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Test Server Feedback
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,41592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,37952017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,30002014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Multi Analyzers now on SISI
CCP RedDawn
53,03732016.05.27 05:26
Jeremiah Saken Go to last post
Accessing test server
EL Smithy
164812016.05.25 07:55
Raging Bull Unchained Go to last post
Missile Launcher
Azure PitViper
161502016.05.23 23:23
Parrke Go to last post
Deploying astrahus: what do i do wrong?
March rabbit
43,76602016.05.23 18:53
Destiny Dain2 Go to last post
question abaut launcher
Jimy F
032402016.05.23 13:21
Jimy F Go to last post
SISI Module, SP Pool and Lag Issues
Taleast Jarad
049202016.05.22 22:59
Taleast Jarad Go to last post
Activate this account please
037402016.05.22 13:49
Weyoun Go to last post
The command /copyships is not active ... will it ever be?
Arctic Monkey
11,04002016.05.22 09:58
Zamory Go to last post
Next Sisi Mirror
Siri Exotic
185302016.05.21 10:11
Amak Boma Go to last post
testserver reactivation
Wolzotan Smaik
038402016.05.20 21:54
Wolzotan Smaik Go to last post
SISI Violation.
Selena Dimaloun
21,00002016.05.19 18:00
Selena Dimaloun Go to last post
Sisi Violation
Selena Dimaloun
151902016.05.19 17:57
Selena Dimaloun Go to last post
unable to spend skill points
Kisiar Akriana
181702016.05.19 16:34
Jimy F Go to last post
Fighters still attacking after Carrier death
Albert DeDoss
037402016.05.19 05:39
Albert DeDoss Go to last post
Can't log in to Test Server
John Moreau
037002016.05.18 22:01
John Moreau Go to last post
echelon + sansha data analyzer
Amak Boma
32,36602016.05.17 17:46
elitatwo Go to last post
Marauders are now useless
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6226,516472016.05.17 15:12
Lan Wang Go to last post
This Charr
CLueCLuxCLan Salty
035502016.05.17 07:13
CLueCLuxCLan Salty Go to last post
can you re activate Karl Turner on Singularity please.
Karl Turner
034702016.05.15 21:39
Karl Turner Go to last post
Unable to connect on port 3724
11,01702016.05.13 00:10
Murdariato Go to last post
Unable to activate modules in Deltole COSMOS site
Utremi Fasolasi
284702016.05.12 12:34
Owen Levanth Go to last post
Multiple citadels in system and side effects
21,36502016.05.11 05:25
Kabark Go to last post
Unable to log in (Mac OSX 10.11)
Arryn Zech
039602016.05.10 22:10
Arryn Zech Go to last post
New temporary DB mirror for Singularity in preparation
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CCP Habakuk
6520,871312016.05.10 13:50
eXile KZ1 Go to last post
Unable to log in.
Kyle Sev
298902016.05.10 10:59
Arryn Zech Go to last post
Naming Station Containers in Citadels
Captain Africa
21,28522016.05.07 20:17
Valentin Ivanov Go to last post
[Citadels Release] Capital Ship changes reaching Singularity!
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CCP Lebowski
437162,8052092016.05.07 19:52
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post