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My Apology

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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#421 - 2012-03-27 02:00:47 UTC
How the **** does any of the CSM not punch Darius III in the mouth anytime he sucks in a breath?
Minions LLC
#422 - 2012-03-27 02:01:06 UTC
Take yourself all your alts and all your corpies to WOW as Penance, While there mine Copper, all of you. Live in poverty. This is a life sentence since you care nothing of Life and the sentence handed down by me, the Might M will stand without a chance of parole.

Unsub now.
Lorren Canada
High is the Way - But all eyes are Upon the Ground
#423 - 2012-03-27 02:01:10 UTC
hah GoonWaffe recruitment is going to explode
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#424 - 2012-03-27 02:01:11 UTC
~EVE is real~

~Real people~

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#425 - 2012-03-27 02:01:50 UTC
BiggerDangDude wrote:
How the **** does any of the CSM not punch Darius III in the mouth anytime he sucks in a breath?

Because alternates don't go to Iceland. Alternates really don't count.

Unless they break NDAs.
The Hatchery
RAZOR Alliance
#426 - 2012-03-27 02:02:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Abominare
Having watched it live on the stream I thought it was pretty tacky. With his apology during soberness I am willing ot bet he realized just how tacky it was and I applaud him for that. I also applaud him for being man enough to apologize and accept responsibility. However, I'm not the man who thinks that laying yourself out in sacrifice is a gesturethat stops the executioner because you were willing to accept responsibility.

If he truly accepts the responsibility then for what its worth, I'll always be impressed with the goon. He'd definitely be a pretty big man for accepting being stripped of his hard won power.
Endeavour Starfleet
#427 - 2012-03-27 02:02:41 UTC
Darius III wrote:
He said he would step down, probably just as chairman, which isnt enough to make it right. People in power never resign except for religious officials caught in sex scandals. He will cling to power in any form. Th eapology is not IMO sincere in the slightest, look at what he wrote immediately following the first post. This is damage control, nothing more.

He knows that resigning completely from CSM7 is the right move, but he will not. We will see how CCP responds to this soon I think. He made this presentation in advance, I know this guy, trust me he bullies people if he thinks he can get away with it. I know first hand, having seen it myself in CSM. He excluded me from Skype shat before I ever even made an introduction post. This is how he is, and the real Mittani is the one on stage not the one apologizing in the OP.


He should not step down from Chairman. This apology is enough.
Aja Jinn
#428 - 2012-03-27 02:02:45 UTC
The Mittani is an online gaming character. I don't care what he
does in the EVE universe.

Alex Gianturco is a representive of The EVE online gaming community.
His face is the one people will see when they assess this community.
He should step down now.
Ice Fist
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#429 - 2012-03-27 02:02:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Ice Fist
Darius III wrote:
He said he would step down, probably just as chairman, which isnt enough to make it right. People in power never resign except for religious officials caught in sex scandals. He will cling to power in any form. Th eapology is not IMO sincere in the slightest, look at what he wrote immediately following the first post. This is damage control, nothing more.

He knows that resigning completely from CSM7 is the right move, but he will not. We will see how CCP responds to this soon I think. He made this presentation in advance, I know this guy, trust me he bullies people if he thinks he can get away with it. I know first hand, having seen it myself in CSM. He excluded me from Skype shat before I ever even made an introduction post. This is how he is, and the real Mittani is the one on stage not the one apologizing in the OP.


Look at how jealous you are of Mittens. Look how impotent you are with Mittens as the CSM chair. No wonder you're a do nothing. You're so intimidated by him that you just look on helplessly as people who can get things done (i.e. Mittens, Vile Rat, Krutoj, Seleene and Elise) get things done. You are the biggest waste of a CSM seat. Hell, Xenuria would be a better fit and probably contribute more than you.
Ishen Villone
Goonswarm Federation
#430 - 2012-03-27 02:03:01 UTC
BiggerDangDude wrote:
How the **** does any of the CSM not punch Darius III in the mouth anytime he sucks in a breath?

They've never met him because he never shows up or does anything.
Keep It Simple Software Group
#431 - 2012-03-27 02:03:03 UTC
To be honest, the whole "lol im drunk on stage" thing is so tired at fanfest. If you wanna be bollock drunk at 2pm in the afternoon then this is cool and if you can be entertaining at the same time then also cool but the trend seems to be going the other way - being drunk on stage at fanfest make you and the event look dumb.

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Tanya Powers
#432 - 2012-03-27 02:03:06 UTC
26 Mittens fails

You'll see, get on the internet and say crap about some nerd in an internet spaceship game where High sec is not at all, where scamming is a sport, turn your back on people trusting you and steal everything they have, it's easy.
Kitfox Mikakka
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#433 - 2012-03-27 02:03:15 UTC
RougeOperator wrote:
You goons don't really get that this isn't about the game EvE.

Its about real people.

And real world ramifications.

Its not just about the mittani and whom he tried to lynch mob. Its about anyone else that comes after. Whom might actually be pushed to far.

Mittens went to far and needs to back off and step away from the CSM.

He won, but he then shot his own foot off. He bears the responsibility for his actions.

He sounded like he was on the right path and was going to be a man about it. Now it seems he is backpedaling off of stepping down like he should. At this junction its bad PR for him to be on the CSM for all of EvE at a critical junction for CCP with dust coming out.

His actions ruined what seemed to be a good fanfest as well.

So what, nobody should ever gank anyone ever again? Nobody should shoot freighters off the Jita undock, or go tackle some miners in a belt and blow them up because they might go abloo bloo and kill themselves? No, that's bullcrap. One badly thought out and errant comment does not a resignation make, especially when the person has apologized and paid reparations to the party targeted by that comment.

Also, I didn't see any particular outbursts over the panel until Fanfest was more or less over. Just a few threads going 'wow what a bad alliance presentation.
Goonswarm Federation
#434 - 2012-03-27 02:03:55 UTC
Ice Fist wrote:
Darius III wrote:
He said he would step down, probably just as chairman, which isnt enough to make it right. People in power never resign except for religious officials caught in sex scandals. He will cling to power in any form. Th eapology is not IMO sincere in the slightest, look at what he wrote immediately following the first post. This is damage control, nothing more.

He knows that resigning completely from CSM7 is the right move, but he will not. We will see how CCP responds to this soon I think. He made this presentation in advance, I know this guy, trust me he bullies people if he thinks he can get away with it. I know first hand, having seen it myself in CSM. He excluded me from Skype shat before I ever even made an introduction post. This is how he is, and the real Mittani is the one on stage not the one apologizing in the OP.


Look at how jealous you are of how impotent you are with Mittens as the CSM chair. No wonder you're a do nothing. You're so intimidated by him that you just look on helplessly as people who can get things done (i.e. Mittens, Vile Rat, Krutoj, Seleene and Elise) get things done. You are the biggest waste of a CSM seat. Hell, Xenuria would be a better fit and probably contribute more than you.

i approve this message
Krixtal Icefluxor
#435 - 2012-03-27 02:04:05 UTC
Marduk Nibiru wrote:
[ fact, I would put a great deal of money betting down that you're in AA or NA. Never ceases to amaze me how much peolpe who've "recovered" from substance abuse end up trying to convert everyone into thinking they've all got the same problem.

As a member of is a program of promotion NOT ATTRACTION.

Nobody in AA ever, ever 'converts' or even mentions to someone that they have an 'issue'. That is up for the alcoholic to realize. Talking to a using alcoholic does not work. Never has, never will. I threw myself into a rehab in 1997 by my own hand, nobody else's.

And as an observer of alcoholics for well over 15 years now, I can say that I do believe the mittani (I can't capitalize it after all this) is a black-out drinker.

Whether he is alcoholic to the point of being unable to leave it alone, that is up to him to decide. But by his own words he is a blackout drinker, which is indeed well on the path to full blown addiction.

Next time, type about recovery and AA and things related when you actually know what you are talking about.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#436 - 2012-03-27 02:04:19 UTC
Please tell me others have looked at the voting list and realized that if BOTH Darius and Mittens left . . . who would now be number 14


Beware the [u]Jabber[/u]wock, my son!  The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

#437 - 2012-03-27 02:06:02 UTC
Tyrrax Thorrk wrote:
Super Whopper wrote:
Vxrasa wrote:
What the christ?

I don't care if some depressed miner somewhere in the world did or did not commit suicide, and I fail to see what The Mitanni drunk-spewing words out of his mouth at Fanfest has to do with this man's mental state.

Why is there a thread about this and not a thread about things that actually matter and are terrible, for example, the chaos and violence in The Gaza Strip?

While I wholeheartedly believe we should all support the BDS movement I do not believe that the Mittani should get away with cyber bullying.

I care not what the excuses are, Mittani turned up drunk at fanfest then spouted heaps of disgusting rubbish. As a lawyer he should know that being stupid and drunk are no excuses and in fact it makes this case even more severe because this fool knows the law. Thus him not only overstepping the boundaries but actually attempting to ruin the lives of the dearest and nearest of the person he encourages to take his own life is beyond sickening.

Before anyone else jumps to the defence of this waste of space, remember that he is a lawyer.

He's more than atoned adequately by apologizing and paying 10.7 bil.

also get over yourself, buhu some miner got bullied big deal
and someone drunk at fanfest ? shocking.

PS; he's a former lawyer

As my former CEO I love you Tyrrax, but what does what he used to do in real life have to do with anything. If he has any respect for the position he was voted into he needs to resign it.

I don't know what makes me feel sicker, the events at question or the CEO of GHSC going PL.
Calanthe Maulerant
The Hatchery
RAZOR Alliance
#438 - 2012-03-27 02:06:03 UTC

BBQ FTW > mity calanthe

Princess Nana
#439 - 2012-03-27 02:07:01 UTC
L00B wrote:
Also you people think Sony cares about what people think...... hilarious! Let me tell you about a little game called Star Wars Galaxies....

They would care if somebody committed suicide based on the actions that other players influenced in-game, out of game, especially since that game is soon to be added to their existing network. I am sure that this is the type of publicity Sony would want since they are a family brand yeah?
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#440 - 2012-03-27 02:07:12 UTC
Anyone with a kid in the range of 6-14 should smell a familiar smell attached to this apology.

It's called Bull ****.

Should you accept his apology? I'll leave you with this little gem.