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Test Server Feedback
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,41592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,37952017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,30002014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Sisi Subsription problem
Netrick Haginen
279002016.04.04 16:49
Kell Wolf Go to last post
Standup Pitchfork I's at the ready...
CynoNet Two
92,81762016.04.03 16:37
Tipa Riot Go to last post
reporting 2 people for attacking me on station
johncjg Khamsi
167202016.04.03 12:59
Mister Ripley Go to last post
old launcher issue
Amak Boma
029502016.04.03 11:16
Amak Boma Go to last post
SISI Keepstar deletes supers
Arekanderia Hara
21,02602016.04.02 21:30
Linus Gorp Go to last post
Extreme delays in loading assets on client in 6-CZ
Caleb Seremshur
51,72012016.04.02 16:32
BIack Shark Go to last post
Fighter UI feedback
21,04602016.04.02 13:05
Dave Stark Go to last post
Reactivate for testserver
298202016.04.01 19:53
Maskdog Go to last post
Singularity downtime notice
CCP Claymore
61,70822016.04.01 18:04
Krytia Ernaga Go to last post
Sisi is down..........
Taggert Hightower
174,00402016.04.01 07:17
Infinite Destruction Go to last post
Undocked message when you sign in if you are in a citadel
049212016.04.01 07:01
Bashfulmerc Go to last post
LOGIN failure
184,23332016.04.01 03:37
Maximum 12 Go to last post
New station interiors
Daemun Khanid
82,80432016.03.31 17:32
OverlordY Go to last post
Mass Test on Singularity on Tuesday 1st March 2016
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CCP Habakuk
3211,79112016.03.31 17:22
pajedas Go to last post
025612016.03.31 17:18
pajedas Go to last post
Cole Hunter
169602016.03.31 16:19
Jacob Straven Go to last post
The fighter support unit seem not work correctly right now...
Irisviel von Einzbern
01,34212016.03.31 13:59
Irisviel von Einzbern Go to last post
Project Discovery is now active on Singularity
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CCP Paradox
7331,036772016.03.31 10:04
Yadaryon Vondawn Go to last post
Smuff Gallente
179402016.03.31 09:28
CynoNet Two Go to last post
Can't log into sisi login screen messed up
Crazy KSK
123,68662016.03.30 18:47
Spc One Go to last post
Can no longer enter Test Server Singularity
052212016.03.30 18:13
Bashfulmerc Go to last post
How can I contact a GM in SiSi?
Nicholas Goldfinder
31,31212016.03.30 10:00
Jarno Midumulf Go to last post
Grid Merger on Sisi
298902016.03.30 06:00
Delaeon Go to last post
Citadel wont anchor
Cornelius Maximo
21,69112016.03.30 03:05
Cornelius Maximo Go to last post
DD'ing and Generally attacking on station It has to end
Smuff Gallente
123,00832016.03.29 16:44
Ghaustyl Kathix Go to last post
Fighter UI bug
The Hannes
185302016.03.29 12:33
Molly Duma Go to last post
Apostle (And other Faux)
32,42002016.03.29 10:29
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post