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EVE Gameplay Center

Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Wormholes Resources
CCP Falcon
034,85602015.01.12 12:03
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Drifter Escalation stats
Vassal Zeren
42,29842016.08.01 04:20
Jack Miton Go to last post
WTB C13 access [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Dead Baboon
349,24342016.07.31 05:57
Jack Miton Go to last post
Noob back into Game
143,92452016.07.30 22:24
Kalel Nimrott Go to last post
Identifying K162 Wormholes
Alebrelle Kuatu
86,11822016.07.29 19:20
K1L Go to last post
Drifter Boss
Shackles Dark
104,510132016.07.28 16:21
Glyndi Go to last post
Sleepers should shoot mobile structures
Kalmr Varys
144,04842016.07.28 12:17
Foedus Latro Go to last post
W-Space PVE video examples | Show your farm :D
165,36462016.07.28 03:41
Winthorp Go to last post
Losing probes when DC'd in WH space
Yoshi Yamamoto
42,96812016.07.22 18:48
Asika Koraka Go to last post
Astrahus Explosions
James Rapture
72,77962016.07.22 13:53
Andrew Jester Go to last post
Unidentified Wormholes
46,26402016.07.21 14:19
Seraph Essael Go to last post
HK vs Darkness [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Chesterfield Fancypantz
2912,425332016.07.20 13:32
ISD Fractal Go to last post
New player - Found a worm hole
Velandil Eto
134,750102016.07.18 09:16
Velandil Eto Go to last post
Citadel Mirrors & You!!!
Adoris Nolen
93,51462016.07.18 00:54
Jack Miton Go to last post
PI in a C3 or lower
A braham Lincoln
93,52412016.07.16 09:31
Adoris Nolen Go to last post
Sleeper spawn locations within sites
Kalmr Varys
21,01012016.07.14 07:34
Tsukino Stareine Go to last post
When sleepers accelerate, do they get MWD sig bloom?
Kalmr Varys
21,41702016.07.13 03:46
forsot Go to last post
Wormhole advice C2 [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Cant think23 Ct's
3014,279332016.07.10 17:44
Tyranus King Go to last post
Wormhole Space Killboard Comparison [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Franky Saken
4119,594112016.07.10 00:55
Tsukino Stareine Go to last post
CREST down rip OOG toolsl
Orange Aideron
11,05242016.07.09 12:52
Amthala Go to last post
21,57502016.07.09 08:39
Wander Prian Go to last post
102,79212016.07.05 20:09
NoobMan Go to last post
Lets have a serious talk on failings of the new probe window. [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Hatshepsut IV
269,099232016.07.05 15:48
Duo Roman Go to last post
Have Citadels effected WH positively ? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
I-Am-Not An-Alt
3313,300142016.07.04 14:48
Navie Go to last post
CCP considering removing drag bubbles/changing mechanics.
Hatshepsut IV
104,61652016.07.02 22:39
Navie Go to last post
Clearing sigs to increase spawn rate of new ones
Ankh Rizzit
21,51722016.07.02 18:00
Ankh Rizzit Go to last post
Transferring ownership citadel
22,74012016.07.02 16:09
Zent Go to last post
Forbidden FoF Cruise no Jutsu in WH
Medvedka Krasnova
124,593132016.07.02 06:34
NoobMan Go to last post
Allow Carriers and Capital Indy ships to dock in medium WH Citadels [ Pages: 1 ... 3, 4, 5 ]
Iowa Banshee
8026,123202016.07.01 21:36
Iowa Banshee Go to last post
WH Gas
Win Thorp
165,49692016.07.01 12:20
Duo Roman Go to last post