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Scarlet Letters and Botters

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Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#161 - 2012-03-27 07:10:27 UTC
Just disclose interesting stuff around the people caught, not names, e.g. their corp size, account/character age, etc.

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Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#162 - 2012-03-27 07:41:37 UTC
Boter should be baned with no warning + ban there IP

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

State War Academy
Caldari State
#163 - 2012-03-27 07:59:30 UTC
Accepting that I'm in danger of mixing metaphors, making former criminals unemployable by marking them for life has historically never been successful from curing them of their criminal behaviour - it instead encourages it as you remove legitimate sources of income. I don't see how making someone walk around with a metaphorical yellow star on their chest is going to achieve your primary goal here of reducing botting.

I would be against a similar action being taken against those people who have had RMT-purchased ISK taken away. It a) encourages further purchases as it becomes harder to make money legitimately, and b) allows a complete and utter bastard to ruin someone's account for minimal investment by buying ISK from the dodgiest possible website, and having it sent to their account.


Cryten Jones
Advantage Inc
#164 - 2012-03-27 08:15:09 UTC
How about if CCP get to the point where they are going to close down an account they just flip a switch that does two things instead.

a) Disables the ability for the account or any linked accounts game time to be extended...ever
b) Flags any char on these accounts now or newly created chars as GCC (or 'suspect' in the new system) permanently.

We, the players, can then have a great time killing them, collect some tears and then the account dies anyway.

I really like the idea of any verified bots being turned over to the mob for justice.

#165 - 2012-03-27 08:19:07 UTC
I think the current policy has few deterrents for first time offenders. As it stands now, everyone can just try a bot and see if he gets caught. If so: no biggie, just a slap on the wrist. I do think a first-time offender should be given a second chance. But I disagree with giving them a third chance as well if they are caught again.

The fact that the graph from Fanfest shows the majority of botters are caught in Caldari space suggests that most botters caught are first-offenders just trying it out (and not in a very smart way in the most crowded region in the game) which supports the 'let's see if I get caught' attitude).

Peer pressure could be one of the most powerful tools to prevent people from trying out botting, knowing that a 'Scarlet Letter' could cost them their ingame friends and corpmates. A problem with this though is that I doubt many players bot with their main, so in order for it to be any effective it would have to be applied to all characters to be in known possession of that player.

Personally I don't like the idea of mixing out-of-game problems with in-game gameplay. But botting is proving to be such a resistent problem to tackle it may be deemed necessary. But it also means the process has to be extra careful to prevent false positives (and I know these happen), because the damage caused by this can be irreversible.

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J3ssica Alba
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#166 - 2012-03-27 08:38:20 UTC
Well, imagine a suicide ganker squad warping up on 10 mackinaws. 9 are marked as having previously botted, 1 is not. If said gankers are really, as they often have said themselves, just killing the bots then their job is easy and they know which macks to go for and leave the innocent not botting pilot alone =)
This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.  Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature, I am useless
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#167 - 2012-03-27 08:40:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
I am getting 3 guys (not botting) banned for exploiting CONCORD, will they also have purple letters?

They are cheating too.

J3ssica Alba wrote:
Well, imagine a suicide ganker squad warping up on 10 mackinaws. 9 are marked as having previously botted, 1 is not. If said gankers are really, as they often have said themselves, just killing the bots then their job is easy and they know which macks to go for and leave the innocent not botting pilot alone =)

No, if they warp to 10 macks they are doing it in disco ships which will kill all 10 anyway Pirate
Prince Kobol
#168 - 2012-03-27 08:44:00 UTC
once again I will raise the point,

Can we trust CCP to get it right 100% of the time?

What happens to the person who gets accused, gets flagged as a botter for all to see but it then turns out to be a mistake?

Would you want to be that person?
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#169 - 2012-03-27 08:46:46 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
once again I will raise the point,

Can we trust CCP to get it right 100% of the time?

What happens to the person who gets accused, gets flagged as a botter for all to see but it then turns out to be a mistake?

Would you want to be that person?

Also I see a nice way to exploit it.

1) Get banned for any reason.

2) Go boast how you got banned because you exploited CONCORD | WEB used as scrambler etc. because you were PRO PvPer and whatever.
Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#170 - 2012-03-27 08:48:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
J3ssica Alba wrote:
Well, imagine a suicide ganker squad warping up on 10 mackinaws. 9 are marked as having previously botted, 1 is not. If said gankers are really, as they often have said themselves, just killing the bots then their job is easy and they know which macks to go for and leave the innocent not botting pilot alone =)

yeah, that's exactly what I fear would happen.

Florestan Bronstein wrote:
Marking botters would only lead to vigilantes hitting the report button again and again and again... no matter the character's actual in-game actions.

Once a botter always a botter.

Would turn the whole "3 strikes" concept which is centered around effecting a change in behavior ad absurdum.

you'd just gank any mackinaw that got a flag no matter whether its owner is still botting or not

If you want permaban on first strike then say that - but proposing to modify a policy that is designed to reform behavior in a way that would make reformed behavior completely unfeasible is stupid.

I don't think "I want first strike permabans but I think CCP won't give them to me so I try to get the same effect through the backdoor" is a good argument in favor of the flagging mechanic discussed in this thread.
Malcom Vincent
Generic Alt Corporation 421
#171 - 2012-03-27 08:58:57 UTC
I bet that there are plenty of players that would love nothing more than to hunt down botters, in an effort to serial-pound their illegally AI controlled passive income generators into flying chunks of internet space dust(514) particles Pirate

Outside of the personal fullfillment that some enjoy as a player in policing these serial offenders, it stands to reason that this may potentially be afflicting our current market in a big bad way and we need to be aware of the consequenses.

Without a scarlet letter, you'll simply create a situation where players may report botters, but due to lack of transparency - it may be discouraging to see the botting continue. It creates a lack of trust in TPTB to properly handle the issue.

If the scarlet letters were made public, the players could start policing offenders more violently and consistently thus removing the incentive to become a bot.

Just as our corp history sticks to us (and is an element of the sandbox), similarly there is no reason that we can't have scarlet letters stick. It gives recruiters the option to at least say "aye" or "nay" to a former botter, even though the person behind the bot may have changed their ways.

Without it, we won't be able to respond negativly to it.

How many of our corps are unintentionally hosting botters?

Upstarting Blogger: Ormehullet Guides and more is coming

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#172 - 2012-03-27 09:07:51 UTC
Malcom Vincent wrote:

How many of our corps are unintentionally hosting botters?

1) How do you know if the guy was banned for botting or banned for doing something prohibited else?

2) How do you know if the guy was banned because of "suspicious behavior" (heuristics are not 100% sure) and not because of being a blatant 3rd party software abuser?

If the purple letters have to be, I'd only put them on:

- who circumvented game mechanics (not botting) and got caught.

- who used 100% proven 3rd party software that was detected.
Cynosural Field Theory.
#173 - 2012-03-27 09:15:37 UTC
If information is to be shown to CEOs on application, could it please take into account violations from all related accounts?

Anything that would help mitigate damage to third party services from any EULA violations on the part of their potential employees would be something I'd welcome.

Otherwise, have you considered branding avatar foreheads with "AI"? :)

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#174 - 2012-03-27 09:18:32 UTC
Niraia wrote:
If information is to be shown to CEOs on application, could it please take into account violations from all related accounts?

Anything that would help mitigate damage to third party services from any EULA violations on the part of their potential employees would be something I'd welcome.

Otherwise, have you considered branding avatar foreheads with "AI"? :)

That rack > any brand Blink
The Snowman
Gallente Federation
#175 - 2012-03-27 09:21:58 UTC
Nevermind about deterring botters, how about rewarding those people that DO report botters!

A Public list probably wont do anything to deter said player from botting again, but it will show to people "yes - we banned this bot - thank you - please keep reporting"

The other message it sends out is..

"Yes, your corp, your space, that person, group of people you never suspected - Where infact botters! thats why they arnt about anymore and thats why you should be more vigilant in the future"

If such a list existed, even if it did nothing else at all but give innocent, law-abiding players a warm fuzzy feeling then CCP are duty bound to make it happen.
Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#176 - 2012-03-27 09:25:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
(post removed, I was wrong)
#177 - 2012-03-27 09:39:38 UTC
As many have pointed out the corp ceo flagging system seems pretty neat, and i agree that s scarlet naming wouldn't really help convert first time offenders.

Where naming and shaming might work though is for repeat offenders (those on their second strike); the corp flagging on the first would allow ceo's to decide if they were going to give this person a second chance, offending a second time lets everyone know your probably not going to learn.

Also as for NPC corpr's i think once you reach a second strike you should be booted from the npc corp into a "botter corp" with a much higher tax for a period of time (6 months+). Although that might just be my vigilante justice side talking ^^


Primal Instinct Inc.
The Initiative.
#178 - 2012-03-27 09:55:36 UTC
If there is an alliance or corp that is 100% against botting, and do not want a botter among them... I think it is their right to know whos been botting before...

Many botters know full well what they are doing is "wrong!". If a VET bots... he should at least be shunned by everyone and never be able to show himself in public again... and if he really loved eve, he shouldn't have botted...

If a newbie starts botting in the beginning, he can just make a new character if he really wants to continue playing...

I think a nice little 1 year "This guy botted" on character information would do... then it's up to themselves to get forgiveness from their fellow peers... and admit what they did was wrong! and if the rest of eve wants to punish him/her for their action, and punish the corp harboring them... then so be it.

Supercap nerf - change ewar immunity Module activation delay!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#179 - 2012-03-27 09:57:19 UTC
Given the within-account recidivism rate is 8.5%, is this even necessary, except to placate the torches-and-pitchforks-wielding Daily Mail reading crowd?

(Before anyone accuses me of protesting too much, I've never botted)


Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#180 - 2012-03-27 10:00:55 UTC
RDevz wrote:
Given the within-account recidivism rate is 8.5%, is this even necessary, except to placate the torches-and-pitchforks-wielding Daily Mail reading crowd?

(Before anyone accuses me of protesting too much, I've never botted)

Imo it's exploitable and could include heuristics-catched false positives.

If it has really to be implemented it should at least be able to expire after a certain time.