first and wont be the last to drop drama bombs while 'a bit drunk'.

Dont sweat it ponysefski.

"caught on fire a little bit, just a little."

"Delinquents, check, weirdos, check, hippies, check, pillheads, check, freaks, check, potheads, check .....gangs all here!"

I love Science, it gives me a Hadron.

Prince Kobol
#2129 - 2012-03-27 18:38:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Ice Fist wrote:
Kai Tel wrote:

He used his position on a public stage provided by CCP to mock, bully, and attempted to instigate widespread harassment of another player in real life.

Ummm, he used his position as an Alliance CEO at the Alliance Panel. You know, people have different roles at different times?

It doesn't matter though, your opinion is a foregone conclusion. Your open hatred prevents any sort of logical reasoning.

I guess that also includes the open hatred of most internet media outlet that reported the story as well considering that they reported him as CSM Chairman.

That is a lot of people who have a open hatred of him, must be a swell guy Big smile
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#2130 - 2012-03-27 18:39:19 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Eshtir
Princess Bride wrote:
Ai Shun wrote:
Amity Lane wrote:
Regardless of what may or may not happen in the future, I think we can all safely assume that The Mittani will not be banned for one very simple reason:

10,000 * $15 * 12 = $1,800,000

Unless CCP can comfortably assume that the negative PR (if any) of this incident will cost them more than this, there's no way they'll ban him. To do so would be an idiotic move from a business standpoint.

It is a fairly big assumption that each and every single Goon will quit the game if the Mittani is banned.

So what's the math on any future lawsuits in which the plaintiff uses CCP -not- banning The Mittani for this as evidence that CCP was grossly negligent in letting behaviour like this go unpunished? Wrongful death awards can range pretty high, and a decent argument can be made for comparative negligence if they let it stand.

also f y i there is no goddamn possibility of a wrongful death lawsuit

Edit: Do not bypass the profanity filter - ISD Eshtir

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Andrea Roche
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2131 - 2012-03-27 18:39:30 UTC
Gark32 wrote:
a Ban would not let the punishment fit the crime, so i say no ban.

i do, however, think that he should step down from chair, and possibly from the CSM in general.

you knows whats intresting about this is? The Mittani may voted himself out of the CSM. That is to say that all those people that voted against him may have not even needed to do the voting.
Princess Bride
#2132 - 2012-03-27 18:40:14 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:

Do you believe that what Alex did was reprehensible and unacceptable, or not? Still waiting on your answer. Dodging the question much?

Magnus Orin
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2133 - 2012-03-27 18:41:16 UTC
It is hilarious how out of proportion this has gotten.

The absolute irony of this all is that the supposed 'victim' of this all is currently happily mining away on his 24 mackinaws, mostly oblivious to all the forum white-knights frothing at the mouth to condemn their eternal villain.

This is not real world politics. This is a fucking video game.

There are no 'higher standards' that any CSM has to maintain. That is utter bullshit.

The amount of hate and verbal abuse thrown at The Mittani and Goons in general makes this entire community absolutely reek of hypocrisy.

CCP's best bet is to continue on, business as usual. At worst, establish some stricter controls over the Alliance Panel at Fanfest 2013.

In a couple days time, Goons and The Mittani will be laughing our asses off about how the entire Eve community was trolled to shit by the most epic example of Poe's Law ever to present itself on the Eve-O forums.
Princess Bride
#2134 - 2012-03-27 18:42:46 UTC
Andski wrote:

also f y i there is no goddamn possibility of a wrongful death lawsuit

you're absolutely retarded goddamn

Actually, there is.

If one of Eve's players commits suicide in the future, and it appears to be about cyber-bullying on Eve, you can be SURE that the plaintiff's counsel will bring up facts about how CCP has handled cases of cyber-bullying in the past. That's a given.

Also, reported for filter bypass.

Prince Kobol
#2135 - 2012-03-27 18:43:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Magnus Orin wrote:
It is hilarious how out of proportion this has gotten.

The absolute irony of this all is that the supposed 'victim' of this all is currently happily mining away on his 24 mackinaws, mostly oblivious to all the forum white-knights frothing at the mouth to condemn their eternal villain.

This is not real world politics. This is a fucking video game.

There are no 'higher standards' that any CSM has to maintain. That is utter bullshit.

The amount of hate and verbal abuse thrown at The Mittani and Goons in general makes this entire community absolutely reek of hypocrisy.

CCP's best bet is to continue on, business as usual. At worst, establish some stricter controls over the Alliance Panel at Fanfest 2013.

In a couple days time, Goons and The Mittani will be laughing our asses off about how the entire Eve community was trolled to shit by the most epic example of Poe's Law ever to present itself on the Eve-O forums.

It amazes me that when the Goons are spreading their hate and verbal abuse its funny and cool because were all pubbies and deserve to die, but when the tables are turned its all hypocrisy.

Its a funny world we live in Big smile

Also by putting comments like "In a couple days time, Goons and The Mittani will be laughing our asses off about how the entire Eve community was trolled to ****" your saying to everyone that his apology is just a complete sham, pretty sure your beloved leader wont like that too much Big smile

by the way


Big smileBig smileBig smile
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2136 - 2012-03-27 18:43:45 UTC  |  Edited by: L00B
Princess Bride wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:

Do you believe that what Alex did was reprehensible and unacceptable, or not? Still waiting on your answer. Dodging the question much?

In relative terms, with all the other **** that goes on in this game? Nope. You act like we live in a legal culture where stealing several thousand dollars worth of assets is somehow not held as a worse crime than saying "Kill yourself". You need to go outside more, perhaps consider reading the paper or maybe some books.
Ganja Clade
Shadow Cartel
#2137 - 2012-03-27 18:43:45 UTC
It dissapoints me when i See Fellow EvE players Make mistakes. Its one thing to be serious, but out of spite. You should never Make jokes or disrespect one's Nature. Games have reflections to Human feelings if we want to believe it or not.

As much as This situation has exploded. I feel Alex "Mittani" has made a Heartfelt apologie, However he needs to do the Correct motive and step down as CSM. Atleast he has made steps foward to retaining some diginity.

All in All, This subject should not be a laughing matter.

Deepest Sympathy's for both Parties,
BlitzUrSeoul - Giantsbane. CEO
Amity Lane
Hek Mining Association
#2138 - 2012-03-27 18:44:09 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:
Amity Lane wrote:
Regardless of what may or may not happen in the future, I think we can all safely assume that The Mittani will not be banned for one very simple reason:

10,000 * $15 * 12 = $1,800,000

Unless CCP can comfortably assume that the negative PR (if any) of this incident will cost them more than this, there's no way they'll ban him. To do so would be an idiotic move from a business standpoint.

It is a fairly big assumption that each and every single Goon will quit the game if the Mittani is banned.

Yes, it is. A pretty unrealistic one too.

However, that wasn't my point. The point is that from CCP's standpoint, it's a simple matter of weighing the potential financial impact of banning him against the potential impact of negative PR. The above is meant as a worst-case scenario...I would have assumed that much would be obvious. GoonSwarm may seem from an outside perspective to be a "hive mind" but I doubt that's actually the case (unless Mittani has been doing his own Third Wave Experiment or something).

All of this, of course, ignores the other point that I'd brought up in that post: Mittani didn't break any rules. As far as I know CCP hasn't codified CSM conduct, so to ban him would be setting a pretty nasty precedent. "You didn't actually break any of the rules you agreed to follow, but from our subjective standpoint we don't like what you did so we're banning you anyway." I'm not saying that isn't possible, but it definitely behooves them to draw a line somewhere so people know exactly what is and isn't "acceptable conduct".
Inovy Dacella
Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#2139 - 2012-03-27 18:44:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Inovy Dacella
ExhumeToConsume wrote:
Nacion Allier wrote:
Seleene wrote:
OFFICIAL: The CSM are discussing recent events and will issue a public statement after a few days.

By showing yourself as a drunken loudmouths the CMS lost all credibility, disband yourself is the only decent thing to do!

GoonSwarm did that already and look what happened, the suicide inciter got into power and began his reign of terror over Titan owners and Makinaw pilots! Cry

So you think Titan owners and Makinaw pilots should have more rights?
Caldari State
#2140 - 2012-03-27 18:45:55 UTC
O SPACE-CAPTAIN! my Space-Captain! their smear campaign is done;
The votes have weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the cries I hear, the people all insulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and sulking:
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Space-Captain lies,
Fallen from smug to dread.

O Space-Captain! my Space-Captain! rise up and hear the yells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the posting trills;
For you catalysts and ganked wreaths—for you the goons a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Space-Captain! dear goonfather!
This post beneath your text;
It is some dream that on the forum,
Fallen from smug to dread.

My Space-Captain does not answer, his posts are pale and ill;
My goonfather does not read my text, he has no smug nor will;
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From massive vote, the victor ship, comes in with CSM won;
Exult, O stations, and writhe, O pubbies!
But I, with mournful tread,
On the forum my Space-Captain lies,
Fallen from smug to dread.