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CCP launches investigation... - Updated!!!

Anghus McKay
#161 - 2012-03-26 20:01:56 UTC
Blatant Forum Alt wrote:
Rystan Wildstar wrote:
Marius Duvall wrote:
J3ssica Alba wrote:
All it takes is for the guy to actually go through with suicide and then CCP would find themselves sued by the parents/siblings/wife/gf. Or the guy himself could actually sue for mental anguish caused. It's well known that people in the US sue for anything under the sun if they think they can cash in.

No matter if it was the alliance panel and not directly involving CCP, it was at a venue owned/rented by CCP and as such they would be responsible for whatever happens in it.

Based on what legal precedent?

California Penal Code § 401 - Aiding, Advising, or Encouraging Suicide
Every person who deliberately aids, or advises, or encourages another to commit suicide, is guilty of a felony.

Google: Ex-Rutgers Student Charged With Hate Crime After Roommate's Suicide

There's other States that have similar laws. Are either Mittens man or the other guy a US citizen? I don't have any opinion on this either way but the facts are if any authorities with jurisdiction over this situation take an interest in what happened, simply saying he was "trolling" will not save his ass.

The internet is not america. Sorry.

And what makes you think these kind of laws only exist in the US?
Zleon Leigh
#162 - 2012-03-26 20:04:11 UTC
Dontcha bet the Skype Batline had been a wee bit busy today?

Maybe something that should be available to all who get crossed up with CCP? Only fair that the sandbox is a level field....

Incarna - Newest business example of mismanaged capital. CCP - Continuing to gank independent PI producers every day

PvP's latest  incentive program ** Unified Inventory **  'Cause you gotta kill something after trying to use it

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#163 - 2012-03-26 20:08:17 UTC
Anghus McKay wrote:

And what makes you think these kind of laws only exist in the US?

There are no laws about making fun of stupid people in any country.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Romar Agent
#164 - 2012-03-26 20:09:59 UTC
There are things you simply do not do.

Using an official position of strength to publicly harrass a player who might be psychically unstable is crossing a line. In more than one way.

That's it with my personal respect for Mr. Gianturco.
Conu Leonida
filcaii sus paharu
#165 - 2012-03-26 20:11:30 UTC
Xython wrote:
Twulf wrote:
Xython wrote:
Evei Shard wrote:
The entire so-called "investigation" is a facade.

If a public call for in-game harassment of a user resulted in actions that caused the person to commit suicide, most CCP employees along with all the Goons would be ecstatic.

Believe this or no, SOCKPUPPET ALT 3153, Goons don't actually want people to kill themselves in real life.

We want you to continue making money in game so we can sell you nonexistant **** and take it all for ourselves.

Even evil has standards.

Nobody believes a word you goons say. I have played with Goons from other games, unskilled zerg pvpers is all you are and all you ever will be.

Hey now, according to the head of CCP Marketing Goons are the best players in EVE. So, uh... you're wrong.

One of the 188875 commandments of the the Interwebz:

"You shall not trust Marketing or Sales under the penalty of forever living in your parent's basement."

Wish I had been notified of this a few years back :(
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#166 - 2012-03-26 20:11:37 UTC
Romar Agent wrote:
There are things you simply do not do.

Using an official position of strength to publicly harrass a player who might be psychically unstable is crossing a line. In more than one way.

That's it with my personal respect for Mr. Gianturco.

Thank you for your input, NPC Corp Alt.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#167 - 2012-03-26 20:12:31 UTC
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#168 - 2012-03-26 20:12:40 UTC
Rystan Wildstar
Caldari State
#169 - 2012-03-26 20:18:49 UTC
I already forgot who asked for examples of prosecution earlier but here's another one:

Prosecutors Charge Former Nurse With Encouraging Suicide
Published 1, April 25, 2010

There is a fascinating case in Minneapolis that raises some important free speech issues in an assisted suicide case. William Melchert-Dinkel, 47, was charged with two felony counts of aiding suicide under a Minnesota law that criminalizes even verbal encouragement of suicide. Adding to the novelty is the fact that state prosecutors are charging Melchert-Dinkel in deaths that occurred not only outside the state but outside the country.

Melchert-Dinkel is accused of encouraging the suicides of Mark Drybrough, 32, who hanged himself at his home in Coventry, England, in 2005; and Nadia Kajouji, 18, of Brampton, Ontario, who drowned in 2008 in a river in Ottawa, where she was studying at Carleton University. He has said that he may have encouraged dozens of people to commit suicide and enjoyed the “thrill” of getting people to kill themselves.

He posed as a female nurse under such names as “Cami,” “falcongirl,” “li dao” and others and supplied information on how the individuals could kill themselves.

For example, an email found on Drybrough’s computer from Melchert-Dinkel showed him giving technical advice on how to hang yourself from a door, “you can easily hang from a door using the knob onw (on the other) side to tie the rope to, sling it over the top of the door, attach the noose or loop to yourself then step off and hang successfully.”

Anyways, good luck to CCP with this one. Maybe it will all be soon forgotten and they'll have nothing to worry about, maybe it won't.
Prince Kobol
#170 - 2012-03-26 20:31:15 UTC
Kallynda Nai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#171 - 2012-03-26 20:36:16 UTC
Rystan Wildstar wrote:
Marius Duvall wrote:
J3ssica Alba wrote:
All it takes is for the guy to actually go through with suicide and then CCP would find themselves sued by the parents/siblings/wife/gf. Or the guy himself could actually sue for mental anguish caused. It's well known that people in the US sue for anything under the sun if they think they can cash in.

No matter if it was the alliance panel and not directly involving CCP, it was at a venue owned/rented by CCP and as such they would be responsible for whatever happens in it.

Based on what legal precedent?

California Penal Code § 401 - Aiding, Advising, or Encouraging Suicide
Every person who deliberately aids, or advises, or encourages another to commit suicide, is guilty of a felony.

Google: Ex-Rutgers Student Charged With Hate Crime After Roommate's Suicide

There's other States that have similar laws. Are either Mittens man or the other guy a US citizen? I don't have any opinion on this either way but the facts are if any authorities with jurisdiction over this situation take an interest in what happened, simply saying he was "trolling" will not save his ass.

TIL CCP is based in California.
Evei Shard
Shard Industries
#172 - 2012-03-26 20:36:33 UTC
Xython wrote:
Evei Shard wrote:
The entire so-called "investigation" is a facade.

If a public call for in-game harassment of a user resulted in actions that caused the person to commit suicide, most CCP employees along with all the Goons would be ecstatic.

Believe this or no, SOCKPUPPET ALT 3153, Goons don't actually want people to kill themselves in real life.

Right. Like you and your friends don't have some issues on this subject at hand already thanks to your glorious leader. It would be stupid to even hint at such a thing right now.

You must be getting pretty hard with the thought of a real killmail.

Profit favors the prepared

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#173 - 2012-03-26 20:38:28 UTC
Kallynda Nai wrote:
Rystan Wildstar wrote:
Marius Duvall wrote:
J3ssica Alba wrote:
All it takes is for the guy to actually go through with suicide and then CCP would find themselves sued by the parents/siblings/wife/gf. Or the guy himself could actually sue for mental anguish caused. It's well known that people in the US sue for anything under the sun if they think they can cash in.

No matter if it was the alliance panel and not directly involving CCP, it was at a venue owned/rented by CCP and as such they would be responsible for whatever happens in it.

Based on what legal precedent?

California Penal Code § 401 - Aiding, Advising, or Encouraging Suicide
Every person who deliberately aids, or advises, or encourages another to commit suicide, is guilty of a felony.

Google: Ex-Rutgers Student Charged With Hate Crime After Roommate's Suicide

There's other States that have similar laws. Are either Mittens man or the other guy a US citizen? I don't have any opinion on this either way but the facts are if any authorities with jurisdiction over this situation take an interest in what happened, simply saying he was "trolling" will not save his ass.

TIL CCP is based in California.

So that's why they have the fanfest at their corporate HQ in Iceland? Tell me, where is Reykjavik, California located exactly?
Kallynda Nai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#174 - 2012-03-26 20:39:12 UTC
Evei Shard wrote:
Xython wrote:
Evei Shard wrote:
The entire so-called "investigation" is a facade.

If a public call for in-game harassment of a user resulted in actions that caused the person to commit suicide, most CCP employees along with all the Goons would be ecstatic.

Believe this or no, SOCKPUPPET ALT 3153, Goons don't actually want people to kill themselves in real life.

Right. Like you and your friends don't have some issues on this subject at hand already thanks to your glorious leader. It would be stupid to even hint at such a thing right now.

You must be getting pretty hard with the thought of a real killmail.

Self destructs don't generate killmails.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#175 - 2012-03-26 20:39:55 UTC
Considering that the dude in question is still alive I don't see how Mittens encouraged him to commit suicide ;p

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#176 - 2012-03-26 20:40:10 UTC
Evei Shard wrote:
You must be getting pretty hard with the thought of a real killmail.

I have to admit a perverse sexual attraction to the idea of printing your killmail out a few thousand times and rolling around in it for a while, Scrooge McDuck style.
Kallynda Nai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#177 - 2012-03-26 20:40:18 UTC
Xython wrote:
Kallynda Nai wrote:
Rystan Wildstar wrote:
Marius Duvall wrote:
J3ssica Alba wrote:
All it takes is for the guy to actually go through with suicide and then CCP would find themselves sued by the parents/siblings/wife/gf. Or the guy himself could actually sue for mental anguish caused. It's well known that people in the US sue for anything under the sun if they think they can cash in.

No matter if it was the alliance panel and not directly involving CCP, it was at a venue owned/rented by CCP and as such they would be responsible for whatever happens in it.

Based on what legal precedent?

California Penal Code § 401 - Aiding, Advising, or Encouraging Suicide
Every person who deliberately aids, or advises, or encourages another to commit suicide, is guilty of a felony.

Google: Ex-Rutgers Student Charged With Hate Crime After Roommate's Suicide

There's other States that have similar laws. Are either Mittens man or the other guy a US citizen? I don't have any opinion on this either way but the facts are if any authorities with jurisdiction over this situation take an interest in what happened, simply saying he was "trolling" will not save his ass.

TIL CCP is based in California.

So that's why they have the fanfest at their corporate HQ in Iceland? Tell me, where is Reykjavik, California located exactly?

Right next to your sarcasm detector, apparently.
Anghus McKay
#178 - 2012-03-26 20:40:24 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Anghus McKay wrote:

And what makes you think these kind of laws only exist in the US?

There are no laws about making fun of stupid people in any country.

You're missing my point.

As someone else already kindly pointed out, there are several cases where someone was having 'fun', as you call it, and has been successfully brought to court and put in jail.

Now, many might think that they are untouchable on the internet, or in an MMO, but reality shows that people are not. I know of several cases here in Europe, where people have been sentenced to jail for having your kind of 'fun'.

Actually, I would not be surprized if CCP, providing the platform, really has to think carefully about how they are going to deal with this one, since if they do not act appropriately, they might be in a tough spot as well.

See, tough talk aside, it really is not fun to end up in jail for being stupid. Someone thinking they are pulling a 'cool joke' that on one hand could potentially lead to someone's death, and on the other hand would have the 'joker' end up in jail.
I don't think either case would be desirable. After all, who would want to spend his life in jail, right?

Let's be real. We play a game, and we play it to have fun. Some of us in a morbid way, but within certain limits. Encouraging someone to kill himself, I would say (and so do many judges in the world obviously) crosses that line. See, you might call it 'fun', but obviously those that get to decide whether it is fun or not, do not seem to agree with you.

Oh well, I for sure am curious to see how this is going to develop. Even though I am not holding my breath for anything spectacular.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#179 - 2012-03-26 20:48:09 UTC
Kallynda Nai wrote:
Right next to your sarcasm detector, apparently.

Sorry, so much stupid in these forums that I keep mistaking honorable Sarcasm and Goodposts for the mewling from festering pubbie morons. My sincere apologies.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#180 - 2012-03-26 20:51:31 UTC
Anghus McKay wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Anghus McKay wrote:

And what makes you think these kind of laws only exist in the US?

There are no laws about making fun of stupid people in any country.

You're missing my point.

And you are missing the fact that nothing in the alliance panel should be taken seriously.