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@CCP Marketing Mittani scandle.

First post
Deathwing Reborn
#1 - 2012-03-26 15:51:34 UTC
I say we just take from the Future Vision of Eve.

"Honor isn't about making the right choices. It's about dealing with the consequences. There is a fine line between right and wrong. You better know which side of it your on. The moment you lose your honor, that's when you learn the hard way. Your choice always comes back around."

Is he right or wrong in the eyes of the eve player base? It don't really matter, he walked that fine line between right and wrong and stepped over it. He lost his honor and he needs to accept the consequences.

Now all we need is a hot little red head (CCP Sunset) to walk up behind Mittani in a public venue and put a bullet in him and make a trailer out of it.
Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-03-26 15:52:56 UTC
Alua Oresson
League of the Shieldy
SLYCE Pirates
#3 - 2012-03-26 15:54:44 UTC
Reported for advocating RL assasination of a fellow Eve player.

Deathwing Reborn
#4 - 2012-03-26 15:55:40 UTC
Alua Oresson wrote:
Reported for advocating RL assasination of a fellow Eve player.

Thats the spirit.
Deathwing Reborn
#5 - 2012-03-26 15:57:17 UTC
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
Alua Oresson wrote:
Reported for advocating RL assasination of a fellow Eve player.

Thats the spirit.

Although I didn't say anything about assassinating him. I just said put a bullet in him. After he has been shot you can pan away and let the paramedics come in and save the day.
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-03-26 15:58:59 UTC
If "The Mittani" stating that someone should commit suicide in public in front of thousands of people is such a bad thing then what makes you think you stating that someone else should murder him and make a show of it is any better?

Don't stoop to his level just to make a point.

Bounties for all!

Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-03-26 15:59:12 UTC
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
Alua Oresson wrote:
Reported for advocating RL assasination of a fellow Eve player.

Thats the spirit.

Although I didn't say anything about assassinating him. I just said put a bullet in him. After he has been shot you can pan away and let the paramedics come in and save the day.

I hope not an anal supossitory? Twisted
Alua Oresson
League of the Shieldy
SLYCE Pirates
#8 - 2012-03-26 16:03:02 UTC
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
Alua Oresson wrote:
Reported for advocating RL assasination of a fellow Eve player.

Thats the spirit.

Although I didn't say anything about assassinating him. I just said put a bullet in him. After he has been shot you can pan away and let the paramedics come in and save the day.

Reported yet again for clarifying that you merely wished to cause him bodily harm. Still against the EULA, which the Forums are a part of.

Deathwing Reborn
#9 - 2012-03-26 16:05:59 UTC
Alua Oresson wrote:
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
Alua Oresson wrote:
Reported for advocating RL assasination of a fellow Eve player.

Thats the spirit.

Although I didn't say anything about assassinating him. I just said put a bullet in him. After he has been shot you can pan away and let the paramedics come in and save the day.

Reported yet again for clarifying that you merely wished to cause him bodily harm. Still against the EULA, which the Forums are a part of.

Ok well geeze then make it a CGI bullet and make some movie magic happen. The only thing that needs to be killed is his CSM position. Give him one last 15 min of fame in a EVE game trailer and let him retire.
Gummy Plaude
#10 - 2012-03-26 16:06:46 UTC
Deathwing Reborn wrote:

Now all we need is a hot little red head (CCP Sunset) to walk up behind Mittani in a public venue and put a bullet in him and make a trailer out of it.

You better call the internet lawyers.
Lord Grantham
Downton Endeavours
#11 - 2012-03-26 16:23:43 UTC
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
I say we just take from the Future Vision of Eve.

"Honor isn't about making the right choices. It's about dealing with the consequences. There is a fine line between right and wrong. You better know which side of it your on. The moment you lose your honor, that's when you learn the hard way. Your choice always comes back around."

Is he right or wrong in the eyes of the eve player base? It don't really matter, he walked that fine line between right and wrong and stepped over it. He lost his honor and he needs to accept the consequences.

Now all we need is a hot little red head (CCP Sunset) to walk up behind Mittani in a public venue and put a bullet in him and make a trailer out of it.

It's a video game. Seriously.
Magnus Orin
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2012-03-26 16:24:16 UTC
Oh this smacks of hypocrisy.
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-03-26 16:24:38 UTC
Deathwing Reborn wrote:

Now all we need is a hot little red head (CCP Sunset) to walk up behind Mittani in a public venue and put a bullet in him

Quoting this in case you edit it later.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

el cowboy
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-03-26 16:24:54 UTC
I am surprised you haven't gotten any of the goons in here yet to give their "thanks for the publicity" posts or any of the "why put up another Mittani post" comments.

I completely agree, lets deal with him in real EVE fashion and deal with it as such. It would be a great publicity stunt to show that actions have their consequences.
Gossamer DT
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-03-26 16:26:04 UTC
you seem upset, show me on the white doll where eve touched you. Don't worry I wash the doll between every showing.

who is your main, and what does he do?

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-03-26 16:26:11 UTC
Lord Grantham wrote:
It's a video game. Seriously.

Of course! If he tops himself, he'll just wake up in a clone bay. Death really isn't a big issue in RL at all. Roll

Dodixie > Hek

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#17 - 2012-03-26 16:30:54 UTC

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2012-03-26 16:31:00 UTC
el cowboy wrote:
I am surprised you haven't gotten any of the goons in here yet to give their "thanks for the publicity" posts or any of the "why put up another Mittani post" comments.

I completely agree, lets deal with him in real EVE fashion and deal with it as such. It would be a great publicity stunt to show that actions have their consequences.

counterpoint: you are in IRC

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Lord Grantham
Downton Endeavours
#19 - 2012-03-26 16:31:55 UTC
Deathwing Reborn wrote:
I say we just take from the Future Vision of Eve.
Now all we need is a hot little red head (CCP Sunset) to walk up behind Mittani in a public venue and put a bullet in him and make a trailer out of it.

Also, there's no reason to be misogynistic towards CCP Sunset by sexualizing her.
Alua Oresson
League of the Shieldy
SLYCE Pirates
#20 - 2012-03-26 16:34:05 UTC
el cowboy wrote:
I am surprised you haven't gotten any of the goons in here yet to give their "thanks for the publicity" posts or any of the "why put up another Mittani post" comments.

I completely agree, lets deal with him in real EVE fashion and deal with it as such. It would be a great publicity stunt to show that actions have their consequences.

So, you agree with the OP's suggestion?

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