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BREAKING NEWS - Chribba's System is SBU'd

First post
#161 - 2011-09-24 17:10:30 UTC
Obsidian Hawk wrote:
What i think is great is despite all the people coming in at once.

The node held lol.

when chribba is on a system the node is automatically reinforced to support his heart ;)
Qvar Dar'Zanar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#162 - 2011-09-24 17:23:17 UTC
Chribba wrote:

PS. Participants can join the medal corp if you want to be awarded medals (ticker RANKS) - pls provide SBU killmail link in the application.

How much time do we have to do this?
Kelduum has promised a medal for everyone who stays in the University for the whole Hell month, so if we join RANKS we would lose that one...
Veriasse Valence
Axitek Consortium
#163 - 2011-09-24 18:15:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Veriasse Valence
Obsidian Hawk wrote:
What i think is great is despite all the people coming in at once.

The node held lol.

Heh nodes dont generally get stressed with a few hundred people. Haven't actually seen a big fleet fight eh? ;)
3lux Lucis
Sensible People
Sigma Grindset
#164 - 2011-09-25 02:36:24 UTC
Suneai wrote:
I hope someone recorded the epic mission to save Chribba's system, that would make one hell of a good plot for that 'I was there, EVE is real' thing. :)

Sadly I didn't quite make it to the system in time, one of the downsides of living in a terrible rural village is random powercuts. :\

Yeah, I took a bunch of screenshots of the IVY tour and stitched them together as Kelduum's Cavalry 9/11. I already posted it earlier.

The close-up shots of the Hurricane is Kelduum Revaan, our mission FC, IVY CEO, and Dark Lord of the Sith.

Burseg Sardaukar
Free State Project
#165 - 2011-09-25 07:16:56 UTC
Cmdr Baxter wrote:
Thorn Galen wrote:
Name: Trzciciele Kawy
Ticker: [PTTK]
# Members: 9
Delta (7 days): 0
Killboard: Eve Kill
Description: ... if in mood fleet of miners who loved the sound of a mining lassers (until Hulkageddeon PTTK started).

Fixed this for you.

I'm sure my Alliance would love to aid in this cause.

Can't wait to dual box my Dust toon and EVE toon on the same machine!

Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#166 - 2011-09-25 08:04:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Thorn Galen
Burseg Sardaukar ! Damn, that brings back great memories of the Dune Universe Smile

The "party" was 17 jumps away from me, into Amarr space, where my life was threatened by the Amarr Navy, thanks to my dismal standings due to doing missions for Gallente. I was glad to reach the system everyone involved gathered at in one piece. It was only 17 jumps from my homebase in Highsec, but those were a very dodgy 17 jumps Big smile

What really excited me was the fact that so many different players, from all sorts of alliances and corps, got together at what was basically the drop of a hat. Yes, it could have been better organised - given more time, but this is what makes Eve real to me, this is why I pay subs and ignore 80% of the bad press CCP et al are getting over Incarna.

Incarna is not the end-all, say-all or do-all of Eve. It has not "broken" the game for me, especially after this spontaneous event took place.

Once again, kudos to the Fleet Commanders for their (obvious) experience in running fleets. It was an evening I personally have marked in my memories as my first "real" Eve experience. My several NDE's (near death experiences) on the night gave me a rush I have not experienced in a long time of playing MMO's. It's not the PvP, it's the action and interaction.

I look forward to one day joining a decent Corporation so that I can partake in more Fleet battles and Incursions Lol
Hopefully that day is not too far off for me - I just have to convince myself that my skills are decent enough, that my experience is fair enough, where I can contribute something positive when joining a Corp.

Cheers Burseg, I hope to see you in a fleet battle soon.
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#167 - 2011-09-25 08:13:06 UTC
Qvar Dar'Zanar wrote:
Chribba wrote:

PS. Participants can join the medal corp if you want to be awarded medals (ticker RANKS) - pls provide SBU killmail link in the application.

How much time do we have to do this?
Kelduum has promised a medal for everyone who stays in the University for the whole Hell month, so if we join RANKS we would lose that one...
If it can be done within like 6 months that would be cool Smile

★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

Twitter @ChribbaVeldspar

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#168 - 2011-09-25 11:41:54 UTC
Qvar Dar'Zanar wrote:
Chribba wrote:

PS. Participants can join the medal corp if you want to be awarded medals (ticker RANKS) - pls provide SBU killmail link in the application.

How much time do we have to do this?
Kelduum has promised a medal for everyone who stays in the University for the whole Hell month, so if we join RANKS we would lose that one...

Which is more important?
"Heeded the clarion call to assist the closest thing to a living God in the cluster", or
"Made it through a month of school".

Just asking ... Big smile
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#169 - 2011-09-25 12:02:05 UTC
What was the local count peak?

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Omni Defense Intelligence Network
Get Off My Lawn
#170 - 2011-09-25 12:24:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Apollo-Moor
Chribba wrote:
Regardless of what happens, it has been an honor running the system for almost a year, and I couldn't have made it into the trade hub (small) that it is today.

In the even that it gets under someone elses control, I thank you for letting me complete one of my goals in EVE, and if so I hope the new "owners" will respect its history that the system and station has and continue to honor its legacy.

atm they're killing the ihub by the looks of the mails...

Sorry I failed you all in keeping it open to everyone Sad


If it was the DRF I liked to see what type of stuff would posted about Dear Chribbas system. Ya'll are lame to come on here acting as though you really care for this one man's system (I understand Chribbas history) but you guys fail to give two ***** bout the other thousands of systems that went through what Providence is going through now.

Before you can care bout somebody else's system yall should try to unite and care bout the state of the game. Instead of becoming just another "Bot" in the DRF cause. Then coming on here to show how E-brave you are in the face of adversity.

I respect Chribbas history and have even taken the time to tell my Corp-mates a little I know about him, but this is funny.. we need more post like this when the Red is knocking on peoples doors.

Chribba himself I hope can see what I mean. It's cool to be worshipped and all, but perhaps Chribba should use his nobility and fame to get the real motivation from the playerbase.. Implosion of the Blob!
Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#171 - 2011-09-25 12:46:42 UTC

Is there somewhere I can read-up a history or what the real beef is with the Russians ? I'm reasonably new here, so I truly am ignorant about what's going on. Would you be able to let me have details ?

Is it true when I read mention of Goons allying with the Russians ? Would this not be "the end" ? I have no idea how many corporations (who are neither of the latter's allies or alliances).

It's too easy for you to sit there and be upset that no-one is organising a fleet against the Russians, but what are the details? What's actually happening ?

I would assume that folks are hoping that Supercaps are somehow nerfed so they are not so super-powerful and are thus hanging on before a big comeback against the Russians.

Although I agree with your sentiment, I have no real details on which to base a decision. Am I the only one in the same boat ?

Lots of questions as you see. I'd love to help, but why and how.

Omni Defense Intelligence Network
Get Off My Lawn
#172 - 2011-09-25 13:02:36 UTC
Thorn Galen wrote:

Is there somewhere I can read-up a history or what the real beef is with the Russians ? I'm reasonably new here, so I truly am ignorant about what's going on. Would you be able to let me have details ?

Is it true when I read mention of Goons allying with the Russians ? Would this not be "the end" ? I have no idea how many corporations (who are neither of the latter's allies or alliances).

It's too easy for you to sit there and be upset that no-one is organising a fleet against the Russians, but what are the details? What's actually happening ?

I would assume that folks are hoping that Supercaps are somehow nerfed so they are not so super-powerful and are thus hanging on before a big comeback against the Russians.

Although I agree with your sentiment, I have no real details on which to base a decision. Am I the only one in the same boat ?

Lots of questions as you see. I'd love to help, but why and how.


Being just a Newb provides you with a good chance to view with the unsore eyes if bitter-vettness.. its not hard to find out what the DRF are about. If you choose to believe the hype on them bobbing for the better of EvE, then you have chosen to close your eyes to the real fact. They do it for the Botting, they do it for the RMT, they do it to grief. Not to unify people against CCP..

I Know CCP put super-caps in the game, but they aren't the ones that choose to abuse the mechanics of the super and sov warfare. That was the blob and those that went under their "control".

"If you can't beat em' become their *****'.." mentality has led the game and 0.0. To this state IMHO, but I'm no expert..I'm just an unbitter-newb. Who hasn't been blobwashed and forgotten about why I play the game..
Buhhdust Princess
Mind Games.
Suddenly Spaceships.
#173 - 2011-09-25 13:19:55 UTC
Good fight, enjoyed by all!

Good job to my guys in -0 H-, u guys got unlucky that we decided to have a vagabond op that night i guess ^_^
Impetuous Industrialism
#174 - 2011-09-25 13:31:04 UTC
Andski wrote:
What was the local count peak?

It peaked out just under 280, given the lack of warning to CCP about this happening I'm a bit surprised that the node held up with as little lag as it did.
Borlag Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#175 - 2011-09-25 16:10:34 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
Qvar Dar'Zanar wrote:
Chribba wrote:

PS. Participants can join the medal corp if you want to be awarded medals (ticker RANKS) - pls provide SBU killmail link in the application.

How much time do we have to do this?
Kelduum has promised a medal for everyone who stays in the University for the whole Hell month, so if we join RANKS we would lose that one...

Which is more important?
"Heeded the clarion call to assist the closest thing to a living God in the cluster", or
"Made it through a month of school".

Just asking ... Big smile

Neither. While doing both of these has been great, the absolute best thing is learning how different things work. Until the Holy Veldspar fleet, I for one had never been in an operation this big, nor partisipated in SBU destruction, or seen bubbles in action and tried avoiding them, or had to scatter from several bombs launched directly in the middle of our fleet. Sure we had some losses but I'm sure each and every single person in that uni fleet will agree when I say the best thing about it was putting what had only been theory up to that part, into real practice.

So medals or not, it's been well worth it.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#176 - 2011-09-25 16:19:43 UTC
I can fly/fight in almost anything that's needed, I'm in if there's a spot just tell me what ye want.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#177 - 2011-09-25 19:45:15 UTC
Zer'Adul wrote:
Andski wrote:
What was the local count peak?

It peaked out just under 280, given the lack of warning to CCP about this happening I'm a bit surprised that the node held up with as little lag as it did.

That's nothing, we hellcamped VFK for a few days with peaks of 1000+ in local.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

#178 - 2011-09-25 21:17:23 UTC
Apollo-Moor wrote:
Chribba wrote:
Regardless of what happens, it has been an honor running the system for almost a year, and I couldn't have made it into the trade hub (small) that it is today.

In the even that it gets under someone elses control, I thank you for letting me complete one of my goals in EVE, and if so I hope the new "owners" will respect its history that the system and station has and continue to honor its legacy.

atm they're killing the ihub by the looks of the mails...

Sorry I failed you all in keeping it open to everyone Sad


If it was the DRF I liked to see what type of stuff would posted about Dear Chribbas system. Ya'll are lame to come on here acting as though you really care for this one man's system (I understand Chribbas history) but you guys fail to give two ***** bout the other thousands of systems that went through what Providence is going through now.

Before you can care bout somebody else's system yall should try to unite and care bout the state of the game. Instead of becoming just another "Bot" in the DRF cause. Then coming on here to show how E-brave you are in the face of adversity.

I respect Chribbas history and have even taken the time to tell my Corp-mates a little I know about him, but this is funny.. we need more post like this when the Red is knocking on peoples doors.

Chribba himself I hope can see what I mean. It's cool to be worshipped and all, but perhaps Chribba should use his nobility and fame to get the real motivation from the playerbase.. Implosion of the Blob!

Cry Moar. The reason the game has probably gotten so far and successful is with the aid of chribba, he in my opinion and probably many others is the greatest influence outside of CCP. The reason everyone runs to his aid is because of his status and how he has in turn aided the game.

The reason nobody gives two ***** about you in providence is because what have you done for the game that justifies the help? Also because providence and many other systems change hands so often and have done for years, and finally because chribba keeps his station open for all to use, that most likely is not the case for the rest of null.

The DRF taking over all of null sec is a good thing, not because they will control all of null but it shows that null sec is broken and can be taken, with the exception of NPC space, by a single coalition blobbing with extreme numbers of supercaps and will hopefully get fixed.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#179 - 2011-09-26 04:50:39 UTC
Chribba, sorry I missed out on all the fun, being unsubbed and all. But with the recent news of fixes being implemented at some point, I knew I would be back one last time. At any rate, I just wanted to say that I find it rather...intriguiging that one man can garner so much support without even asking for it. That speaks to the character of the man, and while I may have missed out this time, hopefully in the future I may be able to join this community in something greater than each of us. Fly safe, old chap. o7
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#180 - 2011-09-26 08:20:38 UTC
I have about 10 Interbus shuttles ready to hotdrop anyone in case the situation should become too hot for regular fleet material.