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Test Server Feedback
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,41592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,37952017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29702014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
How to buy TITAN by use 100 ISK?
Olin LAmoy
33,07002016.07.04 12:52
Laira Alleile Go to last post
ETA on serpentis BPCs in LP store?
165302016.07.04 04:11
Jonny Copper Go to last post
Test seaver
Kastrup Detrix
281802016.07.03 00:13
Kastrup Detrix Go to last post
June Release Graphics Feedback Thread
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CCP Sledgehammer
7941,018392016.07.02 19:30
Gostina Mishina Go to last post
Avatar fitting
Judy Mikakka
21,07402016.07.01 13:22
GordonO Go to last post
An Open Letter to CCP
Thor Eljer
299362016.07.01 05:39
Bad Bobby Go to last post
Test seaver
Kastrup Detrix
040102016.06.30 10:24
Kastrup Detrix Go to last post
Shadow of the Serpent now on Singularity
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CCP RedDawn
5322,510162016.06.30 02:05
Sephiroth Clone VII Go to last post
DirectX 9 phase out
157102016.06.27 12:29
Amak Boma Go to last post
"Couldn't get GUI version info"
25,22802016.06.26 10:04
Zamory Go to last post
one char can't log into sisi, other char on same account logs in...
Wilhelm Knicklicht
179602016.06.25 20:29
CCP Habakuk Go to last post
June release features now on Singularity
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CCP Habakuk
3916,064142016.06.24 22:14
Winter Archipelago Go to last post
Klay Enaka
028602016.06.24 20:35
Klay Enaka Go to last post
Wrong number of Light Fighter Rocket Charges on SiSi
Cade Windstalker
31,25412016.06.24 16:17
Cade Windstalker Go to last post
Black Screen after Login - SOLVED
31,96412016.06.22 21:56
elitatwo Go to last post
Reactivation please!
Khimari Kring
032502016.06.22 21:49
Khimari Kring Go to last post
Super building?
rev206 Atavuli
160302016.06.21 11:08
Volkanefe Origin Go to last post
I can not go on the test server after the password change.
Noble Trader
033302016.06.21 06:09
Noble Trader Go to last post
Skill In jectors not applying on Test
Monstah Khaos
31,20512016.06.21 03:53
Monstah Khaos Go to last post
copyships, small question for devs
Jimy F
51,60702016.06.20 09:02
Jimy F Go to last post
test server redeemable supercapitals gone
Robertina Palazzo
71,52602016.06.16 18:19
Smuff Gallente Go to last post
Cant login to Singularity test server from 07.06 , please help
Natalia Kapralova
035802016.06.16 17:22
Natalia Kapralova Go to last post
Quit game button is now Log off button on sisi?
Thomas Gallant
92,46322016.06.15 16:38
Amarisen Gream Go to last post
SISI API Link Dead?
Riela Tanal
21,12702016.06.15 15:46
Riela Tanal Go to last post
Mass Test on Singularity on Tuesday, 14th June 2016
CCP Habakuk
63,74412016.06.14 19:53
vargate Go to last post
So where is that 2mil skill points for the test?
Monstah Khaos
153902016.06.14 19:08
Volkanefe Origin Go to last post
Singularity cant login
AAAlgorithm Xy
048002016.06.14 18:03
AAAlgorithm Xy Go to last post