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My Apology

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#1841 - 2012-03-27 14:39:21 UTC
Il Reverendo wrote:
The Mittani wrote:


Well that was step one, just about.

Where's that step two you mentioned?

You are a brave faceless troll aren't you?
Nick Bison
Bison Industrial Inc
Cat Scratch Fevers
#1842 - 2012-03-27 14:40:26 UTC
XxTheKmanxX wrote:
The official "The Mittani" Video Appology via Youtube.

Space King

D@mn you, you got me again! Lol

Nothing clever at this time.

Alexandra Alt
#1843 - 2012-03-27 14:41:01 UTC
Allow me to start another post with the already stated, right now, it doesn't matter if the comments were made in character, out of character or anywhere in the middle, the harm was done precisely after this was blown out of proportion into the media.

The fact is, it was a public presentation, to a multitude of viewers, press, players, and all kind in the stream. Was there a majority ? yes, players without a doubt, but the minority press have probably more power than any of the other groups representations viewing fanfest as the person in question as a CSM knows very well the power it has to influence both opinion and decisions.

Many keep arguing with the fallacy that 'nothing happened to the subject, thus no harm done', well, let me repeat, it's a fallacy, and Alex (the lawyer) knows very well, there was intent (regardless of his condition which he proudly states it's no excuse), and intent is enough to make someone liable for. We live in a free world, but we are also responsible for our actions and words. If I would stage an assassination attempt, which would fail and be discovered soon after, should I be forgiven just because I failed my initial intention ? I know, as I said before it's a bit of an exaggeration but it's an analogy to demonstrate that the real issue at hand is not the final consequence (if he did or not suicide) but the actions that may lead to the consequence, and this, only this in my (trying to be unbiased) point of view is the real issue.

Granted many are taking advantage of this issue to try and get rid of an enormous power figure, and others try to dismiss this as something trivial to try and get the whole thing to go away like if it was nothing (Vile Rat for instance) to try and get the heat away or others are plainly die hard zealots that will follow him anywhere, and most are doing more harm than good to be honest, on themselves, since many get to be portrayed as actual sociopaths (really ? cyber bullying is only considered cyber bullying after something hazardous happens, you sir need medical attention) or just showing how biased and clouded their judgement is towards the subject and are in particular places of influence where personal unbiased judgement is called for.

Now, personally (I hope people get to this paragraph before shooting the guns at me), I never really cared much about Mittens/The Mittani, there are amusing moments, he did awfully good to this game by using the exact same thing that's going to hammer him right now against CCP (press) to shift their focus on to what we want and to what matters and in game as a player, I don't really care much if he's The Overlord Mittani and I truly believe it's actually irrelevant right now.

The big issue is, CCP and Alex (the person) are in a double edged sword, on one side we have CCP, basically an entity that will be portrayed as weak at the eyes of the press to give in to the pressure of a good amount of the player base in a subject which is so delicate right now in the Information Technology age which is the person interactions over the internet, plus, in a public event sponsored by the said company, this is really really delicate for CCP, one bad move and they can be portrayed as allowing and promoting unethical behaviour on their player base, specially giving the latest problems by activists promoting the ban on violent games stating they shape the character of the young ones.

On the other side, there's Alex, the person, the guy who clearly has seen he screwed up, badly, I mean, terribly, and is in a crossroad, I can't imagine what's going on in his head, he either get's to be seen as something horrible who managed to have more influence in a gaming company than the company directors/share holders (whatever who makes the decisions) or another punishment which honestly will have to be hard.

I know what I would do, there needs to be a punishment, and preferably one that makes CCP look good to the press, I would probably try to damage control with CCP the press for starters, then would quit one seat, either goon CEO or CSM and live on with it. Truth be told, any of this options won't change anything in the long term at all, he would still have his enormous influence over the game (directly to CCP) or over the corp (through alts of friends), the only thing lost (at least in short term) would be his public figure, that would be his punishment, something he actually likes a lot and values, to be in the news, and the news.

Best regards,
Karim alRashid
#1844 - 2012-03-27 14:41:12 UTC
Lexmana wrote:
Il Reverendo wrote:
The Mittani wrote:


Well that was step one, just about.

Where's that step two you mentioned?

You are a brave faceless troll aren't you?

Relentless ... Lol

Pain is weakness leaving the body

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1845 - 2012-03-27 14:41:18 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:

Likes on a forun suggest that somebody likes what they've read.

Likes on a forum that doesn't allow dislikes are meaningless
Nirnaeth Ornoediad
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1846 - 2012-03-27 14:41:54 UTC
Darius III wrote:
I have to question the sincerity of this apology after reading your earlier posts about the incident. ~100058~. You said on twiter you were resigning, was that a troll? I highly doubt you would care one iota if not for the public outcry. You have brought shame and dishonor to CCP, CSm abd the entire Eve community. Do the right thing and step down from CSM.

Is that EULA chafing you? The guy messed up, and apologized like a man. Move on.

Fix POSes.  Every player should want one (even if all players can't have one).

Bill Banner
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1847 - 2012-03-27 14:42:34 UTC
102 pages and no Lady Harlot?

Damn, that alone is refreshing.
Molly Argonaut
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#1848 - 2012-03-27 14:42:57 UTC
Josefius wrote:
Mana Potion wrote:
Molly Argonaut wrote:
Sad day for Eve..

Your apologize not accepted Mittani. You must resing . this the first step to try recover your rep.

Goons leave mittani madness...

Yes Mittani, we would like to hear you re-sing your apology... you will recover your rep by singing your apology ... again... wait, I didn't hear you sing it the first time....

I want The Mittani to stay, he was and is a great player advocate in the CSM, but it would be nice to hear him sing the Star Spangled Banner :)

Yes.. i want see Mittani re sing the resign.. lol
Amarr Empire
#1849 - 2012-03-27 14:43:02 UTC  |  Edited by: ExhumeToConsume
Jade Constantine wrote:
Kallynda Nai wrote:

Because likes on a website matter... Are you going to crow about your k/d ratio next?

Well like it or not *ahem* one of the ways that we can get a sense of how well a forum discussion is going is to see whether third party reads support a particular point of view or not. Imagine for a moment if Eve forums had a system whereby you could sort the responses to a thread by "likes" (as is common with many media sites that allow public posting incidently). Then you'd probably see the "goonish" responses banished to the outdarkness of page 100+ while more genuinely thought out posts were closer to the start.

Likes on a forun suggest that somebody likes what they've read.

And sure, its exploitable and many of the goons have done just that with script-hacks and such - but generally you can see when a quality poster is attracting likes for a post it means they are putting a reasonable argument across.

I tend to "like" posts that have some substance (or occassionally ones that make me laugh). The reason why you have attracted so few likes is that you aren't really saying anything that 10,000 goons haven't said already. (la la la la I'm not listening la).

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
Likes received: 1,512

The Mittani
Goonswarm Federation
Likes received: 6,990

Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#1850 - 2012-03-27 14:43:20 UTC
Bill Banner wrote:
102 pages and no Lady Harlot?

Damn, that alone is refreshing.

I'm assuming she got herself banned but can't be sure obviously CCP don't publish a pillory

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

#1851 - 2012-03-27 14:43:24 UTC
this really looks like a 100% clean factor.

specially after seeing that 1 ..
guess posting stuff only works from one side when your a goonie.
#1852 - 2012-03-27 14:44:17 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:

perhaps so but my last post on the subject on page 99 has more likes than you have.

You realise the majority of eve players don't use these forums, many that do despise the like system and don't use it and the inability to dislike renders the whole thing meaningless. The vast majority of people could disagree with everything you say yet have no way of expressing it. Simply by posting alot you can get a huge number of likes, and only the trully demented can post alot on eve-o.

You are just a drama queen milking this for your own ends.
Nirnaeth Ornoediad
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1853 - 2012-03-27 14:44:18 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Kallynda Nai wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
ExhumeToConsume wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
...he is no longer a fitting representative for the Eve player community and the longer he takes to gather his courage and follow-through with the promised resignation the more harm he continues to do.

Who gave you the right to speak for the "eve player community" oh wall-of-text producer?

Well I could be flippant and say its because I have 40x as many likes as you for genuine posts or I could say its because I watched Fanfest and got the point of the messaging they were putting out (and agreed with it.) I could well say its because I won the CSM elections previously while most have probably never even heard your name.

But ultimately the answer to your question is because I consider myself a member of the eve player community rather than a a member of some other community that just comes here to troll.

You don't speak for me.

perhaps so but my last post on the subject on page 99 has more likes than you have.

Jade - you've always been a conspiracy theorist when it comes to EVE (remember when you thought Teutonic Guard were the puppet masters of Providence in 2010?), so I'm sorry: having a few Likes on an internet spacehships forum does not make you a representative of said internet spaceships community.

Being an effective CSM member does, though. Oh, wait: you tried that, and failed miserably.

Fix POSes.  Every player should want one (even if all players can't have one).

Goonswarm Federation
#1854 - 2012-03-27 14:46:05 UTC
so basically everyone is looking for a scapegoat cause some ****** on massively started this whole thing. also i find it interesting that everyone wants mittens thrown out he represents not just goonswarm and its allies but you get people from outside the CFC voting for him to be in office again because he actually did something useful unlike 1-5. and if someone really was going to kill Themistocles over this then i don't even know because that kind of thinking is insanely stupid. If the person is "old enough" to play this game then why the hell would they consider killing themselves it says on the front door this is a bitter hateful game if you are a pansy don't go in.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1855 - 2012-03-27 14:47:55 UTC
K0enig wrote:
this really looks like a 100% clean factor.

specially after seeing that 1 ..
guess posting stuff only works from one side when your a goonie.

I'd like to say something along the line of "Dates are hard" here, by which I'd be implying that you are inable to figure out that those tweets were from last year when some guy got really really upset that sometimes adults get drunk and swear but that might be classed as cyber bullying so I won't.
Tamir Lenk
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1856 - 2012-03-27 14:48:00 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
[quote=Kallynda Nai]

Likes on a forun suggest that somebody likes what they've read.

And sure, its exploitable and many of the goons have done just that with script-hacks and such - but generally you can see when a quality poster is attracting likes for a post it means they are putting a reasonable argument across.

Tell me more about these "script hacks." That is a pretty strong accusation. Are you sure that goons have violated the ToS, the DMCA and other statutes to use some technical measure to inflate the "likes" for their posts? Or do you blithely libel people out of habit?

Perhaps you have been drinking.

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#1857 - 2012-03-27 14:49:23 UTC
Yeep wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:

Likes on a forun suggest that somebody likes what they've read.

Likes on a forum that doesn't allow dislikes are meaningless

The reason the forum doesn't allow dislikes is :goons: because having the ability to downvote a post would lead to the kind of mob-posting goons are known for. By allowing upvotes "likes" only then you promote a system where its only possible to compete with other posters by posting better yourself rather than organizing a numbers based down vote campaign. But then you know this already.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#1858 - 2012-03-27 14:51:20 UTC
ExhumeToConsume wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
Kallynda Nai wrote:

Because likes on a website matter... Are you going to crow about your k/d ratio next?

Well like it or not *ahem* one of the ways that we can get a sense of how well a forum discussion is going is to see whether third party reads support a particular point of view or not. Imagine for a moment if Eve forums had a system whereby you could sort the responses to a thread by "likes" (as is common with many media sites that allow public posting incidently). Then you'd probably see the "goonish" responses banished to the outdarkness of page 100+ while more genuinely thought out posts were closer to the start.

Likes on a forun suggest that somebody likes what they've read.

And sure, its exploitable and many of the goons have done just that with script-hacks and such - but generally you can see when a quality poster is attracting likes for a post it means they are putting a reasonable argument across.

I tend to "like" posts that have some substance (or occassionally ones that make me laugh). The reason why you have attracted so few likes is that you aren't really saying anything that 10,000 goons haven't said already. (la la la la I'm not listening la).

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
Likes received: 1,512

The Mittani
Goonswarm Federation
Likes received: 6,990


The irony is Mittani has 10,000 followers in his alliance, I have about 70 comrades. Some quick sums would show that means only about 70% of goonswarm actually approve of him whereas about 1430 non SF approve of me :)

Statistics are lovely aren't they.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#1859 - 2012-03-27 14:52:02 UTC
K0enig wrote:
this really looks like a 100% clean factor.

specially after seeing that 1 ..
guess posting stuff only works from one side when your a goonie.

Hahaha I love it....anime avatar LOL

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1860 - 2012-03-27 14:53:54 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Yeep wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:

Likes on a forun suggest that somebody likes what they've read.

Likes on a forum that doesn't allow dislikes are meaningless

The reason the forum doesn't allow dislikes is :goons: because having the ability to downvote a post would lead to the kind of mob-posting goons are known for. By allowing upvotes "likes" only then you promote a system where its only possible to compete with other posters by posting better yourself rather than organizing a numbers based down vote campaign. But then you know this already.

So what you're saying is that its important that we don't have dislikes because otherwise loads of people would dislike you and that would be mean?