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My Apology

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Amity Lane
Hek Mining Association
#781 - 2012-03-27 04:08:22 UTC
Amity Lane wrote:

The truth is, unfortunately, the one thing nobody is really confronting:

Resignations promised: 1
Resignations: 0

Clock still ticking...
Powers Sa
#782 - 2012-03-27 04:08:56 UTC
The real tragedy here are the Dutch folks from Holland/The Netherlands. He never apologized to them.

Do you like winning t2 frigs and dictors for Dirt Cheap?

Remeber: Gambling addiction is no laughing matter unless you've lost a vast space fortune on the internet.

Jonatan Reed
Boundary Experts
#783 - 2012-03-27 04:09:59 UTC
JTK Fotheringham wrote:
Jonatan Reed wrote:

the comments on that article are absolutely ******* golden.

The Mittani wrote:

deal with it~

Now you aren't even trying.


#784 - 2012-03-27 04:10:07 UTC
SmilingVagrant wrote:
Selinate wrote:
SmilingVagrant wrote:

If you lack the ability to read, that's your problem. It's right there in my post.

You used a lot of fuzzy language. Also first rule in debating, never use "But"

It negates either everything before or after it, which is doubly amusing when you accuse someone else of a straw man.

"No one was harmed this time, but "


It doesn't negate anything before or after, and I didn't use any "fuzzy language". Again, if you lack the ability to read, that really is your problem.

Look at you :3

Princess Bride
#785 - 2012-03-27 04:10:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Bride
The Mittani wrote:
When I came to the forums the other day and saw threads complaining about my behavior - not remembering what I'd said - I assumed that I was enduring the usual anti-Goonswarm trolls, and posted something like "deal with it~" in my usual "The Mittani" way.

I, as a person, am not the entity that I play in EVE; I am not actually a sociopath or a sadist...

So in other words, when you are posting on the forums, you are roleplaying. Except now.

#786 - 2012-03-27 04:10:23 UTC  |  Edited by: SmilingVagrant
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
[quote=The Mittani]

Think of it this way: Nobody really likes Goonswarm, and Goonswarm has thus far been protected by it's size. If it was only a 10 man Corp pulling the stunts it does, you'd all be quickly rerolling to hide yourselves. But you just saw that not even a 6, 10, or 20 thousand man alliance can protect you from stepping up to the line and leaping over it like you did.

Good riddance, and I hope you've learned a valuable lesson.

NO ONE LIKES GOONSWARM *amasses more votes than alliance membership can account for assuming 100% voter turnout*

Are you people just stupid?

*Note how I didn't put a qualifier on that? It's because I already know the answer.

Nobody but half of the North, the entire West, a large population in the East and a fair number of NPC nullsec entities like Goonswarm.
Toxic Squadron
Northern Coalition.
#787 - 2012-03-27 04:10:53 UTC
Ninevite wrote:
Make the next fanfest ban speakers from drinking before their presentations. It was just awful to watch some of the talks

Props to some of the folks on the alliance panel who denied alcohol while on stage

erm, there was erm, maybe 3 guys from the panel who werent drunk yet?? Fanfest is for having fun, drinking is part of it, because beer and other are sold openly at the event. The fact of the matter I began each morning with 2-3 shots of vodka and then drinking beer and w/e else people brought (CSM status buys you a lot of free drinks, just ask Alex, oh wai..).

ITS A PARTYYYYYYY. Presenting stuff on it just depends on how well you can behave and how much of a fool you can make out of yourself while drunk, or you can always present it sobber like Eve Uni CEO.
Jacob Staffuer
#788 - 2012-03-27 04:10:58 UTC
Kitfox Mikakka wrote:
de4deye wrote:
The reality is that a person's life matters much more than this game, no matter how much goon trolls want to try to cover up these posts. This is not a 12 step program, it doesn't matter that mittens was drunk - it is no good excuse to make fun of a suicidal person. Mittani knew what he did was wrong, which is why he is trying to cover his tracks with a quick and simplistic "I was drunk, wasn't my fault, I'm a victim too" excuse.

Except he said his drunkenness is no excuse for how he acted in the ******* apology. It'd be awesome if any of you people bothered to read his post instead of immediately coming in to crucify a guy who's genuinely sorry about ******* up.

But in the beginning he says "I was drunk and didn't remember." Is being drunk an excuse or not? It seems like he can't make his mind up about it. It seems he's only apologizing because he f-cked up in a major way in front of everyone. If this had been some private matter and he showed a powerpoint at a Goonswarm convention, and someone quietly blogged about it, do you think he'd be writing a formal, public apology?

F-ck no.
JTK Fotheringham
Ducks in Outer Space
#789 - 2012-03-27 04:11:40 UTC
Jonatan Reed wrote:
JTK Fotheringham wrote:
Jonatan Reed wrote:

the comments on that article are absolutely ******* golden.

The Mittani wrote:

deal with it~

Now you aren't even trying.

The Mittani wrote:

deal with it~
Terra Nova Innovations
#790 - 2012-03-27 04:11:45 UTC
SmilingVagrant wrote:
de4deye wrote:
The reality is that a person's life matters much more than this game, no matter how much goon trolls want to try to cover up these posts. This is not a 12 step program, it doesn't matter that mittens was drunk - it is no good excuse to make fun of a suicidal person. Mittani knew what he did was wrong, which is why he is trying to cover his tracks with a quick and simplistic "I was drunk, wasn't my fault, I'm a victim too" excuse.

He never said that, he said "What I did was inexcusable".

Also no one died.

All this word twisting, name calling, and profiling does not distract from what mittens has done. This is not a matter of "you like/don't like mittens" or Eve politics, this is real. I'm sure the suicidal person mittens was mocking doesn't care about the Eve politics much. You can quit all the avoidance of the issue and come to the reality that there is no excuse for what Mittani did and that you can not simply smooth this over with the whole "I was drunk" rope-a-dope. All this said, I repeat; Mittens you are a horrible person.
#791 - 2012-03-27 04:12:15 UTC
Kitfox Mikakka wrote:
de4deye wrote:
The reality is that a person's life matters much more than this game, no matter how much goon trolls want to try to cover up these posts. This is not a 12 step program, it doesn't matter that mittens was drunk - it is no good excuse to make fun of a suicidal person. Mittani knew what he did was wrong, which is why he is trying to cover his tracks with a quick and simplistic "I was drunk, wasn't my fault, I'm a victim too" excuse.

Except he said his drunkenness is no excuse for how he acted in the ******* apology. It'd be awesome if any of you people bothered to read his post instead of immediately coming in to crucify a guy who's genuinely sorry about ******* up.

Correct - his drunkenness is no excuse. We read the post and agree. It is no excuse. None. Agreeing with you dude. It was no excuse at all and he admits it. So that some 'get out of jail free card'? Explain that non-logic?
Jacob Staffuer
#792 - 2012-03-27 04:12:25 UTC
SmilingVagrant wrote:
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
[quote=The Mittani]

Think of it this way: Nobody really likes Goonswarm, and Goonswarm has thus far been protected by it's size. If it was only a 10 man Corp pulling the stunts it does, you'd all be quickly rerolling to hide yourselves. But you just saw that not even a 6, 10, or 20 thousand man alliance can protect you from stepping up to the line and leaping over it like you did.

Good riddance, and I hope you've learned a valuable lesson.

NO ONE LIKES GOONSWARM *amasses more votes than alliance membership can account for assuming 100% voter turnout*

Are you people just stupid?

*Note how I didn't put a qualifier on that? It's because I already know the answer.

Nobody but half of the North, the entire West, a large population in the East and a fair number of NPC nullsec entities like Goonswarm.

Goonalts voting for a Goon, not surprising.
Jonatan Reed
Boundary Experts
#793 - 2012-03-27 04:12:30 UTC
Krutoj wrote:
Ninevite wrote:
Make the next fanfest ban speakers from drinking before their presentations. It was just awful to watch some of the talks

Props to some of the folks on the alliance panel who denied alcohol while on stage

erm, there was erm, maybe 3 guys from the panel who werent drunk yet?? Fanfest is for having fun, drinking is part of it, because beer and other are sold openly at the event. The fact of the matter I began each morning with 2-3 shots of vodka and then drinking beer and w/e else people brought (CSM status buys you a lot of free drinks, just ask Alex, oh wai..).

ITS A PARTYYYYYYY. Presenting stuff on it just depends on how well you can behave and how much of a fool you can make out of yourself while drunk, or you can always present it sobber like Eve Uni CEO.

You continue to impress me krutoj.


David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#794 - 2012-03-27 04:13:30 UTC
Sasha Khaine wrote:
I don't drink a lot myself and these are precisely the reasons why I don't.

I would think that being someone as large of an influence within the game, you would have behaved more maturely. Heading to CCP's event and representing not only yourself but your corp/alliance mates and the game community as a whole with your CSM position you have really let a lot of people down. I don't know if your corp mates agree or disagree with what you did (reading some posts quite a few support it regardless of your apology) but for me at least I feel a line has been crossed.

Whilst it is good of you to apologise, I feel the damage has already been done. CCP has a major game coming out soon and your actions have no doubt pissed them off something rotten. Now they have to deal with the media, possible police inquiry's and other legal bits of business because of your actions.

Don't get me wrong, I don't view you as a monster and I understand what can happen when you have had a lot to drink but I feel that you just let a lot of people down. I don't want to see you banned, I want to see you put it right and this is a step in the right direction. So I wish you the best of luck in the upcoming months because you will no doubt have to deal with a lot of regret.

- Sasha Khaine

You clearly didn't watch the part of the stream with the CCP dev team members drunk and talking about masturbation and the like. This was certainly a super serious stream meant to only present super serious commentary.
Minions LLC
#795 - 2012-03-27 04:13:44 UTC
WHere's my apology and 10 billion, after watching the panel I finally had to admit that everyone of my friends and family that said playing a spaceship internet game was ******** was right all along. I'm am such a failure bor even being here even right now. My stomach just wants to wrench thinking that I am a part of this. How is Mittani gonna fix the damage that has been done to my perception of my participation in this queezefest.

Logging in is revolting. I tried it and just had to hit the escape in disgust.
Estrale Frontiers
#796 - 2012-03-27 04:14:11 UTC
Not a big Mittens fan. However, it's up to CCP at this point to do something or not.

In the mean time, watching Logi 5 click down off the evemon counter.

Internet backgammon is pretty cool.
#797 - 2012-03-27 04:14:14 UTC
de4deye wrote:
SmilingVagrant wrote:
de4deye wrote:
The reality is that a person's life matters much more than this game, no matter how much goon trolls want to try to cover up these posts. This is not a 12 step program, it doesn't matter that mittens was drunk - it is no good excuse to make fun of a suicidal person. Mittani knew what he did was wrong, which is why he is trying to cover his tracks with a quick and simplistic "I was drunk, wasn't my fault, I'm a victim too" excuse.

He never said that, he said "What I did was inexcusable".

Also no one died.

All this word twisting, name calling, and profiling does not distract from what mittens has done. This is not a matter of "you like/don't like mittens" or Eve politics, this is real. I'm sure the suicidal person mittens was mocking doesn't care about the Eve politics much. You can quit all the avoidance of the issue and come to the reality that there is no excuse for what Mittani did and that you can not simply smooth this over with the whole "I was drunk" rope-a-dope. All this said, I repeat; Mittens you are a horrible person.

The suicidal person who was being mocked has been asked and he doesn't much give a **** outside of the humor value.

As far as Mittens being a horrible person.... probably, he is a lawyer after all. But I voted for a bastard on purpose.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#798 - 2012-03-27 04:14:32 UTC
Dalketh wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:
Dalketh wrote:
Powers Sa wrote:
de4deye wrote:
Convincing someone to commit suicide is not a laughing matter, mittani - you are a monster. Being drunk is not a sufficient excuse for your actions, there are no excuses here. A smug apology will not simply get you off of the hook.

What was smug about it? It seems pretty genuine to me. I've pretty much dropped all trolling in this thread because the kneejerking is pretty epic.

Says a goon.

Ok, well I'm the anti Goon (pro-BOB, pro-Tri, pro-MC, pro-PL, etc) and I think the damn thing is about as genuine as is possible. Was it over the line? Yes. Was it apologized for? Yes.



Wow lost all my respect with that one Liang - so do anything say anything but if you apologize all is fine? Can't believe you said something like that. It's the opposite of what I thought of you. :/

Yeah, things like maturity and perspective suck don't they.

Don't worry, eventually you'll get there too.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

#799 - 2012-03-27 04:14:58 UTC
Aargolos wrote:
Not a big Mittens fan. However, it's up to CCP at this point to do something or not.

In the mean time, watching Logi 5 click down off the evemon counter.

Internet backgammon is pretty cool.


Two eveguys with Logi5. The only thing worse is JCD5 when it comes to damn useful things to have that take forever to train :v
Jacob Staffuer
#800 - 2012-03-27 04:15:43 UTC
Dalketh wrote:
Kitfox Mikakka wrote:
de4deye wrote:
The reality is that a person's life matters much more than this game, no matter how much goon trolls want to try to cover up these posts. This is not a 12 step program, it doesn't matter that mittens was drunk - it is no good excuse to make fun of a suicidal person. Mittani knew what he did was wrong, which is why he is trying to cover his tracks with a quick and simplistic "I was drunk, wasn't my fault, I'm a victim too" excuse.

Except he said his drunkenness is no excuse for how he acted in the ******* apology. It'd be awesome if any of you people bothered to read his post instead of immediately coming in to crucify a guy who's genuinely sorry about ******* up.

Correct - his drunkenness is no excuse. We read the post and agree. It is no excuse. None. Agreeing with you dude. It was no excuse at all and he admits it. So that some 'get out of jail free card'? Explain that non-logic?

He's using it an excuse to mitigate how he handled the situation.

"You encouraged people to harass someone so he would kill himself!"

The Mittani wrote:
deal with it~

"Mittani, it's all over the news, CCP is upset, and the playerbase is calling for you to resign. CCP has a PR nightmare on it's hands, you really effed up. How can you not care?"

The Mittani wrote:
*consumes relevant media* ... "ZOMGZ guys, I am so sorry, I didn't realize, I didn't mean to be so flippant, I was drunk and didn't remember.

If you can't see how he's trying to use it as an excuse, you're either 1) ignorant or 2) being willfully ignorant in an attempt to obfuscate and smokescreen.