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Fanfest: War Declarations

First post
Victoria Sefica
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#281 - 2012-03-26 11:51:54 UTC
Tippia wrote:
The wardec system will fail if no wardecs are being generated, or if only griefdecs are being generated

With small corps much easier to pick on than medium or larger ones and corp hopping not solved, there is all the incentive for griefplay against small corps and what risk for the deccer precisely?
Losing 22-3 mil for a decc? Come on, a decent Lvl4 is worth that much (with salvage+LP's) and for the decced it's seven days of inactivity + (potential) taking down of a PoS. Should things go the wrong way for deccer, he just corp hops to npc and carries on with his missioning, incursions and what not. Risk/reward ratios work heavily in favour deccer, and if you don't think that there will be even more griefplay then... huh.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#282 - 2012-03-26 12:03:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Tippia wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Which would be? Self taught English is not my forte.
Week 1, start task 1 at site 1. Week 2, start task 2 at site 2. Repeat to fill available sites and slots.

That works for those who can afford 2 structures. I.e. not the CCP "POS lite" targets who I guess will be new players and "casuals".

Tippia wrote:
…a few times until their corp history is filled up with associative links that show what they're up to, at which point their plan has come to naught and they will no longer be able to extort any money or get any kills.

Because the members of the racketing corp are rooted in it and will never be able to form a new one and thus delete any tracks. Don't think so.

Tippia wrote:

Exactly. It's all fights, all the time, no layers inbetween what they do and the constant competition. Just like with everyone and everything else.

And so, why a sandbox player who prefers to play PvP on markets and industry HAS to fight PvP in their sandbox AND also be put in the sandbox of someone else? Are they better to deserve that?

Tippia wrote:

Your complaint has pretty much nothing to do with wardecs.

It's fully relevant. They want to implement a fail feature to replace a fail feature without asking themselves WHY people would want to accept a wardec with the current or future terms.
Refining fail still produces fail. Only fools believe that repeating the same things will deliver different results (you guess who invented this quote, it's not me).

The spaceships PvP friendly guys don't need a wardec to motivate them at all. Those who are not spaceship friendly just will dock and similar. Being in a one side deal is what makes even the non carebears not want to pretend to reply to such asymmetry.

Only way to really FORCE them to "PvP" is to implement in station PvP so whenever you log in, still at loading screen you get insta-ganked by a blob of "pro players". Let's see how good it'll do to the playerbase numbers though.
CCP SoniClover
C C P Alliance
#283 - 2012-03-26 12:06:10 UTC
Hey guys, thanks for many awesome replies.

Just a few comments:

- We are constantly revising the war dec cost formula. We're probably not going to adjust price based on aggressor size (simply because this can be so easily gamed), but we'll look into having some sort of diminishing cost based on defender size (nothing nailed down yet).
- Also, we're looking into which corp members count. Not counting certain members (like characters on trial accounts) makes a lot of sense, but we have to be mindful of the information we're giving the aggressor here (he can then easily see the ratio of corp members not being counted, which can get tricky). We could mask this, but that has issues of it's own. So, nothing nailed down yet, but we're investigating the best way to go about this.
- Someone asked about the surrender option limitation - you can't lock anyone out of offering surrender here, what this point means is simply that if you've made an offer, you can't make another until the first one has expired or been answered - you can't spam the other side with endless offers.
- Finally, we're looking into whether we want to touch corp-hopping. Making changes to the corporation system is a very deep rabbit hole to fall into, but there were some excellent suggestions at the Fanfest for this and we're looking into them now.

We'll keep you posted once more details are nailed down. Expect a dev blog on the war dec system later this week, but that will basically just cover the stuff from the war dec presentation. So, more will follow in the future.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#284 - 2012-03-26 12:16:38 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
- We are constantly revising the war dec cost formula. We're probably not going to adjust price based on aggressor size (simply because this can be so easily gamed), but we'll look into having some sort of diminishing cost based on defender size (nothing nailed down yet).

It's good to have some dev feedback that you're making these considerations.

Just please, please don't end up with a system that's very inhospitable for small corporations that want to wage war. Remember, declaring on a much larger entity is already a handicap in itself.

PS: any word on removing the 3-war limitation for corporations?

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Sunshine and Lollipops
#285 - 2012-03-26 13:32:38 UTC
Victoria Sefica wrote:
With small corps much easier to pick on than medium or larger ones and corp hopping not solved, there is all the incentive for griefplay against small corps and what risk for the deccer precisely?
…hence why I was quick (in fact, the first) to suggest a ratio-based payment scheme during the roundtable.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
That works for those who can afford 2 structures. I.e. not the CCP "POS lite" targets who I guess will be new players and "casuals".
Tough. If you choose to go that route, you limit yourself in what you can do, and you get other benefits instead. Want to play in the big league with the big stuff, then you have to accept the terms of that league, including the costs of doing business and the precautions you need to take make it work (but get a whole slew of new options available to you as well). This is a good thing. More choice, more cost-benefit analysis, more options and versatility opening up as the stakes increase. It is how it should be. They are thinking about a new offer to fill in a new role — not a new “one-size fits all” solution.

Because the members of the racketing corp are rooted in it and will never be able to form a new one and thus delete any tracks.
…at which point you can figure out what kind of corp it is because they will have no track-record of honouring the kinds of deals they're trying to foist on you. Again, you do the research, and you make your choices. More choices become available, more options, more solutions, more opportunities. It is as it should be.

And so, why a sandbox player who prefers to play PvP on markets and industry HAS to fight PvP in their sandbox AND also be put in the sandbox of someone else? Are they better to deserve that?
Except that they don't have to. You see, those market and industry people will have a very devastating weapon at their disposal that is now far more easily available to them and far more efficiently employed than ever before: ISK.

It's fully relevant. They want to implement a fail feature to replace a fail feature without asking themselves WHY people would want to accept a wardec with the current or future terms.
It's not a fail feature — it's a feature you're hoping to do something that it's not supposed to do. What you are looking for is what the current POS and corp system has to offer, and now you (once again) have to include the downsides you get along with those benefits. This feature is for someone else, for whom the problems you're enumerating do not apply, simply because they're on a completely different scale.

You're essentially complaining that the costs and benefits of siege mode are problematic when you're flying a frigate. They're not, because it does not apply to the level of ships you're using to tillustrate this supposed problem.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#286 - 2012-03-26 13:32:53 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
- Someone asked about the surrender option limitation - you can't lock anyone out of offering surrender here, what this point means is simply that if you've made an offer, you can't make another until the first one has expired or been answered - you can't spam the other side with endless offers.
Thank you. I kind of suspected as much, but the wording used made it seem like it might have been intended to ensure that you couldn't get in and out of wars very quickly and if that were the case, I could think of several scenarios where such a system could be used to unduly block other people's options. If it's just an anti-spam system, then it's a non-issue.

- We are constantly revising the war dec cost formula. We're probably not going to adjust price based on aggressor size (simply because this can be so easily gamed), but we'll look into having some sort of diminishing cost based on defender size (nothing nailed down yet).
Yes, it is a bit easy to game a ratio-based system, but on the other hand, that kind of gaming the system is not necessarily bad since it opens up a cottage industry for other corps and alliances to provide the padding and/or slimming effects. It's probably just me, but I really like systems that can be turned into player-run services of that kind.

Really, the only issue with this to my mind is one where a corp would stay small to keep the cost down while they dec a small corp, and then immediately accept back in all those who want to join the fight, but the kinds of limitations for corp-hopping we talked about during the round-table could potentially be employed here as well. Also, even if this becomes possible, that just means there is a bit of a counter to when a target corporation manages to rally a few thousand allies to roflstomp whomever wardecced them.
#287 - 2012-03-26 13:38:22 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:

The point I was trying to make is that you should not have to resort to ganking big alliances.

It is also not just about stopping freighters, its also about stopping their members from being able to come into high sec for any reason risk free.

And the point I was making is that you can still do that. But you have to get your finances sorted. There are various options. You can make sure you win fights and loot loot (that's what it's for). That may even mean that you have to leave Jita and find better places to gank ppl because you want to prevent the general public to nick the loot. To much work? You are a terrible lazy *beep* and should not be allowed to have any wardec what so ever.

You can try to get somebody else to pay for the wardec. How about the enemies of the Alliance you try to gank in highsec? Get some of the nice moon goo ISK, that's what that stuff is for.

Have a sound business plan to finance your war afford. Good killboard stats should require a little more then the skills to fly T3 ships and having a few out of corp reppers. Heck, you might even want to find some carebears to work together with. They get protection you get ISK to fuel the war. Sounds like work? Yes, and that's the point.

Right now wardecs don't work and don't require any form of player skill on the attacker side. Both needs to change.

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#288 - 2012-03-26 13:41:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Tippia wrote:
Victoria Sefica wrote:
With small corps much easier to pick on than medium or larger ones and corp hopping not solved, there is all the incentive for griefplay against small corps and what risk for the deccer precisely?
…hence why I was quick (in fact, the first) to suggest a ratio-based payment scheme during the roundtable.

It's lovely how the twe two of you are so ready to "Though luck, HTFU, if you can't defend just close shop, just get more members, just hire PvPers" on those who won't be able to defend themselves while you go all comprehensive and lovely to find ways to make it as smooth and affordable as possible for the aggressors.

*engages Tippia schooling voice*

Guess what, if your 3 men docking station games harass corp can't take on a 100 men corp, though luck. ADAPT and OVERCOME, join a 100 men PvP corp, take the COSTS along with the opportunity.

Sucks eh?


Anyway hi sec failed both as basic retribution system (can be gamed so much to make it pointless).
Bounty system failed as it can be so easily gamed.
Aggression mechanics partially failed because of so many rules and they don't scale up to multiple people.

Wardecs failed to the point that PvP corps have to resort attacking 1 man nobodies.

Educate me on why somebody should care about your ability to make hi sec pointless in such complicate ways.

Just get rid of hi sec completely, everybody who undocks is fair game and that's it.

You want your effing HARD MODE EVE IS REAL game? Then implement it already, like all the other free for all PvP games do.
#289 - 2012-03-26 13:44:51 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
You realize how badly this would destroy the mercenary industry, right? Just because you can make money quickly doesn't mean you represent the majority of the player base. There's a whole lot of corporations out there who balk at paying on the lower end of a few hundred million for mercenary services, and that's before even taking the war fee into account.

Indeed. And those corps need to be driven out of business because their member base suffers from terribad leadership. Good leadership should be a requirement to be allowed to have a corp. EVE is meant to have winners!

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Vladimir Norkoff
Income Redistribution Service
#290 - 2012-03-26 13:48:05 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
Hey guys, thanks for many awesome replies.

Just a few comments: ....
Pity you didn't address that whole "unlimited allies" thing which is gonna kill war decs.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#291 - 2012-03-26 13:51:23 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
It's lovely how the twe two of you are so ready to "Though luck, HTFU, if you can't defend just close shop, just get more members, just hire PvPers" on those who won't be able to defend themselves while you go all comprehensive and lovely to find ways to make it as smooth and affordable as possible for the aggressors.

*engages Tippia schooling voice*

Guess what, if your 3 men docking station games harass corp can't take on a 100 men corp, though luck. ADAPT and OVERCOME, join a 100 men PvP corp, take the COSTS along with the opportunity.
Uhm… you realise that what you just suggested doesn't make any sense, right? With the current suggestion, that 3-man harassment corp has no reason to join the 100-man corp to do their thing. There's also little reason (and no benefit to) to those defenders to try to work the system to their advantage.

With what I'm suggesting, there is.

gfldex wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
You realize how badly this would destroy the mercenary industry, right? Just because you can make money quickly doesn't mean you represent the majority of the player base. There's a whole lot of corporations out there who balk at paying on the lower end of a few hundred million for mercenary services, and that's before even taking the war fee into account.
Indeed. And those corps need to be driven out of business because their member base suffers from terribad leadership. Good leadership should be a requirement to be allowed to have a corp. EVE is meant to have winners!
By the way, someone at the roundtable floated the idea of having merc/alliance payment being on an on-going “per ISK destroyed” basis, which will be made possible with the new war report system. It has a few other issues (such as accidentally running someone's wallet dry by killing too much…), but some solutions were also discussed. This would make it far easier to pay exactly how much you want (which could be very little) for the amount of destruction you wish the enemy to suffer.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#292 - 2012-03-26 13:58:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Destiny Corrupted
gfldex wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
You realize how badly this would destroy the mercenary industry, right? Just because you can make money quickly doesn't mean you represent the majority of the player base. There's a whole lot of corporations out there who balk at paying on the lower end of a few hundred million for mercenary services, and that's before even taking the war fee into account.

Indeed. And those corps need to be driven out of business because their member base suffers from terribad leadership. Good leadership should be a requirement to be allowed to have a corp. EVE is meant to have winners!

You're silly. Just because a corporation isn't raking in tens of billions every week, doesn't mean that it's not being run well. There are newer players who can't grind hundreds of millions per day. There are also corporations that don't concentrate on money making (such as, gasp, my very own). Being new, or being someone whose sole concern isn't lining the wallet with billions in cash, doesn't necessitate being bad. These corporations have aspirations, drives, and exist in the same competitive environment that everyone else inhabits. Sometimes, these corporations need the help of people with guns.

You're not going to get very far on such sweeping generalizations.

Edit: Tippia, wouldn't linking the war fee to the amount of destruction done, you know, kind of defeat the concept of war in the first place? "Oh, you killed 800 million worth of stuff, now pay CONCORD 800 million" would be kind of ridiculous. That idea is pretty bad from all standpoints. Besides, it could be easily circumvented by zeroing out the wallet and/or making new corporations constantly.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#293 - 2012-03-26 13:59:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Tippia wrote:
Uhm… you realise that what you just suggested doesn't make any sense, right? With the current suggestion, that 3-man harassment corp has no reason to join the 100-man corp to do their thing. There's also little reason (and no benefit to) to those defenders to try to work the system to their advantage.

I realise that you are salivating to enforce a one sided deal while being all comprehensive for the strong side.

I also realize that talking about a 3 men bravely assaulting a 100 men corp is something you can sell to someone reading about EvE on an internet ad, while you know too well the 3 men equal to 3 players with 8 RR neut alts each (+ Falcon alt, why not) against 100 scrubs who are more harmless than 1 of those 3 men.
Gaspod TWD
#294 - 2012-03-26 14:02:32 UTC
I’d like to add a couple of my thought on the new war-dec system. My only experiences of war-decs are being in a corp that is decced, so forgive (yeah right, flame away) if I am ignorant of how the mechanics actually work.

I’d like to see consequences of starting a war. From what I understand, the aggressor starts a war and if they don’t like the way things are going, they can just let it lapse after the 7 days is up. What I’d like to see is the defender be given the option to keep the war going. I know that the defenders could just dec the aggressors back but if the defender is a 10-man corp and the aggressor is a 1,000-man corp, the cost would be over ½ a billion ISK.

So give the defenders the option to declare a war for free. Or for the same cost as it cost the aggressors (if less than the cost to start a war). Or even make the aggressors continue to pay.

So if you declare a war, be sure you can win it or it may bite you in the arse.

Allies of the defenders should be able to continue to help out the defenders (though they are now the aggressors) but should also be able to opt out or renegotiate their payment now the war has changed from one of defence to one of aggression.

I would also like to see a permanent agreement for a corp to have allies. You pay another corp a weekly or monthly fee and if you are war-decced, they automatically get drawn in to the war as your allies. This information should be available so that when you are thinking of war-deccing someone, you know who else you are starting a war with.

Obviously this will give merc groups a way to earn by offering protection to those corps who can’t defend themselves. The defenceless corps can protect themselves from decs as aggressors will see that they have allies ready and waiting.

It’ll also give high-sec war-dec corps ways of setting up protection rings. They start a war on a corp and as part of the surrender terms, they get their targets to accept (and pay) them as their protectors. So, as long as they pay, they don’t get decced by them and they get defended (possibly) if other entities dec them.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#295 - 2012-03-26 14:07:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I realise that you are salivating to enforce a one sided deal while being all comprehensive for the strong side.
Then you've realised nothing. Maybe you should go back and read what I've actually written so far, since it's pretty much the exact opposite of what you just said.

So, once again: nice strawman.

I also realize that talking about a 3 men bravely assaulting a 100 men corp is something you can sell to someone reading about EvE on an internet ad, while you know too well the 3 men equal to 3 players with 8 RR neut alts each (+ Falcon alt, why not) against 100 scrubs who are more harmless than 1 of those 3 men.
…and as luck would have it, they're going to make those neutral alts be next to worthless. By the way, you were the one talking about 3 men bravely assaulting 100 men, not me. So guess what? Nice strawman.

Gaspod TWD wrote:
I’d like to see consequences of starting a war. From what I understand, the aggressor starts a war and if they don’t like the way things are going, they can just let it lapse after the 7 days is up. What I’d like to see is the defender be given the option to keep the war going. I know that the defenders could just dec the aggressors back but if the defender is a 10-man corp and the aggressor is a 1,000-man corp, the cost would be over ½ a billion ISK.
Yes, this was something we never got to in the discussions unfortunately. Now that you can only make a wardec mutual during the ramp-up period, you can no longer use it as a revenge mechanic. I never the the opportunity to ask exactly what issue they were trying to solve with this, so maybe CCP SoniClover can expand on that (if he's still reading the thread).

Why did you choose to change the mutuality-declaration like that?
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#296 - 2012-03-26 14:08:26 UTC
Gaspod TWD wrote:

Obviously this will give merc groups a way to earn by offering protection to those corps who can’t defend themselves. The defenceless corps can protect themselves from decs as aggressors will see that they have allies ready and waiting.

That could be a good start.

Gaspod TWD wrote:

It’ll also give high-sec war-dec corps ways of setting up protection rings. They start a war on a corp and as part of the surrender terms, they get their targets to accept (and pay) them as their protectors. So, as long as they pay, they don’t get decced by them and they get defended (possibly) if other entities dec them.

This would be akin to implementing RL mafia and racketing in a game. As person forced to live in a country completely infected by both of them, I hate this very concept with my soul.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#297 - 2012-03-26 14:09:03 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:

- We are constantly revising the war dec cost formula. We're probably not going to adjust price based on aggressor size (simply because this can be so easily gamed), but we'll look into having some sort of diminishing cost based on defender size (nothing nailed down yet).

Use a 7-day rolling average or the largest number of members the attacker had and the smallest number of members the defender had in the previous week. It's a little more data to store, but you're already going to be adding quite a bit to what you track.

What I'm after is is a market signal that says "pick on someone your own size", but still allows attacking larger or smaller corps if that's what they're into.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#298 - 2012-03-26 14:10:51 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I realise that you are salivating to enforce a one sided deal while being all comprehensive for the strong side.
Then you've realised nothing. Maybe you should go back and read what I've actually written so far, since it's pretty much the exact opposite of what you just said.

So, once again: nice strawman.

The attitude you have shown till now is not conducting with your words.

Tippia wrote:

By the way, you were the one talking about 3 men bravely assaulting 100 men, not me. So guess what? Nice strawman.

No I quoted another player talking about it. So guess what, you should also go back and read what others have written so far.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#299 - 2012-03-26 14:17:01 UTC
Gaspod TWD wrote:

I talked about implementing a UI element for protection rackets here. I think such a system would actually be quite doable, but I doubt CCP would go through the effort.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
This would be akin to implementing RL mafia and racketing in a game. As person forced to live in a country completely infected by both of them, I hate this very concept with my soul.

Just because you personally don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad for the game. Especially when no one forces you to be the bad guy.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#300 - 2012-03-26 14:20:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

Just because you personally don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad for the game. Especially when no one forces you to be the bad guy.

I can't support a game teaching players the mafia mindset as baseline for new / defensless players, it's an awful cancer for the society and unlike other roleplayed features (i.e. killing somebody in PvP) it does not easily go off once you log off, it sticks.