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Test Server Feedback
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Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,39592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,36752017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29702014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Can't access Sisi
098802017.01.18 01:29
KiTsooo Go to last post
Seeding Command
Max Croxford
11,32802017.01.15 16:48
Romana Erebus Go to last post
If banned, read here.
Max Croxford
31,66112017.01.15 15:18
Max Croxford Go to last post
SISI not remembering Omega Clone state
42,94812017.01.15 03:29
xxxTRUSTxxx Go to last post
Rorqual Mininig Yield with Mining Drones II
Thord Makanen
34,90102017.01.14 22:32
TheMercenaryKing Go to last post
181202017.01.14 03:05
Aerin Suhn Go to last post
Clone states
Peijari Rin
098202017.01.13 09:15
Peijari Rin Go to last post
180302017.01.11 12:17
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Eve launcher character select times out.
01,13402017.01.11 11:20
BayneNothos Go to last post
Still alpha state, but am Omega.
Gorgeous Explosion
21,15302017.01.11 05:35
Gorgeous Explosion Go to last post
Warp To not working
JTK Fotheringham
104,21062017.01.10 17:16
Demolishar Go to last post
SISI: Any with a Erebus i could borrow?
01,03602017.01.09 23:50
KongGal Go to last post
What means "User EVE-SSO-CONNECTION is banned"
Fred Field Purple
11,11702017.01.07 20:00
Fred Field Purple Go to last post
Character Select broken?
01,20102017.01.07 19:45
krickettt Go to last post
Bitte um Reaktivierung
Petra Tak
01,11402017.01.07 13:27
Petra Tak Go to last post
Access to the Singularity
11,05102017.01.06 01:11
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Player Account Clone States and Singularity
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CCP Claymore
6151,787202017.01.05 20:41
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Supers & Citadels on SiSi
11,26112017.01.05 20:37
Demolishar Go to last post
re activation
183202017.01.05 19:44
carling1 Go to last post
sisi email varification box
johncjg Khamsi
01,19302017.01.05 01:51
johncjg Khamsi Go to last post
Please reactivate my account on test server.
Sam Punisher
176002017.01.04 23:40
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Access to the Singularity
174902017.01.04 23:40
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
163902017.01.04 20:16
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Unable to logon to Singularity as Omega Clone
Fecal Fingers
32,63202017.01.04 15:00
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Singularity test sever
commander 1 Amarr
187002017.01.04 14:45
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Horus heretical
294702017.01.03 14:56
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
access to the Singularity
177802017.01.03 14:55
ISD Max Trix Go to last post