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Test Server Feedback
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Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,41592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,37952017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29702014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Any ETA on new mirror on sisi?
Testie 2
171202016.07.24 07:53
MicDeath Titan Go to last post
Need activation on the Singularity Server please
040602016.07.23 15:35
SS32134b Go to last post
Help me please
Babai Babaevich
159702016.07.20 19:15
River Zapata Go to last post
NPC Dread, Carriers
William Kappa
31,45302016.07.20 09:32
Ncc 1709 Go to last post
sisi password
044002016.07.19 17:33
Zatanaas Go to last post
Account on test server
Konstantin Alekseev
044502016.07.19 10:33
Konstantin Alekseev Go to last post
Courier contracts in citadels
Knitram Relik
104,68022016.07.16 23:04
SilverDagger Hyacinthus Go to last post
Mass Test on Singularity on Tuesday, 12th July 2016
CCP Habakuk
178,39212016.07.16 07:57
Sgt Ocker Go to last post
Waiting for
038602016.07.16 06:25
medteXnik Go to last post
solved please remove
038702016.07.15 00:35
citizen0000345 Go to last post
Randomly created
Varcan Erquilenne
039902016.07.14 01:52
Varcan Erquilenne Go to last post
I want Access!
Counter Onis
030702016.07.13 21:56
Counter Onis Go to last post
Reactivate please
Theenas Shardani
031502016.07.13 21:03
Theenas Shardani Go to last post
Need Reativating
Viktor Stenger
157102016.07.13 10:43
Jarno Midumulf Go to last post
vovanjik Dethahal
152502016.07.13 10:42
Jarno Midumulf Go to last post
158902016.07.13 10:41
Jarno Midumulf Go to last post
Do players risk their ship and implant assets in this test?
marra Arody
146202016.07.12 18:58
Ralph King-Griffin Go to last post
Singularity Reset?
Quince Rin
048802016.07.12 16:45
Quince Rin Go to last post
Non en-us Aura voice [EVE-2016-GASTON 14.07.1054252.1054252]
11,02002016.07.12 15:28
CCP Shadowcat Go to last post
trouble loging in my singularity server
krak thrilller
029302016.07.12 13:55
krak thrilller Go to last post
Wolf Ame
030202016.07.12 08:34
Wolf Ame Go to last post
Sealin Windfire
029302016.07.12 05:07
Sealin Windfire Go to last post
Shnougle Elguonhs
154002016.07.08 01:47
MrMephistopheles Go to last post
Event Drop-Down- Options to remove/close from info panel like the re...
Monstah Khaos
21,26402016.07.06 14:38
Jaantrag Go to last post
Cannot reconnect with fighter from citadel.
Mak Droid
42,21312016.07.05 18:10
CCP Lebowski Go to last post
Reactivation Pls
Zelena J
166202016.07.04 18:52
MrMephistopheles Go to last post
I can not go to test server
040602016.07.04 16:15
Tyran606 Go to last post