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Test Server Feedback
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Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
CCP Phantom
3740,41692017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,38052017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,30002014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Account's per IP limit [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Smuff Gallente
266,116102016.03.23 03:25
Petrified Go to last post
Not subbed on SISI
Drake Ichosira
040002016.03.23 01:59
Drake Ichosira Go to last post
Titans in Highsec?
Mark O'Helm
41,48902016.03.22 21:24
Mark O'Helm Go to last post
Structure Browser
Terranid Meester
048602016.03.22 19:06
Terranid Meester Go to last post
Cannot login after DT
Krytia Ernaga
159202016.03.22 18:15
Krytia Ernaga Go to last post
The Unknown
112,73822016.03.22 17:58
Ronarolik Go to last post
Launcher-Black Screen-No Login
Aurelius Valentius
22,30902016.03.22 17:12
Aurelius Valentius Go to last post
"Authentication token provided by the launcher is an invalid fo...
Jen Makanen
31,71302016.03.22 11:38
Kyle cyber Go to last post
Singularity updated for the Citadels mass test
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CCP Habakuk
299,20132016.03.22 10:19
Oliadar Shakiel Go to last post
CCP can you anchor my citadel please
Smuff Gallente
51,91012016.03.22 09:29
Smuff Gallente Go to last post
Fred Kyong
167402016.03.22 03:17
Jordan Loppie Go to last post
Sooyoung snsd
51,57122016.03.21 23:36
Captain Skarlet Go to last post
[Character Stuck] - Jerma
Minerva Arbosa
154602016.03.21 21:40
Jordan Loppie Go to last post
characters stuck
Sooyoung snsd
92,04012016.03.21 18:46
OmgNetGirl Go to last post
Titans on SISI
31,36922016.03.21 18:29
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
Is SiSi having problems?
Blue Harrier
050612016.03.21 17:07
Blue Harrier Go to last post
Anchoring citadels
Lugh Crow-Slave
41,65032016.03.21 16:56
Always Shi Go to last post
New Appreciation for CCP/ISD's
71,55772016.03.21 16:10
pajedas Go to last post
How to connect to Singularity
Sexy Cakes
21,58102016.03.21 14:45
Sexy Cakes Go to last post
'' Account EVE-SSO-CONNECTION has been disabled ''
Ensign Kenway
056102016.03.21 14:05
Ensign Kenway Go to last post
Manual fighter movement
Lugh Crow-Slave
92,99542016.03.21 12:54
elitatwo Go to last post
Fighters don't warp with my carrier
Oxide Ammar
64,10822016.03.21 12:39
Lord P00Psocks Go to last post
Moros dps
Lord P00Psocks
082202016.03.21 11:35
Lord P00Psocks Go to last post
I Cannot Deploy A TCU
Destiny Dain2
154522016.03.21 05:49
elitatwo Go to last post
[Citadel] Anchor Timers
Minerva Arbosa
199222016.03.21 02:55
Bienator II Go to last post
KeepHel docked in my Star
059002016.03.21 01:17
WarGod Go to last post
CLOSED [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
216,18682016.03.20 18:45
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode Go to last post