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Eluding the SSP unsuccessful

First post
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#1 - 2012-03-24 18:06:10 UTC
The SSP has scored their fifth kill and podding in spite of my attempts to elude them. This act of violence was committed by the ever efficient and brutally skilled Crucifire.

I call upon Concord to review and change the rules regarding the declarations of war that are common place trivial coinsurance in our cluster.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-03-24 20:26:07 UTC
Part of me hates to respond and risk encouraging further visible tantrums...however I do have a question.

At what point can you honestly say you value life when you undock, in ships that require crew beyond yourself, that are unarmed?
At some point continuing to operate under your normal procedures, and consciously choosing to let your crews die, puts you at just as much fault as the person shooting you.

I realize when most people are confronted with this idea they simply wave it off with "the crew knows the risks when they sign up" but lets be honest, when combat records begin to propagate through the crew pools you're going to see a decrease in truly willing crew members. I can only imagine how desperate a person would be to, in this case, sign up for certain death, to have a standard crew wage paid to their beneficiaries. I'd go so far as to say that if such things continue, I don't see how willing crew would be easy to find, and that despite all the ideals espoused by DSTON'd essentially have to coerce or otherwise press unwilling crew into service, or scale your operations back to skeleton crewed frigates.
Rek Jaiga
Teraa Matar
#3 - 2012-03-24 21:39:35 UTC
What Uraniae said. Conduct your business in a shuttle, if you must. I flew with Crucifire back in the day and know her level of skill. If you are not experienced in the ways of capsuleer-on-capsuleer combat (I assume you are not), you simply cannot escape a well set-up station camp.
ISD Eshtir
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#4 - 2012-03-26 21:07:55 UTC
Right, i will make my post OOC to get the point across.

Please use a single thread and update it from now on as i have closed all your other threads. Should you create more threads another course of action will be taken. I also urge you to read the forum rules. This post is not meant to discuss moderation as it is not allowed and posts discussing moderation will be deleted.

ISD Eshtir


Community Communication Liaisons

Interstellar Services Department